Class 9 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | TISSUES |
Number Of Questions | 6 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Take two glass jars and fill them with water.
Now, take two onion bulbs and place one on each jar, as shown in Fig. 6.1 of the textbook page 69.
Observe the growth of roots in both the bulbs for a few days.
Measure the length of roots on day 1, 2 and 3. . On day 4, cut the root tips of the onion bulb in jar 2 hy about 1 cm. After this, observe the growth of roots in both the jars and measure their lengths each day for five more days and record the observations in tables, like the table below:
From the observations, answer the following questions :
Which of the two onions has longer roots? Why?
Take two glass jars and fill them with water.
Now, take two onion bulbs and place one on each jar, as shown in Fig. 6.1 of the textbook page 69.
Observe the growth of roots in both the bulbs for a few days.
Measure the length of roots on day 1, 2 and 3. . On day 4, cut the root tips of the onion bulb in jar 2 hy about 1 cm. After this, observe the growth of roots in both the jars and measure their lengths each day for five more days and record the observations in tables, like the table below:
From the observations, answer the following questions :
Do the roots continue growing even after we have removed their tips?
Take two glass jars and fill them with water.
Now, take two onion bulbs and place one on each jar, as shown in Fig. 6.1 of the textbook page 69.
Observe the growth of roots in both the bulbs for a few days.
Measure the length of roots on day 1, 2 and 3. . On day 4, cut the root tips of the onion bulb in jar 2 hy about 1 cm. After this, observe the growth of roots in both the jars and measure their lengths each day for five more days and record the observations in tables, like the table below:
From the observations, answer the following questions :
Why would the tips stop growing in jar two after we cut them?
Take a plant stem and with the help of your teacher cut into very thin slices or sections.
Now, stain the slices with safranin. Place one neatly cut'section on a slide, and put a drop of glycerine.
Cover with a cover-slip and observe under a microscope. Observe the various types of cells and their arrangement. Compare it with Fig. 6.4 given in the textbook page 70.
Now, answer the following on the basis of your observation:
Are all cells similar in structure?
Take a plant stem and with the help of your teacher cut into very thin slices or sections.
Now, stain the slices with safranin. Place one neatly cut'section on a slide, and put a drop of glycerine.
Cover with a cover-slip and observe under a microscope. Observe the various types of cells and their arrangement. Compare it with Fig. 6.4 given in the textbook page 70.
Now, answer the following on the basis of your observation:
How many types of cells can be seen?
Take a plant stem and with the help of your teacher cut into very thin slices or sections.
Now, stain the slices with safranin. Place one neatly cut'section on a slide, and put a drop of glycerine.
Cover with a cover-slip and observe under a microscope. Observe the various types of cells and their arrangement. Compare it with Fig. 6.4 given in the textbook page 70.
Now, answer the following on the basis of your observation:
Can we think of reasons why there would be so many types of cells?
ACTIVITY questions and complete solutions for chapter TISSUES of NAND LAL PUBLICATION of Class 9