It involves the logical arrangement of some given words or sentences to form a correct sentence or a paragraph.
इसमें दिए गए कुछ शब्दों या वाक्यों को सही वाक्य या पैराग्राफ बनाने के लिए तार्किक व्यवस्था शामिल है।


Tips and tricks to solve sentence rearrangement questions are as given below:
1.Read all the given statements very carefully and analyse the common point between them and then start rearranging them.
2.Refer to a pattern that may be given in the statement.
3.Try relating the words given like, yet, but, when, then, they, anyway, etc. This will give you a clearer idea of how the sentences can be rearranged.
4.Candidates with stronger vocabulary are more likely to solve the question quicker as understanding the meanings of every word given in each sentence will help in arranging the statements.
5.Paragraphs with one static statement are comparatively easier to crack as you get an idea as to how the theme starts to evolve or how it shall end.
Once you think you are done with arranging the statements correctly, re-read the entire passage to ensure that it is logically correct.
वाक्य पुनर्व्यवस्था प्रश्नों को हल करने के टिप्स और ट्रिक्स नीचे दिए गए हैं:
1. दिए गए सभी कथनों को बहुत ध्यान से पढ़ें और उनके बीच के सामान्य बिंदु का विश्लेषण करें और फिर उन्हें पुनर्व्यवस्थित करना शुरू करें।
2.उस पैटर्न का संदर्भ लें जो कथन में दिया जा सकता है।
3.दिए गए शब्दों को जोड़ने का प्रयास करें, जैसे, अभी तक, लेकिन, कब, फिर, वे, वैसे भी, आदि। यह आपको एक स्पष्ट विचार देगा कि वाक्यों को कैसे पुनर्व्यवस्थित किया जा सकता है।
4.मजबूत शब्दावली वाले उम्मीदवारों के प्रश्न को जल्दी हल करने की संभावना अधिक होती है क्योंकि प्रत्येक वाक्य में दिए गए प्रत्येक शब्द के अर्थ को समझने से कथनों को व्यवस्थित करने में मदद मिलेगी।
5.एक स्टैटिक स्टेटमेंट वाले पैराग्राफ तुलनात्मक रूप से क्रैक करना आसान होते हैं क्योंकि आपको यह अंदाजा हो जाता है कि थीम कैसे विकसित होना शुरू होती है या यह कैसे समाप्त होगी।
6.एक बार जब आपको लगता है कि आपने कथनों को सही ढंग से व्यवस्थित कर लिया है, तो यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि यह तार्किक रूप से सही है, पूरे गद्यांश को फिर से पढ़ें।


Rearrange the following parts to form a grammatically correct and meaningful sentence:
QUESTION:pay/the/had to/poor farmers/high times/very
ANSWER:The poor farmers had to pay very high taxes.
QUESTION:natural disasters/farmers/share of taxes/even/pay/their/in times of/the/had to
ANSWER:Even in times of natural disasters the farmers had to pay their share of taxes.
QUESTION:uses/this/a source of energy/long journey/as/in the desert/during/fat/its/the/camel
ANSWER:The camel uses this fat as a source of energy during its long journey in the desert.
QUESTION:two flask-shaped bags/inside/for/it/storing/belly/its/has/water
ANSWER:Inside its belly it has two flask-shaped bags for storing water.
QUESTION:weigh up/elephant/an/to/can/5 tons
ANSWER:A elephant can weigh up to 5 tons.
QUESTION:dedicated/the poorest of the poor/entire life/she/to/her/the/service/of
ANSWER:She dedicated her entire life to the service of the poorest of the poor.
QUESTION:healthy person/germs/a/carry/may/of/in/body/typhoid/his/cholera/dysentery/etc.
ANSWER:A healthy person may cany germs of typhoid, cholera, dysentery, etc. in his body.
QUESTION:person/does not/such/usually/a/disease/suffer/the/from
ANSWER:Such a person usually does not suffer from the disease.
QUESTION:they were/we guessed/on the planetarium/way/to the
ANSWER:We guessed they were on the way to the planetarium.
QUESTION:part/this/study tour/of their/was
ANSWER:This was part of their study tour.
QUESTION:very / now / proficient / have become / in them /1 (Delhi 2016
ANSWER:Now I have become very proficient in them.
QUESTION:in / disturbs / the / cycle / rise / temperature / rain / the
ANSWER:The rise in temperature disturbs the rain cycle.
QUESTION:the / keep / fit / exercise / oneself / to / is / key
ANSWER:Exercise is the key to keep oneself fit.
QUESTION:into / can / exercise / activity / incorporate / any / one
ANSWER:One can incorporate exercise into any activity.
QUESTION:full / hearing / she / born / and / sight / was / with
ANSWER:She was born with full sight and hearing.
QUESTION:to / the / see / unabled / fever / hear / or / her / brain
ANSWER:The brain fever unabled her to see or hear.
QUESTION:a / every / commodity / computers / in / home / common / are
ANSWER:Computers are a common commodity in every home.
QUESTION:phones / well / ones / near / keep / and / cell / connected / loved
ANSWER:Cell phones keep loved and near ones well connected.
QUESTION:in / India / there / tourist / destination / various / are
ANSWER:There are various tourist destinations in India.
QUESTION:lofty / favourite / Himalayas / destination / still / the / a / are
ANSWER:The lofty Himalayas are still a favourite destination.
QUESTION:the / the / people / of / influence / it / mind / a / deep / exercises / upon
ANSWER:It exercises a deep influences upon the mind of the people.
QUESTION:of / is / most / communication / effective / mass / the / it / means
ANSWER:It is the most effective means of mass communication.
QUESTION:must / outdoors / we / some / games / play
ANSWER:We must play some outdoor games.
QUESTION:need / we / and / companionship / company / all
ANSWER:We all need company and companionship.
QUESTION:boy / as / even / was / fearless / and / Alexander / strong / a
ANSWER:Even as a boy Alexander was fearless and strong.
QUESTION:a / horse / spirited / he / and / beautiful / tamed
ANSWER:He tamed a beautiful and spirited horse.
QUESTION:to the / there are / culprit / many clues / real / pointing
ANSWER:There are many clues pointing to the culprit.
QUESTION:the / find / murderer / who / real / out / is (All India 2016
ANSWER:Find out who is the real murderer.