Class 8 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 55 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Answer the following questions given below on the basic of the given details:
Petrol, LPG, Wood, Paper, Sand, Water, Glass
Name two combustible substances.
Answer the following questions given below on the basic of the given details:
Petrol, LPG, Wood, Paper, Sand, Water, Glass
Name two non-combustible substances.
Discuss how food acts as a fuel for our body.
What do you understand by the term combustion?
Give two examples of non-combustible substance.
What happens when:
Charcoal burns in air.
What happens when:
Methane burns in air.
Give one example for each of the following.
Combustible substance
Give one example for each of the following.
Non-combustible substance
Give one example for each of the following.
Inflammable substance
Give one example for each of the following.
Supporter of combustion
Explain the following.
What do you mean by supporter of combustion?
Explain the following.
Give one of the necessary requirements for a combustible substance to burn.
What do you understand by the term non-supporters of combustion? Also, give two examples.
Define the term 'ignition temperature?
Name two minimum requirements for combustion.
Give one example of rapid combustion.
Give an example of
Complete combustion.
What do you understand by incomplete combustion?
Give reasons for the following:
why do substance undergoes incomplete combustion gives out yellow flame?
Give reasons for the following:
Why does a candle flame is yellow in colour?
Why the flame of an LPG stove and the flame of a Bunsen burner are blue in colour?
Write reactions for below conditions.
The combustion of methane in sufficient supply of air.
Write reactions for below conditions.
the combustion of methane in insufficient supply of air.
What is rapid combustion? Also, give an example.
What is complete combustion? Explain with the chemical reactions.
What happens when a fire brigade arrives at the place where the building is on fire? What does it do?
Why do fire brigades pour water on the fire?
What are the essential requirements to ignite fire?
In what forms the LPG stored in cylinders?
Give two ways through which we can extinguish fire.
Give the working principle of soda-acid fire extinguisher. Also give one drawback of the soda-acid fire extinguisher.
What is the difference between the burning of a candle and the burning of a fuel like coal ?
How do you describe a flame?
Coal does not give out a flame while burning. Why?
Does all combustible substances give out a flame while burning?
Does camphor produce flame?
In which zone of a candle flame : complete combustion of fuel takes place ?
Why luminous zone is yellow in colour in a candle flame?
Which part of the candle flame is coldest?
Give two examples of liquid fuels.
Give two examples of solid fuels.
Give two examples of gaseous fuels.
Name any one harmful substance emitted when fossil fuels are burnt.
Give two characteristics of ideal fuel.
What do you understand by calorific value of a fuel. Give the SI unit of of calorific value?
Give the calorific values of below fuels:
Give the calorific values of below fuels:
Give the calorific values of below fuels:
Give the three fossil fuels found on Earth.
Give two drawbacks of burning fossil fuels.
Give two harmful effects of
Carbon monoxide
Give two harmful effects of
Sulphur dioxide
Explain the effects caused by particulate matter in human health.
What is acid rain?
MASTER YOUR TEST (SOLVED EXAMPLE) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMBUSTION AND FLAME of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8