Class 9 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Wittakar proposed five kingdom classification,
Monera is divided into Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
Starting from Class, Species comes before the Genus.
Anabaena belongs to the kingdom Monera.
Blue green algae belongs to the kingdom Protista.
All prokaryotes are classifed under Monera
Fungi shows..........mode of nutrition.
Cell well of fungi is made up of .........
Association between blue green algae and fungi called as ..........
Chemical nature of chhitin is .........
.......... has smallest number of organisms with maximum number of similar characters.
Plants without well differentiated stem, root and leaf are kept in ..........
.......... are called as amphibians of the plant kingdom
You are provided with seeds of Gram, Wheat, Rice, Pumpkin, Maize and Pea. Classify them whether they are monocot or dicot.
Match items of column (A) with items of colomn (B)
`{:(,(A),,(B)),((a),"Naked seed",(A),"Angiosperms"),((b),"Covered seed",(B),"Gymnosperms"),((c),"Flagella",(C),"Bryophytes"),((d),"Marchantia",(D),"Euglena"),((e),"Marsilea",(E),"Thallophyta"),((f),"Cladophora",(F),"Pteridophyta"),((g),"Pnicillium",(G),"Fungi"):}`
Match items of column (A) with items of colomn (B)
`{:(,(A),,(B)),((a),"Pore bearing animals",(A),"Arthropoda"),((b),"Diploblastic",(B),"Coelenterata"),((c),"Metameric segmentation",(C),"Porifera"),((d),"Jointed legs",(D),"Echinodermata"),((e),"Soft bodied animals",(E),"Mollusca"),((f),"Spiny skinned animals",(F),"Annelida"):}`
Classify the following organisms based on absence of true coelom as acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate : Spongilla, Sea anemone, Planaria, Liver fluke, Wucherria, Ascaris, Nereis, Earthworm, Scorpion, Birds, Fishes and Horse
Endoskeleton of fishes are made up of cartilage and bone. Classify the following fishes as cartilaginous or bony : Torpedo, sting ray,Dog fish,Rohu, Angler fish, Exocetus.
Classify The following based on number of chambers in their heart. Rohu, socliodon, From, Salamander, Flying lizard , King Cobra, Crocodile, Ostrich, Pigenon, Bat, Whale.
Calassify Rohu, Scolidon, Flying , King Kobra, Frog, Salamander, Ostrich, Pigeon, Bat, Crocodile and Whale into the cold blooded/warm blood animals
Name two egg laying mammals.
Five kingdom classification of livuing organism is givne by ........
Basic smallest unit of classification is .........
Prokaryotes are grouped in Kingdom ........
Paramecium is a protista because of its ........
Fungi do not contain ..........
A fungus ........... can be seen without mircroscope
Common fungi used in preaparing the bread is .........
Alage and fungi form symbiotic association called. ..........
Gymnosperms differ from Angiosperms in having covered seed.
Non flowering plants are called Cryptogamae.
Bryophytes have conducting tissue.
funaria is a moss.
Compound leavs are found in many ferns
Seeds contain embryo.
Bilateral, dorsiventral symmetry is found in .........
Worms caousing diseases elephantiasis is .........
Give examples for the following
(a) Bilateral, dorsiventral symmetry is found in ……. .
(b) Worms causing disease elephantiasis is …….. .
(c ) Open circulatory system is found in …….. Where coelomic cavity is filled with blood (heamolymph).
(d) ........ are known to have pseudocoelom.
Give examples for the following
(a) Bilateral, dorsiventral symmetry is found in ……. .
(b) Worms causing disease elephantiasis is …….. .
(c ) Open circulatory system is found in …….. Where coelomic cavity is filled with blood (hemolymph).
(d) ........ are known to have pseudocoelom.
Label a,b,c and d, given in Fig. Give the function of (b)
Fill in the boxes given if Fig. with appropriate characteristics/plant groups (s)
Define classification.
Define a species
What is nomenclature ?
What are phanerogams ?
Why are bryophytes called the amphibians of the plant kingdom?
What is the fate of notochord in higher chordates?
Write two characteristic features of pisces.
Write any four examples of phylum : Mollusca
Blue green algae are callsified along with bacteria placed in Kingdom-Morena
(b) Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom
Name the three germ layers. Which group of animals are diploblastic and why?
Write down two unique characters of Porifera.
Gviven below few animals. Name the phylum ot which they belong :
Silver fish, Cuttel fish, Jelly fish, Star fish.
Name any two roudn worsm found as parasites in human body.
Write two characteristics of phylum Annelida.
Name atleast two insects which carry pathogens of diseases.
Name any four echinoderms.
Write two important fetures of sub-phylum Protochordata.
How would you define 'alpha diversity' and 'beta diversity' ?
Give two important characteristics each of cyanbacteria and Archaebacteria.
Name the sex organs of gymnosperms and angiosperms
Give two important characteristics of thallophyta.
What is peculiar about sex organs in bryophytes ?
What is artficial classification ? How is it different from phylognetic classificaiton ?
Given four characteristics on which 5- kingdom classification is based
Give two basic differences between bryophytes and pteridophytes .
Write down differences between dicots and monocots.
Name the extertory organs present in the repreentatives of (a) plathyelmithes (b) Phylum Annelida
Define the tern (a) Protostomia (b) Deuterostomia
Frogs and toads belong to which class of vertebrates ? Write the most important feature of this class.
Name the smallest and the largest bird species.
Give the most characteristic features of phylum mollusca.
Define birds. Give two examples of flightless birds
Give two examples of egg-laying nammals
Why should the bords feed more often than lizards ?
What are the five main characteristics of chordates ?
Give a general idea of the diversity of living organisms
Give a brief account of the various ranks used in classification ,
One important phylum of kingdom-Animalia of two kingdom system was removed and placed in kingdom Prostista of 5 Kingdom system. Name this phylum and give important features.
Distinguish between the following.
(a) Monera and Protista on the basic of nucleus.
(b) Fungi and Plants on the basis of mode of nutrition
(c) Gymnosperms and angiosperms on the basis of fruits
Distinguish between
(a) Echanidodermata and chordata on the basic of notochord
(b) Pisces and aves on the basic of breathing.
(c) Platyhelminathese and Echinodermata on the basic of body cavity or coelom.
Write nine major phyla of animal kingdom
Write the three important features of class Mammalia.
Define birds, Give three examples each of flightless birds and insectivorous birds
Briefly explain sub-kingdom cryptogamae.
Mention three basic difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms
Write three characteristic features of divison-Thallopyta. Give one example each of unicellular, filamnetous unbranched and filmentous branched thallophytes.
List four distinctive characters of phylum chordata. Classify different chrodats into classes.
List six criteria used for clasifying animals into different groups
Name major phyla of Animal kingdom. Write down one character and one example of each of them.
List three similarities and dissimilarities between hemichordates and chordates.
Name the phylum to which earthworm belongs . Gie one speific feature of this phylum
You are given free-floating , bright green, silky mass from the surface of fresh water pond Study it under the microscope and identify it. Also classify it.
Name the parts of typical flower which are commonly named as
(i) reproductive whorls (ii) Accessory whorls
Your are provided with a chat depicting photographs of birds found in your region. Write atleast four characteristic features of birds.
Your teacher has provided you the following picture of a plant.
Name it and identify the group to which it belongs . Names its four parts labelled as A,B,C and D
You are given a chart depicting a photograph of a plant called Pinus.
(a) Write one characteristic feature of the group to which it belongs. Also name group (Division ).
(b)In this group, aggregated sporophylls form a structures. Name it.
(a) Study any angiosperms plant. Write one characteristic feature of this group.
(b) Given one feature each of monocot and dicot plant also mention example of each.
You are given a specimen of cockroach. Study it carfully.
(a) To which phyllum does it belong ? (b) Its body is divisible into how many parts ? Name them.
(c ) How many pairs of appendayes does it possess ?
(d) Write one characteristics feature of the group to which it belongs.
The given specimen has following features : (a)Aquatic, Cold-blooded animals (b) Skin covered with scales is two-chambered (d)Fins and muscular tail help them to swim in water. (i) Identify the specimen. (ii) Name the groups (class) to which it belongs. (iii) Give one adaptation w.r.t. its habitat.
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS of PRADEEP BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 9