One word substitutions are defined as single words that are used in place of a group of words to denote a person, an object, a place etc.


One word substitutions को एकल शब्दों के रूप में परिभाषित किया जाता है जो किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान आदि को दर्शाने के लिए शब्दों के समूह के स्थान पर उपयोग किए जाते हैं।



1. Ambidextrous (निपूर्ण)- Equally skilful with each hand
2. Alimony (निर्वाह व्यय)- An allowance made to a wife by her husband when they are legally separated
3. Anecdote (किस्सा, जीवन की झांकी)- A short but amusing story
4. Anteroom (बड़ा कमरा)- A large entrance or reception room or area
5. Anodyne (पीड़नासक)- Medicine which lessens pain
6. Addicted (आदि होना)- One who has become dependent on something or drugs
7. Adamant (हीरा, अटल)- Very hard native crystal of carbon
8. Amoral (अनैतिक)- Lacking any sense of moral standards or principles
9. Archive (लेखाकार या ऐतिहासिक अभिलेख)- A building where government/public records are kept
10. Amphibian (उभयचर)- Operating or living on land and in water
11. Ambiguous (अस्पष्ट)- Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible sense.
12. Aspirant (आकांशी)- A person who has ambition for fame
13. Archaeology (पुरातत्व विज्ञान)- Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns
14. Archer (तीरंदाज़)- A person who shoots with a bow and arrows
15. Architect (वास्तुकार)- A person who designs buildings and also supervises their construction
16. Antitheist or Atheist (नास्तिक)- One who does not believe in god’s existence
17. Antipathy (वैमनस्या)- Strong dislike between two persons.
18. Ardent (उत्साहपूर्ण)- Full of zeal.
19. Archipelago (द्वीप समूह)- Sea with a group of many islands.
20. Affirm (पुष्टि करना)- Declare positively that something is true.
21. Amnesia (विस्मरण)- Partial or total loss of memory.
22. Arbitrator/mediator (मध्यरथ)- One appointed by two parties to settle disputes between them
23. Assent (किसी प्रस्ताव पर औपचारिक सहमति)- Official agreement to a proposal.
24. Astronaut (अंतरिक्ष यात्री)- One who physically travels in space
25. Agnostic (अज्ञेयवादी)- One who believes that nothing can be said about god
26. Aquatic (जलचर)- A plant that grows in water
27. Aviary (पक्षी ग्रह)- Place where birds are kept
28. Anarchist (अराजकतावादी)- One who plans to destroy all Governments
29. Adultery (व्यभिचार)- Woman who has extra marital relationship
30. Aseptic (आत्म संयम)- Leading a life of self discipline
31. Antiquated (पुराना व्यक्ति)- A person behind time
32. Arsenal (शस्त्रागार)- Public building where weapons are made and stored
33. Abrogate (निरस्त करना)- To do away with a rule
34. Aesthetics (सौन्दर्यशास्त्र)- The study of the nature of beauty
35. Bigot (धर्मान्ध)- A person who holds an opinion or belief strongly in defiance of reason of arguments
36. Brigand (डाकू, लूटेरा)- Member of a band of robbers
37. Belfry (घण्टागार)- Part of a church in which bells are hung
38. Byre (गोशाला)- Place where cows are sheltered
39. Ballad (गाथागीत)- Poem narrating a popular story
40. Bohemian (रूढ़िवादी)- One who does not follow the usual rules of social life
41. Bankrupt/insolvent (दिवालिया)- A person who is unable to pay his debt.
42. Benign (दयालु)- Tumor which is not likely to spread, pleasant or beneficial in nature or influence, harmless, innocent
43. Bilingual (दुभाषय)- People who speak two languages.
44. Bigamy/Polygamy (द्विपत्नीकरण)- The state of having two or more wives or husbands at a time.
45. Burglar (सेंध लगाने वाला चोर)- One who breaks out into a house to steal
46. Bureaucracy (नौकरषाही)- The rule of officials.
47. Biography (आत्मकथा)- Life-history of a person written by another.
48. Biped (दो पाया जानवर)- An animal with two feet.
49. Bovine (गौ जैसा)- That which looks like a cow.
50. Boorish (गंवार)- A person having rough and ill manner.
51. Biopsy (बायोप्सी)- A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested
52. Bower (निकुंज)- A shady place under trees
53. Brilliant (प्रतिभाशाली)- Of outstanding significance
54. Carnivorous (मांसाहारी)- One who eat flesh
55. Contemporary (समकालीन)- Belonging to the same period
56. Crematorium (शमसान)- A place where dead bodies are burns and reduce to ashes
57. Conscientious (कर्तव्यनिस्ट)- Govern by a scene of duty
58. Concubinage (बिना शादी के एक साथ रहना)- Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other
59. Connoisseur (पारखी)- An expert able to appreciate a field, especially in fine art
60. Credible (अविश्वनीय)- That which can be believe
61. Credulous (जो आसानी से विश्वास करे)- One who believes easily whatever said to him
62. Cavalier, jockey (घुड़सवार)- Person who is skilled in horsemanship.
63. Cavalier (लापरवाह)- Given to haughty disregard of others
64. Consultant (सलाहकार)- A person who gives expert advice in business.
65. Conscious /aware (सावधान)- Awake to what is going on.
66. Chronological (कालक्रमानुसार)- According to sequence of time.
67. Chauffeur (मोटर चालक)- A person who is paid to drive a privately owned car.
68. Capitalism (पूँजीवाद)- Economic structure organized and controlled by capitalists.
69. Compensate (क्षतिपूर्ति करना)- Give something to make up somebody’s loss.
70. Carnage (सामूहिक हत्या)- Killing of a large number of people especially in war.
71. Corselet (कवच)- A piece of armour covering the breast.
72. Craftsman (कलाकार)- Skilled works man who practices a craft.
73. Cripple (अपंग)- A person who is unable to walk or move properly.
74. Cosmopolitan (सर्वदेशीय)- A man who is broad and international in outlook.
75. Census (जनगणना)- Official counting of the population.
76. Criminology (अपराध विज्ञान)- Science of crimes and criminals.
77. Calligraphy (सुंदर लिखने की कला)- The art of science of beautiful handwriting
78. Congregation (भक्तजनो का समुदाय)- An assembly of worshippers.
79. Contract (सिकोड़ना)- Make or become smaller or shorter in length or size.
80. Cemetery (क़ब्रिस्तान)- A tract of land used for burial
81. Crematory (शवदाग्रह)- A furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduce to ashes
82. Confiscate (ज़ब्त करना)- To officially take private property away to seize
83. Chapel (गिरजा घर)- Small room for worship
84. Canine (कुत्ते के जैसा)- That which looks like a dog
85. Condominium (सह राज्य)- A country ruled by two countries
86. Continent (महाद्वीप)- One of the large landmasses of the earth
87. Custodian (परिरक्षक)- Care taker of a public building
88. Cuckold (कुलटा पति)- Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him
89. Conservative (रूढ़िवादी)- A person who is against to change
90. Cargo (जहाज़ का भार)- The goods carried by a ship, plane or vehicle
91. Diplomacy (कूटनीति)- The art practiced b statesman or politics
92. Duffer (निकम्मा)- Slow witted person
93. Dell (घाटी)- A small valley
94. Demography (जनसंख्या का अध्ययन)- Study of population.
95. Druggist (औषधि-विक्रेता)- A person who is qualified to prepare and sell drugs
96. Drunkard (पियक्कड़)- A person who is in the habit of drinking.
97. Domicile (स्थायी निवास)- place where a person lives permanently.
98. Decree/verdict (फ़ैसला)- Judgment of a law court.
99. Deteriorate (बिगड़ना)- To go from bad to worse.
100. Derelict (बेघर व्यक्ति)- A person without a home, job or property
101. Dynasty (कुलीन)- Succession of ruler belonging to one family
102. Dialogue (संवाद)- A conversation between two people/ the line spoken by the Character in a play or drama
103. Devious (चालाकी से)- Indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way misleading
104. Dubious (संदेहास्पद)- Open to doubt or suspicion
105. Drought (अकाल)- Dry weather whereon rainfall
106. Dyke (बांध बनाना )- A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area
107. Deploy (तैनात करना)- To spread troops for battle
108. Deport (देश निकाला करना)- Send unwanted person out of the country, exile
109. Eccentric (विचित्र)- A man of odd habits
110. Excursion (भ्रमण)- Short journey made by a group of persons together
111. Elegy (शोकगीत)- Poem written on the death of someone loved and lost
112. Effeminate (जनाना)- Man having the qualities of woman
113. Euthanasia (सुखमृत्यु)- Thing that bring gentle and painless death from incurable death
114. Eloquence (वाक्पटुता)- Persuasive and fluent speech
115. Epistle (धर्मपत्र)- A verse letter
116. Escapism (पलायनवाद)- Tendency to escape from hard realities.
117. Entomology (कीट विज्ञान)- Study of insects
118. Err (भूल करना) Liable to error
119. Epithet (गाली)- A defamatory or abusive word or phrase
120. Epigraph (आदर्शवाक्य)- A quotation at the beginning of some piece of writing
121. Epitaph (स्मृति)- A summary statement of commemoration for a dead person
122. Edict (आदेशपत्र)- A formal or authoritative proclamation
123. Egoist (अहंवादी)- A self centered person with little regards for others
124. Epilogue (उपसंहार)- A short speech address directly to the audience by an actor at the end of play
125. Embankment (तटबंध)- A long artificial mound of stone to hold back water or to support a road as protection
126. Explicable (व्याख्या करना)- Capable of being explicated
127. Eradicate (उन्मूलन)- To root out an evil or a bad practice etc.
128. Epicurean (स्वादलोलुप)- A person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (specially good food or drink)
129. Extempore (बिना तैयारी का भाषण)- Speech made without preparation.
130. Ethnology (मानव जाति विज्ञान)- Science of the races of mankind and their relation.
131. Ecology (परिस्थिति विज्ञान)- A scientific study of the relationship between plants and their environment.
132. Explore (खोज करना)- Travel into a country for the purpose of learning about it.
133. Extricate (हल करना)- Free from difficulties
134. Emigrant (प्रवासी)- One who leaves one’s country in order to settle permanently in others
135. Empiric (प्रयोग में विश्वास रखने वाला)- A person who relies on experiment or observation
136. Ethics (नीतिशास्त्र)- The study of moral values
137. Foster child (धाय पालित संतान)- A child brought up by person who are not his parents
138. Fortnight (पखवाड़ा)- A period of fourteen days
139. Fable (नीतिकथा)- An animal story with a moral
140. Famine (अकाल)- A dreadful shortage of food.
141. Felony (महापाप)- Serious crime like murder.
142. Fatalist (भाग्यवादी)- One who believes in fate
143. Fraud (धोखेबाज़ी)- Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money
144. Feasible (संभव)- Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstance as they are
145. Felicitate (बधाई देना)- Congratulate somebody in formal manner
146. Forgery (जालसाज़ी)- Dealing of counterfeit things
147. Garrulous (बहुत बोलने वाला)- A person who talks too much.
148. Genocide (जातिसंहार)- The deliberate murder of a whole community or race.
149. Gangster (डाकू)- The member of a gang of armed criminals.
150. Gratis (निशुल्कः)- Without payment or free of cost.
151. Genetics (आनुवंशिकी)- The study of heredity.
152. Glossary (शब्दकोष)- List of explanations of words
153. Groan (कराहना)- A deep sound made by someone in pain.
154. Genius (प्रतिभावान)- A child of unusual or remarkable talent
155. Glade (वन-मार्ग)- Open space in a forest
156. Gaviour (मुक्तिदाता)- Person who rescues somebody from sins.
157. Gullible(सीधा साधा)- A person who is easily befooled
158. Herbivorous (शाकाहारी)- One who is vegetarian
159. Hostess (सत्कारिणी)- A woman who entertains guests.
160. Hype (प्रचार करना)- Excessive publicity, To advertise
161. Hedonist (सुखवादी)- One who believes that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life
162. Henpecked (जोरू का गुलाम)- A man who dances to the tunes of his wife
163. Honorary (सम्मानसूचक)- An office for which no salary is paid
164. Holocaust (पूर्णाहुति)- Large scale destruction by fire
165. Heath (बंजर)- A flat waste land
166. Hymn (भजन)- A religious song
167. Hermaphrodite (उभयलिंगी)- Creature having both male and female organs
168. Harangue (लंबी-चौड़ी बातें बताना)- Loud talk or speech
169. Harem (जनानखाना)- Place where women dwelled (Ancient time)
170. Howdah (एक हाथी की पीठ पर सवार होने के लिए एक सीट)- Seat on elephant’s back
171. Hygienist (स्वास्थ्य विज्ञानी)- A person who is very careful about his health
172. Ignition (प्रज्वलन)- Mechanism for starting combustion in the cylinder of motor engine
173. Innovator (नवपरिवर्तन लाने वाला)- A person who introduce new things/chances
174. Irritable (चिड़चिड़ा)- Easily made angry
175. Invulnerable (अभेद्य)- Immune to attack; impregnable
176. Interlude (अन्तराल)- Interval between two events
177. Inn (सराय)- Place which provides both board and lodging
178. Incomprehensible (न समझने योग्य)- Statement which cannot be understood
179. Invoice (चालान)- List of goods with their price
180. Innocuous (अहानिकर)- Not injurious to physical or mental health
181. Instigate (उकसाना)- To urge a man to do some evil
182. Infantry (पैदल सेना)- Soldiers who fight on foot
183. Internment (नज़रबंदी)- Detaining and confining someone
184. Incarnation (अवतार)- Changing of magic spells
185. Imbroglio (अव्यवस्ता)- confused, complicated or embarrassing situation
186. Inheritance (विरासत)- Property handed down after the death of a person, heritage
187. Iconoclast (रिवाज़ तोड़नेवाला)- One who break the establishment of tradition and image
188. Inaugural speech (भाषण)- The lecture of a function for introduction
189. Incredulous (अविश्वसनीय)- Not disposed or willing to believe, unbelieving
190. Incredible (अतुलनीय)- Beyond belief or understanding
191. Inundation (बाढ़)- A rising of a body of water
192. Invocation (आहवान)- A prayer asking god’s help as a part of religious Service (supplication)
193. Involution (काम को बाँटना)- Reduction in size of an organ / the act of sharing in the activities
194. Immortal (अमर)- A person of enduring fame / not subject to death
195. Impurity (अशुद्ध)- Without risk of punishment
196. Infallible (गलती ना करने वाला)- Incapable of failure or error
197. Isthmus (संयोग भूमि)- A relatively narrow strip of land (with water both side) Connecting two larger areas
198. Intangible (अस्पष्ट)- Incapable of being touched or seen
199. Inevitable (अनिवार्य)- Incapable of being avoided or presented
200. Intelligentsia (बुद्धिजीवी वर्ग)- Intelligent and educated class of society.


In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence.
1. A fourteen-line poem
(1) sonnet
(2) lyric
(3) ballad
(4) ode

2. The plants and vegetation of a region
(1) flora
(2) landscape
(3) ornamental
(4) fauna

3. Constant effort to achieve something
(1) attempt
(2) enthusiasm
(3) vigour
(4) perseverance

4. Wildly unreasonable, illogical or ridiculous
(1) Abject
(2) Adept
(3) Arid
(4) Absurd

5. A vivacious and lively experience Is said to be
(1) scintillating
(2) soothing
(3) scenic
(4) synthetic

6. To try to settle a dispute between two other parties
(1) medicate
(2) mediate
(3) meddle
(4) meditate

7. To secure a boat by attaching it to an anchor
(1) moor
(2) moot
(3) morose
(4) moose

8. To free a person by a verdict of ‘not guilty’.
(1) acquaint
(2) acquit
(3) acquiesce
(4) acquire

9. One who hates mankind
(1) philanthropist
(2) misogynist
(3) humanitarian
(4) misanthrope

10. Imposed a restriction on
(1) constipated
(2) conserved
(3) constrained
(4) construed

11. Unwelcome aspect of a situation
(1) flippant
(2) flip side
(3) flip-flop
(4) flintlock

12. Feeling annoyed at the sight of unfair treatment
(1) indifferent
(2) indisposed
(3) Indignant
(4) Indigent

13. Walking in sleep
(1) Somnambulism
(2) Insomnia
(3) Somnolence
(4) Sleepyhead

14. Artistic, musical or dramatic interpretation.
(1) Rendition
(2) Report
(3) Imitation
(4) Reparation

15. That which cannot be avoided
(1) Infallible
(2) Inestimable
(3) Indifferent
(4) Inevitable

16. A person who leaves his own country In order to go and live in another.
(1) Emigrant
(2) Refugee
(3) Immigrant
(4) Expatriate

17. Showing a dislike of anything Improper.
(1) Strict
(2) Crude
(3) Prim
(4) Rude

18. A planned route or journey
(1) Iterate
(2) itinerary
(3) Itinerant
(4) isolate

19. A man who helps a stranger or a person in difficulties is
(1) a Samaritan
(2) a mercenary
(3) a stoic
(4) an altruist

20. Speech of great importance and gravity
(1) maiden
(2) momentous
(3) monumental
(4) momentary

21. Continuing for a long period of time without interruption
(1) continuum
(2) recurring
(3) perpetual
(4) frequenting

22. Specially skilled in story – telling
(1) a compositor
(2) a raconteur
(3) a vocalist
(4) a narrator

23. Medical study of skin and its diseases.
(1) Orthopaedics
(2) Dermatology
(3) Endocrinology
(4) Gynaecology

24. A process involving too much official formality.
(1) Nepotism
(2) Diplomacy
(3) Bureaucracy
(4) Red-tapism

25. A person who enters without any invitation.
(1) Vandal
(2) Burglar
(3) Intruder
(4) Thief

26. Not suitable for eating
(1) Spicy
(2) Tasteless
(3) Uneatable
(4) Inedible

27. A recurrent compulsive urge to steal.
(1) Kleptomania
(2) Pneumonia
(3) Insomnia
(4) Nymphomania

28. Act of injuring another’s reputation by any slanderous communication.
(1) Defamation
(2) Orchestration
(3) Aberration
(4) Misrepresentation

29. A story in which animals or objects speak and give wholesome moral lesson.
(1) Legend
(2) Fable
(3) Parable
(4) Allegory

30. One who does not believe in the existence of God
(1) Atheist
(2) Theist
(3) Mystic
(4) Cynic

31. To free someone from all blames
(1) Consolidate
(2) Fling
(3) Forbid(4) Exonerate

32. That which cannot be effaced
(1) Illegible
(2) Indelible
(3) Invincible
(4) Affable

33. A person who deliberately sets fire to a building
(1) Arsonist
(2) Extortionist
(3) Hijacker
(4) Assassin

34. One who makes an official examination of accounts(1) Auditor
(2) Registrar
(3) Creditor
(4) Chartered Accountant

35. Conferred as an honor
(1) Honorary
(2) Honorable
(3) Honorarium
(4) Honorific

36. The burial of a corpse
(1) Internment
(2) Interment
(3) Interrogate
(4) Interpose

37. A study of ancient things.
(1) Physiology
(2) Archaeology
(3) Ethnology
(4) Zoology

38. A person who deserves all praise.
(1) detestable
(2) lovable
(3) despicable
(4) laudable

39. One who is skillful.
(1) disciplined
(2) diligent
(3) different
(4) dexterous

40. One who runs away from justice or the law.
(1) Smuggler
(2) Criminal
(3) Fugitive
(4) Thief

41. Of one’s own free will.
(1) mandatory
(2) obligatory
(3) voluntary
(4) compulsory

42. One who is too careless to plan for the future.
(1) imprudent
(2) impractical
(3) impotent
(4) improvident

43. One who has long experience.
(1) novice
(2) expert
(3) veteran
(4) practitioner

44. To die without making a will.
(1) Inure
(2) Inane
(3) Intestate
(4) Indigent

45. One who is concerned with the welfare of others.
(1) Ascetic
(2) Hedonist
(3) Egoist
(4) Altruist

46. That which cannot be avoided.
(1) Inevitable
(2) Unrestrained
(3) Unvarying
(4) Integral

47. A person who agrees to work for somebody in order to learn a skill.
(1) Lackey
(2) Pupil
(3) Apprentice
(4) Assistant

48. Opinion contrary to accepted . doctrines.
(1) Controversy
(2) Advocacy
(3) Heresy
(4) Convention

49. Make pale by excluding light.
(1) Foliate
(2) Percolate
(3) Procreate
(4) Etiolate

50. Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement.
(1) Counsellor
(2) Arbitrator
(3) Magistrate
(4) Manager

1. (1) Sonnet
(2) Flora
(3) perseverance
(4) Absurd
(5) scintillating
(6) mediate
(7) moor
(8) acquit
(9) misanthrope
(10) construed
(11) flip side
(12) indignant
(13) somnambulism
(14) rendition
(15) inevitable
(16) emigrant
(17) crude
(18) itinerary
(19) a Samaritan
(20) momentous
(21) perpetual
(22) a raconteur
(23) Dermatology
(24) Red-tapism
(25) Intruder
(26) Inedible
(27) Kleptomania
(28) Defamation
(29) Fable
(30) Atheist
(31) Exonerate
(32) Indelible
(33) Arsonist
(34) Auditor
(35) Honorary
(36) Interment
(37) Archaeology
(38) laudable
(39) dexterous
(40) Fugitive
(41) voluntary
(42) improvident
(43) veteran
(44) Intestate
(45) Altruist
(46) Inevitable
(47) Apprentice
(48) Heresy
(49) Etiolate
(50) Arbitrator


In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
1. A thing fit to be eaten.
(1) eligible
(2) audible
(3) delectable
(4) edible

2. a land fit for growing crops.
(1) sprout
(2) arable
(3) sterilized
(4) venerable

3. feint
(1) pretended effect
(2) pretended attack
(3) pretended effort
(4) pretended support

4. a person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity/capacity
(1) veteran
(2) versatile
(3) vulnerable
(4) venerable

5. an excessive fear of confined spaces
(1) hydrophobia
(2) bathophobia
(3) cynophobia
(4) claustrophobia

6. a remedy for all diseases
(1) analgesia
(2) panacea
(3) eternal
(4) mortal

7. study of the skin and its diseases
(1) dactylogy
(2) dermatology
(3) dendrology
(4) axiology

8. a person who looks at the bright side of things
(1) cynic
(2) pessimist
(3) optimist
(4) sycophant

9. a record of historical events
(1) documentary
(2) anecdotes
(3) archives
(4) annals

10. one who knows many languages
(1) polyphony
(2) polyglot
(3) polyan
(4) polygamy

11. The area of medicine that treats illnesses of bones
(1) ornithology
(2) paediatrics
(3) orthodontics
(4) orthopaedics

12. a reserve for animals, birds etc. in their natural habitat
(1) sanctuary
(2) century
(3) forest
(4) woods

13. Something that is difficult to understand
(1) incomplete
(2) inconclusive
(3) inconceivable
(4) incomprehensible

14. That which is arranged by conferring or discussing
(1) meeting
(2) seminar
(3) debate
(4) negotiation

15. A mournful poem or a song
(1) comedy
(2) tragedy
(3) elegy
(4) ode

16. An image without objective reality
(1) shadow
(2) utopia
(3) sensation
(4) hallucination

17. The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old
(1) oncology
(2) obstetrics
(3) paediatrics
(4) geriatrics

18. A child secretly changed for another in infancy
(1) nipper
(2) changeling
(3) tiddler
(4) tyke

19. One who suffers for one’s faith
(1) prophet
(2) mystic
(3) seer
(4) martyr

20. Put side by side
(1) Juxtapose
(2) Impose
(3) Propose
(4) Depose

21. One who cannot be corrected
(1) Ineligible
(2) indolent
(3) indefatigable
(4) incorrigible

22. Chief or Commander of army
(1) Lieutenant
(2) Major
(3) General
(4) Colonel

23. To put two and two together
(1) Proud
(2) Good friend
(3) Selfish friend
(4) Understand

24. A container for the ashes of a dead person
(1) Vessel
(2) Vase
(3) Jug
(4) Urn

25. One who pretends to be what he is not
(1) Hypocrite
(2) Turncoat
(3) Liar
(4) Actor

26. Too willing to obey other people
(1) sublimate
(2) subjugate
(3) subaltern
(4) subservient

27. A person extremely desirous of money
(1) miser
(2) avaricious
(3) fervent
(4) extravagant

28. An error or misprint in printing or writing
(1) agenda
(2) axiom
(3) erratum
(4) jargon
29. A person who is very selective, disgusted easily, and is hard to please.
(1) fastidious
(2) ambiguous
(3) selector
(4) misanthrope

30. The period between two reigns
(1) anachronism
(2) interregnum
(3) intermission
(4) era

31. Rub or wipe out
(1) efface
(2) plunder
(3) terminate
(4) remove

32. A statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words
(1) temerity
(2) tarragon
(3) tautology
(4) repetition
33. One who is known widely but usually unfavourably is
(1) famous
(2) illustrious
(3) notorious
(4) tarnished

34. A person who has had one or more limbs removed
(1) amputee
(2) handicap
(3) limber
(4) fatalist

35. A song sung at the death of a person
(1) sonnet
(2) ode
(3) elegy
(4) liturgy

36. To destroy completely
(1) bluster
(2) chide
(3) dawdle
(4) annihilate

37. No longer in existence or use
(1) Invincible
(2) delete
(3) obsolete
(4) inefficient

38. A cinema show held in the afternoon.
(1) Entertainment
(2) Play
(3) Premiere
(4) Matinee

39. A handsome man
(1) Adonis
(2) Tycoon
(3) Debonair
(4) Cavalier

40. Intentional damage to arrest production
(1) Nemesis
(2) Sangfroid
(3) Sabotage
(4) Modus operand

41. Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play
(1) Prologue
(2) Blurb
(3) Monologue
(4) Epilogue

42. Someone not fit to be chosen.
(1) non-eligible
(2) ineligible
(3) uneligible
(4) Imeligible

43. One who compiles a dictionary.
(1) lexicon
(2) lexical
(3) lexicography
(4) lexicographer

44. A person who steals the writing of others.
(1) plagiarism
(2) popular
(3) plagiarist
(4) nepotism

45. Animals living in water.
(1) mammals
(2) aquatic
(3) amphibian
(4) gregarious

46. A place where birds are kept.
(1) Aquarium
(2) Aviary
(3) Sanctuary
(4) Apiary

47. A gathering at a religious place.
(1) Congregation
(2) Spectators
(3) Mob
(4) Audience

48. Art of working with metals.
(1) Meteorite
(2) Metaphysics
(3) Metallurgy
(4) Metalloid

49. One who compiles a dictionary.
(1) Lexicographer
(2) Cartographer
(3) Bibliographer
(4) Lapidist

50. A person who worships only one God.
(1) Polytheist
(2) Monotheist
(3) Philogymist
(4) Theist

51. A person who helps another to commit a crime.
(1) Colleague
(2) Accomplice
(3) Assistant
(4) Supporter

52. A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, usually is return for rent.
(1) Assurance
(2) Deal
(3) Lease
(4) Bond

53. The act of killing one’s own brother or sister.
(1) Homicide
(2) Suicide
(3) Patricide
(4) Fratricide
54. Rules governing socially acceptable behaviour.
(1) Politeness
(2) Formality
(3) Behaviour
(4) Etiquette

55. A person who is easily deceived or tricked.
(1) Tangible
(2) Trouble
(3) Trickster
(4) Gullible

56. Lasting for a very short time.
(1) Metronomic
(2) Friable
(3) Eternal
(4) Ephemeral

57. Submission to all that happens is inevitable.
(1) Pessimism
(2) Pragmatism
(3) Fatalism
(4) Superstition

58. The first public performance of a musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film
(1) Opener
(2) Premiere
(3) Debut
(4) Preview

59. One who cannot make any mistake
(1) Illegible
(2) Inaudible
(3) Invisible
(4) Infallible

60. An act of misappropriation of money
(1) Embezzlement
(2) Misconduct
(3) Debasement
(4) Corruption

61. A person in charge of a museum
(1) Architect
(2) Mayor
(3) Philatelist
(4) Curator

(1) edible
(2) arable
(3) pretended attack
(4) veteran
(5) claustrophobia
(6) panacea
(7) dermatology
(8) optimist
(9) archives
(10) polyglot
(11) orthopaedics
(12) sanctuary
(13) incomprehensible
(14) seminar
(15) elegy
(16) Hallucination
(17) Geriatrics
(18) Tiddler
(19) Mystic
(20) Juxtapose
(21) incorrigible
(22) General
(23) Put two and two together
(24) Urn
(25) Hypocrite
(26) subservient
(27) fervent
(28) erratum
(29) fastidious
(30) era
(31) efface
(32) tautology
(33) notorious
(34) amputee
(35) ode
(36) annihilate
(37) obsolete
(38) Matinee
(39) Adonis
(40) Sabotage
(41) Prologue
(42) ineligible
(43) lexicographer
(44) plagiarist
(45) aquatic
(46) Aviary
(47) Congregation
(48) Metallurgy
(49) Lexicographer
(50) Monotheist
(51) Accomplice
(52) Lease
(53) Fratricide
(54) Etiquette
(55) Gullible
(56) Ephemeral
(57) Fatalism
(58) Premiere
(59) Infallible
(60) Embezzlement
(61) Curator