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Complete Solutions to CONCEPT APPLICATION (LEVEL-2) of chapter SOUND of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A sound wave makes an angle `30^(@)` with the reflecting surface. The angle of reflection is _______.

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  2. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  3. If the depth of the sea is 1.125 km, the time taken for the reflected sound to reach the sonar is (velocity of sound in water is 1500 m `s^(-1)`)

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  4. A man is standing not exactly at the centre of two walls. He fires a gun and hears the first echo after 1 s and the second echo after 2 s. If the speed of the sound is `330 ms^(-1)`, what is the distance between the walls ?

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  5. Three persons `P_(1), P_(2)` and `P_(3)` are at different points A, B and C, respectively as shown in the figure. Two persons `P_(1)` and `P_(3)` clap at the same time. Which among the following can be the minimum distance between `P_(2)` and `P_(3)` to hear the clap sound distinctly by `P_(2)`? (Take the velocity of sound in air as `330 ms^(-1)`)

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  6. The frequency of a vibrating body is 10 Hz. The time taken by it to complete 5 vibrations is _____ s.

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  7. A person hears the sound of the explosion of a bomb after 5 s and another person hears the sound after 6 s. The ratio of minimum and maximum possible distance between the person is _____. ( velocity of sound in air is `330 ms^(-1)`)

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  8. A person hears the sound of explosion of a bomb after 5 s. If the velocity of sound in air is `330 ms^(-1)`, the distance between the bomb and the person is ____ km.

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  9. If a vibrating body produces 20 vibrations in 10 second, then its frequency is ________ Hz.

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  10. Three persons `P_(1), P_(2)`, and `P_(3)` are at three different points A, B and C as shown in the figure. `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` clap at the same time. For `P_(3)` to hear two distinct claps, the minimum distance between `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` should be _______ m. (The velocity of sound in air is `330 ms^(-1)`)

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  11. A man is standing not exactly at the exactly at the centre, in between two parallel walls separated by a distance 990 m. He fires a gun and hears the first echo after 2 s, the time taken to hear 3rd echo after firing is ______ s. (take velocity of sound in air is `330 ms^(-1)`)

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  12. If the same time taken for the reflected sound to reach the sonar os 2 s, the depth of the sea is _______ m. (velocity of sound in water is `1500 ms^(-1)`)

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  13. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  14. The direction of an incident sound wave makes an angle of `30^(@)` with the normal of a reflecting surface The reflected sound wave makes an angle of _______ with the normal.

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  15. The frequency of a tuning fork is 600 Hz. What is the number of vibrations made by the tunning fork, when the sound produced by the tuning fork travels a distance of 110 ? (Velocity of sound in air is `330 ms^(-1)`)

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  16. Sandeep constructed a simple pendulum to find the value of 'g' at that place. He observed that the bob of a simple pendulum moves from the mean position to one of the extreme positions in 0.5 s. Using this he determined the
    (i) time period of the simple pendulum.
    (ii) number of oscillations the pendulum has under - gone in four seconds and
    (iii) the frequency of oscillation of the pendulum. What are his answers ?

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  17. Chanukya was eager to know the time taken by sound to travel the same distance in water and air. So, he set a body on vibration with a frequency of 250 Hz in air and the sound produced bu this is heard at a distance of 175 m. Now if the body is vibrated in water, what is the difference in the time taken by the sound to travel the same distance in water and air ?
    (The velocity of sound in air and water is `350 ms^(-1)` and `1400 ms^(-1)`, respectively).

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  18. The velocity of sound in air, in water and in a given solid is, `330 ms^(-1), 1350 ms^(-1)` and `1500 ms^(-1)`, respectively. If a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 150 Hz is placed in each of these media, then find the distance covered by the sound in air, water and solid, respectively, at the end of 50 vibrations.

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  19. Dinesh, who is fond of music, vibrates a glass with a spoon. If he fills the glass with water, will there be any change in any of the characteristics of the sound produced ? Explain.

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  20. A sound wave is travelling from a metallic rod to water. What changes will occur in the velocity and frequency of the sound ?

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  21. Two astronauts who land on the moon cannot talk with each other. What could be the reason for this ? Suggest a method for them to talk each other.

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  22. The time period of a simple pendulum is given by the formula, `T = 2pi sqrt(l//g)`, where T = time period, l = length of pendulum and g = acceleration due to gravity.
    If the length of the pendulum is decreased to 1/4 of its initial value, then what happens to its frequency of oscillations ?

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  23. A police targets a thief, who is at rest at point Q. He fires a bullet from a point P which is at a distance of 990 m from Q and it reaches the point Q in 3 s. When the bullet is fired at P it produced a sound, which was heard by the theif. What is the difference in time taken by the sound and the bullet to reach point Q. Will the thief be able to escape from the bullet fired by police ? Take the velocity of sound in air as `330 ms^(-1)`.

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  24. Draw a labelled diagram to show the multiple reflections of sound in a part of the stethoscope tube.

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  25. The flash of lightning, produced at a distance of 10 km above the ground level is seen much before hearing the thunder bolt. Find the time gap between the two events observed by a person on the ground if the time taken by the lightning to reach the surface of earth is negligible.
    (velocity is sound `= 330 ms^(-1)` and velocity of light `= 3 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)`.)

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  26. Why is the voice of children more shrill than that of adults'? Explain.

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  27. A ship at rest is sending ultrasonic sound waves to detect a shoal of fish. If the time gap between the signal sent from the ship and received (reflected) signal is 0.5 s, then find the distance of the shoal of fish form the ship. (Velocity of sound in water is `1400 ms^(-1)`)

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  28. Why are the walls, roof, seats and steps, of a cinema theatre or auditorium covered with special material ?

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  29. Why are concave reflectors used in big auditoria ?

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CONCEPT APPLICATION (LEVEL-2) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOUND of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7