Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter THE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Make a comparison and write down ways in which plant cell are different from animal cells .

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  2. How is a prokaryotic cell different form a eukaryotic cell ?

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  3. What would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down ?

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  4. What would happen to the life of a cell if there was no golgi apparatus ?

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  5. Why are mitochondria called " power houses of the cell"?

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  6. Where do the lipids and proteins constituting the cell membrane get synthesized ?

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  7. How does an Amoeba obtain its food ?

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  8. What is osmosis ?

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  9. Carry out the following osmosis experi ment. Take four peeled potato to halves and scoop each one out to make potato cups one of these potato cups should be made from a boiled potato. Put each potato cup in a tray containing water . Now
    (a) Keep cup A empty
    (b) Put one teaspoon sugar in cup B
    ( c) Put one teaspoon sugar in the boiled potato cup D. Keep these for two hours . The observe the four potato cups and answer the following : M
    (i) Explain why water gathers in the hollowed portion of B and C .
    (ii) Why is potato A necessary for the experiment .
    (iii) Explain why water does not gather in the hollowed out portions of A and D.

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter THE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE of CAMBRIDGE BIOLOGY (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 9