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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter SET LANGUAGE of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the set A = {Ashwin, Murali Vijay, Vijay Shankar, Badrinath }.
    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate symbol `in or cancel(in)`
    Murali Vijay ______ A.

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  2. Consider the set A = {Ashwin, Murali Vijay, Vijay Shankar, Badrinath }.
    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate symbol `in or cancel(in)`
    Ashwin ______ A.

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  3. Consider the set A = {Ashwin, Murali Vijay, Vijay Shankar, Badrinath }.
    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate symbol `in or cancel(in)`
    Badrinath ______A.

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  4. Consider the set A = {Ashwin, Murali Vijay, Vijay Shankar, Badrinath }.
    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate symbol `in or cancel(in)`
    Ganguly ______ A.

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  5. Consider the set A = {Ashwin, Murali Vijay, Vijay Shankar, Badrinath }.
    Fill in the blanks with the appropriate symbol `in or cancel(in)`
    Tendulkar ______ A

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  6. Write the set of letters of the following words in Roster form

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  7. Write the set of letters of the following words in Roster form

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  8. If A = {1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11}, find n(A).

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  9. Are `P= {x: -3 le x le 0, x in Z}` and Q = The set of all prime factors of 210, equivalent sets?

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  10. `A= {x: x in NN, 4 le x le 8} and B= {4, 5, 6,7,8}` equal sets?

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  11. Insert the appropriate symbol `sube or cancel(sube)` in each blank to make a true statement.
    {10, 20, 30} ____ {10, 20, 30, 40}

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  12. Insert the appropriate symbol `sube or cancel(sube)` in each blank to make a true statement.
    {p, q, r} _____ {w, x, y, z}

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  13. Write all the subsets of A = {a, b}.

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  14. Verify whether A={20, 22, 23, 24} and B={25, 30, 40, 45} are disjoint sets.

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  15. Find the number of subsets and the number of proper subsets of a set X={a, b, c, x, y, z}.

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  16. If U = {c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j} and A = { c, d, g, j} , find A′

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  17. If P={m, n} and Q= {m, i, j}, then, represent P and Q in Venn diagram and hence find `P uu Q`

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  18. Let A = {x : x is an even natural number and `1 lt x le 12`} and B = { x : x is a multiple of `3, x in N and x le 12`} be two sets. Find `A nn B`.

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  19. If A = {2, 3} and C = { }, find `A nn C`

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  20. If `A= {-3, -2, 1,4} and B= {0, 1, 2,4}`, find

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  21. If `A= {-3, -2, 1,4} and B= {0, 1, 2,4}`, find

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  22. If A = {6, 7, 8, 9} and B={8, 10, 12}, find `A Delta B`

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  23. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  24. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  25. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  26. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  27. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  28. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  29. From the given Venn diagram, write the elements of

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  30. Draw Venn diagram and shade the region representing the following sets

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  31. Draw Venn diagram and shade the region representing the following sets

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  32. Draw Venn diagram and shade the region representing the following sets
    `(A uu B)'`

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  33. If `A = {b, e, f, g} and B= {c, e, g,h}`, then verify the commutative property of
    union of sets

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  34. If `A = {b, e, f, g} and B= {c, e, g,h}`, then verify the commutative property of
    intersection of sets.

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  35. If `A= {-(1)/(2), 0, (1)/(4), (3)/(4), 2}, B= {0, (1)/(4), (3)/(4), 2, (5)/(2)} and C= {-(1)/(2), (1)/(4), 1,2, (5)/(2)}`, then verify `A nn (B nn C)= (A nn B)nn C`

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  36. If `A= {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}`, B= {x: x is a prime number and `x lt 11`} and `C = {x: x in N and 5 le x lt 9}` then verify `A uu (B nn C)= (A uu B) nn (A uu C)`

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  37. Verify `A nn (B uu C)= (A nn B) uu (A nn C)` using Venn diagrams.

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  38. Verify `A- (B uu C)= (A-B) nn (A- C)` using Venn diagrams.

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  39. If `p= {x: x in bbb"W" and 0 lt x lt 10}, Q= {x: x= 2n+1, n in bbb"W" and n lt 5} and R= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}`, then verify `P- (Q nn R) = (P- Q) uu (P- R)`

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  40. If `U= {x: x in ZZ, -2 le x le 10}, A= {x:x= 2p+ 1, p in ZZ, -1 le p le 4}, B= {x: x= 3q +1, q in ZZ, -1 le q lt 4}`, verify De Morgan’s laws for complementation.

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  41. From the Venn diagram, verify that `n (A uu B)= n(A) + n (B)- n (A nn B)`

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  42. If `n(A)= 36, n (B)= 10, n (A uu B)= 40, and n(A') =27` find n (U) and `n (A nn B)`.

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  43. Let `A= {b, d, e, g, h} and B= {a,e,c,h}`. Verify that `n(A-B) = n(A) - n(A nn B)`.

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  44. In a school, all students play either Hockey or Cricket or both. 300 play Hockey, 250 play Cricket and 110 play both games. Find
    the number of students who play only Hockey.

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  45. In a school, all students play either Hockey or Cricket or both. 300 play Hockey, 250 play Cricket and 110 play both games. Find
    the number of students who play only Cricket.

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  46. In a school, all students play either Hockey or Cricket or both. 300 play Hockey, 250 play Cricket and 110 play both games. Find
    the total number of students in the School.

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  47. In a party of 60 people, 35 had Vanilla ice cream, 30 had Chocolate ice cream. All the people had at least one ice cream. Then how many of them had,
    both Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream.

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  48. In a party of 60 people, 35 had Vanilla ice cream, 30 had Chocolate ice cream. All the people had at least one ice cream. Then how many of them had,
    only Vanilla ice cream.

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  49. In a college, 240 students play cricket, 180 students play football, 164 students play hockey, 42 play both cricket and football, 38 play both football and hockey, 40 play both cricket and hockey and 16 play all the three games. If each student participate in atleast one game, then find
    the number of students in the college

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  50. In a college, 240 students play cricket, 180 students play football, 164 students play hockey, 42 play both cricket and football, 38 play both football and hockey, 40 play both cricket and hockey and 16 play all the three games. If each student participate in atleast one game, then find
    the number of students who play only one game.

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  51. In a residential area with 600 families `(3)/(5)` owned scooter, `(1)/(3)` owned car, `(1)/(4)` owned bicycle, 120 families owned scooter and car, 86 owned car and bicylce while 90 families owned scooter and bicylce. If `(2)/(15)` of families owned all the three types of vehicles, then find
    the number of families owned atleast two types of vehicle.

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  52. In a residential area with 600 families `(3)/(5)` owned scooter, `(1)/(3)` owned car, `(1)/(4)` owned bicycle, 120 families owned scooter and car, 86 owned car and bicylce while 90 families owned scooter and bicylce. If `(2)/(15)` of families owned all the three types of vehicles, then find
    the number of families owned no vehicle.

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  53. In a group of 100 students, 85 students speak Tamil, 40 students speak English, 20 students speak French, 32 speak Tamil and English, 13 speak English and French and 10 speak Tamil and French. If each student knows atleast any one of these languages, then find the number of students who speak all these three languages.

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  54. A survey was conducted among 200 magazine subscribers of three different magazines A, B and C. It was found that 75 members do not subscribe magazine A, 100 members do not subscribe magazine B, 50 members do not subscribe magazine C and 125 subscribe atleast two of the three magazines. Find
    Number of members who subscribe exactly two magazines.

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  55. A survey was conducted among 200 magazine subscribers of three different magazines A, B and C. It was found that 75 members do not subscribe magazine A, 100 members do not subscribe magazine B, 50 members do not subscribe magazine C and 125 subscribe atleast two of the three magazines. Find
    Number of members who subscribe only one magazine.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter SET LANGUAGE of NCERT MATHEMATICS(TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 9