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Complete Solutions to Exercise 10a of chapter CIRCLE of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a circle 10 cm long chord is at a distance of 12 cm form the centre. Find the length of a chord at a distance of 5cm from the centre.

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  2. The radius of a circle is 15cm. Find the length of its longest chord.

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  3. In the adjoining figure `O` is the centre of circle and c is the mid point. the radius of circle is 17 cm . if OC=8cm, then find the length of chord AB.

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  4. (i) Find the length of a chord which is at a distance of 12 cm from the centre of a circle of radius 13cm.
    (ii) The length of a chord is 16 cm of a circle of diameter 2 cm. find the perpendicular distance of this chord from the centre of the circle.

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  5. A chord of length 24 cm is at a distance of 5 cm form the centre of the circle. Find the length of another chord of circle which is at a distance of 12 cm from the centre.

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  6. In the adjoining figure, AP=8cm, BP=2cm and `angle CPA=90^@`. Find the length of chord CD.

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  7. The height of circular arc ACB is 0.6 m. if the radius of circle is 3m , then find the length of the corresponding chord.

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  8. In the adjoining figure, 'O' is the centre of the circle. `OL` and `OM` are perpendiculars from O to the chords AB and CD respectively. If `OL=OM` and `AB=16 cm`, then find the length of CD.

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  9. In the adjoining figure,`O` is the centre of two concentric circles. The chord AB of larger circle intersects the smaller circle at C and D.
    (i) Find `AC:BD`.
    (ii) If `AC=2cm`, then find the length of BD.

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  10. The length of common chord of two intersecting circles is 30 cm. If the diameters of these two circles be 50 cm and 34 cm, calculate the distance between their centres.

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  11. In the adjoining figure, chord `AB=` chord PQ. If `angleOBA=55^@`, then find `angle POQ`.

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  12. Show that if two chords of a circle bisect one another they must be diameters.

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  13. Two congruent circles intersect each other at points A and B. Through A any linesegment PAQ is drawn so that P, Q lie on the two circles. Prove that `B P\ =\ B Q`.

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  14. If the two equal chords of a circle intersect :
    (i) inside
    (ii) on
    (iii) outside
    the circle, then show that the line segment joining the point of intersection to the centre of the circle will bisect the angle between the chords.

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  15. prove that the line joining the mid-point of two equal chords of a circle subtends equal angles with the chord.

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  16. If two circles intersect in two points, prove that the line through the centres is the perpendicular bisector of the common chord.

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  17. Two parallel chords of a circle , 12 cm and 16 cm long are on the same of the centre. The distance between them is 2 cm. Find the radius of the circle.

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  18. The diameter of a circle is 20 cm. There are two parallel chords of length 16 cm . And 12 cm. Find the distance between these chords if chords are on the:
    (i) same side
    (ii) opposite side of the centre.

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  19. In the adjoining figure ,AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle with centre O , whose length are 16 cm and 12 cm respectively. Find the radius of the circle if the distance between them is 14 cm.

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  20. The length of two parallel chords of a circle are 6 cm and 8 cm . The radius of the circle is 5 cm. Find the distance btween them if :
    (i) chords are on the same side of the centre.
    (ii) chords are on the opposite side of the centre.

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  21. What happen to area of circle, if its radius is doubled?

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  22. Name the shape shown in centre of our national flag. In how many parts it is divided ? Also explain the value shown.

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Exercise 10a questions and complete solutions for chapter CIRCLE of NAGEEN PRAKASHAN ENGLISH of Class 9