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Complete Solutions to TOPIC 1 Nature of Sound Waves (2 Marks Questions ) of chapter SOUND of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

OSWALTOPIC 1 Nature of Sound Waves (2 Marks Questions )
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If sound wave of frequency 500Hz and wavelength 0.66m is travelling in a medium. Calculate the velocity of the wave in the medium.

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  2. Sound waves A and B are travelling in two different media. Find which wave will be travelling faster, when A is travelling in water and B is travelling in `CO_2`

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  3. Sound waves A and B are travelling in two different media. Find which wave will be travelling faster, when A is travelling in `CO_2` and B is travelling in hydrogen.

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  4. A bat can hear sound of frequencies up to 120 kHz. Determine the minimum wavelength of sound which it can hear. Take speed of sound in air to be 344 `ms^(-1)`

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  5. What is sound. How is it produced?

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  6. The heart of a man beats 75 times a minute. What is its (a) frequency ?

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  7. The heart of a man beats 75 times a minute. What is its time period?

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  8. The separation between two consecutive crests in a transverse wave is 100 m. If wave velocity is 20 m `s^(-1)` , find the frequency of wave.

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  9. A source of wave produces 40 crests and 40 troughs in 0.4 s. What is the frequency of the wave ?

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  10. There is no atmosphere on moon. Can you hear each other on the moon.s surface?

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  11. The time interval between a lightning flash and the first sound of thunder was found to be 5 s. If the speed of sound in air is 330 m `s^(-1)`, find the distance of flash from the observe.

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  12. How long will sound take to travel 3.3 km in iron rail ? Take speed of sound in iron =5280 `ms^(-1)`

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  13. How long will sound take to travel in (a) an iron rail and (b) air, both 3.3 km in length ? Take speed of sound in air to be 330 m `s^(-1)` and in iron to be 5280 m `s^(-1)`.

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  14. Explain the terms crest and trough of a wave.

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  15. If you place your ear close to an iron railing which is tapped some distance away, you hear the sound twice. Explain why?

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  16. The sound of an explosion on the surface of a lake is heard by a boat man 100 m away and by a diver 100 m below the point of explosion.
    (i) Who would hear the sound first: boatman or diver?
    (ii) Give a reason for your answer in part (i).

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TOPIC 1 Nature of Sound Waves (2 Marks Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOUND of ICSE of Class 9