Complete Solutions to Activity of chapter ACID, BASES AND SALTS of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions5
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Take about 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid in a test tube and add a few pieces of zine. granules into it. What do you observe? Why are bubbles formed in the solution? Take a burning candle near a bubble containing hydrogen gas, the flame goes off with "Popping' sound. This confirms that metal displaces hydrogen gas from the dilute acid.

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  2. Take solutions of hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid.
    . Fix two nails on a cork and place the cork in a 100 ml beaker.
    . Connect the nails to the two terminals of a 6V battery through a bulb and a switch as shown in Figure.
    . Now pour some dilute HCl in the beaker and switch on the current. Repeat the activity with dilute sulphuric acid, glucose and alcohol solutions. What do you observe now?
    . Does the bulb glow in all cases?

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  3. Collect the following samples from the science laboratory- Hydrochloric acid, sulphate acid and Nitric acid, Sodium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide. Take 2 ml of each solution in a test tube and test with a litmust paper and indicators phenolphthaleia nad Methyl orange. Tabulate your observations.

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  4. Fill in the blanks in the following table based on the concept of water of cystallisation.

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  5. Boil about 100 ml of ground water in a vessel dryness. After all water get evaporated observe the inner wall of the vessel. Can you observe any deposits?

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Activity questions and complete solutions for chapter ACID, BASES AND SALTS of FULL MARKS CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 9