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Complete Solutions to Exercise 13a of chapter SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the volume and total surface area of a cuboid whose length = 3.5 m, breadth = 2.6 m and height = 0.9 m.

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  2. The breadth and height of a rectangular solid are 1.20 m and 0.80 m respectively. If the volume of the cuboid is `1.92 m^(3)` , Find its length.

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  3. The ratio of the length and breadth of a cuboid is 5 : 3. If its height is 5 cm and volume is `4800 cm^(3)`, then find the length and breadth of the cuboid.

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  4. Three cubes each of side 5 cm are joined end to end. Find the surface area of the resulting cuboid.

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  5. Three cubes each of volume `125 cm^(3)` are joined end to end. Find the surfece area of resulting cuboid.

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  6. The length, breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 5 : 3 : 2. If its volume is `240 cm^(3)`, find its dimensions. Also find the total surface area of the cuboid.

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  7. Find the volume and total surface area of a cube whose each edge is 2 m 40 cm.

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  8. The outer dimensions of a closed wooden box are 22 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm. Thickness of the wood is 1 cm. Find the cost of wood required to make the box if `1 cm^(3)` of wood costs Rs. 1.50.

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  9. The cost of papering the four walls of a room at 75 paise per square metre is Rs 240. The height of the room is 5 metres. Find the length and the breadth of the room, if they are in the ratio `5: 3`.

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  10. A closed rectangular box has length = 40 cm, breadth = 30 cm and height = 50 cm. It is made of thin metal sheet. Find the cost of metal sheet required to make 20 such boxes, if `1 m^(2)` of metal sheet costs Rs.45.

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  11. The length, breadth and height of a room are 7.5 m, 4.5 m and 3.0 m respectively. There is a door of measure `2.0 m xx 1.0 m` and also 2 windows each of measure 1.2 m and 0.75 m. Find the cost of white washing its walls and roof at the rate of Rs. 1.20 per square metre.

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  12. The cost of papering the walls of a room 12 m long at the rate of Rs. 13.50 per square metre is Rs. 3402 and the cost of matting the floor at Rs. 9.50 per square metre is Rs. 1026. Find the height of the room.

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  13. Find the volume of wood required for a closed wooden box with external dimensions `15cm xx 12cmxx8cm`, if the wood is 0.5 cm thick.

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  14. Three cubes whose edges are 6 cm, 8 cm and x cm, respectively are melted and recasted into a single cube of edge 12 cm. Find x.

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  15. Three cubes of metal whose edges are in the ratio 3:4:5 are melted down into a single cube whose diagonal is `12sqrt(3)\ c m` . Find the edges of three cubes.

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  16. How many cubes of edge 3 cm can be formed from a wooden piece of dimensions `36 cm xx 24 cm xx 18cm` ?

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  17. Find the number of bricks required to construct a wall of dimensions `3 m xx 1.5 m xx 0.4 m`, if the dimension of a brick is `30 cm xx 15 cm xx 8 cm`.

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  18. The external dimension of an open box are `40 cm xx 30 cm xx 35 cm`. All of its walls are 2.5 cm thick, find (i) the capacity of the box, (ii) the wood used in the box.

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  19. The sum of the length, breadth and height of a cuboid is 38 cm and the length of its diagonal is 22 cm. Find the surface area of the cuboid.

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  20. A wall 24 m long, 5 m high and 0-25 m thick is to be constructed using bricks each measuring `25 cm xx 12.5 cm xx 7.5 cm.` Find the number of bricks required, if 5% of the wall is occupied by cement and sand mixture.

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  21. 50 student sit in a classroom. Each student requires `9 m^(2)` area on floor and `108 m^(3)` air. If the length of the room is 25 m, find its heigth and breadth.

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  22. A rectangular cardboard sheet has length 32 cm and breadth 26 cm. The four squares each of side 3 cm are cut from the corners of the sheet and the sides are folded to make a rectanguler container. Find the capacity of the container.

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  23. In a shower, 5 cm of rain falls. Find the volume of water that falls on 2 heactares land

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  24. A feild is 70 m long and 40 m broad. In one corner of the field, a pit which is 10 m long, 8 m broad and 5 m deep, has been dug out. The earth taken out of it is evenly spread over the remaining part of the field. Find the rise in the level of the field.

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  25. If `V` is the volume of a cuboid of dimensions `a , b , ca n dS` is its surface area, then prove that

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  26. The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboid are x, y and z. If the volume is V, prove that `V^2 = xyz`.

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  27. If each edge of a cube is increased by 25%, then the percentage increase in its surface area is: (a) 25% (b) 50% (c) 56.25%

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  28. Find the percentage increase in the surface area of a cube if each side is tripled.

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  29. A metallic sheet is of the rectangular shape with dimensions `48 c mx36 c mdot` From each one of its corners, a square of `8c m` is cutoff. An open box is made of the remaining sheet. Find the volume of the box.

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  30. A tank measures 2 m long 1.6 m wide and 1m depth water is there up to 0.4 m height .Bricks measuring `25cm xx14cm xx 10 cm` are put in to the tank so that water may come up to the top. Each brick absorbs water equal to `(1)/(7)` th of its own volume
    Hopw many bricks will be needed?

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Exercise 13a questions and complete solutions for chapter SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME of NAGEEN PRAKASHAN ENGLISH of Class 9