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Complete Solutions to Model Test paper (1) of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPModel Test paper (1)
Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An object has moved through some distance. Can its displacement be zero ?

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  2. The velocity time graph of a body is as showh in

    what would be the acceleration of the body ?

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  3. Uniform motion along a circle is a an acceleration motion. Comment.

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  4. What does the path of an object look like when it is in uniform motion ?

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  5. A train starting from a railway station and moving with uniform acceleration attains a speed of `40km//h` in 5 min. find its acceleration.

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  6. What is the nature of the distance-time graphs for uniform and non-uniform motion of an object ?

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  7. Seat belts in cars are called safety belts. Why?

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  8. A body covers half the distance with a speeed of 20 `m//s` and the other half with a sopeed of 30 `m//s`. What is the average speed of the whole journey ?

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  9. A bullet of mass 20 gram is fired horizinatally with a speed of 150`m//s` from a pistol of mass 2.5kg. What is the recoil velocity of the pistol ?

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  10. A truck starts from rest and rolls down a hill with a constant acceleration. It travels a distance of `400m` in `20 s`. Find its acceleration. Find the force acting on it if its mass is `7` metric tonnes (Hint.1 metric tonne=1000kg)

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  11. If diameter of earth becomes half of its present value and its mass becomes four times its present value, how would the weight of any object on the surface of earth be affected ?

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  12. An athlete complete one round of a circular track of diameter 200m in 40s. What will be the distance covered and the displacement at the end of 2 minutes ?

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  13. Draw distance time graph of a body (i) at rest
    (ii) in uniform motion and
    (iii) in non uniform motion.

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  14. Derive graphically the relation `v=u+at`,where the symbols have their usual meaning.

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  15. A balloon is rising up with an acceleration of 10`m//s^(2)`. A body is dropped from the balloon when its velocity is 200 `m//s`. The body strickes the ground in half a minute. With that velocity did the body hit the ground ? Take `g=9.8m//s^(2)`.

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  16. To catch a fast cricket ball, a player pulls his hands backwards. Why ?

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  17. The car A of mass 1000 kg travelling at `25 m//s` collides with another car B of mass 1500 kg moving with a speed of 20 `m//s` in the same direction, the velocity of car A becomes 15 `m//s`, what would be the velocity of car B ?

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  18. A 60 kg tiger springs at hunter with a velocity of `10 m//s` the hunter possesses a machine gun that can fire 50 g bullets with a velocity of `150 m//s`. the hunter can save himself from the tiger by firing suitable number of bullets/sec into the the above passage and answer the following questions:
    (i) What principal is involved here?
    (ii) How many bullets/sec. must the hunter fire into the tiger?
    (iii) What lessons do you learn from this?

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  19. Two bodies each of mass 10 kg attract each other with a force of 0.1 milligram weight. What is the distance between them ?

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  20. Using second law of motion, derive the relation between force and acceleration.

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  21. Draw velocity time graph of a body
    (i) at rest (ii) in uniform motion
    (iii) in uniform acceleration (iv) in non uniform acceleration.

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  22. State the law of conservation of linear momentium. How do you obtain this law from newton's third law ?

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  23. Define G and g. how are they telated to eachother ? Use this relation to calculate mass of earth.

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  24. Use velocity time graph to derive the relation : `v^(2)-u^(2)=2` as, where the symbols have their usual meaning.

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  25. Which of the following is called the real law of motion ?

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  26. When we hold a suitcase steady at some height

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  27. A body A of mass 20 kg collides with another body B of mass 1 kg. then

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  28. A moving body cannot stop on its own. This is due to

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  29. A block is placed on a horizontal table. Identify the force of action

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  30. In walking, identify the force of reaction:

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  31. The condition for validity of the principle of conservation of linear momentum is :

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  32. The force of action and reaction can occur only when two bodies collide against one another. The statement is

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  33. The forces of action and reaction appear only when the bodies are at rest. The statement is

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  34. A proton moving with a velocity of `10^(6) m//s` collides with a neutron at rest. If collision is prefectliy elastic, then after collsion, what are the velocities of porton and neutron?

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  35. A 10 gram bullet is shot from a 2 kg gun with a velocity of 400 `m//s`. What is the speed of recoil of the gun ?

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  36. A man weighing 50 kg runs along a railway track with a velocity of 18 `km//h` and jumps onto a stationary car of 2 quintal standing on the rails. What would be the velocity acquered by the car ?

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Model Test paper (1) questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of PRADEEP PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 9