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Complete Solutions to Level 2 of chapter Water of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions33
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vapourisation of 10 g of ice and water respectively?

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  2. Which of the following properties of iceberg led to the sinking of the titanic ship?

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  3. Which of the following processes is not involved in making surface water potable?

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  4. The solvent water is used in the car radiators. Which of the following properties of water is exploited?

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  5. A divalent metal salt X, which contributes to hardness of water, combines with washing soda and forms an insoluble salt Y and common salt. Salt Y is also used for the laboratory preparation of `CO_(2)`. Identify X and Y, respectively.

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  6. The amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 20 g of water by `1^(@)C` is ______.

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  7. On passing electricity through acidulated water, the gaseous products obtained are collected in two separate test tubes A and B. The volume of the gas collected in test tube A is double the volume of gas collected in test tube B. Identify the two gases in test tubes A and B respectively.

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  8. Which of the following types of water is a bad conductor of electricity?

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  9. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because

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  10. Wealthy but not healthy agriculture can be achieved by

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  11. Two persons A and B got burns one with boiling water at `100^(@)C` and other due to steam at `100^(@)C` respectivley. Which person is affected more?

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  12. Aquatic animals are able to survive in water bodies like rivers and oceans during winter when the atmospheric temperature is `-10^(@)C`. This is because

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  13. Which of the following elements is used for the purification of surface water to make it free from germs so that it can be used for drinking purpose?

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  14. Which of the following is the application of the highest specific heat capacity of water?

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  15. Water-containing salt X, of a divalent metal, when treated with a compound Y gives much lather with soap. Further, an insoluble compound `MgCO_(3)` and salt of a monovalent metal sulphate are formed. Identify X and Y, respectively.

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  16. The amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 'X' g of water by `10 .^(@)C` is found to be 15 cal. Calculate 'X'.

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  17. The water obtained in ion-exchange process is

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  18. Which among the following is based on the principle that boiling point decreases with decrease in atmosphere pressure?

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  19. A group of students accompanied by their science teacher went trekking. After reaching the top of the hill they felt hungry. The Teacher told them that they would have to bear the hunger as cooking of food is slow and takes a longer time at the top of the hill. The students wanted to known the reason for the above fact. The Teacher explained the reason for the above fact till the food was cooked. Can you predict the explanation given by the teacher?

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  20. In a science exhibition, a student called Rishi performed the following experiment. She took two containers of the same dimensions and filled one of them with wax and the other one with ice. She placed both of them in a boiling water bath. What difference could she observe during the melting of these two substances? Also predict the reason for the observed difference.

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  21. Why is sea water not suitable for drinking? How is it made potable?

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  22. Hot water bags are generally used for reducing body pain. Can they also be used to keep us warm in winter? Explain.

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  23. Ice floats on the surface of water because

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  24. Calculate the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 10 g of water through `12^(@)C`.

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  25. During the summer vacations, Aryan went for a trip to Tirupathi in an old car along with his family. During the journey, the driver stopped the car beside a hotel and brought a can full of water and poured it into the radiator of the car. Aryan's son, Mouryan wanted to know the reason for pouring water into the radiator and asked his father who is a mechanial engineer by profession the reason. Aryan explained the role of water in the radiator of the car engine. Can you predict the explanation given by Aryan?

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  26. Calculate the ratio of the amount of heat energy lost during the conversion of 20 g of water at `0^(@)C` to ice at `0^(@)C` to heat energy gained during the conversion of same amount of water at `100^(@)C` to steam at `100^(@)C`.

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  27. Two open containers A and B are filled with water and in container A, cetyl alcohol is added. Both the containers are placed at `40^(@)C`. Predict the level of water in the two containers after some time and give reasons.

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  28. The electronic configurations of two metals X and Y are 2, 8, 2 and 2, 8, 8, 2 respectively. What is the effect of the presence of hydrogen carbonate and sulphates of these metals in water?

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  29. A group of students went for an excursion to Shimla in the month of November. A science teacher also accompanied them. There the temperature fell to `-10^(@)C`. They took some ice cubes and subjected them to heating while keeping a thermometer in the container. The students monitored the readings of thermometer till the entire ice melted into water. All of them went to their science teacher and showed him their observations. He asked them to discuss among themselves and give a proper justification for the observations on the readings at various stages.

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  30. An element with electronic configuration 2, 8, 1 forms a compound with carbonate. How does this compound remove both temporary and permanent hardness of water?

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  31. In permutit process, what is the role of the addition of the concentrated solution of the solid compound obtained due to the reaction between NaOH with HCl? Explain.

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  32. Master Vishnu and his sister Jishnu went to their uncle's village to spend their summer vacation. One day, Jishnu was pestering her uncle for a soft drink. Vishnu's uncle took both of them to a shop where soft drink bottles were kept in an insulated box containing ice. Vishnu's uncle who is a physical science teacher, with an intention of testing Vishnu, posed a question to him regarding the concept involved in cooling of soft drinks by keeping them in ice. Vishnu who is a student of Time, IITF impressed his uncle by explaining the above phenomenon with respect to the concept of latent heat of fusion of ice. Can you also explain the concept like Vishnu?

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  33. Jini took a container completely filled with some ice cubes floating on it. He observed the container expecting that water to overflow after the ice melted. Can you predict what he would finally see?

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Level 2 questions and complete solutions for chapter Water of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7