A diary entry is a form of writing where an individual records an account of the day. We record important and significant days and with it our personal feelings. Thus, it is a personal Document. The diary entries are usually organized according to the date and time when it was written. Depending on the diary type, each entry holds contents ranging from thoughts, emotions, reflections, dreams, and so on.


एक डायरी एंट्री लेखन का एक रूप है जहाँ एक व्यक्ति दिन का लेखा-जोखा दर्ज (यानि लिखता) करता है। हम अपनी व्यक्तिगत भावनाओं के साथ महत्वपूर्ण दिनों को उनमें दर्ज करते हैं। इस प्रकार, यह एक व्यक्तिगत दस्तावेज है। डायरी एंट्रीज आमतौर पर उस तारीख और समय के अनुसार व्यवस्थित की जाती हैं। डायरी किसी भी विषय पर लिखी जा सकती है जैसे विचारों, भावनाओं, प्रतिबिंबों, सपनों आदि।


1. Recording Events: Some people write a diary as maintaining a journal where they record all the events chronologically so as to revisit them for any purpose. This helps in not missing out on important details in daily life.
2. Recapture Memories: Diary lets you recall the good or bad memories you had and lets you realize how much you have grown or what mistakes you did in the past. Sometimes reading a diary just makes you laugh or live memories which you had nearly forgotten.
3. Problem-Solving: We tend to overthink everything and make our problems bigger than they seem to be. By writing them down we realize that it is not as big a problem as we cooked it in our head. Sometimes while writing a diary we tend to find a solution as we reflect upon ourselves while writing the problem down.


1. घटनाएँ रिकॉर्ड करना: कुछ लोग एक डायरी को एक पत्रिका के रखरखाव के रूप में लिखते हैं जहाँ वे सभी घटनाओं को कालानुक्रमिक रूप से रिकॉर्ड करते हैं ताकि किसी भी उद्देश्य के लिए उन्हें फिर से देखा जा सके। यह दैनिक जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण विवरणों को याद रखने में मदद करता है।
2. यादें रिकॉर्ड करना: डायरी आपको अपनी अच्छी या बुरी यादों को याद रखने देती है और आपको यह महसूस करने देती है कि आप कितने बड़े हो गए हैं या आपने अतीत में क्या गलतियाँ की हैं। कभी-कभी डायरी पढ़ने से आपको हंसी आती है या ऐसी यादें ताजा हो जाती हैं जिन्हें आप लगभग भूल ही चुके होते हो।
3. समस्या-समाधान: हम हर बात पर विचार करने की प्रवृत्ति रखते हैं और अपनी समस्याओं को बड़ा समझते हैं। उन्हें लिखने से हमें पता चलता है कि वह उतनी बड़ी समस्या भी नहीं है, जितनी हमने इसे अपने दिमाग में समझ रखा है। कभी-कभी डायरी लिखते समय हम समस्या का समाधान ढूंढ़ने की कोशिश करते हैं क्योंकि हम समस्या को लिखते समय खुद पर विचार करते हैं।



1. Begin the entry with a general sentence describing the day or your feelings.
2. In the body, you may discuss an event, your feelings towards it. How it is likely to affect your future plans.
3. Conclude with a final remark and a future course of action.


1. दिन या अपनी भावनाओं का वर्णन करने वाले सामान्य वाक्य के साथ एंट्री की शुरुआत करें।
2. उसके बाद, आप किसी घटना, उसके प्रति अपनी भावनाओं पर चर्चा कर सकते हैं। और कैसे वह आपकी भविष्य की योजनाओं को प्रभावित कर सकता है।
3. एक अंतिम टिप्पणी और भविष्य की योजनाओं के साथ समाप्त करें।


While writing the proper diary entry format, remember the layout and structure of the diary.
If you miss any points then your diary is not proper and not eligible to score full marks in any exams from the format of the diary entry section.
उचित डायरी एंट्री लिखते समय, डायरी के लेआउट और संरचना को याद रखें।
यदि आप कोई पॉइंट भूल जाते हैं तो आपकी डायरी उचित नहीं होगी और डायरी एंट्री अनुभाग के प्रारूप से किसी भी परीक्षा में पूर्ण अंक प्राप्त करने के योग्य नहीं होगा।


  • A diary entry is personalized so write in the first person.

  • एक डायरी एंट्री अपने लिए लिखी जाती है इसलिए इसे फर्स्ट पर्सन (first person) में लिखें।

  • At times you may leave out the pronoun ‘I’. For example, “am really excited…’’/“Went to the beach today…”

  • कभी-कभी आप सर्वनाम 'I' को छोड़ सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, "मैं वास्तव में उत्साहित हूँ...''/"आज समुद्र तट पर गया..."

  • Refer to personal memories and give details.

  • व्यक्तिगत (personal) यादों का संदर्भ लें और विवरण दें।

  • Use conversational and friendly language.

  • संवादी और मैत्रीपूर्ण भाषा का प्रयोग करें।

  • Refer to parents, friends, etc. as how you would address them in person. For example, “Mom said…’’/“Rohit came along…’’/“Shweta just wouldn’t listen….”

  • माता-पिता, दोस्तों आदि के बारे में वैसे ही लिखें जैसे आप उन्हें व्यक्तिगत रूप में संबोधित करते है। उदाहरण के लिए, "माँ ने कहा...''/"रोहित साथ आया...''/"श्वेता नहीं मानी..."

  • Stress on feelings, emotions, reactions rather than on the event itself.

  • घटना के बजाय भावनाओं और प्रतिक्रियाओं पर तनाव दे।

  • You may mention the time of the entry as well.

  • आप एंट्री के समय का भी उल्लेख कर सकते हैं।

  • TIPS

  • Use friendly and straightforward language so that everyone can understand what you wrote.

  • मिलनसार और सीधी भाषा का प्रयोग करें ताकि हर कोई समझ सके कि आपने क्या लिखा है।

  • Try to write more creatively, with imagination and thoughtfulness.

  • कल्पना और विचारशीलता के साथ अधिक रचनात्मक रूप से लिखने का प्रयास करें।

  • Use correct grammatical sentences and avoid spelling mistakes.

  • सही व्याकरणिक वाक्यों का प्रयोग करें और वर्तनी (spelling) की गलतियों से बचें।

  • A diary always is written in an informal tone.

  • डायरी हमेशा अनौपचारिक लहजे में लिखी जाती है।

  • Write in the first person using pronouns such as: I, we, us, we’re, and I’m.

  • सर्वनामों का प्रयोग करते हुए फर्स्ट पर्सन में लिखें जैसे: मैं, हम, और मेरा।

  • The word limit for a diary entry is 100 to 130 words.

  • एक डायरी एंट्री की शब्द सीमा 100 से 130 शब्द होती है।

  • A diary does not require any formal heading. This is optional, but if you mention it in the questions, give an appropriate heading.

  • एक डायरी के लिए किसी औपचारिक शीर्षक की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। यह वैकल्पिक है, लेकिन यदि इसका उल्लेख करते हैं, तो उचित शीर्षक दें।

  • It is mandatory to mention these five points in diary writing format - Date, Day & Time, Salutation, Body of the Diary, Name, Signature.

  • डायरी लेखन प्रारूप में इन पाँच पॉइंट्स का उल्लेख करना अनिवार्य है - दिनांक, दिन और समय, अभिवादन, डायरी का मुख्य भाग, नाम, हस्ताक्षर।


    Question 1. You went to receive your uncle and aunts from the Delhi Railway Station. Write a diary where you share your experience of the journey from home to the railway station.
    Answer: Monday, 05th March 2021


    Dear Diary,

    Today I went to Delhi Railway Station to receive my uncle and aunt who were coming from Bangalore. It was a bright sunny day. Sun was shining like a star. While I and my father were crossing the Pacific Mall, we saw three elephants that reminded me of my Kerala trip.
    Last year I went on a Kerala trip, where we visited around 5 cities like Cochin, Wayanad, Munnar, Kovalam, and Alappuzha. All the places were really awesome and beautiful. Then we went to Elephant junction Thekkady, Kumily, where people go for elephant rides. I rode sitting above the elephant for around 2 and half hours. Then we also fed the elephants and gave them a bath. We took a lot of pictures with elephants. It was a nice trip and I still can’t get over it.


    Question 2. You recently visited the 24th Crafts Mela at SurajKund, Faridabad. It was a Mini India assembled in one place. Using the hints, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.
    Answer: Monday, 05th March 2021


    Dear Diary,

    The Crafts Mela at SurajKund was much more impressive and grand than what I had envisioned. This year the ‘Theme State’ was Rajasthan. The whole campus was painted with the visuals of Ranthambore, Chittor, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. It was Mini India constructed on a few hundred acres of land. All the awarded artisans from different states had set up their workshops and booths there.
    Many countries, specifically Pakistan, Nepal and Afghanistan gave it an international look. Bangles, jewellery decoration pieces, wall-hangings, purses, shoes, sarees, garments and cosmetics found thousands of buyers. Every evening there were cultural shows at the ‘Chaupal’ and the ‘Rangmanch’. The ‘Food Court’ provided all kinds of delicacies for food-lovers. Basically, it was India in all its colors, tastes and sounds scattered on the Aravalli hills.


    Question 3. You paid a visit to an ‘Old Home’ with other volunteers. Make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.
    Answer: Monday, 05th March 2021


    Dear Diary,

    Nowadays, with the disintegration of the joint family system, the old people find themselves deserted and alone. It is disheartening that on the evening of their lives, they are not looked after by their children. The concept of ‘Old homes’ is for such old people. I made it a point to visit the ‘Old Home’ at Bhiwadi. The Home is situated in a peaceful place. The building is simple but spacious and clean. It seems to be an excellent place for senior citizens.
    A doctor visits the Home daily to check up on the senior citizens. There is a permanent nurse employed to look after and give them medicine on time. The home has a good library and several means of recreation. All the members showered their parental love by insisting on having lunch with us. What a delightful and rewarding visit it was to meet our grandpas and grannies!


    Question 4. You spent a week with your friend in his village ‘Kovalam’, near the famous beach of the same name. Taking help from the information given below and inventing your details, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced in ‘God’s Own Country’.
    Hints: • Kerala • God’s Own Country • invited by my friend to spend a week in Kerala • Christmas holidays • Kovalam village • near the renowned beach • sea and surf • lush green surroundings • coconuts and palms • sprawling paddy fields • an unforgettable stay.
    Answer: Monday, 05th March 2021


    Dear Diary,

    They say that Kerala is God’s Own Country. And rightly so. If any place can match Kashmir’s beauty and greenery, it is Kerala. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to visit Kerala. So I accepted the invitation of my friend Suresh Nambiar to spend a week in his village Kovalam. The place is about 20 miles away from Thiruvananthapuram. Kovalam is known for its world-famous beach. It is basically a fishermen’s village.
    The whole place is enveloped in greenery. Coconuts and palm trees stand over the sprawling green paddy fields. We used to spend a lot of time fishing in a nearby pond. We often enjoyed a boat ride in the canal. What is Kerala without the surf and the sea? So we would spend hours either strolling or taking a sea-bath or lying on the golden beach. Kerala is rich in tea, coffee, rubber plantations and spices. I was lucky to enjoy the mesmerizing Kathakali dance. But the thing that I can never forget in my life was the Ayurvedic oil massage in one of the local health spas. It was really an unforgettable stay.


    Question 5. Indian summers are really intolerable. One day the maximum temperature shot up to 47°C.It was the most miserable day of the year for you. Record the experience in your diary.
    Answer: Friday, 17th Jan 2021

    8:00 PM

    Dear Diary,

    Indian summers can be really unendurable. And who can live in peace and comfort when the heat waves start blowing over the plains of north India. It was the 20th of July, 20XX, the most miserable day of my life. It was definitely the hottest day of the season. By noon the heat became unbearable. To avoid dehydration, we had already had several litres of cold water. I had to go to the market. I forgot to wear a cap. By the time I reached home, I was very miserable and started vomiting. To make things even worse, there was a breakdown of electric power during most of the night. Without the working fans and air-conditioners, we felt miserable. We spent a sleepless and tragic night.


    Question 6. It was the happiest day of your life when the Principal of your school informed you and your parents that you topped the list of victorious candidates in your zone. Then started the constant ringing of telephone bells. Congratulatory messages started pouring in from friends and relatives. All the neighbours came to congratulate you on your grand success. At the end of the day, you were so overwhelmed by happiness and excitement that you made a diary entry about the series of events on that fateful day. Make a diary entry here inventing your details.
    Answer: Friday, 17th Jan 2021

    8:00 PM

    Dear Diary,

    Life is full of shocks. I couldn’t sleep last night. The next morning the results of the Board were to be announced. Then suddenly at 9 am, we heard a telephone ring. I ran to receive it. My Principal was on the line. “Congratulations my boy! You have topped the list of successful candidates in the Ambala Zone. We are proud of you!” He also congratulated my parents.Then started the non-stop congratulatory messages from my teachers, class fellows, friends and relatives. My parents were busy distributing ‘laddoos’. I felt like a superstar. Two correspondents of leading news channels came to interview me. I only felt that nothing succeeds like success and thanked my stars.


    Question 7. A peaceful protest march was launched by students all over India against the growing crime against women in the capital city. All the news channels gave wide coverage to the rally inviting different opinions on the issue. Make a diary entry in 100-150 words expressing your feelings oh the same.
    Answer: Friday, 17th Jan 2021

    8:00 PM

    Dear Diary,

    Assaults against women, specifically the young ones, have become the norm of the day. First, Jessica Lai and then scores of others have become the target of the brutality of twisted minds. Cases of rapes, dowry deaths, eve-teasing, kidnappings, burning of bodies keep increasing by the day. There is hardly any field where women are not abused or exploited. Girls are regarded as liabilities and boys as assets and insurance for the parents’ old age.
    The youth has to bring in the change. The steps taken by the groups, especially the university students, are a wake-up call in the right direction. Where authorities fail, public protests of this kind will go a long way in doing justice to all the victims and pressurize the judicial system to book the culprits.


    Question 8. You recently lost an expensive wristwatch belonging to your grandfather. You are now feeling afraid to confess. Express your feelings of anguish through a diary entry in 100-150 words.
    Answer: Friday, 17th Jan 2021

    8:00 PM

    Dear Diary,

    Losing and forgetting things is a constant issue with me. Earlier it was my own things that I lost. Last week to my dismay, I lost my grandfather’s gold watch that I was taking to the market for servicing. As soon as I realized that I had lost the watch, I went back to the location and scoured the area several times. I even made enquiries but to no avail. I cannot repay the loss because it is of vintage make.
    Grandfather will ask about his watch soon enough and I don’t know what I should tell him. I am in a dilemma about whether to tell him the truth or not. Oh, how I curse myself for being so careless! As a last resort, I have decided to tell my father about it. He can then lodge an FIR.
