Class 9 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | TISSUES |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Totipotency exists in meristematic cells.
Cambium has the apical meristem
In monocot stems, intercalary mersitem is located at the base of inter-node.
Parenchyma contains isometric cells.
Intercellular spaces occur in collenchyma.
Sclereids from gritty part of ripe fruits
Cuboidal epithelium is loacted in salivary glands.
True or False.
Collagen occurs in yellow elastic fibre.
Vacuoles are absent in meristematic plant cell.
Cells of cork are dead, suberized and compactly arranged.
Cells of sclerenchyma has irregularly thickened cell walls.
Absorptive surface area of roots are increased by the pressence of root hair.
Cells of connective tissue are compactly packed with no intercellular spaces.
True or False.
Cardiac muscles undergo rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life.
Areolar connective tissue binds muscles with bones.
Voluntary muscles control the movement of iris of eye.
Water and minerals are conducted by………..
In higher plants food is conducted by…………
Blood is a ……tissue
Bone consists of ………….cells.
Cartilage consists of …………..cells.
Fibres are absent in ………….a type of connective tissue.
A nerve impulse passes from one neuron to another across a…………
Animals move around in search of…………., mate and shelter.
A thick waterproof coating of …………..occurs over the epidermis in desert plants.
…………..consists of tracheids, vessels , parenchyma and fibres.
…………epithelium occurs in the lining of renal tubules and ducts of salivary glands.
Tendons connect muscles with ……………. .
Match the contents of the column I and II
Match the following columns
Match the stimulus with appropriate response.
`{:(,"Tissue", "Strength A","Exchange B","Mobility C"),((i) ,"Stomata",..........,..........,.........),((ii),"Squamous epitelium",..........,..........,.........),((iii),"Sclerenchyma",..........,..........,.........),((iv),"Muscle",..........,..........,.........):}`
Key or check list items
Which one of the following tissues are involved in absorption (A), transportation (T), growth (G)
`{:(,"Tissue", "Function"),((i),"Xylem",......),((ii),"Root hair",.......),((iii),"Meristem",......),((iv),"Blood",......):}`
Presence of tissues in a multicellular organisms ensures
A group of cells alike in form, function and origin is called
Which of the following statements given below is correct about meristematic tissue ?
The nuclei of meristematic cells are
The cell wall of meristematic cell is made of
Parenchyma which contains chlorophyll is called:
Parenchyma is a type of ……………….
Parenchyma: Simple : Phloem:………….
Phloem in the plant perform the function of …………….
Collenchyma mainly forms ……………
Permanent tissues differ from meristematic tissue in
Tissue that is absent in monocots is
Grit of pear is formed of
Which one is made of dead cells ?
Xylem is made of
Phloem is made of
Which of the following is not a example of simple tisse in plants ?
Which of the following components of xylem is living
Which of the following components of phloem is absent in monocot stem
Of the following components of phloem is non-living
Which of the following tissues are composed of mainly dead cells ?
Father of histology is
The term tissue was given by
Epithelial tissue always has an exposed outer surface and an inner surface anchored to connective tissue by a thin, non-cellular structure called the
The tissue that forms the inner lining of blood vessels is
Type of tissue that forms glands is
The convering tissue of external and internal surfaces of animals is :
Trapped dust particles are pushed out of respiratory tract by
Nasal and genital tracts are lined by
Tissue found in area of regular wear and tear is
Cardiac muscle fibres are
Cylindrical muscle fibres which show alternate light and dark bands are
Most abundant animals tissue is
Matrix of connective tissue is produced by
Tendons and ligaments are
Ligament connects a bone with
Matrix of cartilage in made of
Plasma content of blood is
Largest blood cells are
Short branched process coming out of a soma of neuron are
Fluid part of blood after removal of corpuscles is _____
Tendon is a structure which connects
What type of tissues are more abundant in plants ?
What is apical meristem ?
What is the function of lateral meristem
What is differentiation ?
Name seven types of cells found in stem of sum flower
In which type of plants aerenchyma is found ?Give example.
What type of thickening of cell wall does occur in collenchyma ?
Which one is main mechanical tissue of the plants ?
What is epiblema ?
Name the plant from which commercial cork is obtained.
What are conducting elements of xylem ?
What is conducting elements of phloem
What is location and function of companion cells ?
Root hair or extension of which type of cell ?
Which one is called pavement epithelium ?
Which mineral is present in bone ?
What is function of tendon ?
Name the type of muscles that accomplish peristalsis.
What is the name of contractile elements of muscles ?
What is RBC count of normal humans ?
What is leucoyte count of normal humans ?
What is the number of blood platelets ?
What is cyton ?
What is the name of sheath of nerve fibre ?
What are medullated nerve fibres ?
What is relation between division of labour and various types of tissues ?
Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter TISSUES of S CHAND BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 9