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Complete Solutions to TOPIC 2 (4 Marks Questions ) of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

OSWALTOPIC 2 (4 Marks Questions )
Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A body of mass 500 g, initially at rest, is acted upon by a force which causes it to move a distance of 4 m in 2 s, Calculate the force applied.

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  2. A car of mass 480 kg moving at a speed of 54 km per hour is stopped in 10 s. Calculate the force applied by the brakes.

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  3. How the S.I. unit and C.G.S. unit of force are related ?

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  4. A ball of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of `50 "ms"^(-1)`. On applying a constant force on ball for 2.0 s, it acquires a velocity of `70 "ms"^(-1)`. Calculate the initial momentum of ball

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  5. A ball of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of `50 "ms"^(-1)`. On applying a constant force on ball for 2.0 s, it acquires a velocity of `70 "ms"^(-1)`. Calculate the final momentum of ball

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  6. A ball of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of `50 "ms"^(-1)`. On applying a constant force on ball for 2.0 s, it acquires a velocity of `70 "ms"^(-1)`. Calculate the rate of change of momentum

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  7. A ball of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of `50 "ms"^(-1)`. On applying a constant force on ball for 2.0 s, it acquires a velocity of `70 "ms"^(-1)`. Calculate the acceleration of ball

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  8. A ball of mass 10 g is moving with a velocity of `50 "ms"^(-1)`. On applying a constant force on ball for 2.0 s, it acquires a velocity of `70 "ms"^(-1)`. Calculate the magnitude of force applied.

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  9. A cricket ball of mass 100 g moving with a speed of `30 "ms"^(-1)` is brought to rest by a player in 0.03 s. Find the change in momentum of ball.

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  10. A cricket ball of mass 100 g moving with a speed of `30 "ms"^(-1)` is brought to rest by a player in 0.03 s. Find the average force applied by the player.

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  11. Two balls A and B of masses m and 2 m are in motion with velocities 2v and v, respectively. Compare: Their inertia.

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  12. Two balls A and B of masses m and 2 m are in motion with velocities 2v and v, respectively. Compare: Their momentum.

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  13. Two balls A and B of masses m and 2 m are in motion with velocities 2v and v, respectively. Compare: The force needed to stop them in the same

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  14. A force of 10 N acts on a body of mass 2 kg for 3s , initially at rest. Calculate the velocity acquired by the body

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  15. A force of 10 N acts on a body of mass 2 kg for 3s , initially at rest. Calculate change in momentum of the body.

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  16. A force acts for 10 s on a stationary body of mass 100 kg, after which the force ceases to act. The body moves through a distance of 100 m in the next 5 s. Calculate: The velocity acquired by the body

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  17. A force acts for 10 s on a stationary body of mass 100 kg, after which the force ceases to act. The body moves through a distance of 100 m in the next 5 s. Calculate: The acceleration produced by the force

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  18. A force acts for 10 s on a stationary body of mass 100 kg, after which the force ceases to act. The body moves through a distance of 100 m in the next 5 s. Calculate: The magnitude of the force.

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  19. A car is moving with a uniform velocity `30 "ms"^(-1)` . It is stopped in 2 s by applying a force of 1500 N through its brakes.
    Calculate the following values: The change in momentum of car.

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  20. A car is moving with a uniform velocity `30 "ms"^(-1)` . It is stopped in 2 s by applying a force of 1500 N through its brakes.
    Calculate the following values: The retardation produced in car.

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  21. A car is moving with a uniform velocity `30 "ms"^(-1)` . It is stopped in 2 s by applying a force of 1500 N through its brakes.
    Calculate the following values: The mass of car.

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  22. A bullet of mass 50 g moving with an initial velocity `100 "m s"^(-1)` strikes a wooden block and comes to rest after penetrating a distance 2 cm in it. Calculate : Initial momentum of the bullet

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  23. A bullet of mass 50 g moving with an initial velocity `100 "m s"^(-1)` strikes a wooden block and comes to rest after penetrating a distance 2 cm in it. Calculate : Final momentum of the bullet

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  24. A bullet of mass 50 g moving with an initial velocity `100 "m s"^(-1)` strikes a wooden block and comes to rest after penetrating a distance 2 cm in it. Calculate : Retardation caused by the wooden block

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  25. A bullet of mass 50 g moving with an initial velocity `100 "m s"^(-1)` strikes a wooden block and comes to rest after penetrating a distance 2 cm in it. Calculate : Resistive force exerted by the wooden block.

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  26. Use Newton.s second law of motion to explain the following instances:
    You pull your hands back while catching a fast moving cricket ball.

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  27. Use Newton.s second law of motion to explain the following instances:
    You prefer to land on sand instead of hard floor while taking a high jump.

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  28. State that which is action and which is reaction in the following cases: Firing a bullet from a gun

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  29. State that which is action and which is reaction in the following cases: (b) Hammering a nail

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  30. State that which is action and which is reaction in the following cases: A book lying on a table

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  31. State that which is action and which is reaction in the following cases: A moving rocket

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  32. State that which is action and which is reaction in the following cases: A person moving on the floor

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  33. State that which is action and which is reaction in the following cases: A moving train colliding with a stationary train.

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  34. Explain how from Newton.s `1^(st)` law of motion the qualitative idea of inertia and force develops.

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TOPIC 2 (4 Marks Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of ICSE of Class 9