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Complete Solutions to EXERCISES of chapter DIRECT AND INVERSE PROPORTIONS of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Both u and v vary directly with each other. When u is 10, v is 15, which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values of u and v?

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  2. Both x and y vary inversely with each other. When x is 10, y is 6, which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values of x and y?

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  3. Assuming land to be uniformly fertile, the area of land and the yield on it vary

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  4. The number of teeth and the age of a person vary

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  5. A truck needs 54 litres of diesel for covering a distance of 297 km. The diesel required by the truck to cover a distance of 550 km is

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  6. By travelling at a speed of 48 kilometres per hour, a car can finish a certain journey in 10 hours. To cover the same distance in 8 hours, the speed of the car should be

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  7. In which of the following case, do the quantities vary directly with each other?

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  8. Which quantities in the previous question vary inversely with each other?

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  9. Which of the following vary inversely with each other?

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  10. Both x and y are in direct proportion, then `1/x` and `1/y` are

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  11. Meenakshee cycles to her school at an average speed of 12 km/h and takes 20 minutes to reach her school. If she wants to reach her school in 12 minutes, her average speed should be

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  12. 100 persons had food provision for 24 days. If 20 persons left the place, the provision will last for

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  13. If two quantities x and y vary directly with each other, then

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  14. If two quantities p and q vary inversely with each other, then

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  15. If the distance travelled by a rickshaw in one hour is 10 km, then the distance travelled by the same rickshaw with the same speed in one minute is

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  16. Both x and y vary directly with each other and when x is 10, y is 14, which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values of x and y?

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  17. If x = 5y, then x and y vary ______ with each other

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  18. If xy = 10, then x and y vary ______ with each other.

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  19. When two quantities x and y are in ______ proportion or vary ______they are written as x = y

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  20. When two quantities x and y are in _______ proportion or vary ______they are written as `x=1/y`

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  21. Both x and y are said to vary ______ with each other if for some positive number k, xy = k.

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  22. x and y are said to vary directly with each other if for some positive number k, ______ =k.

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  23. Fill in the blanks in each of the following so as to make the statement true: Two quantities are said to vary. with each other if they increase (decrease) together in such a way that the ratio of the corresponding values remains same. `x\ a n d\ y` are said to vary directly with each other if for some positive number `k ,\ \ \ dot=kdot` If `u\ =3\ v ,` then u and `v` vary . with each other.

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  24. Fill in the blanks in each of the following so as to make the statement true: Two quantities are said to vary. with each other if they increase (decrease) together in such a way that the ratio of the corresponding values remains same. `x\ a n d\ y` are said to vary directly with each other if for some positive number `k ,\ \ \ dot=kdot` If `u\ =3\ v ,` then u and `v` vary . with each other.

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  25. If 12 pumps can empty a reservoir in 20 hours, then time required by 45 such pumps to empty the same reservoir is ______ hours.

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  26. If x varies inversely as y, then

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  27. When the speed remains constant, the distance travelled is ______proportional to the time

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  28. On increasing a, b increases in such a manner that `a/b` remains______ and positive, then a and b are said to vary directly proportional with each other.

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  29. If on increasing a, b decreases in such a manner that _______ remains ______constant and positive, then a and b are said to vary inversely with each other.

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  30. If two quantities p and q vary inversely with each other then ______ of their corresponding values remains constant.

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  31. If two quantities p and q vary inversely with each other then ______ of their corresponding values remains constant.

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  32. The perimeter of a circle and its diameter vary _______ with each other.

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  33. A car is travelling 48 km in one hour. The distance travelled by the car in 12 minutes is _________.

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  34. An auto rickshaw takes 3 hours to cover a distance of 36 km. If its speed is increased by 4 km/h, the time taken by it to cover the same distance is __________.

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  35. If the thickness of a pile of 12 cardboard sheets is 45 mm, then the thickness of a pile of 240 sheets is _______ cm.

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  36. If x varies inversely as y and x = 4 when y = 6, then when x = 3 the value of y is _______.

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  37. In direct proportion `a_1/b_1` = `a_2/b_2`

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  38. In case of inverse proportion `a_2`__`b_2`

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  39. If the area occupied by 15 postal stamps is 60 `cm^2`, then the area occupied by 120 such postal stamps will be _______.

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  40. If 45 persons can complete a work in 20 days, then the time taken by 75 persons will be ______ hours

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  41. Devangi travels 50 m distance in 75 steps, then the distance travelled in 375 steps is _______ km.

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  42. Two quantities x and y are said to vary directly with each other if for some rational number k, xy = k.

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  43. When the speed is kept fixed, time and distance vary inversely with each other

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  44. When the distance is kept fixed, speed and time vary directly with each other.

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  45. Length of a side of a square and its area vary directly with each other.

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  46. Length of a side of an equilateral triangle and its perimeter vary inversely with each other.

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  47. If d varies directly as `t^2` then we can write `dt^2=k` where k is some constant.

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  48. If a tree 24 m high casts a shadow of 15 m, then the height of a pole that casts a shadow of 6 m under similar conditions is 9.6 m.

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  49. If x and y are in direct proportion, then (x – 1) and (y – 1) are also in direct proportion

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  50. If x and y are in inverse proportion, then (x + 1) and (y + 1) are also in inverse proportion

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  51. If p and q are in inverse variation then (p + 2) and (q – 2) are also in inverse proportion. (True/False)

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  52. If one angle of a triangle is kept fixed then the measure of the remaining two angles vary inversely with each other

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  53. Direct variations if two quantities a and b vary with each other in such a manner that the ratio `a/b` remains constant and is positive then we say that a and b vary directly with each other or a and are in direct variation

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  54. Inverse variation if two quantities x and y vary with each other in such a manner that the product of remains constant and is positive then we say that a and b vary inversely as each other or a varies inversely as b and b varies inversely as a

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  55. If x varies inversely as y and when x = 6, y = 8, then for x = 8 the value of y is 10.

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  56. The number of workers and the time to complete a job is a case of direct proportion.

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  57. For fixed time period and rate of interest, the simple interest is directly proportional to the principal

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  58. Which of the following are in inverse proportion? (i) The number of workers on a job and the time to complete the job. (ii) The time taken for a journey and the distance travelled in a uniform speed. (iii) Area of cultivated land and the

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  59. In the following questions, which of them vary directly and which vary inversely with each other and which are neither of the two?
    (i) The time taken by a train to cover a fixed distance and the speed of the train.
    (ii) The distance travelled by CNG bus and the amount of CNG used.
    (iii) The number of people working and the time to complete a given work.
    (iv) Income tax and the income
    (v) Distance travelled by an auto-rickshaw and time taken

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  60. In the following questions, which of them vary directly and which vary inversely with each other and which are neither of the two?
    (i) Number of students in a hostel and consumption of food
    (ii) Area of the walls of a room and the cost of white washing the walls.
    (iii) The number of people working and the quantity of work.
    (iv) Simple interest on a given sum and the rate of interest
    (v) Compound interest on a given sum and the sum invested.

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  61. In the following questions, which of them vary directly and which vary inversely with each other and which are neither of the two?
    (i) The quantity of rice and its cost.
    (ii) The height of a tree and the number of years.
    (iii) Increase in cost and number of shirts that can be purchased if the budget remains the same
    (iv) Area of land and its cost
    (v) Sales Tax and the amount of the bill

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  62. If x varies inversely as y and x = 20 when y = 600, find y when x = 400

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  63. The variable x varies directly as y and x = 80 when y is 160. What is y when x is 64?

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  64. l varies directly as m and l is equal to 5, when `m=2/3` Find l when

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  65. If x varies inversely as y and y = 60 when x = 1.5. Find x. when y = 4.5.

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  66. In a camp, there is enough flour for 300 persons for 42 days. How long will the flour last if 20 more persons join the camp?

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  67. A contractor undertook a contract to complete a part of a stadium in 9 months with a team of 560 persons. Later on, it was required to complete the job in 5 months. How many extra persons should he employ to complete the work?

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  68. Sobi types 108 words in 6 minutes. How many words would she type in half an hour?

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  69. A car covers a distance in 40 minutes with an average speed of 60 km/h. What should be the average speed to cover the same distance in 25 minutes

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  70. It is given that l varies directly as m.
    Write an equation which relates l and m.

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  71. It is given that l varies directly as m.
    Find the constant of proportion (k), when l is 6 then m is 18.

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  72. It is given that l varies directly as m.
    Find l, when m is 33.

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  73. It is given that l varies directly as m.
    Find m when l is 8.

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  74. If a deposit of Rs 2,000 earns an interest of Rs 500 in 3 years, how much interest would a deposit of Rs 36,000 earn in 3 years with the same rate of simple interest?

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  75. The mass of an aluminium rod varies directly with its length. If a 16 cm long rod has a mass of 192 g, find the length of the rod whose mass is 105 g.

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  76. if 3, x, 6, 18 are in proportion , then x =

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  77. Find the value of x , if y = 2 x − 5 and y = 7 .

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  78. If Naresh walks 250 steps to cover a distance of 200 metres, find the distance travelled in 350 steps.

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  79. A car travels a distance of 225 km in 25 litres of petrol. How many litres of petrol will be required to cover a distance of 540 kilometres by this car

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  80. From the following table, determine if x and y are in direct proportion or not.

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  81. From the following table, determine if x and y are in direct proportion or not.

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  82. From the following table, determine if x and y are in direct proportion or not.

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  83. If a and b vary inversely to each other, then find the values of p, q, r .

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  84. If a and b vary inversely to each other, then find the values of x, y, z.

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  85. If a and b vary inversely to each other, then find the values of l, m, n.

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  86. If 25 metres of cloth costs Rs 350, then
    What will be the cost of 40 metres of the same type of cloth?

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  87. If 25 metres of cloth costs Rs 337.50, then
    What will be the length of the cloth bought for Rs 810?

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  88. A swimming pool can be filled in 4 hours by 8 pumps of the same type. How many such pumps are required if the pool is to be filled in `2(2)/3` hours?

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  89. The cost of 27 kg of iron is Rs 1,080, what will be the cost of 120 kg of iron of the same quality?

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  90. At a particular time, the length of the shadow of Qutub Minar whose height is 72 m is 80 m. What will be the height of an electric pole, the length of whose shadow at the same time is 1000 cm?

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  91. In a hostel of 50 girls, there are food provisions for 40 days. If 30 more girls join the hostel, how long will these provisions last?

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  92. Campus and Welfare Committee of school is planning to develop a blue shade for painting the entire school building. For this purpose various shades are tried by mixing containers of blue paint and white paint. In each of the following mixtures, decide which is a lighter shade of blue and also find the lightest blue shade among all of them.

    If one container has one litre paint and the building requires 105 litres for painting, how many container of each type is required to paint the building by darkest blue shade?

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  93. Work with a partner to write at least five ratio statements about this quilt, which has white, blue, and purple squares.

    How many squares of each colour will be there in 12 such quilts?

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  94. A packet of sweets was distributed among 10 children and each of them received 4 sweets. If it is distributed among 8 children, how many sweets will each child get?

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  95. 44 cows can graze a field in 9 days. How many less/more cows will graze the same field in 12 days?

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  96. 30 persons can reap a field in 17 days. How many more persons should be engaged to reap the same field in 10 days?

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  97. Shabnam takes 20 minutes to reach her school if she goes at a speed of 6 km/h. If she wants to reach school in 24 minutes, what should be her speed?

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  98. Ravi starts for his school at 8:20 a.m. on his bicycle. If he travels at a speed of 10km/h, then he reaches his school late by 8 minutes but on travelling at 16 km/h he reaches the school 10 minutes early. At what time does the school start?

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  99. Match each of the entries in Column I with the appropriate entry in Column II

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  100. There are 20 grams of protein in 75 grams of sauted fish. How many grams of protein is in 225 gm of that fish?

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EXERCISES questions and complete solutions for chapter DIRECT AND INVERSE PROPORTIONS of NCERT EXEMPLAR of Class 8