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Complete Solutions to TOPIC 1 Reflections of Light (3 Marks Questions ) of chapter LIGHT of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

OSWALTOPIC 1 Reflections of Light (3 Marks Questions )
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of image of a point object by a plane mirror.

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  2. Write three characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror.

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  3. In a dark room, a parallel beam of light falls on a plane mirror and another parallel beam of light falls on a white wall. The light reflected by the mirror can be seen only in a certain direction, but the reflected light from the wall can be seen from anywhere. Give reason.

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  4. An optician while testing the eyes of a patient keeps a charge of letters 3 m behind the patient and asks him to see the letters on the image of chart formed in plane mirror kept at distance 2 m in front of him. At what distance is the chart seen by the patient?

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  5. Fig. shows an incident ray AO and the normal ON on a plane mirror. The angle which the incident ray AO makes with mirror is `30^@`.
    Find the angle of incidence.

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  6. Fig. shows an incident ray AO and the normal ON on a plane mirror. The angle which the incident ray AO makes with mirror is `30^@`.
    Draw the reflected ray

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  7. Fig. shows an incident ray AO and the normal ON on a plane mirror. The angle which the incident ray AO makes with mirror is `30^@`.
    The angle between the incident and reflected rays.

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  8. The diagram shows a point object P in front of a plane mirror `MM^1`.
    Complete the diagram by taking two rays from the point P to show the formation of its image.

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  9. The diagram shows a point object P in front of a plane mirror `MM^1`.
    In the diagram, mark the position of eye to see the image.

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  10. The diagram shows a point object P in front of a plane mirror `MM^1`.
    Is the image formed real or virtual ? Explain why?

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  11. The diagram below in fig shows an object XY in front of a plane mirror `MM_(1)`. Draw on the diagram, path of two rays from each point X and Y of the object to show the formation of its image.

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  12. Write three characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror?

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  13. How is the position of an image related to the position of the object in a plane mirror ?

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  14. Two plane mirrors are placed making an angle `theta` in between them. Write an expression for the number of images formed of an object placed in between the mirrors. State the condition, if any.

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  15. State the number of images of an object placed between two mirrors, formed in each case when mirrors are inclined to each other at `90^@`

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  16. State the number of images of an object placed between two mirrors, formed in each case when mirrors are inclined to each other at `60^@`

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  17. Two plane mirrors are placed making an angle `theta^@` in between them. For an object placed in between the mirrors, if angle is gradually increased from `0^@` to `180^@`, how will the number of images change: increase, decrease or remain unchanged?

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  18. An object is placed (i) asymmetrically (ii) symmetrically, between two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of `50^@`. Find the number of images formed.

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  19. State two uses of a plane mirror.

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TOPIC 1 Reflections of Light (3 Marks Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter LIGHT of ICSE of Class 9