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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLES of chapter MEASUREMENTS AND EXPERIMENTATION of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The mass of an atom of oxygen is 16.0 u. Express it in kg.

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  2. The mass of a molecule of hydrogen is `3.332xx10^(-27)` kg. Find the mass of 1 kg mol of hydrogen gas.

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  3. The size of a particle is `4.6 mu` . Express it in metre.

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  4. It takes 5 years for light to reach the earth from a star. Express the distance of star from the earth in (i) light year, (ii) km . Take speed of light `= 3xx10^8 m s^(-1)` and ` 1 year = 3.153 xx 10^7` s

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  5. The average mass of an atom of uranium is `3.9xx10^(-25)` kg. Find the number of atom is 1 g of uranium.

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  6. The wavelength of light is 5000 Å , express it in nm .

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  7. The wavelength of light is 5000 Å , express it in m .

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  8. In an instrument, there are 25 divisions on the vernier scale which have length of 24 divisions of the main scale. 1 cm on main scale is divided in 20 equal parts. Find the least count.

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  9. Fig. given below shows the two scales of a vernier callipers. Find : (i) the least count of the vernier , and (ii) the reading shown in the diagram.

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  10. The least count of a vernier callipers is 0.01 cm and its zero error is + 0.02 cm. While measuring the length of a rod, the main scale reading is 4.8 cm and sixth division on vernier scale is in line with a marking on the main scale. Calculate the length of the rod.

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  11. The circular head of a screw gauge is divided into 50 divisions and the screw moves 1 mm ahead in two revolutions of the circular head. Find its pitch .

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  12. The circular head of a screw gauge is divided into 50 divisions and the screw moves 1 mm ahead in two revolutions of the circular head. Find its least count.

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  13. The pitch of a screw gauge is 1 mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular head. While measuring the diameter of a wire, the main scale reads 3 mm and the 55th division is in line with the base line. Find the diameter of the wire. Assume that the screw gauge is free from zero error.

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  14. In Fig. the pitch of the screw is 1 mm. Find : (i) the least count of screw gauge and (ii) the reading represented in the diagram.

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  15. A boy measures the length of a piece of pencil by metre rule, vernier callipers and screw gauge to be 1.2 cm, 1.24 cm and 1.243 cm respectively. State the least count of each measuring instrument

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  16. A boy measures the length of a piece of pencil by metre rule, vernier callipers and screw gauge to be 1.2 cm, 1.24 cm and 1.243 cm respectively. State the accuracy in each measurement .

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  17. Calculate the length of a seconds' pendulum at a place where `g= 9.8 m s^(-2)`

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  18. Compare the time periods of a simple pendulum at places where g is `9.8 m s^(-2)` and 4.36 m `s^(-2)` respectively .

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  19. Compare the time periods of two simple pendulums of length 1 m and 16 m at at place.

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  20. (a) A simple pendulum is made by suspending a bob of mass 500 g by a string of length 1 m . Calculate its time period at a place where g = 10 `m s^(-2)` .
    (b) How will the time period in part (a) the affected if bob of mass 100 g is used, keeping the length of string unchanged ?

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EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter MEASUREMENTS AND EXPERIMENTATION of ICSE of Class 9