Class 8 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
How does air pollution lead to water pollution?
What steps can be taken up to control air pollution and water pollution? ( AS 1)
Why does the increased level of nutrients in the water affect the survival of aquatic organisms?
Road side plants cannot grow properly. Find your own reasons and explain with your argument.
Sudheer is a traffic constable. What do you think about his health? Give some suggestions to protect his health during duty period.
Write a short note on the effects of water pollution in your village suggest precautions.
Visit a pollution check centre. Observe the process of conducting a pollution check and record your findings. You may consider the following areas for your record.
The process of testing, permissible limits of emission of various pollutants.
Organize a field visit to a pond / lake / river present in or near to your village with the help of your teachers. ( AS 4) Observations followed by discussion could focus on... The history of the pond or lake or river, Water resources available other than that river/ pond/ or lake, Cultural traditions, Pollution concerns, Source of pollution, Effects of pollution on the people living by the river side as well as those living far away
What is air pollution ? Make a flow chart to describe its causes and effects.
Clear and transparent water is always suitable for drinking. Comment.
If our monument like Tajmahal is effected by air pollution, what is your adivce protect it?
Reshma going to talk about controlling measures of soil pollution. Please prepare write up for her. ( AS 6)
To conduct a quiz program on air and water pollution, prepare five thought provoking questions.
Use Bicycle - Avoid motor bikes and cars'. This slogan is prepared by Sravani. Prepare some more slogans on pollution.
If you are a general manager of a chemical industry what precautions would you take to control air and water pollution?
How to minimize the usage of paper in daily life?
If a person burnt out tires or dried leaves at a particular place, where shall the smoke and ash goes?
Why do we feel cooler after sweating ?
When we go on a busy road, feel uneasy even when we close nose with a napkin.
If these symptoms will continue, what happens?
Do you find any relation between pH and hardness of water?
Which water sample is colourless?
Which water sample is suitable for drinking and why ?
Do you find any change in colour and smell of water in some water samples? What are your reasons?
Which water sample of your collection is basic in nature ?
Are there any visible pollutants in the water sample ?
What will happen if harmful organisms or substances enter your body? How do you feel?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
Which department issues the pollution under control certificate?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
For how much time is it valid?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
For which type of vehicle has it been issued?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
What is emission test? What components are tested in the pollution check up center?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
What will happen if carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons readings are higher than the permissible limit readings.
Why there is a need of pollution under control certificate?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
Which department issues the pollution under control certificate?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
For how much time is it valid?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
For which type of vehicle has it been issued?
What is emission test?
Observe this pollution certificate, try to find out the answers for following questions.
What is emission test? What components are tested in the pollution check up center?
What will happen if harmful organisms or substances enter your body? How do you feel?
What is the effect of rapid increase in the number of vehicles?
What is pollution ?
When do all the living organisms with in the environment will be healthy and thriving?
Name the diseases caused by air pollution.
What do our elders talk about the environment?
What is our environment made up of ?
Name some susbstances which impact the health of our earth.
What are the four major gases in the air?
Which is the essential element for survival of all living organisms?
How is carbon dioxide important?
What is air pollution ? Make a flow chart to describe its causes and effects.
What are pollutants?
Name the main pollutants in the atmosphere.
Name the natural disasters in the world.
What is the problem with airbone pollutants?
What pollutants are released by forest fires ?
What gas is released from decay of organic matter ?
What gas is released from decay of organic matter lying under water ?
How do pollen grains pollute the air?
What gases are produced by burning fuels ?
What gases are emitted by vehicles?
How should we maintain natural resources ?
Name various industries that pollute the air.
How local people are suffering living near Parawada and Krishnapatnam Thermal Power Plants ?
What are the problems face by the people living near the granite factory?
How are Nuclear power plants dangerous ?
What are melt downs ?
How do power plants release power ?
How do Nuclear power plants produce power?
How agriculture pollutes land and water?
What is the result of deforestation ?
If forests reduce what would happen?
In which devices chloro flouro carbons are used ?
How is mining cause pollution ?
Why do currently cars and buses not allowed to drive to the Taj Mahal ?
What did the Archeological department of India declared towards Taj Mahal?
What is the unforgettable tragedy of Bhopal?
What is the reason for the tragedy of Bhopal?
What are the effects by air pollution?
How affects the air pollution?
How to reduce air pollution from industries ?
How to reduce pollution from vehicles?
What is Vanamahotsav ?
Name one of the most polluted area in India.
How are the villages badly affected by pollution ?
What is water pollution?
What is the character of normal water ?
How Musi river got polluted ?
What is definite source of pollution?
What are biodegradable wastes?
How do plant nutrients pollute water?
How is heat polluting water?
How is water polluted by sediment?
What is eutrophication?
How is fluorine hazardous substance to ground water?
What are 4R's principles ?
Heat can be a source of pollution? How does It affect the aquatic life?
"It is much better to worship Ganesh Idol made of clay than Idol of Plaster of Paris" . - Said Kavitha How do you support her ? How do you appreciate her attitude ?
Prepare some slogans which create awareness among people on air pollution.
What are the industries that cause water pollution ?
The pollution check will be done for every
The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is ____%.
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter NOT FOR DRINKING NOT FOF BREATHING of VGS PUBLICATION-BRILLIANT of Class 8