Class 9 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Choose the correct alternative
Which stain is used for observation of lactobacilli?
Choose the correct alternative
Which of the following is wrong
about lactobacilli? On Statement
Choose the correct alternative
Due to________ yoghurt acquires sour taste.
Choose the correct alternative
During conversion of milk into yoghurt, sugar is converted into acid.
Choose the correct alternative
Lactic acid produced during formation of yoghurt is responsible for
Choose the correct alternative
Which of the following is an application of lactobacilli?
Choose the correct alternative
Rhizobia are
Choose the correct alternative
Which stain is used for observation of Rhizobia?
Choose the correct alternative
Due to rhizobia______content of beans and pulses increases.
Choose the correct alternative
Fermentation of molasses results in production of _______that is mixed with fuels.
Choose the correct alternative
Oil spills in oceans are cleaned with the help of________ bacteria.
The bacteria which spoil cooked food are……..
Choose the correct alternative
Ringworm, scabies are caused by
Complete the paragraph
Select the appropriate options and complete the following paragraph.
(Yeast, yoghurt, _ bread, Lactobacilli, fermentation, respiration, sour, bitter, low pH, coagulation, sweet, high pH)
_________convert lactose in milk to form lactic acid by the process of ______. This results in a change in the pH of milk causing _________of milk proteins that separate these proteins from other constituents of milk. These changes in milk result in the formation of a product known as __________which has a_______taste due to the presence of lactic acid. The ________destroys harmful microbes present in milk.
Name the following:
Sugar present in milk
Name the following
A type of antibiotics which are useful against a wide variety of bacteria.
Name the following
A group of antibiotics obtained from a fungus Penicillium.
Name the following
Smokeless and high quality fuel obtained by fermentation of molasses with the help of yeast.
Name the following
Write the names of microbes found in following food material:
Name the following
Write the names of microbes found in following food material:
Name the following
Write the names of microbes found in following food material:
Root nodules of leguminous plants
Write the names of microbes found in the following food materials:
Yoghurt, Bread, Root Nodules of Leguminous plants, Idlim Dosa, Spoiled Potato Curry.
Write the names of microbes found in the following food materials:
Yoghurt, Bread, Root Nodules of Leguminous plants, Idlim Dosa, Spoiled Potato Curry.
Write the names of microbes found in the following food materials:
Yoghurt, Bread, Root Nodules of Leguminous plants, Idlim Dosa, Spoiled Potato Curry.
True or False.
During fermentation of milk, lactobacilli convert lactose into lactic acid.
True or False.
During fermentation of milk, the pH of milk increases causing coagulation of milk proteins.
State whether the following statements
are true or false. Correct the false statements:
Yoghurt has a specific sour taste due to acetic
True or False.
Lactobacilli can be used to treat abdominal discomfort.
True or False.
Rhizobium living in root nodules of leguminous plants exhibit symbiotic relationship.
True or False.
The yeast cell is a eukaryotic cell.
True or False.
During fermentation, yeast cells convert carbohydrates into amino acids and oxygen.
True or False.
Whenever a pathogenic microorganism is definitely known, broad spectrum antibiotics are used.
True or False.
Amoxicillin is an example of narrow spectrum antibioticss.
True or False.
Protozoa cannot be destroyed by antibiotics.
True or False.
Tetracycline is the first antibiotic obtained from Clostridium.
True or False.
Fungi release mycotoxins into the food making it poisonous.
True or False.
Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria.
Identify the odd word out and say why it is the odd one?
Lactobacilli, rhizobia, yeast, clostridia.
Odd one out
Erythromycin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline
Identify the odd word out and say why it is the odd one?
Root rot, rust (tambera), rubella, mosaic.
Find the odd man out:
Pneumonia, Diphtheria, Chickenpox, Cholera
Odd one out
Leprosy. Cholera, Hepatitis, Pneumonia
Odd one out
AIDS, Influenza, Malaria, Swine flu
Complete the analogy
Buttermilk: Lactobacilli :: Bread:_________
Complete the analogy
Saccharomyces : Ethanol production :: Alcanivorax :_________
Complete the analogy
Rhizobium : Bacteria :: Yarrowia :_______
Complete the analogy
Pneumonia : Droplets spread in air :: Dengue :________
Complete the analogy
Cholera: Bacteria :: Dengue :_________
Match the following
Answer the following
Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements.
(mycotoxins, budding, rhizobium, oval, aerobic, rod, Penicillium, anaerobic )
Lactobacilli are ________shaped and __________bacteria.
Answer the following
Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements.
(mycotoxins, budding, rhizobium, oval, aerobic, rod, Penicillium, anaerobic )
Leguminous plants can produce more proteins due to __________.
Answer the following
Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements. (mycotoxins, budding, rhizobium, oval, aerobic, rod, Penicillium, anaerobic )
Yeast reproduces asexually by the __________method.
Answer the following
Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements.
(mycotoxins, budding, rhizobium, oval, aerobic, rod, Penicillium, anaerobic )
Penicillin is a group of antibiotics obtained from a fungus__________.
Answer the following
Complete the statements using the proper option from those given below. Explain the statements.
(mycotoxins, budding, rhizobium, oval, aerobic, rod, Penicillium, anaerobic )
Toxins of fungal origin are called________.
How is yoghurt made from milk? What exactly happens in this process?
What is meant by ‘Probiotic’ yoghurt and other foodstuffs that are popular now a days?
Write the uses of Lactobacillus.
Answer the following question:
How is Rhizobium beneficial to farmers?
Write short notes:
Rhizobial inoculation.
What is fermentation?
Yeast is used for making wine. Explain.
Explain with examples how microbes can be used for remediation.
Define antibiotics.
Write short notes on:
Answer the following question:
What are 'broad- spectrum antibiotics'?
How do antibiotics cure disease?
Answer the following question:
Are the antibiotics given to humans and animals the same ? Why?
Give medicinal uses of penicillin.
Answer the following question:
How is a vaccine produced ?
Which vaccines are given to infants? Why?
Answer the following
What precautions should be taken while using various types of software on the computer?
Why is it necessary to safely store the pathogens of a disease against which vaccines are to be produced?
Sometimes, you may notice a black powder or white discsfloating on the pickle or murabba, when a jar is opened after a long time. What exactly is this? Why are such food items not good to eat?
Answer the given Question :
Why do food poisoning incidents occur during marriage or other community feasts?
Do only the Clostridium bacteria cause illness?
Name one special characteristic of Clostridia?
Give examples of different species of Clostridia.
Write down the modes of infection and the preventive measures against fungal disease.
Give reasons:
Beans and pulses are rich in proteins.
Give reasons:
Often, alcohol is produced along with sugar in sugar factories.
Foam accumulates on the surface of 'dal' kept for a long time in summer.
Why are naphthalene balls kept with clothes to be put away?
Complete the given table by writing the mode of infection and preventive measure for following diseases.
Questions based on diagram
Sketch and labels the T.S. of root nudle of soybean plant showing infection by rhizobaia.
Questions based on diagram
Draw a diagram of yeast cell showing budding.
Questions based on paragraph
Ravi visited the doctor, complaining about fever and cold. The doctor suspected it to be a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. He told Ravi that it may be a case of mild pneumonia and prescribed an appropriate dosage of ampicillin. He advised him to complete the treatment even if he started feeling better immediately.Based on the above passage, answer the questions
Is the prescribed antibiotic broad spectrum or Narrow spectrum?
Questions based on paragraph
Ravi visited the doctor, complaining about fever and cold. The doctor suspected it to be a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. He told Ravi that it may be a case of mild pneumonia and prescribed an appropriate dosage of ampicillin. He advised him to complete the treatment even if he started feeling better immediately.Based on the above passage, answer the questions
Name any other antibiotic that is generally used to treat bacterial infections and diseases like pneumonia and scarlet fever.
Questions based on paragraph
Ravi visited the doctor, complaining about fever and cold. The doctor suspected it to be a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. He told Ravi that it may be a case of mild pneumonia and prescribed an appropriate dosage of ampicillin. He advised him to complete the treatment even if he started feeling better immediately.Based on the above passage, answer the questions
Based on the suspected disease, mention the mode of transmission.
Questions based on paragraph
Ravi visited the doctor, complaining about fever and cold. The doctor suspected it to be a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. He told Ravi that it may be a case of mild pneumonia and prescribed an appropriate dosage of ampicillin. He advised him to complete the treatment even if he started feeling better immediately.Based on the above passage, answer the questions
According to the treatment prescribed, do you think the doctor knows the specific bacteria causing the infection? Explain.
Questions based on paragraph
Ravi visited the doctor, complaining about fever and cold. The doctor suspected it to be a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. He told Ravi that it may be a case of mild pneumonia and prescribed an appropriate dosage of ampicillin. He advised him to complete the treatment even if he started feeling better immediately.Based on the above passage, answer the questions
Enlist another caution to be remembered regarding usage of antibiotics, apart from the one mentioned in the paragraph.
What is meant by microbes? What are their characteristics?
How did you observe microbes?
In what way microbes are related to our everyday life?
Smear a drop of fresh buttermilk on a glass slide. Stain it with methylene blue and put a coverslip over it.
Observe the smear under the 10X objective of a compound microscope and then with the more powerful 60X objective. Did you notice the blue rod-shaped organisms Moving, around?
Why do doctors advise you to take yoghurt or buttermilk if you have indigestion or abdominal discomfort?
Use your brain power
Sometimes, yoghurt becomes bitter and froths up. Why does this happen ?
Which different milk products are obtained at home by fermentation of the cream from the milk?
How many different industries depend upon the Lactobacilli bacteria?
Answer the following question:
Which types of cottage industries and factories can be started in areas with abundant milk production?
Take a plantlet of fenugreek, groundnut or any other bean and sterilize it with a 3 to 5% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Afterwards, keep it in a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol for 4 to 5 minutes. Clean the roots with sterile water and take thin sections of the root nodules. Select good section and place it in a solution of safranin for 2 to 3 minutes. Place the stained section on a glass slide, cover it with a coverslip and observe it under the compound microscope.
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter USEFUL AND HARMFUL MICROBES of TARGET PUBLICATION of Class 9