Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter USEFUL AND HARMFUL MICROBES of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions74
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    Yeast reproduces asexually by the ………method.

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  2. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    Toxins of fungal origin are called………

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  3. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    Legumninous plants can produce more proteins due to……….

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  4. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    The bacteria seen in the fresh buttermilk are ………

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  5. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    ……Yoghurt helps to improve our immunity.

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  6. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    While observing ………cultures Alexender Fleming discovered penicillin.

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  7. Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements:
    The bacteria which spoil cooked food are……

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  8. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    The ………convert lactose sugar in the milk to lactic acid.

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  9. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    In the root nodules of the plant there are ……..bacteria which help in nitrogen fixation.

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  10. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    The method of asexual reproduction in yeast is………

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  11. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    …………in oceans are cleaned with the help of Alcanivorax bacteria.

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  12. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    Ampicillin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, etc. are …….spectrum antibiotics.

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  13. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    Food poisoning is caused due to …….which spoils the cooked food.

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  14. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    Ida Bengston conducted important research on the toxin responsible for……

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  15. Choose the correct alternative and write it along with its alloted alphabet:
    Pneumonia is……..disease while dengue is due to ………infection.

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  16. State whether the following statements are true or false:
    Lactobacilli cause coagulation of sugars present in the milk.

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  17. State whether the following statements are true or false:
    Ida Benston was honoured with the 'Typhus Medal' in 1947.

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  18. State whether the following statements are true or false:
    The virus of dengue is transmitted through the mosquito bite.

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  19. State whether the following statements are true or false:
    Meat gets spoiled due to same bacteria of the Bacillus type.

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  20. State whether the following statements are true or false:
    Very large sized spores of fungi are present in the air.

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  21. Match the columns:

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  22. Match the columns:

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  23. Write the names of microbes found in the following food materials:
    Yoghurt, Bread, Root Nodules of Leguminous plants, Idlim Dosa, Spoiled Potato Curry.

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  24. Identify the odd word out and say why it is the odd one?
    Pneumonia, diphtheria, chicken pox,cholera.

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  25. Identify the odd word out and say why it is the odd one?
    Lactobacilli, rhizobia, yeast, clostridia.

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  26. Identify the odd word out and say why it is the odd one?
    Root rot, rust (tambera), rubella, mosaic.

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  27. Identify the odd one.

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  28. Find the odd word out:
    Penicillin, erythromycin, gentamycin, acetic acid.

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  29. Complete the table:

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  30. Name the following:
    Two useful bacteria.

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  31. Name the following:
    Two bacteria used in bio-remediation.

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  32. Name the following:
    Other products formed in sugar factories.

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  33. Name the following:
    Two diseases transmitted through mosquito bites.

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  34. Name the following:
    Two micro-organisms causing food poisoning.

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  35. Name the following / Give examples :
    Institute in India which is involved in research on viruses :

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  36. Name the following:
    Names of species of clostridium.

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  37. Name the following:
    Plants used for industrial production of ethanol.

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  38. Name the following:
    Process used for wine making.

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  39. Define Probiotic.

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  40. Define Rhizobial inoculation.

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  41. Define Antibody

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  42. Define fermentation.

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  43. Define bioremediation with two examples.

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  44. Complete the paragraph by choosing the words given in the bracket :
    (Pathogen, broad spectrum, bacteria, Medicine, antibiotics, fungi)
    Carbon compounds obtained from some bacteria and ......... for destroying or preventing the growth of harmful micro-organisms are called '...........' Antibiotics, a discovery of the 20th century, have brought about a revolution in the field of... Antibiotics mainly act against .......... Some antibiotics are useful against a wide variety of bacteria. They are called ......... antibiotics. They are used when the ......... cannot be identified.

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  45. Answer the following question:
    How to Lactobacilli convert milk into yoghurt?

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  46. Answer the following question:
    What are the uses of Lactobacilli?

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  47. Answer the following question:
    How many different industries depend upon the Lactobacilli bacteria?

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  48. Answer the following question:
    Which types of cottage industries and factories can be started in areas with abundant milk production?

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  49. Answer the following question:
    How is Rhizobium beneficial to farmers?

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  50. Answer the following question:
    How is a vaccine produced ?

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  51. Answer the following question:
    Why is it necessary to safely store the pathogens of a disease against which vaccines are to be produced?

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  52. Answer the following question:
    Which vaccine are given to infants? Why ?

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  53. Answer the following question:
    Are the antibiotics given to humans and animals the same ? Why?

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  54. Answer the following question:
    Which bacteria are controlled by the penicillin?

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  55. Answer the following question:
    What are 'broad- spectrum antibiotics'?

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  56. Answer the following question:
    What are 'narrow-spectrum antibiotics'?

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  57. Use your brain power
    Sometimes, yoghurt becomes bitter and froths up. Why does this happen ?

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  58. Use your brain power
    Which different milk products are obtained at home by fermentation of the cream from the milk?

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  59. Use your brain power
    Recently, it has been made compulsory in India and some other countries to mix `10%` ethanol with fuels like petrol and diesel. What is the reason for this ?

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  60. Use your brain power
    Why are wineries located near Nashik in Maharashtra ?

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  61. Use your brain power
    Chapatis made from wheat only swell up but bread becomes spongy, soft and easy to digest. Why is it so?

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  62. Use your brain power
    Sometimes, you may notice a black powder or white discs floating on the pickle or murabba, when a jar is opened after a long time. What exactly is this? Why are such food items not good to eat?

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  63. Use your brain power
    Salt is applied on the inner surface of pickle jars and the pickle is covered with oil. Why is this done?

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  64. Use your brain power
    Which perservatives mixed with ready- to-eat foods to keep them from spoiling?

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  65. Use your brain power
    What is the structure of lichen, a condiment? Where else is it used?

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  66. Use your brain power
    Find out the uses of fungi to plants and animals?

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  67. Use your brain power
    Which plant and animal diseases are caused by micro-organisms and what are the measures to be taken against them?

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  68. Give scientific reasons:
    Foam accumulates on the surface of 'dal' kept for a long time in summer.

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  69. Give scientific reasons:
    Naphthalene balls are kept with clothes.

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  70. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions based on it.
    Rhizobium living in root nodules supply nitrates, nitrites and amino acids to that plant and in exchange get energy in the form of carbohydrates from it. Such a mutually beneficial relationship is called symbiosis. Rhizobium produce nitrogenous compounds from atmospheric nitrogen. However, for this process of nitrogen fixation, they need leguminous plants like beans, sweet pea, soyabean, etc. as ‘host’. Beans and pulses are rich in proteins due to the nitrogenous compounds made available by Rhizobium. After harvesting a leguminous crop, the left-over roots and other plant parts are deliberately dumped in farm soil to maintain its bacterial population. The use of Rhizobium has helped to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and thereby their adverse effects. It has also helped to reduce expenses on fertilizers and thus works to the benefit of farmers.
    Why does left over roots and other plant parts are deliberately dumped in farm soil after harvesting a leguminous crop?

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  71. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions based on it.
    Rhizobium produce nitrogenous compounds from atmospheric nitrogen. However, for this process of nitrogen fixation, they need leguminous plants like beans, sweet pea, soyabean, etc. as ‘host’. Rhizobium living in root nodules supply nitrates, nitrites and amino acids to that plant and in exchange get energy in the form of carbohydrates from it. Such a mutually beneficial relationship is called symbiosis. Beans and pulses are rich in proteins due to the nitrogenous compounds made available by Rhizobium. After harvesting a leguminous crop, the left-over roots and other plant parts are deliberately dumped in farm soil to maintain its bacterial population. The use of Rhizobium has helped to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and thereby their adverse effects. It has also helped to reduce expenses on fertilizers and thus works to the benefit of farmers.
    Which plants act as a host to Rhizobium bacteria?

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  72. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions based on it.
    Rhizobium produce nitrogenous compounds from atmospheric nitrogen. However, for this process of nitrogen fixation, they need leguminous plants like beans, sweet pea, soyabean, etc. as ‘host’. Rhizobium living in root nodules supply nitrates, nitrites and amino acids to that plant and in exchange get energy in the form of carbohydrates from it. Such a mutually beneficial relationship is called symbiosis. Beans and pulses are rich in proteins due to the nitrogenous compounds made available by Rhizobium. After harvesting a leguminous crop, the left-over roots and other plant parts are deliberately dumped in farm soil to maintain its bacterial population. The use of Rhizobium has helped to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and thereby their adverse effects. It has also helped to reduce expenses on fertilizers and thus works to the benefit of farmers.
    What is provided by the host plant to the Rhizobium bacteria?

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  73. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions based on it.
    Rhizobium produce nitrogenous compounds from atmospheric nitrogen. However, for this process of nitrogen fixation, they need leguminous plants like beans, sweet pea, soyabean, etc. as ‘host’. Rhizobium living in root nodules supply nitrates, nitrites and amino acids to that plant and in exchange get energy in the form of carbohydrates from it. Such a mutually beneficial relationship is called symbiosis. Beans and pulses are rich in proteins due to the nitrogenous compounds made available by Rhizobium. After harvesting a leguminous crop, the left-over roots and other plant parts are deliberately dumped in farm soil to maintain its bacterial population. The use of Rhizobium has helped to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and thereby their adverse effects. It has also helped to reduce expenses on fertilizers and thus works to the benefit of farmers.
    How do the soil conditions improve by Rhizobium?

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  74. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions based on it.
    Rhizobium produce nitrogenous compounds from atmospheric nitrogen. However, for this process of nitrogen fixation, they need leguminous plants like beans, sweet pea, soyabean, etc. as ‘host’. Rhizobium living in root nodules supply nitrates, nitrites and amino acids to that plant and in exchange get energy in the form of carbohydrates from it. Such a mutually beneficial relationship is called symbiosis. Beans and pulses are rich in proteins due to the nitrogenous compounds made available by Rhizobium. After harvesting a leguminous crop, the left-over roots and other plant parts are deliberately dumped in farm soil to maintain its bacterial population. The use of Rhizobium has helped to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and thereby their adverse effects. It has also helped to reduce expenses on fertilizers and thus works to the benefit of farmers.
    How does Rhizobium help to save money of the farmers?

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter USEFUL AND HARMFUL MICROBES of NAVNEET PUBLICATION of Class 9