Complete Solutions to Level 2 of chapter PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Why is the positive ion always smallers than the corresponding neutral atom?

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  2. Alkaline earth metals are denser than corresponding alkali metsl .Comment on the statement

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  3. Why is the zero group present at the right hand side of the periodic table?

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  4. why is it not possible to form `Na^(+2)` ions? Expain with respect to periodic properties ?

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  5. If the atomic number of some elemetns in the modern periodic table are 8,7,11,12,13 and 9 what type of ions do they form? Arrange the ions in the increasing order of their size and justify

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  6. The densties of transition metals are greatest than those of the alkkal and alkaline earth metals justify

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  7. An element R belongs to IVA group and third period in the periodic table. Arrange the element that are palced below R and towards right in the periodic table in increasing order of atoic size and ionisation potential

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  8. Predict the position of the element which form the largest cation and the smallest anion in the modern periodic table

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  9. Why do transition metals show catalytic behavious?

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  10. Elements with more non metallic character are good oxidizing agents and those with moree electopsotive charcter are good reducing agenets expain.

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  11. An element X belongs to group II A and fourth period in the periodic table .Find out the atomic number of X and the element which is placed just below X in the periodic table

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  12. Explain why the addition of an electron to a neutral atom is associated with release of energy

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  13. The first four ionsaton energies of an element R are 580,640,1000 and 2700 kk cal/mole respectively find the group number of R and wirite formulae of its chloride land oxide

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  14. B and AI belong to the same group but the nature of oxides formed by them are different wheres Be AI form same type of oxide although they belong to different groups comment

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  15. Chlorine Y and iodine form a Dobereineer 's triad indetify the atomic wight of y

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  16. Three elements X,Y and Z form a Doberiener triad The ratio of the atomic weight of X to that of Z is 160 find the atomic weight of X,Y and Z

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  17. The total number of electorns present in the first to and the last two shells 's is the same for and atom of an element X. The sum of the electornss present in ssecond fourth and fifith shells is equal to the number of electons present in the third shell and the fifth shell is the valence shell indentify x nad predict its position in the periodic table

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  18. The atomic number of elements x y and z are (a-2),a and (a+2) respectively y is a noble gas (not helium )them
    (a) predict the group to which x y and z belong
    (b) predict the formula of a molecule formed by x and z

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  19. Consider the isotopes of carbon i.e c-12 c-13 ,c-14 would you place them in same or different slots in the periodiodic table ? Give reason

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  20. Given below is the graph representing the ionsiation energies of a few element ,A to H with successive atomic number

    (a) identify the noble gas
    (b) which of the following elements could Dbe?
    (c ) which element has the highest electron affinity
    (d) Which element has the stongest metallic character?
    (e ) write the unit of ionisation energy

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  21. A physical science teacher said that workd is directly proportional to force and dispalcement .One of the student who attended the time it foundation couse said that work done in removing an electron form a action is directly proportional to the charge on it the teacher appriected the student and explained the above concept what was her explantion ?

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  22. Element A,B and C with atomic number a,a+1 and z+2 respecitively form positvie ions having equal number of electons compare and contrast the size of the give reasons

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  23. Elements with higher electronegativity are good oxidizing agents .Give reasons

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  24. If the atomic number of some element in the modern periodioc table are8,7,11,12,13 and 9 what type of ions do they form ? Arrange the ions in the increasing order of their size and justify

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Level 2 questions and complete solutions for chapter PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 9