Class 9 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 10 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
When glass of water is freezed, formation of ice starts from the top layer but melting of ice starts from the bottom. Justify.
Solids generally undergo melting on heating. But only certain specific solids like naphthalene camphor undergo sublimation. Give a reason.
Fractional distillation of ethyl alcohol-water mixture gives a mixture of 95.6 % ethyl alcohol and 4.4 % water. Further separation can be brought about either by the addition of CaO or by the additon of a water soluble salt such as potassium acetate. Justify the formation of pure ethyl alocohol in both the cases.
In cold countries, ethylene glycol is used car radiators for both winter as well as summer seasons. Explain.
When a mixture of three miscible liquids is subjected to fractional distillation, liquid B is obtained in the receiver flask. The remaining mixture on further fractional distillation, A, is left behind in the distillation flask. On the basis of the results, comment on the critical temperatures of A, B and C when they are in gaseous state.
Dicky, Micky and Vicky had three liquids, A, B and C respectively. They mixed these liquids and observed that they form a homogeneous mixture. They wer unable to separate the liquids and asked their teacher to separate these for them. The teacher subjected the given mixture to fractional distillation. Liquid B was obtained in the receiver flask. On further distillation, A was left behind in the distillation flask. On the basis of the results, comment on the critical temperatures of A, B and C in their respective gaseous states.
Two ice blocks of 10 g each are placed in 2 L distilled water at 273 K. One of the ice blocks is made up of distilled water. What will you observe if the ambient temperature is also 273 K ? Give reasons to support your observation.
Can phase transition be used to test the purity of gold ?
The melting point of a non-sublimable solid is `100^(@)`C. What do you observe when small piece of this solid is taken in a test tube and placed in boiling water ?
What is the shape of the meniscus observed when water and mercury are taken in two different capillary tubes and why ?
LEVEL 3 questions and complete solutions for chapter NATURE OF MATTER of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 9