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Complete Solutions to CHALLENGING EXERCISE of chapter SOUND of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A worker's helmet slips and falls when he is 78.4 m above the ground. He hears the sound of the helmet hitting the ground 4.23 seconds after it slipped. Find the speed of sound in air.

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  2. The speed of sound is 314 ms. The temperature of the surrounding atmosphere is -10°C. Calculate the speed of sound at (i) `-40^@C`.
    [Hint: For every `1^@`C fall in temperature, the speed decreases by 0.6 m `s^(-1)`]

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  3. The speed of sound is 314 ms. The temperature of the surrounding atmosphere is -10°C. Calculate the speed of sound at `40^@C`.
    [Hint: For every `1^@`C fall in temperature, the speed decreases by 0.6 m `s^(-1)`]

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  4. A person standing between two vertical cliff's produces a sound. Two successive echoes are heard at 4 s and 6 s. Calculate the distance between the cliffs. [The speed of sound in air = 320 m `s^(-1)`]

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  5. An observer standing in front of a vertical wall claps 10 times in 1 s. He adjusts his distance from the wall in such a way that the sound of his clapping coincides with the echo. This happens when his distance from the wall is 17.5 m. What is the velocity of sound?

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  6. How many times more intense is a 90-dB sound than a 40-dB sound?

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  7. What is the approximate distance of a thunderstorm when you note a 3-s delay between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder?

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  8. You watch a distant person hammering a piece of iron at a regular rate of 1 stroke per second. You hear the sound of the hammer exactly synchronized with the blows you see. And then you hear one more blow after you see him stop hammering. How far away is he from you?

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  9. Calculate the velocity of sound in a mixture of gases made up of 2 parts by volume of oxygen, one part by volume of carbon dioxide and 3 parts by volume of nitrogen, all volumes measured at NTP. `gamma=1.4` for nitrogen and oxygen and `gamma = 1.31` for carbon dioxide. R = 8.4 `J//"mole-K"`.

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  10. Show that the velocity of sound in a gas is given by `v_t = v_(0) + (v_(0)//546) t`, where `v_(0)` is the velocity at `0^@C` and t is the temperature of the gas in `""^(@)C`. Assume `t lt lt 273`.

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  11. A 5-watt source sends out waves in air at frequency 1000 Hz. Deduce the intensity at a 100-m distance, assuming spherical distribution. If `v= 350 m s^(-1)` and `rho= 1.3 kg m^(-3)`, deduce the displacement amplitude.

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  12. A person is standing between two cliffs, suppose it takes at least t sec for an average human ear to differentiate between two sound waves. The person produces sound waves having velocity v, he is standing at distance `d_(1)` and `d_2` from the two cliffs. What is the relation between `d_(1), d_2`, v required so that he can distinctly hear both the echoes. What is the minimum value of `d_(1)` and `d_2` for the condition to happen?

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  13. Two waves are generated at the two ends of a string whose length is given to be d as shown in the diagram. It is known that they are going to interfere constructively after some time t as shown. What is t in term of the velocity of waves `v ge l`?

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  14. We are familiar with the formula velocity = `sqrt(("elastic property")/("density"))` Can you guess the elastic property and hence the velocity of sound waves in a rod having density `rho` and force constant k?

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  15. `lambda=(C_P)/(C_v)`, Find `gamma_(eq)`required for the mixture containing 1 mole of Gas A, 2 mole of Gas B such that `gamma` of `A= gamma_(1)` and `gamma` of `B= gamma_2` (and it is given that `C_P=C_V + R`)

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  16. Find the minimum distance for echo in an atmosphere completely filled with dry `N_2` in a temperature of 300 K. Given `gamma` of dry `N_2 = 1.4, R = 8.314 "mol"^(-1) K^(-1)`

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CHALLENGING EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter SOUND of CENGAGE PHYSICS of Class 9