Class 9 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 56 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Name the sommon air pollutant which causes depletion of ozone layer.
Name the major green house gas responsible for causing global warming.
Name two common pathogens in polluted water.
Name any three water pollutants.
What is soil pollution?
Give two effects of soil erosion.
What is the literal meaning of resource?
Define netural resources.
Give one example each of inexhaustible and exhaustible resources.
What percentage of carbon dioxide is present in the atmoshpere ?
Define soil.
Name thre physcial agents which cause weathering of rocks.
Give two examples of non-renewable resources.
Name any inexhaustible natural resource.
Why is life not possible on Venus and Mars?
Name the gas which has the highest percentage in air.
How would you difine air pollution ?
Why is air called breath of life? Enumerate functions of air or atmosphere.
Name any one source of emission of carbon monoxide?
Which of the following two gases has more affinity for hemoglobin?
(i) Oxygen (ii) Carbon monoxide
Name the component present in marble which reacts with acids present in acid rain.
Name the type of water (present in the soil) which can be absorbed by plants.
What is detritus?
Name the two processes which contribute to soil formation.
What are detritivores? Name any one of them.
What is humus? What are its function?
Explain the importance of soil for plant growth.
Name two planets other than Earth which also have an atmosphere.
Lichens are sensitive to which derection during night ?
In coastal areas, wind current moves from sea towards the land during day but during night it moves from land to the sea. Discuss th reason.
What is rain gauge?
What is acid rain?
Why is air called breath of life? Enumerate functions of air or atmosphere.
Name any two surface water sources.
It is the collection and storage of rain water for use later in the non-rainy season.
What is sewge ?
Define eutrophication.
Which compound is generally added to petrol to make it burn smoothly in automobile engines ?
Name atleast one disease that occurs in human beings due to biomagnificaion of heavy metals in the aquatic bodies.
What are the two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere?
What is smog ?
How is ozone layer useful to us ?
Name the two important biological processes in which air is essential.
What is the fate of nitrogen gas that goes inside the lungs alongwith oxygen during breathing ?
Name two common types of pollutants of air.
Name the two acids that are present in acid rain.
What is humus? What are its function?
What is weatheirng ? Name atlest one fator responsible for weathering.
What is meant by photochemical fixation of nitrogen ?
Name two examples of green house gases which contribute maximum toward global warming.
What is ozone hole ? Where was it first located ?
What is meant by soil erosion ?
In which layer of soil profile one would find litter and humus ?
What is the main constituent in the following types of soil ?
(a) Blace soil
(b) Red soil
What do you mean by fossil fuels ? Give one example of these.
Name the reservoir for the nutrient elemetnts in (a) gaseous cycles (b) Sedimentary cycles.