Class 8 | BIOLOGY |
TELANGANA | Improve your learning |
Number Of Questions | 16 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
How is adolescence different from childhood?
Write short notes on the following.
Secondary sexual characters
Write short notes on the following.
Adam s apple
List out the changes in the body that takes place at the age of adolescence.
Match the following:
`{:("1. Testes ( )","a. Estrogen"),("2. Endocrine gland ( )","b. pituitary gland "),("3. Menarche ( ) ","c. Sperm"),("4. Female hormone ( )","d. First menstruation"):}`
Why acne and pimples are common in adolescents?
What can you suggest to your classmates to keep himself/herself clean and healthy?
If you have chance to talk with a doctor, what questions you would ask above adolescent emotions and changes in the body?
Think of your own family, what similarities do you share with your father and mother? Draw a table to represent the similarities of some characters like colour of eye (cornea), colour of hair, shape of nose, shape of face, type of earlobe (attached or free) inner thumb markings, etc. Write your characters in one column and that of your parents in the other columns.
(Q) How do you think these characters may have been inherited by you from grandma
Write five suggestions to improve the performance of Red Ribbon club of your school.
Prepare a three minute speech on behavioural changes in adolescents.
Nature prepares human body to reproduce her generations. What do you think of it?
You know that early marriage is a social taboo. Prepare some slogans to prevent this?
13 years old Swaroop always think of his height. Can he improve his height? What do you suggest him?
Are you angry with your parents. How do you wish your parents to be?
What are your expectations about your parents and teachers?
Improve your learning questions and complete solutions for chapter THE AGE OF ADOLESCENCE of NCERT Biology(Telugu) of Class 8