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Complete Solutions to LET US ASSESS of chapter METALS of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Some metals are listed below. Complete the table by identifying the different uses and the properties which are responsible for the same.

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  2. Iron is a metal which corrodes fast.
    What are the factors that favour the corrosion of iron?
    In coastal regions, copper nails are preferred to iron nails. What could be the reason?
    Can you suggest some measures to prevent the corrosion of iron?

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  3. Based on the physical properties of metals, indicate whether the following statements are true or false

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  4. Which among the following metals is stored in kerosene?
    (a) Sodium
    (b) Iron
    (c ) Tangsten
    (d) Chromium
    Why is it stored in kerosene?

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  5. The names of some metals are given below. Tungsten, Gold, Sodium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium Answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate ones from the list.
    Which metal with high malleability is used for making ornaments?
    Which of these metals reacts with cold water?
    Which of these is a hard metal but corrodes easily?

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  6. Give reasons for the following statements.
    Tamarind is not stored in aluminium vessels.
    It is a common practice to apply oil on iron articles and tools.
    Stainless steel knives, instead of iron knives, are preferred for cutting citrous fruits.

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LET US ASSESS questions and complete solutions for chapter METALS of NCERT Chemistry(Malayalam) of Class 8

All Exercises from NCERT Class 8 CHEMISTRY METALS