Class 8 | MATHS |
Mathematics | EXERCISE 14.1 |
Number Of Questions | 3 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
(i) `x^2 + xy + 8x + 8y`
(ii) `15xy - 6x + 5y - 2`
(iii) `ax + bx - ay - by`
(iv) `15pq + 15 + 9q + 25p`
(v) `z - 7 + 7xy - xyz`
Factorise the following expressions.
(i) `7x - 42`
(ii) `6p - 12q`
(iii) `7a^2 + 14a`
(iv) `-16z + 20z^3`
(v) `20l^2m + 30a l m`
(vi) `5x^2y - 15xy^2`
(vii) `10a^2 - 15b^2 + 20c^2`
(viii) `-4a^2 + 4ab - 4ca`
(ix) `x^2yz + xy^2z + xyz^2`
(x) `ax^2y + bxy^2 + cxyz`
Find the common factors of the given terms.
(i) `12x,36`
(ii) `2y,22xy`
(iii) `14pq, 28p^2q^2`
(iv) `2x,3x^2,4`
(v) `6abc, 24ab^2, 12a^2b`
(vi) `16x^3,-4x^2,32x`
(vii) `10pq, 20qr, 30rp`
(viii) `3x^2 y^3, 10x^3y^2, 6x^2y^2z`
EXERCISE 14.1 questions and complete solutions for chapter FACTORISATION of NCERT MATHEMATICS(ENGLISH) of Class 8