Complete Solutions to Concept Application Level - 3 of chapter CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATIONConcept Application Level - 3
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the shape of the meniscus observed when water and mercury are taken in two different capillary tubes and why ?

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  2. Evaporation can take place at any temperature, but boiling takes place at a fixed temperature. Give approprate reasons.

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  3. Vapour pressure of a liquid A is more that of B. Which of these liquids has higher crtical temperature in their gaseous state? Justify.

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  4. Explain the changes observed when a glass of water is placed on the surface of moon.

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  5. The surface of the electric bulb with a tungsten filament becomes greyish black after being used for a long period of time. Explain the reason.

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  6. A test tube filled with water is dipped up to its neck in a boiling water bath . Does the water inside the test tube boil? Justify.

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  7. Skating on ice is almost impossible at very low temperatures say at arround `-30^(@)C`. Why?

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  8. How is milk powder made from milk? Explain the principle involved.

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  9. Discuss the change in energy and arrangement of molecules on increasing the temperature of ice from `=5^(@)C " to " 10^(@)C` at 1 atm pressure.

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  10. if a solution is formed by combination of solvent A and solid solute B, and decomposition of the solute takes place at boiling point of solvent, how can we separate these two?

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Concept Application Level - 3 questions and complete solutions for chapter CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8