Class 8 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Viruses are interlinked between non-living and living things. Comment it.
Name two diseases caused by Mycoplasmas.
What type of micro organisms we can observe in pond water?
Whether micro organisms are useful and harmful. How explain.
Why the cooked food spoll soon but not uncooked food. Give your reasons.
How are the human actions causing the death of useful bacteria and fungi? What will happen if it continuous?
What are the types in micro organisms?
Where can we find bacteria?
What questions would you like to ask your teacher to know different shapes of bacteria?
What would happen if you add butter milk to Chilled milk
What would happen if you add butter milk to hot milk
What would happen if you add butter milk to hot milk
Soil is highly rich of micro organisms. Do you support this statement?
What questions that you ask your teacher to know more about virus?
Viruses are interlinked between non-living and living things. Comment it.
What procedure did you follow to observe lactobacillus bacterium in the lab?
How do you find the soil micro organisms?
How can you observe Fungi?
Where do you find Fungi?
How can you observe Algae?
How can you oberve the Protzoans?
How do you find the soil micro organisms?
Visit any backery near your school with the help of your teacher or parents. Know about prepartion of bread and cake and prepare a note on them.
Collect the information about virus, in internet, or from science magazines.
Collect the informationm about Polio.
Draw the diagrams of Bacteria.
Draw the diagram of Fungi.
Draw the diagram of Protozoan's.
Draw the diagrams of Algae.
Draw the diagram of micro arthropods.
Identify the following pictures.
Name the types of asexual reproduction in the following organisms:
(a) Paramoecium
(b) Yeast
Do you clean your hands with soap before eating, why is it so?
What are the contributes of Leeuwenhoek to the microbiology?
Is there any uses from micro organisms ? How will you appreciate them?
What is the importance of micro arthropods?
What are the diseases caused by micro arthropods?
What are the diseases caused by viruses?
How can you find the virus?
What are the diseases caused by bacteria?
What are the diseases caused by protozoans?
Identify the funig present in rotten vegetables.
What are micro organisms?
Where can we find micro organisms?
Write the names of some groups of micro organisms.
What is meant by arthropods?
Which of the following sets of diseases is caused by bacteria
How do you vaccines works in our body?
What are the differences between Antibiotic and Vaccine?
Invention of pencillin protected the world form deaths during first world war. Explain.
What are antibodies? When do they develop? How they help us?
Which inventions is most important related to micro organisms? Can you explain the reasons, why it is so important?
Can you give some important key points you noticed that scientists followed in their inventions and discoveries?
What is Fermentation? What are the uses of it?
What are antibiotics. Give examples.
What is B.T.?
What is Nitrogen fixation? What is its importance?
What are Pathogens? How they enter into our body?
What are communicable diseases?
What are 'Vectors'?
What are communicable diseases?
How the housefly transmits the diseases.
Where do you find more number of houseflies? Why?
What are the uses of preservations of food?
Give some examples for food preservation.
What is Pasteurisation?
What is symbiosis?
What is food poisoning?
What is Botulism?
What is sterilisation process? Where it is used?
If there are no micro organisms on the earth, what will happen?
Which one is better to take antibiotics or vaccines? Why?
Take three bowls and mark as A,B,C . Pour lukewarm milk in bowl. A hot milk in bowl B, cold milk in bowl C. Add one tea spoon of curd or butter milk in three bowls and stir them slightly. Cover the bowls with lids. Keep the bowls undisturbed for five to six hours. In which bowl milk turned into curd? Give your reasons.
How do you make a curd from milk?
How do you prove that some materials are not decomposed in the soil?
How do you find the root nodules bacteria?
How do you prove the Fermentation?
How do you prove that dough volume is increase in fermentation?
How the Alexander Flemming discovered Penicillium?
Collect more information about scientists, who invented and discovered other fact related to Micro organisms. How these discoveries helped mankind? Make a chan presentation and paste it on your classroom wall magazine.
Make an Album of scientists and their discovries related to Micro organisms.
Write some plant diseases, and their pathogens.
Collect the informationm about Polio.
Collect the informationm about Polio.
Write some common diseases caused by micro organisms and their preventive measures.
What is Pasteurisation?
Edward Jenne's is collects fluid from cowpox pustle and injects to a eitht year old boy. Then he exposed the boy to smallpox and the boy did not get smallpox. How do you appreciate the during action of Edward Jenner?
Raheem tells to his neighbours, "Stagnation of sewage in our surroundings is harmful to our health". Do you support this? Why?
Jeevan said that "If there are no micro organisms earth will remain with wastes" will you agree this statement, why?
Kavitha is suffering form serious illness. Doctor prescribed antibiotics for five days. After three days of usage she stopped taking antibiotics. Is it right or not, discuss.
How do you appreciate Dr. Alexander Flemming?
Write about Dr. Y. Subha Rao.
Write about Dr. Jonas Salk.
One medical store owner is giving antibiotics to his customer, who is suffering with fever without doctor's prescription ? But customer's daughter Malathi is telling her father not to take antibiotics without doctor's prescription. Whom do you support and why ?
Refrigerator helps us in saving health and money. Can you explain.
What are the uses of micro organisms in our daily life?
Why the bread is spongy in nature?
What will be the reason for preparing Idli and Dosa dough before one day?
Why are polio drops given to children? What is the use of polio drops?
How can you prove the Rhizobium Bacteria present in Root Nodules of Leguminosae membrane?
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter THE WORLD OF MICRO ORGANISMS of NCERT Biology(Telugu) of Class 8