The Book that Saved the Earth is a short play meant to entertain and educate people with the world of fantasy. It dramatizes the imaginary event of the mid twenty first century supposed to be seen in the twenty fifth century.


The Book that Saved the Earth is a short play meant to entertain and educate people with the world of fantasy. It dramatizes the imaginary event of the mid twenty first century supposed to be seen in the twenty fifth century. The ‘historiscope’ shows that a crew from the planet Mars is on the expedition to attack the Earth. The crew members of the spacecraft happen to enter a library which they take to be a ‘storage barn’ and mistake books for ‘sandwiches’. They read out poems from a book of nursery rhymes and misinterpret their meanings. Confused by the far-fetched images of the funny poems, they begin to think that the people of the Earth are far more advanced and intelligent, capable of defeating the Martians. They drop the mission of attacking the earth and withdraw in fear. Think-Tank, the mastermind of the attack, is himself so frightened that he is ready to run away from Mars to a safer place in the universe.


The Book that Saved the Earth is a short play meant to entertain and educate people with the world of fantasy. It dramatizes the imaginary event of the mid twenty first century supposed to be seen in the twenty fifth century.


The book that saved the Earth' ek chota natak hai jiska matlab kalpana ki duniya ke sath logo ka manoranjan karna aur unhe shikshit karna hai. Yeh 21st century ke vakt ki baat hai jo 25th century ki kalpanik ghatna ko darshati hai.


द बुक दैट सेव्ड द अर्थ एक छोटा नाटक है जिसका उद्देश्य कल्पना की दुनिया के साथ लोगों का मनोरंजन करना और उन्हें शिक्षित करना है। यह 21वीं सदी की घटना है जिसे 25 वीं सदी में दर्शाया गया है। हिस्टोरिसोप ’दर्शाता है कि मंगल ग्रह का एक चालक दल पृथ्वी पर हमला करने के मिशन पर है। अंतरिक्ष यान के चालक दल के लोग एक पुस्तकालय में प्रवेश करते है जिसे वे एक 'भंडारण खलिहान' समझ लेते है और वह किताबो को 'सैंडविच' समझ लेते है। उन्होंने नर्सरी राइम की एक पुस्तक की कविताओं को पढ़ा और उनके गलत मतलब निकाल लिए। मजाकिया कविताओं की दूर की छवियों से उल्लू बनकर, वे सोचने लगते हैं कि पृथ्वी के लोग कहीं ज़ादा चालु और बुद्धिमान हैं, जो मार्टियंस को हराने में सफल हैं। वे पृथ्वी पर हमला न करने और डर के मारे पीछे हट जाने का फैसला करते हैं। थिंक-टैंक, हमले का मास्टरमाइंड, खुद इतना डर जाता है कि वह ब्रह्मांड में मंगल से सुरक्षित स्थान पर भागने के लिए तैयार हो जाता है।


द बुक दैट सेव्ड द अर्थ एक छोटा नाटक है जिसका मतलब कल्पना की दुनिया के साथ लोगों का मनोरंजन करना और उन्हें शिक्षित करना है। यह इक्कीसवीं सदी के वक़्त की बात है जो पच्चीसवीं शताब्दी की काल्पनिक घटना को दर्शाती है।


Clare Boiko is a famous author of children’s books. His plays are full of fantasy and amusement. His famous plays are The Book that Saved the Earth, Belinda and the Beast, Al Adams and the Wonderful Lump, Baby Princess, Lady Moon and The Thief and numerous others.


About the Author :- Clare Boiko is a famous author of children’s books. His plays are full of fantasy and amusement. His famous plays are The Book that Saved the Earth, Belinda and the Beast, Al Adams and the Wonderful Lump, Baby Princess, Lady Moon and the Thief and numerous others.


Clare Boiko is a famous author of children’s books. His plays are full of fantasy and amusement. His famous plays are The Book that Saved the Earth, Belinda and the Beast, Al Adams and the Wonderful Lump, Baby Princess, Lady Moon and The Thief and numerous others.


Clare Boiko bacho ki kitabo ke ek prasidh lekhak hain. Unke natak kalpana aur manoranjan se bharpoor hote hain. Unke prasidh natak 'The book that saved the Earth', 'Belinda and the Beast', 'Al Adams and the Wonderful Lump', 'Baby Princess', 'Lady Moon' aur 'The Thief' aur kayi anye hai.


क्लेर बोइको बच्चों की किताबों का एक प्रसिद्ध लेखक है। उनके नाटक कल्पना और मनोरंजन से भरपूर हैं। उनके प्रसिद्ध नाटक द बुक दैट सेव्ड द अर्थ, बेलिंडा एंड द बीस्ट, अल एडम्स एंड द वंडरफुल लम्प, बेबी प्रिंसेस, लेडी मून एंड द थिफ़ और कई अन्य हैं।


क्लेर बोइको बच्चों की किताबों के एक प्रसिद्ध लेखक हैं। उनके नाटक कल्पना और मनोरंजन से भरपूर होते हैं। उनके प्रसिद्ध नाटक 'द बुक दैट सेव्ड द अर्थ', 'बेलिंडा एंड द बीस्ट', 'अल एडम्स एंड द वंडरफुल लम्प', 'बेबी प्रिंसेस', 'लेडी मून' एंड 'द थिफ़' और कई अन्य हैं।


HISTORIAN- Lieutenant Iota
Apprentice Noodle Captain Omega- Offstage Voice

Time : The twenty fifth century
Place : The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth
Before Rise : Spotlight shines on Historian, who is sitting at a table down right, on which is a movie projector. A sign on an easel beside her reads – Museum of Ancient History : Department of the Twentieth Century. She stands and bows to the audience.
Historian : Good afternoon. Welcome to our Museum- of Ancient History, and to my department – curiosities of the good old, far-off twentieth century. The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Book. In those days, there were books about everything, from anteaters to Zulus. Books taught people how to, and when to, and where to, and why to. They illustrated, educated, punctuated, and even decorated. But the strangest thing a book ever did was to save the Earth. You haven’t heard about the Martian invasion of 2040? Tsk, tsk. What do they teach children nowadays? Well, you know, the invasion never really happened, because a single book stopped it. What was the book, you ask? A noble encyclopedia? A tome about rockets and missiles? A secret file from outer space? No, it was none of those. It was – but here, let me turn on the historiscope and show you what happened many centuries ago, in 2040. (She turns on projector, and points it left. Spotlight on Historian goes out, and comes up down left on Think-Tank, who is seated on a raised box, arms folded. He has a huge, egg-shaped henri, and he wears a long robe decorated with stars and circles. Apprentice Noodle stands beside him at an elaborate switchboard. A sign on an easel reads:


HISTORIAN- Lieutenant Iota
Apprentice Noodle Captain Omega- Offstage Voice

Time : The twenty fifth century
Place : The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth
Before Rise : Spotlight shines on Historian, who is sitting at a table down right, on which is a movie projector. A sign on an easel beside her reads – Museum of Ancient History : Department of the Twentieth Century. She stands and bows to the audience.

Historian : Good afternoon. Welcome to our Museum- of Ancient History, and to my department – curiosities of the good old, far-off twentieth century. The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Book. In those days, there were books about everything, from anteaters to Zulus. Books taught people how to, and when to, and where to, and why to. They illustrated, educated, punctuated, and even decorated. But the strangest thing a book ever did was to save the Earth. You haven’t heard about the Martian invasion of 2040? Tsk, tsk. What do they teach children nowadays? Well, you know, the invasion never really happened, because a single book stopped it. What was the book, you ask? A noble encyclopedia? A tome about rockets and missiles? A secret file from outer space? No, it was none of those. It was – but here, let me turn on the historiscope and show you what happened many centuries ago, in 2040. (She turns on projector, and points it left. Spotlight on Historian goes out, and comes up down left on Think-Tank, who is seated on a raised box, arms folded. He has a huge, egg-shaped henri, and he wears a long robe decorated with stars and circles. Apprentice Noodle stands beside him at an elaborate switchboard. A sign on an easel reads:


HISTORIAN- Lieutenant Iota
Apprentice Noodle Captain Omega- Offstage Voice

Time : The twenty fifth century
Place : The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth
Before Rise : Spotlight shines on Historian, who is sitting at a table down right, on which is a movie projector. A sign on an easel beside her reads – Museum of Ancient History : Department of the Twentieth Century. She stands and bows to the audience.
Historian : Good afternoon. Welcome to our Museum- of Ancient History, and to my department – curiosities of the good old, far-off twentieth century. The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Book. In those days, there were books about everything, from anteaters to Zulus. Books taught people how to, and when to, and where to, and why to. They illustrated, educated, punctuated, and even decorated. But the strangest thing a book ever did was to save the Earth. You haven’t heard about the Martian invasion of 2040? Tsk, tsk. What do they teach children nowadays? Well, you know, the invasion never really happened, because a single book stopped it. What was the book, you ask? A noble encyclopedia? A tome about rockets and missiles? A secret file from outer space? No, it was none of those. It was – but here, let me turn on the historiscope and show you what happened many centuries ago, in 2040. (She turns on projector, and points it left. Spotlight on Historian goes out, and comes up down left on Think-Tank, who is seated on a raised box, arms folded. He has a huge, egg-shaped henri, and he wears a long robe decorated with stars and circles. Apprentice Noodle stands beside him at an elaborate switchboard. A sign on an easel reads:


Audience (ऑडियंस): age, श्रोतागण
Curiosity (क्युआरिसटि): eagerness, जिज्ञासी
Era (इरा): age, युग
Anteater (एंटीटर) pangolin, चींटियाँ खाने वाले
Invasion (इनवेजन): attack, आक्रमण
Encyclopedia (इनसाइक्लोपीडिआ)—a reference book covering different topics, विश्वकोश
Apprentice (अप्रेनटिस)learner, शिक्षु
Elaborate (इलैबरट): large, विशाल
Mighty (माइटि): powerful, शक्तिशाली
Creature (क्रिएचर): living being, प्राणी
Universe (यूनिवर्स): whole planetary system, ब्रह्मांड
Salutation (सैलूटेशन) greeting, अभिवादन
Mars (मार्स): a planet, मंगल ग्रह
Out of breath (आउट ऑफ ब्रेथ): gasping, दम फूलना
Communication (कम्युनिकेशन): activity of conveying information, संचार
Ridiculous (रेडिक्यूलस): absurd, बेहूदा।


Audience (ऑडियंस)–age, श्रोतागण
Curiosity (क्युआरिसटि)–eagerness, जिज्ञासी
Era (इरा)—age, युग
Anteater (एंटीटर) pangolin, चींटियाँ खाने वाले
Invasion (इनवेजन)–attack, आक्रमण
Encyclopedia (इनसाइक्लोपीडिआ)—a reference book covering different topics, विश्वकोश
Apprentice (अप्रेनटिस)learner, शिक्षु
Elaborate (इलैबरट)–large, विशाल
Mighty (माइटि)–powerful, शक्तिशाली
Creature (क्रिएचर)–living being, प्राणी
Universe (यूनिवर्स)– whole planetary system, ब्रह्मांड
Salutation (सैलूटेशन) greeting, अभिवादन
Mars (मार्स)–a planet, मंगल ग्रह
Out of breath (आउट ऑफ ब्रेथ)–gasping, दम फूलना
Communication (कम्युनिकेशन)– activity of conveying information, संचार
Ridiculous (रेडिक्यूलस)–absurd, बेहूदा।


Audience (ऑडियंस): age, श्रोतागण
Curiosity (क्युआरिसटि): eagerness, जिज्ञासी
Era (इरा): age, युग
Anteater (एंटीटर) pangolin, चींटियाँ खाने वाले
Invasion (इनवेजन): attack, आक्रमण
Encyclopedia (इनसाइक्लोपीडिआ)—a reference book covering different topics, विश्वकोश
Apprentice (अप्रेनटिस)learner, शिक्षु
Elaborate (इलैबरट): large, विशाल
Mighty (माइटि): powerful, शक्तिशाली
Creature (क्रिएचर): living being, प्राणी
Universe (यूनिवर्स): whole planetary system, ब्रह्मांड
Salutation (सैलूटेशन) greeting, अभिवादन
Mars (मार्स): a planet, मंगल ग्रह
Out of breath (आउट ऑफ ब्रेथ): gasping, दम फूलना
Communication (कम्युनिकेशन): activity of conveying information, संचार
Ridiculous (रेडिक्यूलस): absurd, बेहूदा।


Pachiswi sadi
Place: The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth
Rise se pehle: Historian par spotlight chamakti hai, jo right oor ek table par baithi hai, jisper ek movie projector rakha hai. Uske bagal mein ek easel par likha hai - Pracheen Itihaas ka Sangrahalay: Beesavi shatabdi ka vibhaag. Vah khadi hoti hai aur darshakon ko naman karti hai.
Historian: Shubh dopeher. Prachin itihas ke hamare Sangrahalay mein aapka swagat hai, aur meri vibhag mein bhi jo - ‘Achi poorani, biswi sadi ki door ki jigyasaein’ kehlata hai. Biswi sadi ko aksar pustak ka yug kaha jata tha. Un dino mein, cinema gharon se lekar julus tak, sabhi cheezon ke baron mein kitabein thi. Pustakon ne logo ko sikhaya ki kuch kaise, aur kab aur kaha, aur kyu karna chahiye. Pustakon ne sachitra, sikshit, pabandh, aur sajaya bhi. Lekin sabse ajeeb kaam jo kabhi ek kitaab ne ki thi, vah thi Earth ko bachane ka kaam. Kya aapne 2040 ke Martiyan aakraman ke bare mein nahi suna? Tsk tsk. Aaj kal ke bachon ko kya padhaya hai? Khair aap jante hai, aakraman sach mein to kabhi nahi hua, kyunki ek akeli kitab ne isey rok diya tha. Vah kitab kaunsi thi aap janna chahte hai? Ek mahan Encyclopedia? Rocket aur missile ke bare mein ek moti kitab? Bahri antriksh se ek gupt file? Nahi, yah inme se koi nahi thi. Yah batane se phele, mujhe historiscope par prakaash daalne do aur mein aapko dikhati hu 2040 mein kayi shatabdi pehle kya hua tha. (Vah projector chalu karti hai, aur usey left side modti hai.) Historian par se spotlight hat jati hai, aur think tank per left side pe padne lagti hai. Jo ek box per baitha hota hai. Uske paas ek vishal and ek akar ka sar hai, aur usne sitaron aur mandaliyon ke sath sajae gaye ek lambe robe ko phena hota hai. Apprentice noodle ek vistrit switchboard par uske paas khada hai. Ek easel per likha hai:
Marsh space control great and mighty think thank, commander in chief.


समय: पच्चीसवीं सदी
प्लेस: द म्यूजियम ऑफ एनायंट हिस्ट्री: डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ द ट्वेंटीथ सेंचुरी ऑन द प्लेनेट अर्थ
राइज से पहले: हिस्टोरियन पर स्पॉटलाइट चमकता है, जो दाईं ओर एक टेबल पर बैठी है, जिस पर एक मूवी प्रोजेक्टर है। उसके चित्र के बगल में एक चित्र पर एक चिन्ह - प्राचीन इतिहास का संग्रहालय: बीसवीं शताब्दी का विभाग। वह खड़ी होकर ऑडियंस को झुक कर नमस्कार करती है ।

हिस्टोरियन: शुभ दोपहर। प्राचीन इतिहास के हमारे संग्रहालय में आपका स्वागत है, और मेरे विभाग के लिए - अच्छी पुरानी, ​​दूर की बीसवीं सदी की जिज्ञासाएँ। बीसवीं शताब्दी को अक्सर पुस्तक का युग कहा जाता था। उन दिनों में, सिनेमाघरों से लेकर ज़ूलस तक, सभी कुछ के बारे में किताबें थीं। पुस्तकों ने लोगों को सिखाया कि कैसे, और कब और कहाँ, और क्यों करना है। पुस्तकों ने सचित्र, शिक्षित, पाबंद, और सजाया भी। परंतु सबसे अजीब घटना जो की पुस्तकों से जुड़ी हुई है वह थी पुस्तकों का धरती को बचाना। आपने 2040 के मार्टियन आक्रमण के बारे में नहीं सुना है? टस्क टस्क। वे आजकल बच्चों को क्या पढ़ाते हैं? खैर, आप जानते हैं, आक्रमण सचमुच में तो कभी नहीं हुआ, क्योंकि एक अकेली पुस्तक ने इसे रोक दिया। किताब क्या थी, आप पूछें? एक महान इनसाइक्लोपीडिया ? रॉकेट और मिसाइलों के बारे में एक मोटी किताब? बाहरी अंतरिक्ष से एक गुप्त फ़ाइल? नहीं, यह उनमें से कोई नहीं था। ये था - बिलकुल यहां, मुझे हिस्टोरिसोप पर मुड़ने दो और आपको दिखाती हूँ 2040 में कई शताब्दियों पहले क्या हुआ था। (वह प्रोजेक्टर चालू करती है, और बाई तरफ इशारा करती है। हिस्टोरियन पर से स्पॉटलाइट हट जाती है, और थिंक-टैंक पर बाईं ओर पे पड़ती है। , जो एक उठे हुए बॉक्स पर बैठा है। उसके पास एक विशाल, अंडे के आकार का सर है, और वह सितारों और मंडलियों के साथ सजाए गए एक लंबे कपड़े को पहनता है। अपरेंटिस नूडल एक विस्तृत स्विचबोर्ड पर उसके पास खड़ा है। एक चित्रफलक पर एक संकेत पढ़ता है। :
मार्स स्पैस कंट्रोल ग्रेट एंड माइटी थिंक-टेंक, कमैंडर-इन-चीफ


समय: पच्चीसवीं सदी
प्लेस: द म्यूजियम ऑफ अन्सिएंट हिस्ट्री: डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ द ट्वेंटीथ सेंचुरी ऑन द प्लेनेट अर्थ
राइज से पहले: हिस्टोरियन पर स्पॉटलाइट चमकता है, जो दाईं ओर एक टेबल पर बैठी है, जिस पर एक मूवी प्रोजेक्टर है। उसके बगल में एक चित्रफलक पर लिखा है - प्राचीन इतिहास का संग्रहालय: बीसवीं शताब्दी का विभाग। वह खड़ी होती है और दर्शकों को नमन करती है।

हिस्टोरियन: शुभ दोपहर। प्राचीन इतिहास के हमारे संग्रहालय में आपका स्वागत है, और मेरे विभाग के लिए जो - 'अच्छी पुरानी, ​​दूर की बीसवीं सदी की जिज्ञासाएँ' कहलाता है। बीसवीं शताब्दी को अक्सर पुस्तक का युग कहा जाता था। उन दिनों में, सिनेमाघरों से लेकर ज़ूलस तक, सब चीजों के बारे में किताबें थीं। पुस्तकों ने लोगों को सिखाया कि कुछ कैसे, और कब और कहाँ, और क्यों करना चाहिए। पुस्तकों ने सचित्र, शिक्षित, पाबंद, और सजाया भी। लेकिन सबसे अजीब काम जो कभी एक किताब ने की थी, वह थी पृथ्वी को बचने का काम। क्या आपने 2040 के मार्टियन आक्रमण के बारे में नहीं सुना? टस्क टस्क। आजकल के बच्चों को क्या पढ़ाया जाता है? खैर, आप जानते हैं, आक्रमण सच में तो कभी नहीं हुआ, क्योंकि एक अकेली पुस्तक ने इसे रोक दिया था। वह किताब कौन सी थी, आप जानना चाहते है? एक महान इनसाइक्लोपीडिया? रॉकेट और मिसाइलों के बारे में एक मोटी किताब? बाहरी अंतरिक्ष से एक गुप्त फ़ाइल? नहीं, यह इनमें से कोई नहीं थी। यह बताने से पहले, मुझे हिस्टोरिसोप पर प्रकाश डालने दो और मैं आपको दिखाती हूँ की 2040 में कई शताब्दियों पहले क्या हुआ था। (वह प्रोजेक्टर चालू करती है, और उसे बाई तरफ मोड़ती है। हिस्टोरियन पर से स्पॉटलाइट हट जाती है, और थिंक-टैंक पर बाईं ओर पे पड़ने लगती है, जो एक बॉक्स पर बैठा होता है। उसके पास एक विशाल, अंडे के आकार का सर है, और उसने एक सितारों और मंडलियों के साथ सजाए गए एक लंबे रोब को पहना होता है। अपरेंटिस नूडल एक विस्तृत स्विचबोर्ड पर उसके पास खड़ा है। एक चित्रफलक पर लिखा है:
मार्स स्पैस कंट्रोल ग्रेट एंड माइटी थिंक-टेंक, कमैंडर-इन-चीफ


Bows low before entering
Noodle : (bowing) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders?
Think-Tank : (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle. Go over the whole thing again.
Noodle : It shall be done, sir. (in a singsong) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe - (out of breath) what-are-your-orders?
Think-Tank : That's better, Noodle. I wish to be placed in communication with our manned space probe to that ridiculous little planet we are going to put under our generous rulership. What do they call it, again?
Noodle : Earth, your Intelligence.
Think-Tank : Earth - of course. You see how insignificant the place is? But first, something important. My mirror. I wish to consult my mirror. Noodle: It shall be done, sir. (He hands Think-Tank a mirror.)


Bows low before entering
Noodle : (bowing) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders?
Think-Tank : (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle. Go over the whole thing again.
Noodle : It shall be done, sir. (in a singsong) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe - (out of breath) what-are-your-orders?
Think-Tank : That's better, Noodle. I wish to be placed in communication with our manned space probe to that ridiculous little planet we are going to put under our generous rulership. What do they call it, again?
Noodle : Earth, your Intelligence.
Think-Tank : Earth - of course. You see how insignificant the place is? But first, something important. My mirror. I wish to consult my mirror. Noodle: It shall be done, sir. (He hands Think-Tank a mirror.)


Bows low before entering
Noodle : (bowing) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders?
Think-Tank : (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle. Go over the whole thing again.
Noodle : It shall be done, sir. (in a singsong) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe - (out of breath) what-are-your-orders?
Think-Tank : That's better, Noodle. I wish to be placed in communication with our manned space probe to that ridiculous little planet we are going to put under our generous rulership. What do they call it, again?
Noodle : Earth, your Intelligence.
Think-Tank : Earth - of course. You see how insignificant the place is? But first, something important. My mirror. I wish to consult my mirror. Noodle: It shall be done, sir. (He hands Think-Tank a mirror.)


Intelligence (इंटेलीजेंस): wisdom, प्रतिभा
Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकेंट): petty, तुच्छ


Intelligence (इंटेलीजेंस)–wisdom, प्रतिभा
Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकेंट)–petty, तुच्छ


Intelligence (इंटेलीजेंस): wisdom, प्रतिभा
Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकेंट): petty, तुच्छ


Pravesh karne se phele audience ko jhuk kar namaskar
Noodle: (jhuk kar) O Mahan aur shaktishali Think Tank, pure brahmand me sabse shaktishaali aur budhimani praani, aap ka aadesh kya hai?
Think Tank: (chidchidapan ke sath) Aapne mujhe sahi se pranaam nahi kiya, Apprentice Noodle, puri cheez fir se bolo.
Noodle: Jaisa aap kahe, sir
(ek geet me) O mahan aur parakrami Think Tank, mangal ka shashak aur uske do chand, pure brahman me sabse shaktishaali aur budhimani praani-(saas phoolte hue) Aapka-aadesh-kya-hai?
Think Tank: Yeh behtar hai, Noodle
me apne manavyukt antriksh jaanch ke sath us lalu se chote greh ke saath sanchar me rakha jana chahta hu jisey hume apne kabje me lena hai
Kya naam hai uss greh ka?
Noodle: Earth, sir
Think Tank: Earth, bilkul
Aap dekhte hai ki yah jagah kitni tuch hai? Lekin phele ek mahatvapurn cheez
Mera mirror
Mai khud ko mirror me dekhna chahta hu
Noodle: Jo aap kahe, sir
(veh Think Tank ko mirror de deta hai.)


प्रवेश करने से पहले ऑडियंस को झुक कर नमस्कार
नूडल: (झुकना) ओ महान और शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक, पूरे ब्रह्मांड में सबसे शक्तिशाली और बुद्धिमान प्राणी, आपका आदेश क्या हैं?
थिंक-टैंक: (चिड़चिड़ेपन के साथ ) आपने मेरा प्रणाम सही से नहीं किया , अपरेंटिस नूडल, पूरी
बात फिर से बोलो
नूडल: यह किया जाएगा, सर
(एक गीत में) हे महान और पराक्रमी थिंक-टैंक, मंगल का शासक और उसके दो चाँद, पूरे ब्रह्मांड में सबसे शक्तिशाली और बुद्धिमान प्राणी - (सांस फूलते हुए ) क्या-क्या-आपके-ऑर्डर हैं?
थिंक-टैंक: यह बेहतर है, नूडल
मैं अपने मानवयुक्त अंतरिक्ष जांच के साथ उस लल्लू से छोटे ग्रह के साथ संचार में रखा जाना चाहता हूं जिसे हमे अपने कब्ज़े में लाना हैं
क्या नाम है उसका, फिर से?
नूडल: पृथ्वी , मेरे सरदार।
थिंक-टैंक: पृथ्वी - बिल्कुल
आप देखते हैं कि जगह कितनी टुच्च है? लेकिन पहले, कुछ महत्वपूर्ण
मेरा आईना
मैं खुद को आईने में देखना चाहता हूं
नूडल: यह किया जाएगा, सर
(वह थिंक-टैंक को मिरर देदेता है।)


प्रवेश करने से पहले ऑडियंस को झुक कर नमस्कार
नूडल: (झुक कर) ओ महान और शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक, पूरे ब्रह्मांड में सबसे शक्तिशाली और बुद्धिमान प्राणी, आपका आदेश क्या हैं?
थिंक-टैंक: (चिड़चिड़ेपन के साथ) आपने मुझे सही से प्रणाम नहीं किया, अपरेंटिस नूडल, पूरी चीज़ फिर से बोलो
नूडल: जैसा आप कहे, सर
(एक गीत में) हे महान और पराक्रमी थिंक-टैंक, मंगल का शासक और उसके दो चाँद, पूरे ब्रह्मांड में सबसे शक्तिशाली और बुद्धिमान प्राणी- (सांस फूलते हुए ) आपके-आदेश-क्या-हैं?
थिंक-टैंक: यह बेहतर है, नूडल
मैं अपने मानवयुक्त अंतरिक्ष जांच के साथ उस लल्लू से छोटे ग्रह के साथ संचार में रखा जाना चाहता हूँ जिसे हमें अपने कब्ज़े में लाना हैं
क्या नाम है उस ग्रह का?
नूडल: पृथ्वी, मेरे सरदार।
थिंक-टैंक: पृथ्वी - बिल्कुल
आप देखते हैं कि यह जगह कितनी टुच्च है? लेकिन पहले, एक महत्वपूर्ण चीज़
मेरा आईना
मैं खुद को आईने में देखना चाहता हूँ
नूडल: जो आप कहे, सर
(वह थिंक-टैंक को आईना दे देता है।)


Think-Tank: Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Who is the most fan..astically intellectually gifted being in the land?
Offstage Voice: (after a pause) You, sir. Think Tank: (smacking mirror) Quicker. Answer quicker next time. I hate a slow mirror. (He admires himself in the mirror.) Ah, there I am. Are we Martians not a handsome race? So much more attractive than those ugly Earthlings with their tiny heads. Noodle, you keep on exercising your mind, and someday you'll have a balloon brain just like mine.
Noodle: Oh, I hope so, Mighty Think-Tank. I hope so.
Think Tank: Now, contact the space probe. I want to invade that primitive ball of mud called Earth before lunch. Noodle: It shall be done, sir. (He adjusts levers on the switchboard. Electronic buzzes and beeps are heard as the curtains open.)


Think-Tank : Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Who is the most fanastically intellectually gifted being in the land?
Offstage Voice : (after a pause) You, sir. Think Tank : (smacking mirror) Quicker. Answer quicker next time. I hate a slow mirror. (He admires himself in the mirror.) Ah, there I am. Are we Martians not a handsome race? So much more attractive than those ugly Earthlings with their tiny heads. Noodle, you keep on exercising your mind, and some day you'll have a balloon brain just like mine.
Noodle : Oh, I hope so, Mighty Think-Tank. I hope so.
Think Tank : Now, contact the space probe. I want to invade that primitive ball of mud called Earth before lunch. Noodle : It shall be done, sir. (He adjusts levers on switchboard. Electronic buzzes and beeps are heard as the curtains open.)


Think-Tank: Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Who is the most fan..astically intellectually gifted being in the land?
Offstage Voice: (after a pause) You, sir. Think Tank: (smacking mirror) Quicker. Answer quicker next time. I hate a slow mirror. (He admires himself in the mirror.) Ah, there I am. Are we Martians not a handsome race? So much more attractive than those ugly Earthlings with their tiny heads. Noodle, you keep on exercising your mind, and someday you'll have a balloon brain just like mine.
Noodle: Oh, I hope so, Mighty Think-Tank. I hope so.
Think Tank: Now, contact the space probe. I want to invade that primitive ball of mud called Earth before lunch. Noodle: It shall be done, sir. (He adjusts levers on the switchboard. Electronic buzzes and beeps are heard as the curtains open.)


Fantastic (फैन्टॉस्टिक): ludicrously odd, अपरूप
Intellectual (इंटलेक्चुअल): rational, बुद्धिमान
Smack (स्मैक): slap, चपत
Admire (एडमायर): praise, प्रशंसा करना
Martian (मार्टिन) inhabitants of Mars, मंगलवासी
Attractive (अटरेक्टिव)—pleasing to eye, आकर्षक
Mine (माइन): possessive case of my, मेरी
Contact (कॉनटैक्ट)—to link, संपर्क करना
Invade (इनवेड): to attack, आक्रमण करना
Primitive (प्रिमिटिव)—belonging to early age, आदिम
Mud (मड)—clay, कीचड़
Adjust (एडजस्ट): to regulate, समायोजित करना
Curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा


Fantastic (फैन्टॉस्टिक)– ludicrously odd, अपरूप
Intellectual (इंटलेक्चुअल)–rational, बुद्धिमान
Smack (स्मैक)–slap, चपत
Admire (एडमायर)–praise, प्रशंसा करना
Martian (मार्टिन) inhabitants of Mars, मंगलवासी
Attractive (अटरेक्टिव)—pleasing to eye, आकर्षक
Mine (माइन)–possessive case of my, मेरी
Contact (कॉनटैक्ट)—to link, संपर्क करना
Invade (इनवेड)–to attack, आक्रमण करना
Primitive (प्रिमिटिव)—belonging to early age, आदिम
Mud (मड)—clay, कीचड़
Adjust (एडजस्ट)–to regulate, समायोजित करना
Curtain (कर्टन)–veil, परदा


Fantastic (फैन्टॉस्टिक): ludicrously odd, अपरूप
Intellectual (इंटलेक्चुअल): rational, बुद्धिमान
Smack (स्मैक): slap, चपत
Admire (एडमायर): praise, प्रशंसा करना
Martian (मार्टिन) inhabitants of Mars, मंगलवासी
Attractive (अटरेक्टिव)—pleasing to eye, आकर्षक
Mine (माइन): possessive case of my, मेरी
Contact (कॉनटैक्ट)—to link, संपर्क करना
Invade (इनवेड): to attack, आक्रमण करना
Primitive (प्रिमिटिव)—belonging to early age, आदिम
Mud (मड)—clay, कीचड़
Adjust (एडजस्ट): to regulate, समायोजित करना
Curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा


Think-Tank: Mirror, mirror, jo mere haath mein hai. Iss poore greh mein sabse zyada tej dimag wala kon hai?
Offstage awaaz: (ek tehrav ke baad) Aap, sir!
Think tank: (smacking the mirror) Aur jaldi. Agli baar jaldi jawab dena. Mujhe dheeme mirrors se nafrat hai. (Veh khud ko mirror mai dekhta hai.) Aah, ye raha mai. Kya hum Martians ek sundar jaati nahi hai? Hum unn hote sir ke sath,prithvi pe rehne wale badsoorat logon se toh kahi zyada akarshak hai. Noodle, agar aap apne dimag ka upyog karte rahenge, toh kisi din aapka mere jaisa balloon jitna dimag ho jayega.
Noodle: Oh, mujhe asha hai, takatvar Think Tank. Mujhe asha hai.
Think Tank: Ab, antriksh jaanch se sampark kare. Mai dopher ke bhojan se pehle mitti ki us gend (Earth) par akraman karna chahta hu. Noodle: Jaisa aap kahe, sir. (veh switchboard par lever ko kheechta hai, Electronic awazein aur beeps ke sath parde khulte hai.)


थिंक-टैंक: आईना, आईना, जो मेरे हाथ में है। सबसे ज़ादा तेज़ दिमाग वाला कौन है पूरी भूमि में ?
ऑफस्टेज आवाज: (एक ठहराव के बाद) आप, सर।
थिंक टैंक: (आईने को मारते हुए) तेज बोलो। अगली बार जल्दी जवाब देना। मुझे धीमे आईने से नफरत है। (वह खुद को आईने में देखता है।) आह, ये रहा मैं। क्या हम मार्टियन एक सुंदर जाति नहीं हैं? छोटे सिर के साथ उन बदसूरत पृथ्वी पे रहने वाले लोगो से तो कई ज़ादा आकर्षक है । नूडल, अगर आप अपने दिमाग का उपयोग करते रहेंगे , तो किसी दिन मेरे जैसा बलून जितना बड़ा दिमाग हो जाएगा।
नूडल: ओह, मुझे आशा है, ताकतवर थिंक-टैंक। मुझे आशा है।
थिंक टैंक: अब, अंतरिक्ष जांच से संपर्क करें। मैं दोपहर के भोजन से पहले पृथ्वी की मिट्टी की उस गेंद पर आक्रमण करना चाहता हूं। नूडल: यह किया जाएगा, सर। (वह स्विचबोर्ड पर लीवर को खींचता है। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक आवाज़े और बीप्स के साथ पर्दे खुलते है।)


थिंक-टैंक: आईना, आईना, जो मेरे हाथ में है। इस पूरे ग्रह पर सबसे ज़्यादा तेज़ दिमाग वाला कौन है?
ऑफस्टेज आवाज: (एक ठहराव के बाद) आप, सर।
थिंक टैंक: (आईने को मारते हुए) और जल्दी। अगली बार जल्दी जवाब देना। मुझे धीमे आईने से नफरत है। (वह खुद को आईने में देखता है।) आह, ये रहा मैं। क्या हम मार्टियन एक सुंदर जाति नहीं हैं? हम उन छोटे सिर के साथ, पृथ्वी पर रहने वाले बदसूरत लोगों से तो कई ज़्यादा आकर्षक है। नूडल, अगर आप अपने दिमाग का उपयोग करते रहेंगे, तो किसी दिन आपका मेरे जैसा बलून जितना बड़ा दिमाग हो जाएगा।
नूडल: ओह, मुझे आशा है, ताकतवर थिंक-टैंक। मुझे आशा है।
थिंक टैंक: अब, अंतरिक्ष जांच से संपर्क करें। मैं दोपहर के भोजन से पहले मिट्टी की उस गेंद (पृथ्वी) पर आक्रमण करना चाहता हूँ। नूडल: जैसा आप कहे, सर। (वह स्विचबोर्ड पर लीवर को खींचता है। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक आवाज़े और बीप्स के साथ पर्दे खुलते है।)


Time: A few seconds later
Place: Mars Space Control and the Centerville Public Library
At Rise: Captain Omega stands at center, opening and closing card catalog drawers in a confused fashion. Lieutenant Iota is up left, counting books in a bookcase. Sergeant Oop is at right, opening and closing a book, turning it upside down, shaking it and then riffling the pages and shaking his head.
Noodle: (adjusting knobs) I have a close sighting of the space crew, sir.
(Think-Tank puts on a pair of enormous goggles and turns towards the stage to watch.) They seem to have entered some sort of Earth structure.
Think-Tank: Excellent. Make voice contact.
Noodle: (speaking into a microphone) Mars Space Control calling the crew of Probe One. Mars Space Control calling the crew of Probe One. Come in, Captain Omega, and give us your location.
Omega: (speaking into a disk which is on a chain around her neck) Captain Omega to Mars Space Control. Lieutenant Iota, Sergeant Oop, and I have arrived on Earth without incident. We have taken shelter in this (indicates room) - this square place. Have you any idea where we are, Lieutenant Iota?


Time : A few seconds later
Place : Mars Space Control and the Centerville Public Library
At Rise : Captain Omega stands at centre, opening and closing card catalogue drawers in a confused fashion. Lieutenant Iota is up left, counting books in a bookcase. Sergeant Oop is at right, opening and closing a book, turning it upside down, shaking it and then riffling the pages and shaking his head.
Noodle: (adjusting knobs) I have a close sighting of the space crew, sir.
(Think-Tank puts on a pair of enormous goggles and turns towards the stage to watch.) They seem to have entered some sort of Earth structure.
Think-Tank: Excellent. Make voice contact.
Noodle:(speaking into a microphone) Mars Space Control calling the crew of Probe One. Mars Space Control calling the crew of Probe One. Come in, Captain Omega, and give us your location.
Omega:(speaking into a disk which is on a chain around her neck) Captain Omega to Mars Space Control. Lieutenant Iota, Sergeant Oop, and I have arrived on Earth without incident. We have taken shelter in this (indicates room) - this square place. Have you any idea where we are, Lieutenant Iota?


Time: A few seconds later
Place: Mars Space Control and the Centerville Public Library
At Rise: Captain Omega stands at center, opening and closing card catalog drawers in a confused fashion. Lieutenant Iota is up left, counting books in a bookcase. Sergeant Oop is at right, opening and closing a book, turning it upside down, shaking it and then riffling the pages and shaking his head.
Noodle: (adjusting knobs) I have a close sighting of the space crew, sir.
(Think-Tank puts on a pair of enormous goggles and turns towards the stage to watch.) They seem to have entered some sort of Earth structure.
Think-Tank: Excellent. Make voice contact.
Noodle: (speaking into a microphone) Mars Space Control calling the crew of Probe One. Mars Space Control calling the crew of Probe One. Come in, Captain Omega, and give us your location.
Omega: (speaking into a disk which is on a chain around her neck) Captain Omega to Mars Space Control. Lieutenant Iota, Sergeant Oop, and I have arrived on Earth without incident. We have taken shelter in this (indicates room) - this square place. Have you any idea where we are, Lieutenant Iota?


Catalogue (कैटलॉग): to make a list of all the things in a collection, तालिका
Confused (कनफ्यूज)obscured, घबराहट भरा
Shake (शेक) to wag, हिलाना
Riffle (रिफ्ल): to turn over pages, पन्नों को पलटना
Crew (क्रू): members, दल
Enormous (इनॉरमस): huge, विशाल
Structure (स्ट्रक्चर): building, संरचना
Location (लोकेशन) position, स्थिति
Incident (इनसिडेंट) instance, मुठभेड़, घटना
Shelter (शेल्टर): protection, शरण
Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर)odd, अजीब
Storage (स्टॉरिज): depot, धान्यगार
Galaxy (गैलक्सी): a collection of stars, आकाश गंगा
Haberdashery (हैबडैशरी): clothing store, बिसातखाना


Catalogue (कैटलॉग)—to make a list of all the things in a collection, तालिका
Confused (कनफ्यूज)obscured, घबराहट भरा
Shake (शेक) to wag, हिलाना
Riffle (रिफ्ल)—to turn over pages, पन्नों को पलटना
Crew (क्रू)—members, दल
Enormous (इनॉरमस)—huge, विशाल
Structure (स्ट्रक्चर)– building, संरचना
Location (लोकेशन) position, स्थिति।Incident (इनसिडेंट) instance, मुठभेड़, घटना
Shelter (शेल्टर)–protection, शरण
Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर)odd, अजीब
Storage (स्टॉरिज)–depot, धान्यगार
Galaxy (गैलक्सी)–a collection of stars, आकाश गंगा॥ Haberdashery (हैबडैशरी)–clothing store, बिसातखाना।


Catalogue (कैटलॉग): to make a list of all the things in a collection, तालिका
Confused (कनफ्यूज)obscured, घबराहट भरा
Shake (शेक) to wag, हिलाना
Riffle (रिफ्ल): to turn over pages, पन्नों को पलटना
Crew (क्रू): members, दल
Enormous (इनॉरमस): huge, विशाल
Structure (स्ट्रक्चर): building, संरचना
Location (लोकेशन) position, स्थिति
Incident (इनसिडेंट) instance, मुठभेड़, घटना
Shelter (शेल्टर): protection, शरण
Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर)odd, अजीब
Storage (स्टॉरिज): depot, धान्यगार
Galaxy (गैलक्सी): a collection of stars, आकाश गंगा
Haberdashery (हैबडैशरी): clothing store, बिसातखाना


Samay: Kuch seconds baad
Place: Mars space control aur Centerville Public Library
Udday me: Captain Omega uljhan mein ek card catalog drawer ko baar baar kholte aur band karte hue khade hai. Lieutenant Iota left side hai, ek kitabo ki almirah me kitabe ginte hue. Sergeant Oop right side hai, ek kitab ko kholte aur band karte, usey ulta aur hilate aur fir uske panne kholte hue.
Noodles: (Yantr thik karte hue) Mein antrikh ko pass se dekh sakta hu, sir.
(Think-Tank vishal chashme phenta hai aur dekhne ke liye manch ki oor mudta hai.) Veh prithvi ke kisi hisse me aa chuke hai.
Noodle: (ek microphone me bolte hue) Mars Space Control, Probe One ke chalak dal ko bulate hue. Mars Space Control, Probe One ke chalak dal ko bulate hue. Captain Omega aao, aur hume apna location do.
Omega: (Disc me bolte hue jo uske gale par latka hai) Captain Omega, Mangal Antariksh niyantran se.
Lieutenant Lota, Sergeant Oop aur main bina kisi ghatna ke prithvi par aa gaye hai. Humne isme (kamra dikhate hue) aashray liya hai - yeh square jagah. Kya aapke paas koi vichar hai ki hum kaha hai, Lieutenant Lota?


समय: कुछ सेकंड बाद
स्थान: मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल और सेंटविल पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी
उदय में: कैप्टन ओमेगा एक उलझे हुए फैशन में कार्ड कैटलॉग ड्रॉर्स को खोलने, खोलने और बंद करने के लिए खड़ा है। लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा बचे हैं, एक किताबों की अलमारी में किताबें गिन रहे हैं। सार्जेंट ऊप सही है, एक किताब को खोलना और बंद करना, इसे उल्टा करना, इसे हिलाना और फिर पन्नों को फिराना और उसके सिर को हिलाना।
नूडल: (यंत्र ठीक करते हुए ) मैं अंतरिक्ष को पास से देख सकता हूँ, सर।
(थिंक-टैंक विशाल चश्मे की एक जोड़ी लगाता है और देखने के लिए मंच की ओर मुड़ता है।) वे पृथ्वी के किसी हिस्से में आ चुके है।
थिंक-टैंक: बहुत बढ़िया। आवाज संपर्क करें।
नूडल: (एक माइक्रोफोन में बोलते हुए) मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल ने प्रोब वन के चालक दल को बुलाया। मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल ने प्रोब वन के चालक दल को बुलाया। कप्तान ओमेगा आओ, और हमें अपने स्थान की जानकारी दो।
ओमेगा: (डिस्क में बोलना जो उसके गले पर है) कैप्टन ओमेगा से मंगल अंतरिक्ष नियंत्रण।
लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा, सार्जेंट ऊप और मैं बिना किसी घटना के पृथ्वी पर आ गए है। हमने इसमें (कमरा दिखाते हुए ) आश्रय लिया है - यह वर्ग स्थान है। क्या आपके पास कोई विचार है कि हम कहां हैं, लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा?


समय: कुछ सेकंडस बाद
स्थान: मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल और सेंटविल पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी
उदय में: कैप्टन ओमेगा उलझन में एक कार्ड कैटलॉग ड्रावर को बार-बार खोलते और बंद करते हुए खड़े है। लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा बाएं ओर हैं, एक किताबों की अलमारी में किताबें गिनते हुए। सार्जेंट ऊप दाहिने तरफ है, एक किताब को खोलते और बंद करते, उसे उल्टा और हिलाते और फिर उसके पन्ने खोलते हुए।
नूडल: (यंत्र ठीक करते हुए) मैं अंतरिक्ष को पास से देख सकता हूँ, सर।
(थिंक-टैंक विशाल चश्मे पहनता है और देखने के लिए मंच की ओर मुड़ता है।) वे पृथ्वी के किसी हिस्से में आ चुके है।
थिंक-टैंक: बहुत बढ़िया। आवाज संपर्क करें।
नूडल: (एक माइक्रोफोन में बोलते हुए) मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल, प्रोब वन के चालक दल को बुलाते हुए।मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल, प्रोब वन के चालक दल को बुलाते हुए। कप्तान ओमेगा आओ, और हमें अपना स्थान बताओ।
ओमेगा: (डिस्क में बोलते हुए जो उसके गले पर लटका है।) कैप्टन ओमेगा, मंगल अंतरिक्ष नियंत्रण से।
लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा, सार्जेंट ऊप और मैं बिना किसी घटना के पृथ्वी पर आ गए है। हमने इसमें (कमरा दिखाते हुए) आश्रय लिया है - यह वर्ग स्थान। क्या आपके पास कोई विचार है कि हम कहां हैं, लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा?


Iota: I can't figure it out, Captain. (holding up a book) I've counted two thousand of these peculiar items. This place must be some sort of storage barn. What do you think, Sergeant Oop?
Oop: I haven't a clue. I've been to seven galaxies, but I've never seen anything like this. Maybe they're hats. (He opens a book and puts it on his head.) Say, maybe this is a haberdashery!
Omega: (bowing low) Perhaps the Great and Mighty Think-Tank will give us the benefit of his thought on the matter.
Think-Tank: Elementary, my dear Omega. Hold one of the items up so that I may view it closely. (Omega holds a book on the palm of her hand.) Yes, yes, I understand now. Since Earth creatures are always eating, the place in which you find yourselves is undoubtedly a crude refreshment stand.
(to Iota and Oop) He says we're in a refreshment stand.
Well, the Earthlings certainly have a strange diet.


Iota: I can't figure it out, Captain. (holding up a book) I've counted two thousand of these peculiar items. This place must be some sort of storage barn. What do you think, Sergeant Oop?
Oop :I haven't a clue. I've been to seven galaxies, but I've never seen anything like this. Maybe they're hats. (He opens a book and puts it on his head.) Say, maybe this is a haberdashery!
Omega: (bowing low) Perhaps the Great and Mighty Think-Tank will give us the benefit of his thought on the matter.
Think-Tank: Elementary, my dear Omega. Hold one of the items up so that I may view it closely. (Omega holds a book on the palm of her hand.) Yes, yes, I understand now. Since Earth creatures are always eating, the place in which you find yourselves is undoubtedly a crude refreshment stand.
:(to Iota and Oop) He says we're in a refreshment stand.
: Well, the Earthlings certainly have a strange diet.


Iota: I can't figure it out, Captain. (holding up a book) I've counted two thousand of these peculiar items. This place must be some sort of storage barn. What do you think, Sergeant Oop?
Oop: I haven't a clue. I've been to seven galaxies, but I've never seen anything like this. Maybe they're hats. (He opens a book and puts it on his head.) Say, maybe this is a haberdashery!
Omega: (bowing low) Perhaps the Great and Mighty Think-Tank will give us the benefit of his thought on the matter.
Think-Tank: Elementary, my dear Omega. Hold one of the items up so that I may view it closely. (Omega holds a book on the palm of her hand.) Yes, yes, I understand now. Since Earth creatures are always eating, the place in which you find yourselves is undoubtedly a crude refreshment stand.
(to Iota and Oop) He says we're in a refreshment stand.
Well, the Earthlings certainly have a strange diet.


Benefit (बेनिफिट): profit, लाभ
Elementary (ऐलिमेनट्रि): primary, प्राथमिक
UnderstAnd (अंडरस्टैंड): to comprehend, समझना
Undoubtedly (अनडाउटिडलि): certainly, निस्संदेह रूप से
Crude (क्रूड): temporary, अस्थाई
Refreshment (रिफ्रेशमेंट): snacks And drinks, जलपान।


Benefit (बेनिफिट)–profit, लाभ
Elementary (ऐलिमेनट्रि)–primary, प्राथमिक
UnderstAnd (अंडरस्टैंड)–to comprehend, समझना
Undoubtedly (अनडाउटिडलि)—certainly, निस्संदेह रूप से
Crude (क्रूड)–temporary, अस्थाई
Refreshment (रिफ्रेशमेंट)–snacks And drinks, जलपान।


Benefit (बेनिफिट): profit, लाभ
Elementary (ऐलिमेनट्रि): primary, प्राथमिक
UnderstAnd (अंडरस्टैंड): to comprehend, समझना
Undoubtedly (अनडाउटिडलि): certainly, निस्संदेह रूप से
Crude (क्रूड): temporary, अस्थाई
Refreshment (रिफ्रेशमेंट): snacks And drinks, जलपान।


Iota: Mai isse samajh nahi paa raha, Captain. (ek kitaab ko pakde hue) maine inn ajeebogarib vastuo me se do hazaar ki ginti ki hai. Yeh sthaan kisi prakar ki saaman rakhne ki jagah honi chahiye. Aap kya sochte hai, Sergeant Oop?
Oop: Mujhe kuch nahi pata hai. Mai saat galaxies me gaya hu, lekin maine aisa kabhi nahi dekha. Shayad ye sab topiyaan hai. (veh ek kitab kholta hai aur use apne sir par rakhta hai.) Kaho, shayad yeh ek bisati ki dukaan hai!
Omega: (Jhukte hue) Mahan aur parakrami Think Tank hume iss mamle par unke vichar de.
Think Tank: Sabse phele, my dear Omega. Item ko oopar pakde taaki mai isey kareeb se dekh saku. (Omega apne hath ki hatheli par ek kitab rakti hai.) Haan, haan, mai ab samajh gaya. Kyunki prithvi ke jeev hamesha khate rehte hai, jiss sthaan par aap khade hai, vo bina kisi shak ke ek khana khane ki jagah hai.
(Iota aur Oop ko bolte hue) Veh kehte hai ki hum ek refreshment stand me hai.
Theek hai, Prithvi par rehne wale bada ajeeb khana khate hai.


आयोटा: मैं इसे समझ नहीं सकता, कप्तान। (एक पुस्तक को पकड़े हुए) मैंने इन अजीबोगरीब वस्तुओं में से दो हजार की गिनती की है। यह स्थान किसी प्रकार की सामन रखने की जगह होनी चाहिए। आप क्या सोचते हैं, सार्जेंट ऊप?
ऊप: मुझे तो कुछ नहीं पता है। मैं सात आकाशगंगाओं में गया हूँ, लेकिन मैंने ऐसा कभी नहीं देखा। शायद ये सब टोपी हैं। (वह एक किताब खोलता है और उसे अपने सिर पर रखता है।) कहो, शायद यह एक हेबरदेशारी है!
ओमेगा: (कम झुकना) शायद महान और पराक्रमी थिंक-टैंक हमें इस मामले पर उनके विचार दे।
थिंक-टैंक: सबसे पहले , माय डियर ओमेगा। एक को पकड़ें, आइटम को ऊपर रखें ताकि मैं इसे करीब से देख सकूं। (ओमेगा अपने हाथ की हथेली पर एक किताब रखती है।) हां, हां, मैं अब समझता हूं। पृथ्वी के जीव हमेशा खाना खाते हैं, जिस स्थान पर आप खुद को पाते हैं, वो बिना किसी शक एक खाना खाने की जगह है ।
: (आयोटा और ऊप के लिए) वह कहता है कि हम रिफ्रेशमेंट स्टैंड में हैं।
: ठीक है, पृथ्वी पे रहने वाले पक्का बड़ा अजीब खाना खाते है।


आयोटा: मैं इसे समझ नहीं पा रहा, कप्तान। (एक पुस्तक को पकड़े हुए) मैंने इन अजीबोगरीब वस्तुओं में से दो हजार की गिनती की है। यह स्थान किसी प्रकार की सामन रखने की जगह होनी चाहिए। आप क्या सोचते हैं, सार्जेंट ऊप?
ऊप: मुझे कुछ नहीं पता। मैं सात आकाशगंगाओं में गया हूँ, लेकिन मैंने ऐसा कभी नहीं देखा। शायद ये सब टोपियाँ हैं। (वह एक किताब खोलता है और उसे अपने सिर पर रखता है।) कहो, शायद यह एक बिसाती की दुकान है!
ओमेगा: (झुकते हुए) महान और पराक्रमी थिंक-टैंक हमें इस मामले पर उनके विचार दे।
थिंक-टैंक: सबसे पहले, माय डियर ओमेगा । आइटम को ऊपर पकड़े ताकि मैं इसे करीब से देख सकूं। (ओमेगा अपने हाथ की हथेली पर एक किताब रखती है।) हां, हां, मैं अब समझ गया। क्योंकि पृथ्वी के जीव हमेशा खाते रहते हैं, जिस स्थान पर आप हैं, वो बिना किसी शक एक खाना खाने की जगह है।
(आयोटा और ऊप को बोलते हुए) वह कहता है कि हम एक रिफ्रेशमेंट स्टैंड में हैं।
ठीक है, पृथ्वी पे रहने वाले बड़ा अजीब खाना खाते है।


Think-Tank:That item in your hand is called a sandwich.
Omega:(nodding)A sandwich.
Iota: (nodding)A sandwich.
Oop:(taking book from his hand) A sandwich?
Think-Tank: Sandwiches are the main staple of Earth diet. Look at it closely. (Omega squints at book.) There are two slices of what is called bread, and between them is some sort of filling.
Omega:That is correct, sir.
Think-Tank:To confirm my opinion, I order you to eat it.
Omega:(gulping) -Eat it?
Think-Tank:Do you doubt the Mighty Think-Tank?
Omega: Oh, no, no. But poor Lieutenant Iota has not had her breakfast.
Lieutenant Iota, I order you to eat this - this sandwich.
Iota: (dubiously) Eat it? Oh, Captain! It's a very great honour to be the first Martian to eat a sandwich, I'm sure, but - but how can I be so impolite as to eat before my Sergeant? (handing Oop the book and saying brightly) Sergeant Oop, I order you to eat the sandwich immediately.
Oop: (making a face) Who, Lieutenant? Me, Lieutenant?
Iota and Omega: (saluting) For the glory of Mars, Oop!
Oop:Yes, of course! (unhappily) Immediately. (He opens his mouth wide. Omega and Iota watch him breathlessly. He bites down on a corner of the book, and pantomimes chewing and swallowing, while making terrible faces.)
Omega:Well, Oop?
Iota: Well, Oop? (Oop coughs. Omega and Iota pound him on the back)
Think-Tank:Was it not delicious, Sergeant Oop?
Oop: (saluting) That is correct, sir. It was not delicious. I don't know how the Earthlings can get those sandwiches down without water. They're dry as Martian dust.


Think-Tank :That item in your hand is called a sandwich.
Omega :(nodding)A sandwich.
Iota : (nodding)A sandwich.
Oop :(taking book from his hand) A sandwich?
Think-Tank : Sandwiches are the main staple of Earth diet. Look at it closely. (Omega squints at book.) There are two slices of what is called bread, and between them is some sort of filling.
Omega :That is correct, sir.
Think-Tank :To confirm my opinion, I order you to eat it.
Omega :(gulping) -Eat it?
Think-Tank :Do you doubt the Mighty Think-Tank?
Omega : Oh, no, no. But poor Lieutenant Iota has not had her breakfast.
Lieutenant Iota, I order you to eat this - this sandwich.
Iota : (dubiously) Eat it? Oh, Captain! It's a very great honour to be the first Martian to eat a sandwich, I'm sure, but - but how can I be so impolite as to eat before my Sergeant? (handing Oop the book and saying brightly) Sergeant Oop, I order you to cat the sandwich immediately.
Oop : (making a face) Who, Lieutenant? Me, Lieutenant?
Iota and Omega : (saluting) For the glory of Mars, Oop!
Oop :Yes, of course! (unhappily) Immediately. (He opens his mouth wide. Omega and Iota watch him breathlessly. He bites down on a corner of the book, and pantomimes chewing and swallowing, while making terrible faces.)
Omega :Well, Oop?
Iota : Well, Oop? (Oop coughs. Omega and Iota pound him on the back)
Think-Tank :Was it not delicious, Sergeant Oop?
Oop : (saluting) That is correct, sir. It was not delicious. I don't know how the Earthlings can get those sandwiches down without water. They're dry as Martian dust.


Think-Tank:That item in your hand is called a sandwich.
Omega:(nodding)A sandwich.
Iota: (nodding)A sandwich.
Oop:(taking book from his hand) A sandwich?
Think-Tank: Sandwiches are the main staple of Earth diet. Look at it closely. (Omega squints at book.) There are two slices of what is called bread, and between them is some sort of filling.
Omega:That is correct, sir.
Think-Tank:To confirm my opinion, I order you to eat it.
Omega:(gulping) -Eat it?
Think-Tank:Do you doubt the Mighty Think-Tank?
Omega: Oh, no, no. But poor Lieutenant Iota has not had her breakfast.
Lieutenant Iota, I order you to eat this - this sandwich.
Iota: (dubiously) Eat it? Oh, Captain! It's a very great honour to be the first Martian to eat a sandwich, I'm sure, but - but how can I be so impolite as to eat before my Sergeant? (handing Oop the book and saying brightly) Sergeant Oop, I order you to eat the sandwich immediately.
Oop: (making a face) Who, Lieutenant? Me, Lieutenant?
Iota and Omega: (saluting) For the glory of Mars, Oop!
Oop:Yes, of course! (unhappily) Immediately. (He opens his mouth wide. Omega and Iota watch him breathlessly. He bites down on a corner of the book, and pantomimes chewing and swallowing, while making terrible faces.)
Omega:Well, Oop?
Iota: Well, Oop? (Oop coughs. Omega and Iota pound him on the back)
Think-Tank:Was it not delicious, Sergeant Oop?
Oop: (saluting) That is correct, sir. It was not delicious. I don't know how the Earthlings can get those sandwiches down without water. They're dry as Martian dust.


Confirm (कनफर्म): to support, प्रमाणित करना
Opinion (ओपिनिअन): view, राय
Gulp (गल्प): to swallow, निगलना
Breakfast (ब्रेकफॉस्ट): first meal of the day, नाश्ता।Impolite (इम्पलाइट): rude, अशिष्ट
Immediately (इमीडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
Glory (ग्लॉरि): esteem, सम्मान
Breathlessly (ब्रेथलेसलि): holding the breath, सांस रोकना
Pantomime (पैंटमाइम): mute acting, मूक अभिनय
chewing (चूइंग): bite And grind with teeth, चबाना।Cough (कफ): sudden noisy expulsion of air from lungs, खाँसना
Delicious (डिलिशस): tasty, स्वादिष्ट
Pardon (पॉर्डन): excuse, क्षमा माँगना
Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकंट): petty, निरर्थक।


Confirm (कनफर्म)—to support, प्रमाणित करना
Opinion (ओपिनिअन)–view, राय
Gulp (गल्प)—to swallow, निगलना
Breakfast (ब्रेकफॉस्ट)—first meal of the day, नाश्ता।Impolite (इम्पलाइट)—rude, अशिष्ट
Immediately (इमीडिअटलि)–instantly, तुरंत
Glory (ग्लॉरि)–esteem, सम्मान
Breathlessly (ब्रेथलेसलि)–holding the breath, सांस रोकना
Pantomime (पैंटमाइम)—mute acting, मूक अभिनय
chewing (चूइंग)–bite And grind with teeth, चबाना।Cough (कफ)–sudden noisy expulsion of air from lungs, खाँसना
Delicious (डिलिशस)–tasty, स्वादिष्ट
Pardon (पॉर्डन)—excuse, क्षमा माँगना
Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकंट)–petty, निरर्थक।


Confirm (कनफर्म): to support, प्रमाणित करना
Opinion (ओपिनिअन): view, राय
Gulp (गल्प): to swallow, निगलना
Breakfast (ब्रेकफॉस्ट): first meal of the day, नाश्ता।Impolite (इम्पलाइट): rude, अशिष्ट
Immediately (इमीडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
Glory (ग्लॉरि): esteem, सम्मान
Breathlessly (ब्रेथलेसलि): holding the breath, सांस रोकना
Pantomime (पैंटमाइम): mute acting, मूक अभिनय
chewing (चूइंग): bite And grind with teeth, चबाना।Cough (कफ): sudden noisy expulsion of air from lungs, खाँसना
Delicious (डिलिशस): tasty, स्वादिष्ट
Pardon (पॉर्डन): excuse, क्षमा माँगना
Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकंट): petty, निरर्थक।


Think Tank: Apke haath mein jo cheez hai usse sandwich kehte hai.
Omega: (sir hilate hue) ek sandwich.
Iota: (sir hilate hue) Ek Sandwich.
Oop: (Uske haath se kitab lete hue) ek sandwich?
Think-Tank: Sandwich Prithvi ke logon ka pramukh bhojan hai. Isse kareeb se dekhe, (Omega dhyaan se pustak ko dekhte hue). Isme bread ki do slices hai, aur unke beech mein kuch filling dali jati hai.
Omega: Aap sahi keh rahe hai, sir.
Think Tank: Iss baat ko pakka karne ke liye, main apko issey khane ka adesh deta hu.
Omega: (darte hue) Issey khaane ka?
Think-Tank: Kya aap shaktishaali Think-Tank par shak kar rahe hai?
Omega: Oooh, nahi, nahi. Lekin bechare Lieutenant Iota ne abhi tak apna nashta nahi kiya hai.
Lieutenant Iota, main aapko iss khane ka adhesh deta hu- iss sandwich ko.
Iota: (sandigdh) Issey khaana hai? Ohh, Captain! Ek sandwich khane wala pehla Martian hona bahut hi samman ki baat hai, mujhe yakeen hai, lekin mein apne sergeant se pehle khaana kaise kha sakta hu? (Pustak Oop ko saupte hue aur ujjawalta se kehte hue) Sergeant Oop, main aap ko turant sandwich khane ka adesh deta hu.
Oop: (Chehra banate hue) Kon Lieutenant? Mujhe Lieutenant?
Iota aur Omega: (Salaam karte hue) Mangal ki mahima ke liye, Oop
Oop: Haan, Bilkul! (Aprasan ho kar) (Veh apna muh khol leta hain. Omega aur Iota usse bina saas liye dekhte hai. Veh kitab ke ek kone ko chabata hai aur bhayanak chehre banate hue pantomimes chabane aur nigalne lagta hai.
Omega: Aap theek hai, Oop
Iota: Yah kaisa hai, Oop? (Oop Khasta hai. Omega aur Iota usse peeth par thapthapate hai)
Think-Tank: Kya yeh swadisht nahi tha, Sergeant Oop?
Oop: (Pranam karte hue) Bilkul sahi bole sir, yeh bilkul swadisht nahi tha. Mujhe nahi pata ki prithivaasi bina paani ke inn sandwich ko kaise kha sakte hai. Veh Martian Dust ke jaise sukhi hai.


थिंक-टैंक: आपके हाथ में जो चीज है उसे सैंडविच कहते है।
ओमेगा: (सिर हिलाते हुए) एक सैंडविच।
आयोटा: (सिर हिलाते हुए) एक सैंडविच।
ऊप: (अपने हाथ से किताब लेते हुए) एक सैंडविच?
थिंक-टैंक: सैंडविच पृथ्वी के खाने का मुख्य आधार है। इसे करीब से देखें। (पुस्तक में ओमेगा ध्यान से देखते हुए।) ब्रेड को क्या कहा जाता है इसके दो स्लाइस हैं, और उनके बीच में कुछ डाला जाता है।
ओमेगा: यह सही है, सर।
थिंक-टैंक: इस बात को पक्का करने के लिए, मैं आपको इसे खाने का आदेश देता हूं।
ओमेगा: (फुसफुसाते हुए) -हा?
थिंक-टैंक: क्या आप शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक पर शक कर रहे हैं?
ओमेगा: ओह, नहीं, नहीं। लेकिन लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा ने अपना नाश्ता नहीं किया है।
लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा, मैं आपको इसे खाने का आदेश देता हूं - यह सैंडविच।
आयोटा: (संदिग्ध) इसे खाओ? ओह, कप्तान! एक सैंडविच खाने वाला पहला मार्टियन होना बहुत ही सम्मान की बात है, मुझे यकीन है, लेकिन - लेकिन मैं अपने सार्जेंट से पहले खाने के लिए इतना अयोग्य कैसे हो सकता हूं? (पुस्तक को ऊप सौंपते हुए और उज्ज्वलता से कहते हुए) सार्जेंट ऊप, मैं आपको तुरंत सैंडविच खाने का आदेश देता हूं।
ऊप: (चेहरा बनाते हुए) कौन, लेफ्टिनेंट? मुझे, लेफ्टिनेंट?
आयोटा और ओमेगा: (नमस्कार) मंगल की महिमा के लिए, ऊप!
ऊप: हाँ, बिल्कुल! (अप्रसन्न) तुरंत। (वह अपना मुंह चौड़ा कर लेता है। ओमेगा और आयोटा उसे बिना सास लिए देखते हैं। वह किताब के एक कोने पर बैठ जाता है और भयानक चेहरे बनाते हुए पैंटोमाइम्स चबाने और निगलने लगता है।)
ओमेगा: ठीक है, ऊप?
आयोटा: ठीक है, ऊप? (ऊप खाँसता है। ओमेगा और आयोटा ने उसे पीठ पर ढोया)
थिंक-टैंक: क्या यह स्वादिष्ट नहीं था, सार्जेंट ऊप?
ऊप: : (प्रणाम करते हुए) बिलकुल सही बोले सर , यह बिलकुल स्वादिष्ट नहीं था। मुझे नहीं पता कि पृथ्वीवासी बिना पानी के उन सैंडविच को कैसे खा सकते हैं। वे मार्टियन डस्ट के जैसे सूखी हैं।


थिंक-टैंक: आपके हाथ में जो चीज है उसे सैंडविच कहते है।
ओमेगा: (सिर हिलाते हुए) एक सैंडविच।
आयोटा: (सिर हिलाते हुए) एक सैंडविच।
ऊप: (उसके हाथ से किताब लेते हुए) एक सैंडविच?
थिंक-टैंक: सैंडविच पृथ्वी के लोगों का प्रमुख भोजन है। इसे करीब से देखें। (ओमेगा ध्यान से पुस्तक को देखते हुए।) इसमें ब्रेड के दो स्लाइस हैं, और उनके बीच में कुछ फिलिंग डाली जाती है।
ओमेगा: आप सही कह रहे है, सर।
थिंक-टैंक: इस बात को पक्का करने के लिए, मैं आपको इसे खाने का आदेश देता हूँ।
ओमेगा: (डरते हुए) - इसे खाना है?
थिंक-टैंक: क्या आप शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक पर शक कर रहे हैं?
ओमेगा: ओह, नहीं, नहीं। लेकिन बेचारे लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा ने अभी तक अपना नाश्ता नहीं किया है।
लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा, मैं आपको इसे खाने का आदेश देता हूँ - इस सैंडविच को।
आयोटा: (संदिग्ध) इसे खाना है? ओह, कप्तान! एक सैंडविच खाने वाला पहला मार्टियन होना बहुत ही सम्मान की बात है, मुझे यकीन है, लेकिन - लेकिन मैं अपने सार्जेंट से पहले कैसे सकता हूँ? (पुस्तक ऊप को सौंपते हुए और उज्ज्वलता से कहते हुए) सार्जेंट ऊप, मैं आपको तुरंत सैंडविच खाने का आदेश देता हूँ।
ऊप: (चेहरा बनाते हुए) कौन, लेफ्टिनेंट? मुझे, लेफ्टिनेंट?
आयोटा और ओमेगा: (सलाम करते हुए) मंगल की महिमा के लिए, ऊप!
ऊप: हाँ, बिल्कुल! (अप्रसन्न हो कर) (वह अपना मुँह खोल लेता है। ओमेगा और आयोटा उसे बिना सांस लिए देखते हैं। वह किताब के एक कोने को चबाता हैं और भयानक चेहरे बनाते हुए पैंटोमाइम्स चबाने और निगलने लगता है।)
ओमेगा: आप ठीक हो, ऊप?
आयोटा: यह कैसा है, ऊप? (ऊप खाँसता है। ओमेगा और आयोटा उसे पीठ पर थपथपाते है)
थिंक-टैंक: क्या वह स्वादिष्ट नहीं था, सार्जेंट ऊप?
ऊप: (प्रणाम करते हुए) बिलकुल सही बोले सर, यह बिलकुल स्वादिष्ट नहीं था। मुझे नहीं पता कि पृथ्वीवासी बिना पानी के इन सैंडविचस को कैसे खा सकते हैं। वे मार्टियन डस्ट के जैसे सूखी हैं।


Noodle: Sir, sir. Great and Mighty Think-Tank. I beg your pardon, but an insignificant bit of data floated into my mind about those sandwiches.
Think Tank: It can't be worth much, but go ahead. Give us you trifling bit of data.
Noodle: Well, sir, I have seen surveyor films of those sandwiches. I noticed that the Earthlings did not eat them. They used them as some sort of communication device.
Think-Tank: (haughtily) Naturally. That was my next point. These are actually communication sandwiches. Think-Tank is never wrong. Who is never wrong? (saluting) Great and Mighty Think-Tank is never wrong.
Think-Tank: Therefore, I order you to listen to them.
Omega: Listen to them?
Iota and Oop: (to each other, puzzled) Listen to them?
Think-Tank: Do you have marbles in your ears? I said, listen to them. (Martians bow very low.)
Omega: It shall be done, sir. (They each take two books from the case and hold them to their ears, listening intently.)
Iota:(whispering to Omega) Do you hear anything?
Iota:(whispering back) Nothing. Do you hear anything, Oop?
Oop: (loudly) Not a thing! (Omega and Iota jump in fright.)
Omega & Iota: Sh-h-h! (They listen intently again.)
Think-Tank: Well? Well? Report to me. What do you hear?
Omega: Nothing, sir. Perhaps we are not on the correct frequency. Nothing, sir.


Noodle: Sir, sir. Great and Mighty Think-Tank. I beg your pardon, but an insignificant bit of data floated into my mind about those sandwiches.
Think Tank : It can't be worth much, but go ahead. Give us you trifling bit of data.
Noodle: Well, sir, I have seen surveyor films of those sandwiches. I noticed that the Earthlings did not eat them. They used them as some sort of communication device.
Think-Tank : (haughtily) Naturally. That was my next point. These are actually communication sandwiches. Think-Tank is never wrong. Who is never wrong? (saluting) Great and Mighty Think-Tank is never wrong.
Think-Tank : Therefore, I order you to listen to them.
Omega : Listen to them?
Iota and Oop : (to each other, puzzled) Listen to them?
Think-Tank : Do you have marbles in your ears? I said, listen to them. (Martians bow very low.)
Omega : It shall be done, sir. (They each take two books from the case and hold them to their ears, listening intently.)
Iota :(whispering to Omega) Do you hear anything?
Iota :(whispering back) Nothing. Do you hear anything, Oop?
Oop : (loudly) Not a thing! (Omega and Iota jump in fright.)
Omega & Iota : Sh-h-h! (They listen intently again.)
Think-Tank : Well? Well? Report to me. What do you hear?
Omega :Nothing, sir. Perhaps we are not on the correct frequency. Nothing, sir.


Noodle: Sir, sir. Great and Mighty Think-Tank. I beg your pardon, but an insignificant bit of data floated into my mind about those sandwiches.
Think Tank: It can't be worth much, but go ahead. Give us you trifling bit of data.
Noodle: Well, sir, I have seen surveyor films of those sandwiches. I noticed that the Earthlings did not eat them. They used them as some sort of communication device.
Think-Tank: (haughtily) Naturally. That was my next point. These are actually communication sandwiches. Think-Tank is never wrong. Who is never wrong? (saluting) Great and Mighty Think-Tank is never wrong.
Think-Tank: Therefore, I order you to listen to them.
Omega: Listen to them?
Iota and Oop: (to each other, puzzled) Listen to them?
Think-Tank: Do you have marbles in your ears? I said, listen to them. (Martians bow very low.)
Omega: It shall be done, sir. (They each take two books from the case and hold them to their ears, listening intently.)
Iota:(whispering to Omega) Do you hear anything?
Iota:(whispering back) Nothing. Do you hear anything, Oop?
Oop: (loudly) Not a thing! (Omega and Iota jump in fright.)
Omega & Iota: Sh-h-h! (They listen intently again.)
Think-Tank: Well? Well? Report to me. What do you hear?
Omega: Nothing, sir. Perhaps we are not on the correct frequency. Nothing, sir.


Go ahead (गो अहेड): to proceed, आगे बढ़ना Earthlings (अर्थलिंग्स): inhabitants of earth, पृथ्वीवासी
Communication (RFAC): activity of sending information, I Device (faish): instrument, यंत्र
Haughtily (हाँटिली): proudly, गर्व से
Naturally (नेचुरल): of course, स्वाभाविक।
Puzzled (पजल्ड): to get confused, घबराकर
Marbles (मार्बल्स): small balls of glass, कंचे
whisper (व्हिस्पर): to murmur, फुसफुसाना
Fright (फ्राइट): fear, डर।Perhaps (परहेप्स): may be, शायद
Correct (करेक्ट): right, सही
Frequency (फ्रिक्वेंसी): the number of times something happens in a particular period, आवृत्ति
Suggest (सजेस्ट): to advise, सुझाव देना।


Go ahead (गो अहेड)–to proceed, आगे बढ़ना Earthlings (अर्थलिंग्स)–inhabitants of earth, पृथ्वीवासी
Communication (RFAC)—activity of sending information, I Device (faish)–instrument, यंत्र
Haughtily (हाँटिली)–proudly, गर्व से
Naturally (नेचुरल)—of course, स्वाभाविक।Puzzled (पजल्ड)– to get confused, घबराकर
Marbles (मार्बल्स)–small balls of glass, कंचे
whisper (व्हिस्पर)–to murmur, फुसफुसाना
Fright (फ्राइट)–fear, डर।Perhaps (परहेप्स)–may be, शायद
Correct (करेक्ट)–right, सही
Frequency (फ्रिक्वेंसी)—the number of times something happens in a particular period, आवृत्ति
Suggest (सजेस्ट)—to advise, सुझाव देना।


Go ahead (गो अहेड): to proceed, आगे बढ़ना Earthlings (अर्थलिंग्स): inhabitants of earth, पृथ्वीवासी
Communication (RFAC): activity of sending information, I Device (faish): instrument, यंत्र
Haughtily (हाँटिली): proudly, गर्व से
Naturally (नेचुरल): of course, स्वाभाविक।
Puzzled (पजल्ड): to get confused, घबराकर
Marbles (मार्बल्स): small balls of glass, कंचे
whisper (व्हिस्पर): to murmur, फुसफुसाना
Fright (फ्राइट): fear, डर।Perhaps (परहेप्स): may be, शायद
Correct (करेक्ट): right, सही
Frequency (फ्रिक्वेंसी): the number of times something happens in a particular period, आवृत्ति
Suggest (सजेस्ट): to advise, सुझाव देना।


Noodle: Sir, sir. Mahaan aur shaktishali Think-Tank. Mein aap se maafi chahta hu, lekin unn sandwiches ke baare me mere dimag me ek choti si baat aayi hai.
Think Tank: Yah koi zaruri baat nahi hogi, lekin aage badho. Hume apne dimag mein chal rahi choti se choti baat batao.
Noodle: Sir, mene unn sandwich ki kai films dekhi hai. Mene dekha ki earthlings inhe khate nahi the. Unhone isey ek doosre se baat karne ke liye istemal kiya.
Think-Tank: (Jaldbaazi me) Svabhavik roop se. Me yahi bolne wala tha. Yeh asliyat me communication sandwiches hai. Think-Tank kabhi galat nahi hota. Kon kabhi galat nahi hota?
(Salaam karte hue) Mahan aur shaktishali Think-Tank kabhi galat nahi ho sakta hai.
Think-Tank: Isliye, me sapko inhe sunne ka aadesh deta hu.
Omega: Inhe sunne ka?
lota aur Oop: (Hairaan) Inhe sunne ka?
Think-Tank: Kya apke kaan me pathar hai? Mene kaha, unki baatein suno. (Martians jhuk jaate hai.)
Omega: Jaisa aap kahe, Sir. (Veh do kitabe lete hai aur unhe apne kaano par laga kar aur gaur se sunne ki koshish karte hai.)
lota: (Omega ko phusphusate hue) Kya aap kuch bhi sun sakte hai?
lota: Kuch bhi nahi. Kya aap kuch bhi sun sakte hai, Oop?
Oop: (zor se) Kuch bhi nahi! (Omega aur Iota dar me kud gaye.)
Omega aur Iota: Shush! (veh phir se gaur se sunne lage.)
Think-Tank: Acha? Ab? Mujhe report karo. Kya sunayi de raha hai?
Omega: Kuch nahi, sir. Shayad hum sahi frequency par nahi hai. Kuch bhi nahi sunayi diya.


नूडल: सर, सर। महान और शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक। मैं आपसे माफ़ी चाहता हूं, लेकिन उन सैंडविचों के बारे में मेरे दिमाग में एक बड़ा सा डेटा तैर गया।
थिंक टैंक: इसकी कीमत ज्यादा नहीं हो सकती है, लेकिन आगे बढ़ो। हमें आप डेटा की छोटी से छोटी बात बताओ।
नूडल: ठीक है, सर, मैंने उन सैंडविच की फिल्में देखी हैं। मैंने देखा कि अर्थलिंग्स ने उन्हें नहीं खाया। उन्होंने उसे एक दूसरे से बात करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया।
थिंक-टैंक: (जल्दबाजी में) स्वाभाविक रूप से। मैं यही बोलने वाला था। ये सच में कम्युनिकेशन सैंडविच हैं। थिंक-टैंक कभी गलत नहीं होता। कौन कभी गलत नहीं होता?
(नमस्कार) महान और शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक कभी गलत नहीं हो सकता।
थिंक-टैंक: इसलिए, मैं आपको उन्हें सुनने का आदेश देता हूं।
ओमेगा: उनकी बात सुनो?
आयोटा और ऊप: (एक दूसरे के लिए, हैरान) उन्हें सुनें?
थिंक-टैंक: क्या आपके कान में पत्थर हैं? मैंने कहा, उनकी बात सुनो। (मार्टियंस झुकते हैं।)
ओमेगा: यह किया जाएगा, सर। (दो किताबें लेते हैं और उन्हें अपने कानों पे पकड़ते हैं, गौर से सुनते हैं।)
आयोटा: (ओमेगा को फुसफुसाते हुए) क्या आप कुछ भी सुन सकते हैं?
आयोटा: (कानाफूसी वापस) कुछ भी नहीं। आप कुछ भी सुन सकते हैं, ऊप?
ऊप: (जोर से) कोई बात नहीं! (ओमेगा और आयोटा डर में कूद गए।)
ओमेगा और आयोटा: शुश ! (वे फिर से गौर से सुनते हैं।)
थिंक-टैंक: अच्छा? अब? मुझे रिपोर्ट करो। क्या सुनाई दे रहा है ?
ओमेगा: कुछ नहीं, सर। शायद हम सही आवृत्ति पर नहीं हैं। कुछ नहीं सर।


नूडल: सर, सर। महान और शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक। मैं आपसे माफ़ी चाहता हूँ, लेकिन उन सैंडविचों के बारे में मेरे दिमाग में एक छोटी सी बात आई है।
थिंक टैंक: यह कोई ज़रूरी बात नहीं होगी, लेकिन आगे बढ़ो। हमें अपने दिमाग में चल रही छोटी सी छोटी बात बताओ।
नूडल: सर, मैंने उन सैंडविचस की कई फिल्में देखी हैं। मैंने देखा कि पृथ्वीनिवासी इन्हें खाते नहीं थे। उन्होंने इसे एक दूसरे से बात करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया।
थिंक-टैंक: (जल्दबाजी में) स्वाभाविक रूप से। मैं यही बोलने वाला था। ये असलियत में कम्युनिकेशन सैंडविचस हैं। थिंक-टैंक कभी गलत नहीं होता। कौन कभी गलत नहीं होता?
(सलाम करते हुए) महान और शक्तिशाली थिंक-टैंक कभी गलत नहीं हो सकता।
थिंक-टैंक: इसलिए, मैं आपको इन्हें सुनने का आदेश देता हूँ।
ओमेगा: इन्हें सुनने का?
आयोटा और ऊप: (हैरान) इन्हें सुनने का?
थिंक-टैंक: क्या आपके कान में पत्थर हैं? मैंने कहा, उनकी बातें सुनो। (मार्टियंस झुक जाते हैं।)
ओमेगा: जैसा आप कहे, सर। (वे दो किताबें लेते हैं और उन्हें अपने कानों पर लगाते हैं और गौर से सुनने की कोशिश करते हैं।)
आयोटा: (ओमेगा को फुसफुसाते हुए) क्या आप कुछ भी सुन सकते हैं?
आयोटा: कुछ भी नहीं। क्या आप कुछ सुन सकते हैं, ऊप?
ऊप: (जोर से) कुछ भी नहीं! (ओमेगा और आयोटा डर में कूद गए।)
ओमेगा और आयोटा: शुश ! (वे फिर से गौर से सुनने लगे।)
थिंक-टैंक: अच्छा? अब? मुझे रिपोर्ट करो। क्या सुनाई दे रहा है?
ओमेगा: कुछ नहीं, सर। शायद हम सही आवृत्ति पर नहीं हैं। कुछ भी नहीं सुनाई दिया।


Oop: I don’t hear a thing. Maybe these sandwiches don’t make sounds.
Think-Tank: What? Does somebody suggest the Mighty Think-Tank has made a mistake?
Omega: Oh, no, sir no, sir. We’ll keep listening.
Noodle: Please excuse me, your Brilliance, but a cloudy piece of information is twirling around in my head.
Think-Tank: Well, twirl it out,’ Noodle, and I will clarify it for you.
Noodle: I seem to recall that the Earthlings did not listen to the sandwiches; they opened them and watched them.
Think-Tank: Yes, that is quite correct, I will clarify that for you, Captain Omega. Those sandwiches are not for ear communication, they are for eye communication. Now, Captain Omega, take that large, colourful sandwich over there. It appears to be important. Tell me what you observe. (Omega picks up a very large volume of Mother Goose, holding it so that the audience can see the title. Iota looks over her left shoulder, and Oop peers over her right shoulder.)
Omega: It appears to contain pictures of earthlings.
Iota: There seems to be some sort of code.
Think-Tank: (sharply interested) Code? I told you this was important. Describe the code.
Oop: It’s little lines and squiggles and dots’-. thousands of them alongside the pictures.
Think-Tank: Perhaps the Earthlings are not as primitive as we have thought. We must break the code.
Noodle: Forgive me, your Cleverness, but did not the chemical department give our space people vitamins to increase their intelligence?


Oop : I don’t hear a thing. Maybe these sandwiches don’t make sounds.
Think-Tank : What? Does somebody suggest the Mighty Think-Tank has made a mistake?
Omega : Oh, no, sir no, sir. We’ll keep listening.
Noodle: Please excuse me, your Brilliance, but a cloudy piece of information is twirling around in my head.
Think-Tank : Well, twirl it out,’ Noodle, and I will clarify it for you.
Noodle: I seem to recall that the Earthlings did not listen to the sandwiches; they opened them and watched them.
Think-Tank : Yes, that is quite correct, I will clarify that for you, Captain Omega. Those sandwiches are not for ear communication, they are for eye communication. Now, Captain Omega, take that large, colourful sandwich over there. It appears to be important. Tell me what you observe. (Omega picks up a very large volume of Mother Goose, holding it so that the audience can see the title. Iota looks over her left shoulder, and Oop peers over her right shoulder.)
Omega : It appears to contain pictures of earthlings.
Iota : There seems to be some sort of code.
Think-Tank : (sharply interested) Code? I told you this was important. Describe the code.
Oop : It’s little lines and squiggles and dots’-. thousands of them alongside the pictures.
Think-Tank : Perhaps the Earthlings are not as primitive as we have thought. We must break the code.
Noodle: Forgive me, your Cleverness, but did not the chemical department give our space people vitamins to increase their intelligence?


Oop: I don’t hear a thing. Maybe these sandwiches don’t make sounds.
Think-Tank: What? Does somebody suggest the Mighty Think-Tank has made a mistake?
Omega: Oh, no, sir no, sir. We’ll keep listening.
Noodle: Please excuse me, your Brilliance, but a cloudy piece of information is twirling around in my head.
Think-Tank: Well, twirl it out,’ Noodle, and I will clarify it for you.
Noodle: I seem to recall that the Earthlings did not listen to the sandwiches; they opened them and watched them.
Think-Tank: Yes, that is quite correct, I will clarify that for you, Captain Omega. Those sandwiches are not for ear communication, they are for eye communication. Now, Captain Omega, take that large, colourful sandwich over there. It appears to be important. Tell me what you observe. (Omega picks up a very large volume of Mother Goose, holding it so that the audience can see the title. Iota looks over her left shoulder, and Oop peers over her right shoulder.)
Omega: It appears to contain pictures of earthlings.
Iota: There seems to be some sort of code.
Think-Tank: (sharply interested) Code? I told you this was important. Describe the code.
Oop: It’s little lines and squiggles and dots’-. thousands of them alongside the pictures.
Think-Tank: Perhaps the Earthlings are not as primitive as we have thought. We must break the code.
Noodle: Forgive me, your Cleverness, but did not the chemical department give our space people vitamins to increase their intelligence?


Information (इनफार्मेशन): data, सूचना
Twirl (वर्ल): to spin, घूमना
clarify (क्लैरिफाई): to elucidate, स्पष्ट करना
Colourful (कलरफुल): having different colours, रंगबिरंगे
Appear (अपिअर): to seem, दिखाई देना
Peer (पिअर): to peep, झाँकना
sort (सॉर्ट): kind, प्रकार
Squiggle (स्क्विगल): doodles, बेतरतीब लिखा हुआ
Chemical (केमिकल): material produced by change in atoms, रसायन
Intelligence (इंटेलिजेंस): wisdom, बुद्धि।


Information (इनफार्मेशन)–data, सूचना
Twirl (वर्ल)–to spin, घूमना
clarify (क्लैरिफाई)—to elucidate, स्पष्ट करना
Colourful (कलरफुल)–having different colours, रंगबिरंगे
Appear (अपिअर)—to seem, दिखाई देना
Peer (पिअर)—to peep, झाँकना
sort (सॉर्ट)—kind, प्रकार
Squiggle (स्क्विगल)–doodles, बेतरतीब लिखा हुआ
Chemical (केमिकल)–material produced by change in atoms, रसायन
Intelligence (इंटेलिजेंस)–wisdom, बुद्धि।


Information (इनफार्मेशन): data, सूचना
Twirl (वर्ल): to spin, घूमना
clarify (क्लैरिफाई): to elucidate, स्पष्ट करना
Colourful (कलरफुल): having different colours, रंगबिरंगे
Appear (अपिअर): to seem, दिखाई देना
Peer (पिअर): to peep, झाँकना
sort (सॉर्ट): kind, प्रकार
Squiggle (स्क्विगल): doodles, बेतरतीब लिखा हुआ
Chemical (केमिकल): material produced by change in atoms, रसायन
Intelligence (इंटेलिजेंस): wisdom, बुद्धि।


Oop: Mujhe toh kuch sunayi nahi de raha. Ho sakta hai yeh sandwiches awaz na karti ho.
Think Tank: Kya? Kya kisi ne sujaav diya ki takatvar Think Tank ne galti ki hai?
Omega: Ooo, sir, nahi sir. Hum sunte rahenge.
Noodle: Kripya mujhe maaf kare, lekin ek baat mere sir mein ghoom rahi hai.
Think Tank: Theek hai, hume batao, Mein bataunga ki tum sahi sooch rahe ho ya nahi.
Noodle: Mujhe yaad hai ki prithviwasi sandwich ko sunte nahi the; veh inhe khol kar inme dekhte the.
Think Tank: Haan, yeh galat nahi hai, mein aap ko ache se samjhata hu, Captain Omega. Veh sandwich kaan se sunne ke liye nahi hai, veh aankhon se samjhne ke liye hai. Ab Captain Omega, uss bade, rangeen sandwich ko vaha lo. Vah kaafi zaroori lag rahi hai. Mujhe bataye ki aap kya dekh sakte hai. (Omega Mother Goose ki ek bahut badi volume ko chunta hai, usne isey aise pakda taaki audience iske title ko padh sake. Iota uske left kandhe ke oopar se dekhta hai aur Oop uske right taraf se.)
Omega: Iss mein prithvi ka chitr hai.
Iota: Lagta hai kisi tarah ka code hai.
Think Tank: Code? Mene aap ko bola tha ki yeh mehtvapoor hai. Code ke baare mein batao
Oop: Yeh choti rekhaye aur squiggles aur aur dots hai - hazaro, tasveer ke sath.
Think-Tank: Shayad earthlings itne primitive nahi hai jitna humne socha. Hume Code ko todna chahiye.
Noodle: Mujhe maaf kare, lekin kya hamari buddhi badhane ke liye rasaynik vibhag ne hamare antriksh ke logo ko vitamins nahi diye?


ऊप: मुझे तो कुछ सुनाई नहीं दे रहा। हो सकता है कि ये सैंडविच आवाज न करें।
थिंक-टैंक: क्या? क्या किसी ने सुझाव दिया कि ताकतवर थिंक-टैंक ने गलती की है?
ओमेगा: ओ, नहीं, सर नहीं, सर। हम सुनते रहेंगे।
नूडल: कृपया मुझे माफ़ करें, लेकिन एक बात मेरे सिर में घूम रही है।
थिंक-टैंक: ठीक है, इसे बाहर निकालो, 'नूडल, मैं तुम्हे समझाऊंगा।
नूडल: मुझे याद है कि पृथ्वीवासी सैंडविच को नहीं सुनते थे; उन्होंने उन्हें खोला और उन्हें देखा।
थिंक-टैंक: हां, यह काफी सही है, मैं इससे अच्छे से समझाऊंगा आपके लिए, कप्तान ओमेगा। वे सैंडविच कान से सुनने के लिए नहीं हैं, वे आँखों से समझने के लिए हैं। अब, कप्तान ओमेगा, उस बड़े, रंगीन सैंडविच को वहां ले लो। ये काफी ज़रूरी लग रहा है। मुझे बताएं कि आप क्या देख सकते हैं। (ओमेगा मदर गूज़ की एक बहुत बड़ी मात्रा को चुनता है,इसे धारण करना ताकि दर्शक देख सकें। आयोटा उसके बाएं कंधे पर देखता है, और ऊप उसके दाहिने कंधे पर।
ओमेगा: इसमें पृथ्वी के चित्र है।
आयोटा: लगता है किसी तरह का कोड है।
थिंक-टैंक: कोड? मैंने आपको बताया कि यह महत्वपूर्ण था। कोड के बारे में बताओ।
ऊप: यह छोटी रेखाएँ और स्क्विगल्स और डॉट्स हैं- हजारों तस्वीरों के साथ।
थिंक-टैंक: शायद अर्थलिंग उतने टुच्च आदिम नहीं हैं जितना हमने सोचा है। हमें कोड को तोड़ना चाहिए।
नूडल: मुझे माफ़ करें, आपकी चतुराई, लेकिन क्या हमारी बुद्धि बढ़ाने के लिए रासायनिक विभाग ने हमारे अंतरिक्ष के लोगों को विटामिन नहीं दिया?


ऊप: मुझे कुछ सुनाई नहीं दे रहा। हो सकता है कि ये सैंडविचस आवाज न करती हो।
थिंक-टैंक: क्या? क्या किसी ने सुझाव दिया कि ताकतवर थिंक-टैंक ने गलती की है?
ओमेगा: ओ, नहीं, सर नहीं, सर। हम सुनते रहेंगे।
नूडल: कृपया मुझे माफ़ करें, लेकिन एक बात मेरे सिर में घूम रही है।
थिंक-टैंक: ठीक है, हमें बताओ, मैं बताऊंगा की तुम सही सोच रहे हो या नहीं।
नूडल: मुझे याद आया कि पृथ्वीवासी सैंडविच को सुनते नहीं थे; वह इन्हे खोल कर इन में देखते थे।
थिंक-टैंक: हां, यह गलत नहीं है, मैं आपको अच्छे से समझाता हूँ, कप्तान ओमेगा। वे सैंडविच कान से सुनने के लिए नहीं हैं, वे आँखों से समझने के लिए हैं। अब, कप्तान ओमेगा, उस बड़े, रंगीन सैंडविच को लो। वह काफी ज़रूरी लग रहा है। मुझे बताएं कि आप क्या देख सकते हैं। (ओमेगा मदर गूज़ की एक बहुत बड़ी किताब को चुनता है, उसने इसे ऐसे पकड़ा ताकि दर्शक इसके शीर्षक को पढ़ सकें। आयोटा उसके बाएं कंधे के ऊपर से देखता है, और ऊप उसके दाहिने तरफ से।)
ओमेगा: इसमें पृथ्वी के चित्र है।
आयोटा: लगता है यह किसी तरह का कोड है।
थिंक-टैंक: कोड? मैंने आपको बोलै था कि यह महत्वपूर्ण है। कोड के बारे में बताओ।
ऊप: यह छोटी रेखाएँ और स्क्विगल्स और डॉट्स हैं- हजारों, तस्वीरों के साथ।
थिंक-टैंक: शायद पृथ्वीवासी उतने आदिम नहीं हैं जितना हमने सोचा। हमें कोड को तोड़ना चाहिए।
नूडल: मुझे माफ़ करें, लेकिन क्या बुद्धि बढ़ाने के लिए रासायनिक विभाग ने हमारे अंतरिक्ष के लोगों को विटामिनस नहीं दिए?


Think-Tank: Stop! A thought of magnificent brilliance has come to me. Space people, our chemical department has given you vitamins to increase your intelligence. Take them immediately and then watch the sandwich. The meaning of the code will slowly unfold before you.
Omega: It shall be done, sir. Remove vitamins. (Crew takes vitamins from boxes on their belts.) Present vitamins. (They hold vitamins out infront of them, stiffly.) Swallow vitamins. (They pop the vitamins into their mouths and gulp simultaneously. They open their eyes wide, their heads shake, and they put their hands to their foreheads.)
Think Tank: Excellent. Now, decipher that code.
All: It shall be done, sir. (They frown over the book, turning pages.)
Omega: (brightly) Aha!
Iota: (brightly) Oho!
Oop: (bursting into laughter) Ha, ha, ha.
Think-Tank: What does it say? Tell me this instant. Transcribe, Omega.
Omega: Yes, sir. (She reads with great seriousness.) Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?
With cockle shells and silver bells And pretty maids all in a row.
Oop: Ha, ha, ha. Imagine that. Pretty maids growing in a garden.
Think-Tank: (alarmed) Stop! This is no time for levity. Don’t you realise the seriousness of this discovery? The Earthlings have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can actually grow crops of rare metals such as silver. And cockle shells. They can grow high explosives, too. Noodle, contact our invasion fleet.


Think-Tank : Stop! A thought of magnificent brilliance has come to me. Space people, our chemical department has given you vitamins to increase your intelligence. Take them immediately and then watch the sandwich. The meaning of the code will slowly unfold before you.
Omega : It shall be done, sir. Remove vitamins. (Crew takes vitamins from boxes on their belts.) Present vitamins. (They hold vitamins out infront of them, stiffly.) Swallow vitamins. (They pop the vitamins into their mouths and gulp simultaneously. They open their eyes wide, their heads shake, and they put their hands to their foreheads.)
Think Tank : Excellent. Now, decipher that code.
All : It shall be done, sir. (They frown over the book, turning pages.)
Omega : (brightly) Aha!
Iota : (brightly) Oho!
Oop : (bursting into laughter) Ha, ha, ha.
Think-Tank : What does it say? Tell me this instant. Transcribe, Omega.
Omega : Yes, sir. (She reads with great seriousness.) Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?
With cockle shells and silver bells And pretty maids all in a row.
Oop : Ha, ha, ha. Imagine that. Pretty maids growing in a garden.
Think-Tank : (alarmed) Stop! This is no time for levity. Don’t you realise the seriousness of this discovery? The Earthlings have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can actually grow crops of rare metals such as silver. And cockle shells. They can grow high explosives, too. Noodle, contact our invasion fleet.


Think-Tank: Stop! A thought of magnificent brilliance has come to me. Space people, our chemical department has given you vitamins to increase your intelligence. Take them immediately and then watch the sandwich. The meaning of the code will slowly unfold before you.
Omega: It shall be done, sir. Remove vitamins. (Crew takes vitamins from boxes on their belts.) Present vitamins. (They hold vitamins out infront of them, stiffly.) Swallow vitamins. (They pop the vitamins into their mouths and gulp simultaneously. They open their eyes wide, their heads shake, and they put their hands to their foreheads.)
Think Tank: Excellent. Now, decipher that code.
All: It shall be done, sir. (They frown over the book, turning pages.)
Omega: (brightly) Aha!
Iota: (brightly) Oho!
Oop: (bursting into laughter) Ha, ha, ha.
Think-Tank: What does it say? Tell me this instant. Transcribe, Omega.
Omega: Yes, sir. (She reads with great seriousness.) Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?
With cockle shells and silver bells And pretty maids all in a row.
Oop: Ha, ha, ha. Imagine that. Pretty maids growing in a garden.
Think-Tank: (alarmed) Stop! This is no time for levity. Don’t you realise the seriousness of this discovery? The Earthlings have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can actually grow crops of rare metals such as silver. And cockle shells. They can grow high explosives, too. Noodle, contact our invasion fleet.


Magnificent (मैगनिफिसंट): glorious, शानदार
Brilliance (ब्रिलिअंस): talent, प्रतिभा
Immediately (इमेडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
Unfold (अनफोल्ड): to clarify, प्रकट होना।Decipher (डिसाइफर): process of decoding, गुप्त संदेश पढ़ना
Contrary (कॉनटुरि): reverse, विपरीत
Cockleshell (कॉकल सेल): shell of a bivalve mollusk, शंख
Maid (मेड): female servant, नौकरानी।Imagine (इमैजिन): to Think, कल्पना करना
Pretty (प्रिटि): beautiful, सुंदर
Alarmed (अलार्ड): alerted, सावधान
Levity (लेविटि): feeling lack of seriousness, मौज: मस्ती
Discover (डिस्कॉवर): to detect, खोजना
Explosives (इक्सप्लोसिव्स): material suitable to sudden outburst, विस्फोटक।


Magnificent (मैगनिफिसंट)–glorious, शानदार
Brilliance (ब्रिलिअंस)–talent, प्रतिभा
Immediately (इमेडिअटलि)–instantly, तुरंत
Unfold (अनफोल्ड)–to clarify, प्रकट होना।Decipher (डिसाइफर)–process of decoding, गुप्त संदेश पढ़ना
Contrary (कॉनटुरि)–reverse, विपरीत
Cockleshell (कॉकल सेल)–shell of a bivalve mollusk, शंख
Maid (मेड)–female servant, नौकरानी।Imagine (इमैजिन)—to Think, कल्पना करना
Pretty (प्रिटि)–beautiful, सुंदर
Alarmed (अलार्ड)–alerted, सावधान
Levity (लेविटि)–feeling lack of seriousness, मौज–मस्ती
Discover (डिस्कॉवर)–to detect, खोजना
Explosives (इक्सप्लोसिव्स)–material suitable to sudden outburst, विस्फोटक।


Magnificent (मैगनिफिसंट): glorious, शानदार
Brilliance (ब्रिलिअंस): talent, प्रतिभा
Immediately (इमेडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
Unfold (अनफोल्ड): to clarify, प्रकट होना।Decipher (डिसाइफर): process of decoding, गुप्त संदेश पढ़ना
Contrary (कॉनटुरि): reverse, विपरीत
Cockleshell (कॉकल सेल): shell of a bivalve mollusk, शंख
Maid (मेड): female servant, नौकरानी।Imagine (इमैजिन): to Think, कल्पना करना
Pretty (प्रिटि): beautiful, सुंदर
Alarmed (अलार्ड): alerted, सावधान
Levity (लेविटि): feeling lack of seriousness, मौज: मस्ती
Discover (डिस्कॉवर): to detect, खोजना
Explosives (इक्सप्लोसिव्स): material suitable to sudden outburst, विस्फोटक।


Think-Tank: Band karo! Mere pass mast idea aaya hai. Antriksh mein, humare rasaynik vibhag ne aapko apni buddhi badhane ke liye vitamins diye hai. Unhe turant lekar aao aur phir sandwich ko dekho. Code ka arth aapke saamne dheere-dheere apne aap aa jayega.
Omega: Jaisa aap kahe, sir. Vitamin nikale. (Crew apne belt par box se vitamin lete hai.) Vitamin dikhaye (Veh vitamins ko bahar rakhte hai.)
Vitamin ko nigal lo. (Veh vitamin ko apne muh mein dalte hai aur ek sath nigal lete hai. Veh apni aankhein kholte hai, unke sir hil rahe hote hai aur sab apne maathe par hath rakhte hai.
Think Tank: Bahut Badiya. Ab, uss code ko descript kare.
Sab: Jaisa aap kahe, sir. (Veh pages ko palatte hue dukhi hote hai.).
Omega: (Chamakte hue) Ahhh!
Iota: (Ujjawal hokar) Ohooo!
Oop: (Bahut zor se hasne lagta hai.) Ha, ha, ha!
Think Tank: Isse kya kehte hai? Mujhe taurant batao.
Omega: Haan, sir. (Veh badi ghumbheerta ke sath padhti hai) Maalkin Mary, iske vipreet, aapka bageecha kaise badhta hai?
Cockle shells and silver bells aur sundar naukraniyo ke sath.
Oop: ha, ha, ha. Kalpana karke dekho. Ek bageeche mein sundar nukarniya badh rahi hai.
Think Tank: (Ghabrakar) Ruk Jao! Yeh hasne ka koi samay nahi hai. Kya apko iss khoj ki ghambeerta ka ehsas nahi hai? Earthlings ne khoj ki hai ki agriculture aur mining ko kaise joda jaye. Veh vastav mein chandi jaise durlab metals ki fasal uga sakte hai. Aur cockle shell bhi. Veh ucch visfotak bhi bana sakte hai. Noodle, humare akraman bede se sampark kare.


थिंक-टैंक: बंद करो! मेरे पास मस्त आईडिया आया है। अंतरिक्ष में, हमारे रासायनिक विभाग ने आपको अपनी बुद्धि बढ़ाने के लिए विटामिन दिया है। उन्हें तुरंत लेके आओ और फिर सैंडविच देखो। कोड का अर्थ आपके सामने धीरे-धीरे अपने आप आ जाएगा।
ओमेगा: यह ज़रूर किया जाएगा, सर। विटामिन निकालें। (क्रू अपने बेल्ट पर बक्से से विटामिन लेता है।) विटामिन पेश किए। (वे उनमें से सबसे कठोर रूप से विटामिन को बाहर रखते हैं।)
विटामिन को निगल लो। (वे विटामिन को अपने मुंह में डालते हैं और एक साथ गपशप करते हैं। वे अपनी आँखें खोलते हैं, उनके सिर हिलते हैं, और वे उनके माथे पर हाथ रखते हैं।)
थिंक टैंक: बहुत बढ़िया। अब, उस कोड को डिक्रिप्ट करें।
सब : यह किया जाएगा, सर। (वे किताबों को पलटते हुए पन्नों को पलटते हैं।)
ओमेगा: (चमकते हुए) अहा!
आयोटा: (उज्ज्वल होकर) ओहो!
ऊप: (हँसी में फट जाना) हा, हा, हा।
थिंक-टैंक: इसे क्या कहते हैं? यह मुझे तुरंत बताओ। ट्रांसक्राइब , ओमेगा।
ओमेगा: हाँ, सर। (वह बड़ी गंभीरता के साथ पढ़ती है।) मालकिन मैरी, इसके विपरीत, आपका बगीचा कैसे बढ़ता है?
कॉकल शेल और सिल्वर बेल्स और सुंदर नौकरानियों के साथ।
ऊप: हा, हा, हा। कल्पना करके देखो । एक बगीचे में सुंदर नौकरानियों बढ़ रही है।
थिंक-टैंक: (घबराकर) रुक जाओ! यह कोई समय नहीं है। क्या आपको इस खोज की गंभीरता का एहसास नहीं है? अर्थलिंग्स ने खोज की है कि कृषि और खनन को कैसे जोड़ा जाए। वे वास्तव में चांदी जैसी दुर्लभ धातुओं की फसल उगा सकते हैं। और कॉकल शेल। वे उच्च विस्फोटक भी बना सकते हैं। नूडल, हमारे आक्रमण बेड़े से संपर्क करें।


थिंक-टैंक: रुक जाओ! मेरे पास एक शानदार आईडिया आया है। अंतरिक्ष में, हमारे रासायनिक विभाग ने आपको अपनी बुद्धि बढ़ाने के लिए विटामिनस दिए है। उन्हें तुरंत लेकर आओ और फिर सैंडविच को देखो। कोड का अर्थ आपके सामने धीरे-धीरे अपने आप आ जाएगा।
ओमेगा: जैसा आप कहे, सर। विटामिनस निकालें। (क्रू अपने बेल्ट पर बक्से से विटामिनस लेते हैं।) विटामिन दिखाए। (वे विटामिनस को बाहर रखते हैं।)
विटामिनस को निगल लो। (वे विटामिन को अपने मुँह में डालते हैं और एक साथ उन्हें निगल लेते हैं। वे अपनी आँखें खोलते हैं, उनके सर हिल रहे होते हैं, और सब अपने माथे पर हाथ रखते हैं।)
थिंक टैंक: बहुत बढ़िया। अब, कोड को डिक्रिप्ट करें।
सब: जैसा आप कहे, सर। (वे पन्नों को पलटते हुए दुखी होते हैं।)
ओमेगा: (चमकते हुए) अहा!
आयोटा: (उज्ज्वल होकर) ओहो!
ऊप: (बहुत ज़ोर से हँसने लगता है) हा, हा, हा।
थिंक-टैंक: इसे क्या कहते हैं? मुझे तुरंत बताओ।
ओमेगा: हाँ, सर। (वह बड़ी गंभीरता के साथ पढ़ती है।) मालकिन मैरी, इसके विपरीत, आपका बगीचा कैसे बढ़ता है?
कॉकल शेल और सिल्वर बेल्स और सुंदर नौकरानियों के साथ।
ऊप: हा, हा, हा। सोच कर देखें। एक बगीचे में सुंदर नौकरानियाँ बढ़ रही है।
थिंक-टैंक: (घबराकर) रुक जाओ! यह हंसने का समय नहीं है। क्या आपको इस खोज की गंभीरता का एहसास नहीं है? अर्थलिंग्स ने खोज कर ली है कि कृषि और खनन को कैसे जोड़ा जाए। वे वास्तव में चांदी जैसी दुर्लभ धातुओं की फसल उगा सकते हैं। और कॉकल शेल भी। वे उच्च विस्फोटक भी बना सकते हैं। नूडल, हमारे आक्रमण बेड़े से संपर्क करें।


Noodle: They are ready to go down and take over Earth, sir.
Think-Tank: Tell them to hold. Tell them new information has come to us about Earth. Iota, transcribe.
Iota: Yes, sir. (She reads very gravely.) Hey diddle diddle! The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon, The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Oop: (laughing) The dish ran away with the spoon!
Think-Tank: Cease laughter. Desist. This is more and more alarming. The Earthlings have reached a high level of civilisation. Didn’t you hear? They have taught their domesticated animals musical culture and space techniques. Even their dogs have a sense of humour. Why, at this very moment, they may be launching an interplanetary attack of millions of cows! Notify the invasion fleet. No invasion today Oop, transcribe the next code.
Oop: Yes, sir. (reading)
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again. Oh, look, sir. Here’s a picture of Humpty Dumpty. Why, sir,he looks like – he looks like – (turns a large picture of Humpty Dumpty towards Think-Tank and the audience)
Think-Tank: (screaming and holding his head) It’s me! It’s my Great and Mighty Balloon Brain. The Earthlings have seen me, and they’re after me. “Had a great fall! – That means they plan to capture Mars Central Control and me! It’s an invasion of Mars! Noodle, prepare a space capsule for me. I must escape without delay. Space people, you must leave Earth at once, but be sure to remove all traces of your visit. The Earthlings must not know that I know. (Omega, Iota, and Oop rush about, putting books back on shelves.)


Noodle : They are ready to go down and take over Earth, sir.
Think-Tank : Tell them to hold. Tell them new information has come to us about Earth. Iota, transcribe.
Iota : Yes, sir. (She reads very gravely.) Hey diddle diddle! The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon, The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Oop : (laughing) The dish ran away with the spoon!
Think-Tank : Cease laughter. Desist. This is more and more alarming. The Earthlings have reached a high level of civilisation. Didn’t you hear? They have taught their domesticated animals musical culture and space techniques. Even their dogs have a sense of humour. Why, at this very moment, they may be launching an interplanetary attack of millions of cows! Notify the invasion fleet. No invasion today Oop, transcribe the next code.
Oop : Yes, sir. (reading)
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again. Oh, look, sir. Here’s a picture of Humpty Dumpty. Why, sir,he looks like – he looks like – (turns large picture of Humpty Dumpty towards Think-Tank and the audience)
Think-Tank : (screaming and holding his head) It’s me! It’s my Great and Mighty Balloon Brain. The Earthlings have seen me, and they’re after me. “Had a great fall! – That means they plan to capture Mars Central Control and me! It’s an invasion of Mars! Noodle, prepare a space capsule for me. I must escape without delay. Space people, you must leave Earth at once, but be sure to remove all traces of your visit. The Earthlings must not know that I know. (Omega, Iota, and Oop rush about, putting books back on shelves.)


Noodle: They are ready to go down and take over Earth, sir.
Think-Tank: Tell them to hold. Tell them new information has come to us about Earth. Iota, transcribe.
Iota: Yes, sir. (She reads very gravely.) Hey diddle diddle! The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon, The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Oop: (laughing) The dish ran away with the spoon!
Think-Tank: Cease laughter. Desist. This is more and more alarming. The Earthlings have reached a high level of civilisation. Didn’t you hear? They have taught their domesticated animals musical culture and space techniques. Even their dogs have a sense of humour. Why, at this very moment, they may be launching an interplanetary attack of millions of cows! Notify the invasion fleet. No invasion today Oop, transcribe the next code.
Oop: Yes, sir. (reading)
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again. Oh, look, sir. Here’s a picture of Humpty Dumpty. Why, sir,he looks like – he looks like – (turns a large picture of Humpty Dumpty towards Think-Tank and the audience)
Think-Tank: (screaming and holding his head) It’s me! It’s my Great and Mighty Balloon Brain. The Earthlings have seen me, and they’re after me. “Had a great fall! – That means they plan to capture Mars Central Control and me! It’s an invasion of Mars! Noodle, prepare a space capsule for me. I must escape without delay. Space people, you must leave Earth at once, but be sure to remove all traces of your visit. The Earthlings must not know that I know. (Omega, Iota, and Oop rush about, putting books back on shelves.)


Gravely (ग्रैवलि): seriously, गंभीरता से
Fiddle (फिड्ल): a musical instrument, सारंगी
Dish (डिश): saucer, थाली
Desist (डेसिस्ट): to refrain, बाज आना
Interplanetary (इंटरप्लेनेटरी): between the planets, अंतर: ग्रह
Invasion (इनवेज़न): attack, आक्रमण
Fleet (फ्लीट) group of spacecraft, दस्ता
Moment (मोमेंट) instant, क्षण।Towards (टूवास): in the direction, की ओर
Space capsule (स्पेस कैप्सूल): a kind of spacecraft, एक प्रकार का अंतरिक्ष यान
Escape (स्केप) avoidance of danger, बच निकलना
Delay (डिले): time lag, देरी
Traces (ट्रेसेस): marks, चिह्न, सबूत
Rush (रस): to run away, भागना।


Gravely (ग्रैवलि)–seriously, गंभीरता से
Fiddle (फिड्ल)—a musical instrument, सारंगी
Dish (डिश)– saucer, थाली
Desist (डेसिस्ट)–to refrain, बाज आना
Interplanetary (इंटरप्लेनेटरी)–between the planets, अंतर–ग्रह
Invasion (इनवेज़न)–attack, आक्रमण
Fleet (फ्लीट) group of spacecraft, दस्ता
Moment (मोमेंट) instant, क्षण।Towards (टूवास)–in the direction, की ओर
Space capsule (स्पेस कैप्सूल)—a kind of spacecraft, एक प्रकार का अंतरिक्ष यान
Escape (स्केप) avoidance of danger, बच निकलना
Delay (डिले)–time lag, देरी
Traces (ट्रेसेस)–marks, चिह्न, सबूत
Rush (रस)–to run away, भागना।


Gravely (ग्रैवलि): seriously, गंभीरता से
Fiddle (फिड्ल): a musical instrument, सारंगी
Dish (डिश): saucer, थाली
Desist (डेसिस्ट): to refrain, बाज आना
Interplanetary (इंटरप्लेनेटरी): between the planets, अंतर: ग्रह
Invasion (इनवेज़न): attack, आक्रमण
Fleet (फ्लीट) group of spacecraft, दस्ता
Moment (मोमेंट) instant, क्षण।Towards (टूवास): in the direction, की ओर
Space capsule (स्पेस कैप्सूल): a kind of spacecraft, एक प्रकार का अंतरिक्ष यान
Escape (स्केप) avoidance of danger, बच निकलना
Delay (डिले): time lag, देरी
Traces (ट्रेसेस): marks, चिह्न, सबूत
Rush (रस): to run away, भागना।


Noodle: Veh ladne aur prithvi par kabja karne ke liye taiyaar hai, sir.
Think-Tank: Unhe rukne ke liye kahe. Unhe bataye ki prithvi ke baare mein nayi jankari hamare paas aayi hai. Iota Transcribe karo.
Iota: Haan, sir. (Veh bahut Gambheerta se padti hai) Arey diddle diddle! Billi aur fiddle, gay chand ke oopar se kood gayi, chota kutta iss tarah ke khel ko dekhkar hassa, aur pakvan chammach ke sath bhag gaya.
Oop: (Haste hue) Chammach ke sath pakvaan bhag gaya.
Think-Tank: Hassi ko roke. Yeh adhik se adhik chintajanak hai. Prathivasi sabhyata ki ucch sthar par pahunch gaye hai. Tumne suna nahi? Unhone apne paltu janwaro ko sangeet sanskriti aur antriksh taknik sikhayi hai. Yahan tak ki unke kutton ko mazak samajh aata hai. Kyun, issi shan, veh lakho gay (cows) ke antarprakritik hamle ko shuru kar sakte hai. Aakraman bede ko suchit kare. Aaj koi aakraman nahi hoga, Oop, agle code ka varnan kare.
Oop: Haan, sir (Padhte hue) Humpty Dumpty deewar par betha tha, Humpty Dumpty bahut tez gir gaya; sabhi rajya ke ghode aur sabhi raja ke aadmi, Humpty Dumpty ko phir se ek sath nahi jod paaye. Ooh, dekho, sir! Yahan yahan Humpty Dumpty ki ek tasveer hain. Kyu sir, veh toh bilkul - (Think-Tank aur darshko ki aur Humpty Dumpty ki badi tasveer dikhate hue.)
Think-Tank: (Chilla kar aur apna sir pakadte hue) Yeh toh main hu! Yeh mera mahan aur shaktishali Balloon Brain hai. Prithivasiyo ne mujhe dekha hai, aur veh mere peeche pade hue hai. “Zor se gir gaya” Iska matlab hai ki unhone Mars Central Control aur mujhe pakadne ki yojna banayi hai. Yeh mangal par akraman hai. Noodle, mere liye ek antrakshik capsule taiyaar kare. Mujhe bina dair kiye bhaag jana chahiye. Antrakshik ke loog, aapko ek hi baar mein prithvi se bhagna hoga, lekin apni yatra ke sabhi nishano ko mitana yaad rakhe. Prithvivasiyo ko yeh nahi pata chalna chahiye ki main sab janta hu. (Omega, Iota aur Oop kitabo ko wapas almiraiyo mein rakh dete hai.)


नूडल: वे नीचे जाने और पृथ्वी को संभालने के लिए तैयार हैं, सर।
थिंक-टैंक: उन्हें रुकने के लिए कहें। उन्हें बताएं कि पृथ्वी के बारे में नई जानकारी हमारे पास आई है। आयोटा ट्रांसक्राइब करो ।
आयोटा: हाँ, सर। (वह बहुत गंभीरता से पढ़ती है।) अरे डूडल डूडल! बिल्ली और फ़िदेल, गाय चाँद पर कूद गई, छोटा कुत्ता इस तरह के खेल को देखकर हँसा, और पकवान चम्मच के साथ भाग गया।
ऊप: (हँसते हुए) चम्मच के साथ पकवान भाग गया!
थिंक-टैंक: हंसी को रोकें। रुको। यह अधिक से अधिक चिंताजनक है। पृथ्वीवासी सभ्यता के उच्च स्तर पर पहुँच गए हैं। तुमने सुना नहीं? उन्होंने अपने पालतू जानवरों को संगीत संस्कृति और अंतरिक्ष तकनीक सिखाई है। यहां तक ​​कि उनके कुत्तों को मज़ाक समझ आता है। क्यों, इसी क्षण, वे लाखों गायों के अंतरप्राकृतिक हमले शुरू कर सकते हैं! आक्रमण बेड़े को सूचित करें। आज कोई आक्रमण नहीं होगा, ऊप, अगले कोड का वर्णन करें।
ऊप: हाँ, सर। (रीडिंग)हम्प्टी डम्प्टी दीवार पर बैठा , हम्प्टी डम्प्टी बहुत तेज़ गिर गया ; सभी राजा के घोड़े और सभी राजा के आदमी,हम्प्टी डम्प्टी को फिर से एक साथ नहीं जोड़ पाए। ओह, देखो, सर। यहाँ हम्प्टी डम्प्टी की एक तस्वीर है। क्यों साहब, वह तो बिलकुल वैसा दिखता है - वह वैसा ही दिखता है - (थिंक-टैंक और दर्शकों की ओर हम्प्टी डम्प्टी की बड़ी तस्वीर)
थिंक-टैंक: (चिल्ला कर और अपना सिर पकड़ते हुए) ये तो मैं हूँ ! यह मेरा महान और शक्तिशाली बैलून ब्रेन है। पृथ्वीवासियों ने मुझे देखा है, और वे मेरे पीछे पड़े हुए हैं। एक महान गिरावट थी! - इसका मतलब है कि उन्होंने मार्स सेंट्रल कंट्रोल और मुझे पकड़ने की योजना बनाई है! यह मंगल का आक्रमण है! नूडल, मेरे लिए एक अंतरिक्ष कैप्सूल तैयार करें। मुझे बिना देर किए भाग जाना चाहिए। अंतरिक्ष के लोग, आपको एक ही बार में पृथ्वी छोड़ना होगा, लेकिन अपनी यात्रा के सभी निशानों को निकालना ध्यान से। पृथ्वीवासियों को यह नहीं पता चलना चाहिए कि मैं जानता हूं। (ओमेगा, आयोटा , और ऊप के बारे में, किताबों को वापस अलमारियों में रखना।)


नूडल: वे लड़ने और पृथ्वी पर कब्ज़ा करने के लिए तैयार हैं, सर।
थिंक-टैंक: उन्हें रुकने के लिए कहें। उन्हें बताएं कि पृथ्वी के बारे में नई जानकारी हमारे पास आई है। आयोटा ट्रांसक्राइब करो।
आयोटा: हाँ, सर। (वह बहुत गंभीरता से पढ़ती है।) अरे डिडल डिडल! बिल्ली और फिडल, गाय चाँद के ऊपर से कूद गई, छोटा कुत्ता इस तरह के खेल को देखकर हँसा, और पकवान चम्मच के साथ भाग गया।
ऊप: (हँसते हुए) चम्मच के साथ पकवान भाग गया!
थिंक-टैंक: हंसी को रोकें। यह अधिक से अधिक चिंताजनक है। पृथ्वीवासी सभ्यता के उच्च स्तर पर पहुँच गए हैं। तुमने सुना नहीं? उन्होंने अपने पालतू जानवरों को संगीत संस्कृति और अंतरिक्ष तकनीक सिखाई है। यहां तक ​​कि उनके कुत्तों को मज़ाक समझ आता है। क्यों, इसी क्षण, वे लाखों गायों के अंतरप्राकृतिक हमले को शुरू कर सकते हैं! आक्रमण बेड़े को सूचित करें। आज कोई आक्रमण नहीं होगा, ऊप, अगले कोड का वर्णन करें।
ऊप: हाँ, सर। (पढ़ते हुए)
हम्प्टी डम्प्टी दीवार पर बैठा, हम्प्टी डम्प्टी बहुत तेज़ गिर गया; सभी राजा के घोड़े और सभी राजा के आदमी, हम्प्टी डम्प्टी को फिर से एक साथ नहीं जोड़ पाए। ओह, देखो, सर। यहाँ हम्प्टी डम्प्टी की एक तस्वीर है। क्यों साहब, वह बिलकुल वैसा - दिखता है - (थिंक-टैंक और दर्शकों की ओर हम्प्टी डम्प्टी की बड़ी तस्वीर दिखते हुए।)
थिंक-टैंक: (चिल्ला कर और अपना सिर पकड़ते हुए) ये तो मैं हूँ ! यह मेरा महान और शक्तिशाली बैलून ब्रेन है। पृथ्वीवासियों ने मुझे देखा है, और वे मेरे पीछे पड़े हुए हैं। "ज़ोर से गिर गया!" - इसका मतलब है कि उन्होंने मार्स सेंट्रल कंट्रोल और मुझे पकड़ने की योजना बनाई है! यह मंगल प आक्रमण है! नूडल, मेरे लिए एक अंतरिक्ष कैप्सूल तैयार करें। मुझे बिना देर किए भाग जाना चाहिए। अंतरिक्ष के लोग, आपको एक ही बार में पृथ्वी से भागना होगा, लेकिन अपनी यात्रा के सभी निशानों को मिटाना याद रखे। पृथ्वीवासियों को यह नहीं पता चलना चाहिए कि मैं सब जानता हूँ। (ओमेगा, आयोटा, और ऊप किताबों को वापस अलमारियों में रख देते है।)


Noodle: Where shall we go, sir?
Think-Tank: A hundred million miles away from Mars. Order the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire planet of Mars. We are heading for Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away. (Omega, Iota, and Oop run off right as Noodle helps Think-Tank off left and the curtain closes. Spotlight shines on Historian down right.)
Historian: (chuckling) And that’s how one dusty old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion. As you all know, in the twenty-fifth century, five hundred years after all this happened, we Earthlings resumed contact with Mars, and we even became very friendly with the Martians. By that time, the Great and Mighty Think-Tank had been replaced by a very clever Martian – the wise and wonderful Noodle! Oh, yes, we taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books. We taught them how to read, too, and we established a model library in their capital city of Marsopolis. But as you might expect, there is still one book that the Martians can never bring themselves to read. You’ve guessed it – Mother Goose! (She bows and exits right.)


Noodle : Where shall we go, sir?
Think-Tank : A hundred million miles away from Mars. Order the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire planet of Mars. We are heading for Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away. (Omega, Iota, and Oop run off right as Noodle helps Think-Tank off left and the curtain closes. Spotlight shines on Historian down right.)
Historian : (chuckling) And that’s how one dusty old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion. As you all know, in the twenty-fifth century, five hundred years after all this happened, we Earthlings resumed contact with Mars, and we even became very friendly with the Martians. By that time, Great and Mighty Think-Tank had been replaced by a very clever Martian – the wise and wonderful Noodle! Oh, yes, we taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books. We taught them how to read, too, and we established a model library in their capital city of Marsopolis. But as you might expect, there is still one book that the Martians can never bring themselves to read. You’ve guessed it – Mother Goose! (She bows and exits right.)


Noodle: Where shall we go, sir?
Think-Tank: A hundred million miles away from Mars. Order the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire planet of Mars. We are heading for Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away. (Omega, Iota, and Oop run off right as Noodle helps Think-Tank off left and the curtain closes. Spotlight shines on Historian down right.)
Historian: (chuckling) And that’s how one dusty old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion. As you all know, in the twenty-fifth century, five hundred years after all this happened, we Earthlings resumed contact with Mars, and we even became very friendly with the Martians. By that time, the Great and Mighty Think-Tank had been replaced by a very clever Martian – the wise and wonderful Noodle! Oh, yes, we taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books. We taught them how to read, too, and we established a model library in their capital city of Marsopolis. But as you might expect, there is still one book that the Martians can never bring themselves to read. You’ve guessed it – Mother Goose! (She bows and exits right.)


Million (मिलियन): ten lakh, दस लाख
Evacuate (इवैकुएट): to empty completely, छोड़ना
curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा
Difference (डिफरेंस): note same, अंतर
wonderful (वंडरफुल): fantastic, अद्भुत
Exit (एक्ज़िट): to go out, बाहर जाना।


Million (मिलियन)–ten lakh, दस लाख
Evacuate (इवैकुएट)—to empty completely, छोड़ना
curtain (कर्टन)—veil, परदा
Difference (डिफरेंस)–note same, अंतर
wonderful (वंडरफुल)–fantastic, अद्भुत
Exit (एक्ज़िट)—to go out, बाहर जाना।


Million (मिलियन): ten lakh, दस लाख
Evacuate (इवैकुएट): to empty completely, छोड़ना
curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा
Difference (डिफरेंस): note same, अंतर
wonderful (वंडरफुल): fantastic, अद्भुत
Exit (एक्ज़िट): to go out, बाहर जाना।


Noodle: Hum kaha jayenge, sir?
Think Tank: Mars se 100 million miles door.
Akraman bede ko Mars ke pure greh ko khali karne ka adesh dedo. Hum 100 million miles door Alpha Centauri ke liye nikal rahe hai. (Omega, lota, and oop left bhagte hai, Noodle Think-tank ko right oor bhaagne me madad karta hai aur parda band ho jata hai. Spotlight historian ki oor chamakti hai)
itihaskar: (haste hue) aur iss tarah nursery rhyme ki ek dhool bhari purani kitab ne duniya ko ek marshal akraman se bachaya. Jaisa ki aap sabhi jante hai, pacheesvi sadi mai, yeh sab hone ke 500 saal baad, hum prithvivasiyo ne Mars ke sath sampark fir se shuru kardiya, aur hum Martians ke sath dost ban gaye. Us same tak, great and mighty Think-Tank ki jagha ek bahut hi chatur Martian ne leli thi- budhiman aur adbhud Noodle! Ooh, haan, humne Martians ko sandwiches aur kitabo ke beech antar bhi sikhaya. Humne unhe padhna bhi sikhaya, aur humne unki rajdhani Marsopolis mai ek model library bhi sthapit kiya ki. Lekin jaisa ki aap umeed kar sakte hai, abhi bhi ek pustak hai jise Martians kabhi bhi padh nahi paye. Apne sahi anumaan lagaya hai - Mother Goose! (Veh namaste karte hue chala jata hai.)


नूडल: हम कहाँ जाएंगे, सर?
थिंक-टैंक: मंगल ग्रह से सौ मिलियन मील दूर
मंगल के पूरे ग्रह को खाली करने के लिए आक्रमण बेड़े को आदेश देदो। हम सौ मिलियन मील दूर अल्फा सेंटॉरी के लिए जा रहे हैं। (नूडल, ओमेगा, आयोटा और ओप दाएं भागते हैं, थिंक-टैंक को बाईं ओर बंद करने में मदद करता है और पर्दा बंद हो जाता है। स्पॉटलाइट हिस्टोरियन के दाईं ओर चमकता है।)
इतिहासकार: (गुदगुदाना) और इस तरह नर्सरी राइम की एक धूल भरी पुरानी किताब ने दुनिया को एक मार्शल आक्रमण से बचाया। जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं, पच्चीसवीं सदी में, यह सब होने के पाँच सौ साल बाद, हम पृथ्वीवासियों ने मंगल के साथ संपर्क फिर से शुरू कर दिया, और हम मार्तनों के साथ दोस्त बन गए। उस समय तक, ग्रेट एंड माइटी थिंक-टैंक की जगह एक बहुत ही चतुर मार्टियन ने लेली थी - बुद्धिमान और अद्भुत नूडल! ओह, हाँ, हमने मार्टिंस को सैंडविच और किताबों के बीच अंतर सिखाया। हमने उन्हें सिखाया कि कैसे भी पढ़ा जाए, और हमने स्थापित किया उनकी राजधानी मार्सोपोलिस में एक मॉडल लाइब्रेरी। लेकिन जैसा कि आप उम्मीद कर सकते हैं, अभी भी एक पुस्तक है जिसे मार्टियंस कभी भी पढ़ नहीं पाते। आपने यह अनुमान लगाया है - मदर गूस! (वह नमस्ते करते हुए चला जाता है।)


नूडल: हम कहाँ जाएं, सर?
थिंक-टैंक: मंगल ग्रह से सौ मिलियन मील दूर।
आक्रमण बेड़े को मंगल के पूरे ग्रह को खाली करने का आदेश दे दो। हम सौ मिलियन मील दूर अल्फा सेंटॉरी के लिए निकल रहे हैं। (ओमेगा, आयोटा और ऊप दाएं भागते हैं, और नूडल थिंक-टैंक को बाईं ओर भागने में मदद करता है और पर्दा बंद हो जाता है। स्पॉटलाइट हिस्टोरियन के दाईं ओर चमकती है।)
इतिहासकार: (हँसते हुए) और इस तरह नर्सरी राइम की एक धूल भरी पुरानी किताब ने दुनिया को एक मार्शल आक्रमण से बचाया। जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं, पच्चीसवीं सदी में, यह सब होने के पाँच सौ साल बाद, हम पृथ्वीवासियों ने मंगल के साथ संपर्क फिर से शुरू कर दिया, और हम मार्तनों के साथ दोस्त बन गए। उस समय तक, ग्रेट एंड माइटी थिंक-टैंक की जगह एक बहुत ही चतुर मार्टियन ने लेली थी - बुद्धिमान और अद्भुत नूडल! ओह, हाँ, हमने मार्टिंस को सैंडविच और किताबों के बीच अंतर भी सिखा दिया। हमने उन्हें पढ़ना भी सिखाया, और हमने उनकी राजधानी मार्सोपोलिस में एक मॉडल लाइब्रेरी स्थापित की। लेकिन जैसा कि आप उम्मीद कर सकते हैं, अभी भी एक पुस्तक है जिसे मार्टियंस कभी भी पढ़ नहीं पाते। आपने सही अनुमान लगाया है - मदर गूस! (वह नमस्ते करते हुए चला जाता है।)


  • The play opens in the twenty-fifth century and the place is the Museum of ancient history.

  • This is about the importance of the book as a simple book saved the earth from the invasion of the Martian.

  • The Martians are in the Mars Space Control. Think–Tank is the commander in–chief And others are Noodle, Omega, Iota, Oop, etc.

  • Think–Tank orders them to attack the earth planet. Noodle agrees And is ready to attack.

  • Captain Omega, Lt. Iota, And Sergeant Oop reached planet earth without any special problem.

  • Omega can’t identify the place And he guesses about the books as a storage barn.

  • Think–Tank sees the books And calls them a sandwich.

  • Different guesses are made about books. Noodle calls them communication devices.

  • Omega tries to listen to something but fails.

  • Noodle again says that these are for eye communication.

  • On Noodle’s suggestion vitamins are taken by Omega to increase intelligence. Now Omega is able to read the nursery rhymes.

  • Think–Tank listens to the rhymes And sees the picture And comes to a conclusion that earthlings are planning to attack them.

  • Think–Tank immediately decides to leave Mars And orders the crew members to escape from the earth.

  • Thus a simple book saves the earth.


  • The play opens in the twenty-fifth century and the place is the Museum of ancient history.

  • यह नाटक पच्चीसवीं शताब्दी का है और इसका स्थान प्राचीन इतिहास विभाग का म्यूजियम हैं।

  • This is about the importance of the book as a simple book saved the earth from the invasion of the Martian.

  • ये उस पुस्तक के महत्व के बारे में है, जिस मामूली सी पुस्तक ने मंगल ग्रह के प्राणियों के आक्रमण से पृथ्वी की रक्षा की।

  • The Martians are in the Mars Space Control. Think–Tank is the commander in–chief And others are Noodle, Omega, Iota, Oop, etc.

  • मंगल ग्रह के प्राणी मंगल ग्रह के अंतरिक्ष नियंत्रक हैं। प्रमुख सेनापति थिंक–टैंक है तथा अन्य हैं–नूडल, ओमेगा, आयोटा, ऊप इत्यादि।

  • Think–Tank orders them to attack the earth planet. Noodle agrees And is ready to attack.

  • थिंक–टैंक उन्हें पृथ्वी ग्रह पर आक्रमण करने का आदेश देता है। नूडल सहमति प्रदान करता है और आक्रमण के लिए तैयार हो जाता है।

  • Captain Omega, Lt. Iota, And Sergeant Oop reached planet earth without any special problem.

  • कैप्टन ओमेगा, लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा तथा सार्जेंट ऊप बिना किसी विशेष कठिनाई के पृथ्वी ग्रह पर पहुँचते हैं।

  • Omega can’t identify the place And he guesses about the books as a storage barn.

  • ओमेगा स्थान पहचान नहीं पाती तथा वह पुस्तकों के बारे में यह अनुमान लगाती है कि सब भूसा हैं।

  • Think–Tank sees the books And calls them a sandwich.

  • थिंक–टैंक पुस्तकों को देखता है तथा इसे सैंडविच कहता है।

  • Different guesses are made about books. Noodle calls them communication devices.

  • पुस्तकों के संबंध में विभिन्न प्रकार के अनुमान लगाए जाते हैं। नूडल इसे एक दुसरे से बात करने का टूल बताता है।

  • Omega tries to listen to something but fails.

  • ओमेगा कुछ सुनने का प्रयास करती है, किंतु असफल रहती है।

  • Noodle again says that these are for eye communication.

  • नूडल फिर कहता है कि ये सब आँखों के संचार के लिए हैं।

  • On Noodle’s suggestion vitamins are taken by Omega to increase intelligence. Now Omega is able to read the nursery rhymes.

  • नूडल की सलाह पर ओमेगा के द्वारा अपनी बुद्धिमत्ता को बढ़ाने के लिए विटामिन खा लिया जाता है। अब ओमेगा नर्सरी की तुकबंदियों को पढ़ने में सक्षम हो जाती है।

  • Think–Tank listens to the rhymes And sees the picture And comes on a conclusion that earthlings are planning to attack them.

  • थिंक–टैंक तुकबंदियों को सुनता है तथा चित्रों को देखता है और उसे लगता है कि पृथ्वीवासी उनपर आक्रमण करने की प्लानिंग कर रहे हैं।

  • Think–Tank immediately decides to leave Mars And orders the crew members to escape from the earth.

  • थिंक–टैंक तत्काल मंगल ग्रह को छोड़ने को सबको बोल देता है। तथा अपने दस्तो से पृथ्वी से भागने के लिए कहता है।

  • Thus a simple book saves the earth.

  • इस तरह एक मामूली किताब ने पृथ्वी को बचा लिया।

  • The play opens in the twenty-fifth century and the place is the Museum of ancient history.

  • यह नाटक पच्चीसवीं शताब्दी का है और इसका स्थान प्राचीन इतिहास विभाग का म्यूजियम हैं।

  • This is about the importance of the book as a simple book saved the earth from the invasion of the Martian.

  • ये उस पुस्तक के महत्व के बारे में है, जिस मामूली सी पुस्तक ने मंगल ग्रह के प्राणियों के आक्रमण से पृथ्वी की रक्षा की।

  • The Martians are in the Mars Space Control. Think–Tank is the commander in–chief And others are Noodle, Omega, Iota, Oop, etc.

  • मंगल ग्रह के प्राणी मंगल ग्रह के अंतरिक्ष नियंत्रक हैं। प्रमुख सेनापति थिंक–टैंक है तथा अन्य हैं–नूडल, ओमेगा, आयोटा, ऊप इत्यादि।

  • Think–Tank orders them to attack the earth planet. Noodle agrees And is ready to attack.

  • थिंक–टैंक उन्हें पृथ्वी ग्रह पर आक्रमण करने का आदेश देता है। नूडल सहमति प्रदान करता है और आक्रमण के लिए तैयार हो जाता है।

  • Captain Omega, Lt. Iota, And Sergeant Oop reached planet earth without any special problem.

  • कैप्टन ओमेगा, लेफ्टिनेंट आयोटा तथा सार्जेंट ऊप बिना किसी विशेष कठिनाई के पृथ्वी ग्रह पर पहुँचते हैं।

  • Omega can’t identify the place And he guesses about the books as a storage barn.

  • ओमेगा स्थान पहचान नहीं पाती तथा वह पुस्तकों के बारे में यह अनुमान लगाती है कि सब भूसा हैं।

  • Think–Tank sees the books And calls them a sandwich.

  • थिंक–टैंक पुस्तकों को देखता है तथा इसे सैंडविच कहता है।

  • Different guesses are made about books. Noodle calls them communication devices.

  • पुस्तकों के संबंध में विभिन्न प्रकार के अनुमान लगाए जाते हैं। नूडल इसे एक दुसरे से बात करने का टूल बताता है।

  • Omega tries to listen to something but fails.

  • ओमेगा कुछ सुनने का प्रयास करती है, किंतु असफल रहती है।

  • Noodle again says that these are for eye communication.

  • नूडल फिर कहता है कि ये सब आँखों के संचार के लिए हैं।

  • On Noodle’s suggestion vitamins are taken by Omega to increase intelligence. Now Omega is able to read the nursery rhymes.

  • नूडल की सलाह पर ओमेगा के द्वारा अपनी बुद्धिमत्ता को बढ़ाने के लिए विटामिन खा लिया जाता है। अब ओमेगा नर्सरी की तुकबंदियों को पढ़ने में सक्षम हो जाती है।

  • Think–Tank listens to the rhymes And sees the picture And comes on a conclusion that earthlings are planning to attack them.

  • थिंक–टैंक तुकबंदियों को सुनता है तथा चित्रों को देखता है और उसे लगता है कि पृथ्वीवासी उनपर आक्रमण करने की प्लानिंग कर रहे हैं।

  • Think–Tank immediately decides to leave Mars And orders the crew members to escape from the earth.

  • थिंक–टैंक तत्काल मंगल ग्रह को छोड़ने को सबको बोल देता है। तथा अपने दस्तो से पृथ्वी से भागने के लिए कहता है।

  • Thus a simple book saves the earth.

  • इस तरह एक मामूली किताब ने पृथ्वी को बचा लिया।

  • The play opens in the twenty-fifth century and the place is the Museum of ancient history.

  • Yeh natak pachaswi Shatabdi ka hai aur iska sthan pracheen itihaas vibhag ka museum hai.

  • This is about the importance of the book as a simple book saved the earth from the invasion of the Martian.

  • Yeh uss pustak ka mahatva ke baare mein hai, jis mamli se pustak ne mangal greh ke praniyo ke akraman se prathvi ki Raksha ki.

  • The Martians are in the Mars Space Control. Think–Tank is the commander in–chief And others are Noodle, Omega, Iota, Oop, etc.

  • Mangal grah ke prani mangal grah ke antrakish niyantrik hai.pramukh senapati Think-Tank hai tatha anaye hai- Noodle, Omega, Iota, Oop itiyadi.

  • Think–Tank orders them to attack the earth planet. Noodle agrees And is ready to attack.

  • Think-Tank unhe prathvi greh par akraman karne ka adesh deta hai. Noodle sehmati pradan karta hai aur akraman ke liye taiyaar ho jata hai.

  • Captain Omega, Lt. Iota, And Sergeant Oop reached planet earth without any special problem.

  • Captain Omega, Lt. Iota, And Sergeant Oop bina kisi vishesh kathinayi ke prathvi grah par pahunchte hai.

  • Omega can’t identify the place And he guesses about the books as a storage barn.

  • Omega sthan pehchan nahi paati tatha veh pustako ke baare mein yeh anuman lagati hai ki sab bhusa hai

  • Think–Tank sees the books And calls them a sandwich.

  • Think-Tank pustako ko dekhta hai tatha isse sandwich kehta hai

  • Different guesses are made about books. Noodle calls them communication devices.

  • Pustako ke sambhandh mein vibhin prakar ke anuman lagaye jaate hai. Noodle isse ek dusre se baat karne ka Tool batata hai.

  • Omega tries to listen to something but fails.

  • Omega kuch sunne ka prayas karti hai, kinto asafal rehti hai

  • Noodle again says that these are for eye communication.

  • Noodle phir kehta hai ki yeh sab aankhon ke sanchar ke liye hai.

  • On Noodle’s suggestion vitamins are taken by Omega to increase intelligence. Now Omega is able to read the nursery rhymes.

  • Noodle ki salah par Omega ke dwara apni budhi ko badhane ke liye vitamin kha liya jata hai. Ab omega nursery ki tukbandiyo ko padhne mein Saksham ho jati hai.

  • Think–Tank listens to the rhymes And sees the picture And comes on a conclusion that earthlings are planning to attack them.

  • Think-tank tukbandhiyo ko sunta hai tahtha chitro ko dekhta hai aur usse lagta hai ki prathivasi unpar aakraman karne ki planning kar rahe hai.

  • Think–Tank immediately decides to leave Mars And orders the crew members to escape from the earth.

  • Think-Tank tatkal mangal grah ko chodne ko sabko bol deta hai. Tatha apne dosto se prathivi se bhagne ke liye kehta hai.

  • Thus a simple book saves the earth.

  • Issi tarah ek mamuli kitab ne prathvi ko bacha liya.

    Think-tank: Think-tank is considered to be the most powerful and intelligent creature in the play. He is also regarded as the wisest creature in the universe. He is commander in chief of the Mars Space Control. He desires to put the earth under his ruler ship, because he thinks the Earthlings are ugly creatures with primitive brains. He is a very ambitious, arrogant, mighty and powerful commander-in-chief.
    Think-tank: थिंक-टैंक को नाटक में सबसे शक्तिशाली और बुद्धिमान प्राणी माना जाता है। उसे ब्रह्मांड का सबसे बुद्धिमान प्राणी भी माना जाता है। वह मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल के प्रमुख कमांडर हैं। वह पृथ्वी को अपने कब्ज़े में रखना चाहता है, क्योंकि उसे लगता है कि पृथ्वीवासी आदिम मंद बुद्धि और बदसूरत हैं। वह बहुत महत्वाकांक्षी, अभिमानी, बत्तमीज़ और शक्तिशाली सेनापति है।

    Noodle: Noodle is an obedient apprentice of Think-Tank who is the ruler of Mars. He is more wiser and familiar with the facts of the Earthling as compared to Think-Tank. He has an act to tackle and flatter his boss. Whenever he had to correct him, he would present his thoughts as being of no particular importance. He rectifies his mistakes in a humble manner. He is a polite member of Think-Tank’s crew and cooperates with the other members and effectively carries out the order of the commander. He is a practical man.
    Noodle: नूडल थिंक-टैंक का एक आज्ञाकारी प्रशिक्षु है जो मंगल का शासक है। थिंक-टैंक की तुलना में उसे अर्थलिंग के बारे में ज़ादा पता है। उसके पास अपने मालिक से निपटने और चापलूसी करने का एक अलग ही तरीका है। जब भी उसे ठीक करना होता, वह अपने विचारों को किसी विशेष महत्व के रूप में प्रस्तुत करता। वो बहुत शांति से अपनी गलतियों को सुधारता है। वह थिंक-टैंक के चालक दल का एक विनम्र सदस्य है और अन्य सदस्यों के साथ सहयोग करता है और कमांडर के आदेश का सही ढंग से पालन करता है। वह सोच समझके अपने काम करता है।


    Think-tank: Think-tank is considered to be the most powerful and intelligent creature in the play. He is also regarded as the wisest creature in the universe. He is commander in chief of the Mars Space Control. He desires to put the earth under his ruler ship, because he thinks the Earthlings are ugly creatures with primitive brains. He is a very ambitious, arrogant, mighty and powerful commander-in-chief.
    Think-tank: थिंक-टैंक को नाटक में सबसे शक्तिशाली और बुद्धिमान प्राणी माना जाता है। उसे ब्रह्मांड का सबसे बुद्धिमान प्राणी भी माना जाता है। वह मार्स स्पेस कंट्रोल के प्रमुख कमांडर हैं। वह पृथ्वी को अपने कब्ज़े में रखना चाहता है, क्योंकि उसे लगता है कि पृथ्वीवासी आदिम मंद बुद्धि और बदसूरत हैं। वह बहुत महत्वाकांक्षी, अभिमानी, बत्तमीज़ और शक्तिशाली सेनापति है।

    NoodleNoodle is an obedient apprentice of Think-Tank who is the ruler of Mars. He is more wiser and familiar with the facts of the Earthling as compared to Think-Tank. He has an act to tackle and flatter his boss. Whenever he had to correct him, he would present his thoughts as being of no particular importance. He rectifies his mistakes in a humble manner. He is a polite member of Think-Tank’s crew and cooperates with the other members and effectively carries out the order of the commander. He is a practical man.
    Noodle: नूडल थिंक-टैंक का एक आज्ञाकारी प्रशिक्षु है जो मंगल का शासक है। थिंक-टैंक की तुलना में उसे अर्थलिंग के बारे में ज़ादा पता है। उसके पास अपने मालिक से निपटने और चापलूसी करने का एक अलग ही तरीका है। जब भी उसे ठीक करना होता, वह अपने विचारों को किसी विशेष महत्व के रूप में प्रस्तुत करता। वो बहुत शांति से अपनी गलतियों को सुधारता है। वह थिंक-टैंक के चालक दल का एक विनम्र सदस्य है और अन्य सदस्यों के साथ सहयोग करता है और कमांडर के आदेश का सही ढंग से पालन करता है। वह सोच समझके अपने काम करता है।


    Think-tank: Think-tank is considered to be the most powerful and intelligent creature in the play. He is also regarded as the wisest creature in the universe. He is commander in chief of the Mars Space Control. He desires to put the earth under his ruler ship, because he thinks the Earthlings are ugly creatures with primitive brains. He is a very ambitious, arrogant, mighty and powerful commander-in-chief.

    NoodleNoodle is an obedient apprentice of Think-Tank who is the ruler of Mars. He is more wiser and familiar with the facts of the Earthling as compared to Think-Tank. He has an act to tackle and flatter his boss. Whenever he had to correct him, he would present his thoughts as being of no particular importance. He rectifies his mistakes in a humble manner. He is a polite member of Think-Tank’s crew and cooperates with the other members and effectively carries out the order of the commander. He is a practical man.


    1.The play, The Book That Saved the Earth’ conveys the message that misunderstanding of cultural differences between various races can cause confusion and conflict. Based on your reading of the play, write how such confusion and conflicts can be checked so that peace and harmony is maintained. [CBSE 2015]
    The confusion in the mind of Think-Tank occurred due to the literal interpretation of the nursery rhymes in the book-‘Mother Goose’. To ensure that conflicts are checked so that peace and harmony are maintained, cultural differences should be sorted out by initially sending mature and wise people from one culture to the other to establish contact before deciding to wage war.
    Think-Tank had sent an initial probe, but the crew members of the probe were not sufficiently intelligent or mature to understand Earth’s culture. That is why they literally interpreted the nursery rhymes and caused misunderstanding in the mind of Think-Tank.
    2.Compare and contrast the characters of Noodle and Think-Tank. [CBSE 2012]
    Noodle and Think-Tank have contrasting characters. Think-Tank likes to be called the ‘Great and the Mighty’. He orders and commands. He is the ruler of Mars, but has no intelligence.He thinks books to be sandwiches. He is wrong about everything. He demands that the crew obey him. He likes to pass on others ideas as his own. He is a coward who simply boasts about his power.Noodle, his apprentice, is very clever and wise. He corrects the mistakes of the ruler (Think-Tank) very gently. He never takes credit for his ideas. But he offers them to the ruler very gently. Think-Tank makes them as his own.
    3.How did one old book of nursery rhymes save the Earth from a Martian invasion? [CBSE 2011]
    How did a book change Think-Tank’s opinion about the Earthlings? [CBSE 2014]

    This book is totally misunderstood by the Martians.The Martians thought that earthlings were planning to invade Mars. So, they cancelled their invasion of Earth and went back. Think-Tank totally misunderstands the book. Phrases like ‘shell’, ‘silver’, ‘garden’ gave him a false idea that earthlings grew silver and weapons. He starts thinking that earthlings are very advanced technologically.
    4.Think-Tank thinks that Earthlings are after him. What is the reason? [CBSE 2015]
    The Think-Tank crew read about Humpty-Dumpty’s fall in the rhyme and showed the picture to Think-Tank. Think-Tank’s head resembled that of Humpty-Dumpty. This makes Think-Tank feel that earthlings were planning to invade Mars and capture him.
    4.Iota : I can’t figure it out, Captain. (holding up a book) I’ve counted two thousand of these peculiar items.
    This place must be some sort of storage barn. [CBSE 2014]
    (a) What could Iota not figure out?
    (b) Where was Iota?
    (c) Find the antonym of the word ‘ordinary’ in the extract.
    (d) What part of speech is ‘peculiar’ as used in the extract?

    (a) Iota could not figure out what the book was because he had never seen a book before.
    (b) Iota was at Centerville Public Library on Earth.
    (c) The antonym of ordinary is peculiar.
    (d) It is an adjective.


    Question 1. The play, The Book That Saved the Earth’ conveys the message that misunderstanding of cultural differences between various races can cause confusion and conflict. Based on your reading of the play, write how such confusion and conflicts can be checked so that peace and harmony is maintained. [CBSE 2015]
    Answer: The confusion in the mind of Think-Tank occurred due to the literal interpretation of the nursery rhymes in the book-‘Mother Goose’. To ensure that conflicts are checked so that peace and harmony are maintained, cultural differences should be sorted out by initially sending mature and wise people from one culture to the other to establish contact before deciding to wage war.
    Think-Tank had sent an initial probe, but the crew members of the probe were not sufficiently intelligent or mature to understand Earth’s culture. That is why they literally interpreted the nursery rhymes and caused misunderstanding in the mind of Think-Tank.
    Question 2. Compare and contrast the characters of Noodle and Think-Tank. [CBSE 2012]
    Answer: Noodle and Think-Tank have contrasting characters. Think-Tank likes to be called the ‘Great and the Mighty’. He orders and commands. He is the ruler of Mars, but has no intelligence.He thinks books to be sandwiches. He is wrong about everything. He demands that the crew obey him. He likes to pass on others ideas as his own. He is a coward who simply boasts about his power.Noodle, his apprentice, is very clever and wise. He corrects the mistakes of the ruler (Think-Tank) very gently. He never takes credit for his ideas. But he offers them to the ruler very gently. Think-Tank makes them as his own.
    Question 3. How did one old book of nursery rhymes save the Earth from a Martian invasion? [CBSE 2011]
    How did a book change Think-Tank’s opinion about the Earthlings? [CBSE 2014]

    Answer: This book is totally misunderstood by the Martians.The Martians thought that earthlings were planning to invade Mars. So, they cancelled their invasion of Earth and went back. Think-Tank totally misunderstands the book. Phrases like ‘shell’, ‘silver’, ‘garden’ gave him a false idea that earthlings grew silver and weapons. He starts thinking that earthlings are very advanced technologically.
    Question 4. Think-Tank thinks that Earthlings are after him. What is the reason? [CBSE 2015]
    Answer: The Think-Tank crew read about Humpty-Dumpty’s fall in rhyme and showed the picture to Think-Tank. Think-Tank’s head resembled that of Humpty-Dumpty. This makes Think-Tank feel that earthlings were planning to invade Mars and capture him.
    Question 5. Lota: I can’t figure it out, Captain. (holding up a book) I’ve counted two thousand of these peculiar items.
    This place must be some sort of storage barn. [CBSE 2014]
    Answer: (a) What could Iota not figure out?
    (b) Where was Iota?
    (c) Find the antonym of the word ‘ordinary’ in the extract.
    (d) What part of speech is ‘peculiar’ as used in the extract?

    (a) Iota could not figure out what the book was because he had never seen a book before.
    (b) Iota was at Centerville Public Library on Earth.
    (c) The antonym of ordinary is peculiar.
    (d) It is an adjective.


    Think-tank: Think Tank ko natak mein sabse shaktishali aur budhiman prani mana jata hai. Usse Brahand ka sabse budhiman prani bhi mana jata hai. Veh Mars Space Control ke pramukh compounder hai. Veh prathvi ko apne kabze mein rakhna chahta hai, kyunki usse lagta hai ki prathvivasi aadim mand budhi aur badsurat hai. Veh bahut mehtavkanshi, abhimani, badtameez aur shaktishali senapati hai.

    Noodle: Noodle Think Tank ka ek agyakari prashisho hai jo mangal ka shasak hai. Think-Tank kit ulna mein usse Earthlings ke baare mein zyada pata hai. Uske paas apne malik se nipatna aur chaplusi karne ka ek alag hi tarika hai. Jab bhi usse theek karna hota, veh apne vicharo ko kisi vishesh mehtav ke roop mein prastut karta. Vo bahut shanti se apni galtiyon ko sudharta hai. Veh Think-Tank ke chalak dal ka ek vinamr sadsye hai aur anya sadsiyo ke sath sehyog karta hai aur commander ke aadesh ka sahi dhang se palan karta hai. Veh soch samajh ke apna kaam karta hai.


    1.Noodle : (bowing) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders?
    Think-Tank : (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle. Go over the whole thing again.
    (a) Who is a Noodle?
    (b) What does the extract reveal about Think-Tank?
    (c) Find a word from the extract which means ‘feeling or showing nutation’.
    (d) What is the opposite of ‘powerful’?

    (a) Noodle is the apprentice to Think-Tank, the ruler of Mars.
    (b) The extract reveals Think-Tank to be a vain and egoistic creature.
    (c) ‘Peevishly’ from the extract means ‘feeling or showing invitation’.
    (d) The opposite is ‘weak’.
    2.Think-Tank : It can’t be worth much, but go ahead. Give us your trifling bit of data.
    (a) Whom was Think-Tank addressing?
    (b) What was the data?
    (c) Find the word ih the extract which is a synonym of ‘insignificant’.
    (d) What part of speech is ‘It’ as used in the extract?

    (a) Think-Tank was addressing his apprentice, Noodle.
    (b) The data was that the earthlings did not eat those ‘sandwiches’. They used them for communication.
    (c) The synonym of ‘insignificant’ in the extract is ‘trifling’.
    (d) ‘It’ is a pronoun.
    3.Historian : (chuckling) And that’s how one dusty old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion.
    (a) What was the name of the book?
    (b) Why did the Historian chuckle?
    (c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘Conquer’?
    (d) What part of speech is ‘And’ as used in the extract?

    (a) ‘Mother Goose’ was the name of the book.
    (b) The historian chuckled at the idea that the misinterpretation of a book saved the Earth.
    (c) ‘Invasion’ from the extract is the synonym of ‘conquer’.
    (d) ‘And’ is a conjunction.
    4.Why did Think-Tank wish to contact the space probe?
    Think-Tank wanted to contact the probe to find out what the crew of the probe had observed about Earth.
    5.What difficulty do the crew of the space probe face on Earth?
    The space probe lands in a public library. The crew is shocked because the place looked very strange as they had no idea of books. They think the library to be some kind of storage barn.
    6.How does Think-Tank explain the books to his probe crew?
    Think-Tank told his crew that the books were sandwiches. He even ordered his crew to eat them. Then, he called them communication devices and later he said that they were meant for watching.
    7.Why do the space probe crew take vitamins?
    Think-Tank wanted the probe crew to find out what was in the books. So, the probe crew take vitamins to increase their intelligence. They are able to read the books after taking those vitamins.
    8.What is Think-Tank’s interpretation of words like ‘shells’, ‘silver bells’ and ‘garden’ from the nursery rhyme? What is its impact?
    Think-Tank interprets the given words to mean that the earthlings grew shells and silver in their gardens. This caused him to withhold their planned invasion of Earth as he felt that Earth was more advanced than Mars.
    9.Mention any two striking qualities of Noodle.
    The apprentice of Think-Tank, Noodle, comes out as an interesting figure in the story. He is very polite and smart. He corrects the mistakes of his ruler very humbly by giving indirect suggestions. Also, he is very wise and well informed.
    10.Elaborate the escape that Think-Tank plans for.
    Think-Tank orders his entire fleet to evacuate Mars. He gets a capsule for himself. They decide to move to the distant star Alpha Centauri to escape invasion by earthlings.
    11.Describe Think-Tank in your words.
    Think-Tank is the ruler of the planet Mars. His head is huge and egg shaped. He wears a robe decorated with stars and circles. He is very proud of his intelligence and might.
    12.Noodle hails Think-Tank as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe. Do you agree? Write your opinion of Think-Tank citing instances from the given text.
    Noodle is a trainee under Think-Tank. He bows before him and hails his ruler as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the universe. However, Think-Tank is not really intelligent. He misinterprets the nursery rhymes completely. ‘Silver’, ‘shells’ and ‘garden’ for him mean that the earthlings are growing metals in farms.
    He thinks books to be sandwiches and wants the crew to eat them. When he read out the nursery rhyme which says, ‘Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall’ he is terrified and plans his escape from Mars Thus, Think-Tank is nothing more than a show off and a pompous fool.
    13.Mars and Earth become friends. How?
    Think-Tank evacuates Mars and the Martians move to Alpha Centauri. They fear an invasion by Earth. In the twenty-fifty century, the two planets become friends. The wise and wonderful Noodle replaces Think-Tank. Earthlings tell Martians the difference between sandwiches and books.
    They even taught them how to read. At the same time, they have created a model library for Martians at Marsopolis. Still there is one thing that Martians have never learnt to do. They have never tried to read the nursery rhymes of ‘Mother Goose’.


    1. Noodle: (bowing) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders?
    Think-Tank: (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle. Go over the whole thing again.
    (a) Who is a Noodle?
    (b) What does the extract reveal about Think-Tank?
    (c) Find a word from the extract which means ‘feeling or showing nutation’.
    (d) What is the opposite of ‘powerful’?

    (a) Noodle is the apprentice to Think-Tank, the ruler of Mars.
    (b) The extract reveals Think-Tank to be a vain and egoistic creature.
    (c) ‘Peevishly’ from the extract means ‘feeling or showing invitation’.
    (d) The opposite is ‘weak’.
    2. Think-Tank: It can’t be worth much, but go ahead. Give us your trifling bit of data.
    (a) Whom was Think-Tank addressing?
    (b) What was the data?
    (c) Find the word ih the extract which is a synonym of ‘insignificant’.
    (d) What part of speech is ‘It’ as used in the extract?

    (a) Think-Tank was addressing his apprentice, Noodle.
    (b) The data was that the earthlings did not eat those ‘sandwiches’. They used them for communication.
    (c) The synonym of ‘insignificant’ in the extract is ‘trifling’.
    (d) ‘It’ is a pronoun.
    3. Historian: (chuckling) And that’s how one dusty old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion.
    (a) What was the name of the book?
    (b) Why did the Historian chuckle?
    (c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘Conquer’?
    (d) What part of speech is ‘And’ as used in the extract?

    (a) ‘Mother Goose’ was the name of the book.
    (b) The historian chuckled at the idea that the misinterpretation of a book saved the Earth.
    (c) ‘Invasion’ from the extract is the synonym of ‘conquer’.
    (d) ‘And’ is a conjunction.
    4. Why did Think-Tank wish to contact the space probe?
    Think-Tank wanted to contact the probe to find out what the crew of the probe had observed about Earth.
    5. What difficulty do the crew of the space probe face on Earth?
    The space probe lands in a public library. The crew is shocked because the place looked very strange as they had no idea of books. They think the library to be some kind of storage barn.
    6. How does Think-Tank explain the books to his probe crew?
    Think-Tank told his crew that the books were sandwiches. He even ordered his crew to eat them. Then, he called them communication devices and later he said that they were meant for watching.
    7. Why do the space probe crew take vitamins?
    Think-Tank wanted the probe crew to find out what was in the books. So, the probe crew take vitamins to increase their intelligence. They are able to read the books after taking those vitamins.
    8. What is Think-Tank’s interpretation of words like ‘shells’, ‘silver bells’ and ‘garden’ from the nursery rhyme? What is its impact?
    Think-Tank interprets the given words to mean that the earthlings grew shells and silver in their gardens. This caused him to withhold their planned invasion of Earth as he felt that Earth was more advanced than Mars.
    9. Mention any two striking qualities of Noodle.
    The apprentice of Think-Tank, Noodle, comes out as an interesting figure in the story. He is very polite and smart. He corrects the mistakes of his ruler very humbly by giving indirect suggestions. Also, he is very wise and well informed.
    10. Elaborate the escape that Think-Tank plans for.
    Think-Tank orders his entire fleet to evacuate Mars. He gets a capsule for himself. They decide to move to the distant star Alpha Centauri to escape invasion by earthlings.
    11. Describe Think-Tank in your words.
    Think-Tank is the ruler of the planet Mars. His head is huge and egg shaped. He wears a robe decorated with stars and circles. He is very proud of his intelligence and might.
    12. Noodle hails Think-Tank as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe. Do you agree? Write your opinion of Think-Tank citing instances from the given text.
    Noodle is a trainee under Think-Tank. He bows before him and hails his ruler as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the universe. However, Think-Tank is not really intelligent. He misinterprets the nursery rhymes completely. ‘Silver’, ‘shells’ and ‘garden’ for him mean that the earthlings are growing metals in farms.
    He thinks books are sandwiches and wants the crew to eat them. When he reads out the nursery rhyme which says, ‘Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall’ he is terrified and plans his escape from Mars Thus, Think-Tank is nothing more than a show off and a pompous fool.
    13. Mars and Earth become friends. How?
    Think-Tank evacuates Mars and the Martians move to Alpha Centauri. They fear an invasion by Earth. In the twenty-fifty century, the two planets become friends. The wise and wonderful Noodle replaces Think-Tank. Earthlings tell Martians the difference between sandwiches and books.
    They even taught them how to read. At the same time, they have created a model library for Martians at Marianopolis. Still there is one thing that Martians have never learnt to do. They have never tried to read the nursery rhymes of ‘Mother Goose’.


    Question 1. The play, The Book That Saved the Earth’ conveys the message that misunderstanding of cultural differences between various races can cause confusion and conflict. Based on your reading of the play, write how such confusion and conflicts can be checked so that peace and harmony is maintained. [CBSE 2015]
    Answer: The confusion in the mind of Think-Tank occurred due to the literal interpretation of the nursery rhymes in the book-‘Mother Goose’. To ensure that conflicts are checked so that peace and harmony are maintained, cultural differences should be sorted out by initially sending mature and wise people from one culture to the other to establish contact before deciding to wage war.
    Think-Tank had sent an initial probe, but the crew members of the probe were not sufficiently intelligent or mature to understand Earth’s culture. That is why they literally interpreted the nursery rhymes and caused misunderstanding in the mind of Think-Tank.
    Question 2. Compare and contrast the characters of Noodle and Think-Tank. [CBSE 2012]
    Answer: Noodle and Think-Tank have contrasting characters. Think-Tank likes to be called the ‘Great and the Mighty’. He orders and commands. He is the ruler of Mars, but has no intelligence.He thinks books to be sandwiches. He is wrong about everything. He demands that the crew obey him. He likes to pass on others ideas as his own. He is a coward who simply boasts about his power.Noodle, his apprentice, is very clever and wise. He corrects the mistakes of the ruler (Think-Tank) very gently. He never takes credit for his ideas. But he offers them to the ruler very gently. Think-Tank makes them as his own.
    Question 3. How did one old book of nursery rhymes save the Earth from a Martian invasion? [CBSE 2011]
    How did a book change Think-Tank’s opinion about the Earthlings? [CBSE 2014]

    Answer: This book is totally misunderstood by the Martians.The Martians thought that earthlings were planning to invade Mars. So, they cancelled their invasion of Earth and went back. Think-Tank totally misunderstands the book. Phrases like ‘shell’, ‘silver’, ‘garden’ gave him a false idea that earthlings grew silver and weapons. He starts thinking that earthlings are very advanced technologically.
    Question 4. Think-Tank thinks that Earthlings are after him. What is the reason? [CBSE 2015]
    Answer: The Think-Tank crew read about Humpty-Dumpty’s fall in rhyme and showed the picture to Think-Tank. Think-Tank’s head resembled that of Humpty-Dumpty. This makes Think-Tank feel that earthlings were planning to invade Mars and capture him.
    Question 5. Lota: I can’t figure it out, Captain. (holding up a book) I’ve counted two thousand of these peculiar items.
    This place must be some sort of storage barn. [CBSE 2014]
    Answer: (a) What could Iota not figure out?
    (b) Where was Iota?
    (c) Find the antonym of the word ‘ordinary’ in the extract.
    (d) What part of speech is ‘peculiar’ as used in the extract?

    (a) Iota could not figure out what the book was because he had never seen a book before.
    (b) Iota was at Centerville Public Library on Earth.
    (c) The antonym of ordinary is peculiar.
    (d) It is an adjective.


    Question 1.Who wrote the play ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’?
    (a) Claire Boiko
    (b) William Shakespeare
    (c) Oliver Goldsmith
    (d) Anton Chekov

    Question 2.Which century was called the era of the Book?
    (a) Twenty first
    (b) Twenty fifth
    (c) Twentieth
    (d) Ninetieth

    Question 3.What stopped the Martian invasion of 2040?
    (a) a noble encyclopedia
    (b) a tome about rockets
    (c) Mother Goose
    (d) a secret file

    B. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in brackets:

    Question 1.The Book that Saved the Earth’ is a drama.

    Question 2.The people of the Mars plan an attack on the earth.

    Question 3.The Martians do not leave the earth in fear.

    Question 4.The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Books.

    Question 5.Humpty Dumpty did not sit on the wall.

    C. Answer the following questions in about 30 40 words each:

    Question 1.Why did Think-Tank express his peevishness with Noodle?
    Answer:Think-Tank considered himself to be the most intelligent and powerful creature in the whole universe. Noodle was his apprentice. He forgot to pay the part of his salutation to him and stood beside him. Therefore, Think Tank expressed his peevishness with Noodle.

    Question 2.How does Think-Tank describe the earth?
    Answer:Think-Tank describes the earth as a ridiculous little planet. He gives no importance to the earth and thinks of it as a very insignificant place. He decides to put the earth under his generous ruler ship.

    Question 3.Who eats the sandwich ultimately?
    Answer:Sergeant Oop eats the sandwich ultimately. Omega and Iota watch him breathlessly. When he ate the sandwich while making terrible faces.

    Question 4.How does Think-Tank wish to be saluted?
    Answer:Think-Tank is the great and mighty commander-in-chief. He wishes to be completely saluted in a proper manner in which they glorify him.

    Question 5.What does Oop think about the library?
    Answer:Sergeant Oop has no idea about the library even though he had already visited the seven galaxies. He had never visited such a unique place. He thinks of the books as hats and the library as a haberdashery—the shop which sells clothing and small articles of dress.

    Question 6.How does the picture of Humpty Dumpty look like?
    Answer:Humpty Dumpty looked exactly like Think-Tank, who screamed and held his head and said, “It’s me!. Even the brain of Humpty Dumpty is similar to that of Think-Tank.

    Question 7.What question does Think-Tank ask the mirror?
    Answer:Think-Tank asked the mirror who was the most fantastically, intellectually gifted being in the land. He also asked the mirror whether the Martians were not the most handsome race.

    Question 8.What did the books teach in twentieth century?
    Answer:In the twentieth century the books taught people ‘how to’ when to’, where to’ and ‘why to’. They illustrated and educated the people.

    Question 9.Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty first century?
    Answer:The Martians tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century.Think-Tank was the great and mighty commander and the ruler of Mars. He wanted to put the earth under his rule.

    Question 10.Why are books referred as man’s best friend?
    Answer:The books are the source of infinite knowledge. We read them and learn new ideas from them. Like a best friend it helps us grow our knowledge and keeps us company.

    Question 11.What has Think-Tank thought about magnificent brilliance?
    Answer:Think-Tank has thought about the vitamin's magnificent brilliance. It was given by the chemical department to increase one’s intelligence. Taking them immediately helped them decipher the meaning of code. He also thought that the Earthlings were clever.

    Question 12.What is Think-Tank planning about the earth?
    Answer:Think-Tank is planning to invade the earth. He thinks that earth is very insignificant. It is a ridiculous planet. He has sent a search team that will probe the earth. He is very sure to put the earth under his rule.

    Question 13.Why is Think-Tank’s space crew puzzled on the earth?
    Answer:Think-Tank’s space crew had arrived on the earth and taken shelter in some sort of squire place. The place was full of unknown items (Books). The members of this crew mistake these books as sandwiches, but were unable to eat them. When they were told that the Earthlings used them as a communication device,they tried to hear them. But they were still helpless to hear them.

    Question 14.How does Noodle suggest to Think Tank about the books?
    Answer:Noodle reveals the secret of books, which are considered sandwiches in the play in a very humble manner. He says that he has watched surveyor films of those sandwiches. He found that the Earthlings do not eat these sandwiches. Actually they use them as some sort of communication device.

    D. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:

    Question 1.Why did Think-Tank’s plan fail to invade the earth?
    Answer:Think-tank is considered to be the most powerful and intelligent creature in the play. He is also regarded as the wisest creature in the universe. He is commander in chief of the Mars Space Control. He desires to put the earth under his ruler ship, because he thinks the Earthlings are ugly creatures with primitive brains. But he becomes aware of the secret power of Earthlings from a little book which the members of his crew are unable to read. They think that the book is written in a certain code which shows the magnificent intelligence of Earthlings. They have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can also grow crops of rare metal and high explosives. Think-Tank finds that the Earthlings are certainly superior to the Martians. So he decides to leave the earth without delay.

    Question 2.Give the character sketch of Noodle.
    Answer:Noodle is an obedient apprentice of Think-Tank who is the ruler of Mars. He is more wiser and familiar with the facts of the Earthling as compared to Think-Tank. He has an act to tackle and flatter his boss. Whenever he had to correct him, he would present his thoughts as being of no particular importance. He rectifies his mistakes in a humble manner. He is a polite member of Think-Tank’s crew and cooperates with the other members and effectively carries out the order of the commander. He is a practical man.

    Question 3.What do you know about Think-Tank after reading the play?
    Answer:Think-Tank is a very disciplined and impatient commander. He is a very ambitious, arrogant, mighty and powerful commander-in-chief. He wants his empire to extend and invades the earth to put it under his rule. He has a false view about the Earthlings that can do no harm to the Martians.His command must be followed in word and spirit. He has great knowledge and experience by which he guesses very well. When his crew informs him that they have found peculiarities of the earth, he helps them to guess it as a sandwich, a staple diet on Earth. He makes quick decisions. When he realizes that the Earthlings may attack the Martians, he immediately orders them to leave the earth without delay. At the end of play he seems as a fearful commander who just by looking at a picture of Humpty Dumpty decides to escape to Alpha Centauri and drops the mission of attacking the earth.

    Question 4.How were friendly relations established between people of Mars and People of Earth?
    Answer:With the passage of time the relation between the people of mars (Martians) and the people of Earth (Earthlings) became friends. The Earthlings taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books and how to read them. They established together a model library in the capital city of Marsopolis. All this happened after the expiry of five hundred years-in the twenty-fifth century.

    Question 5.“Perhaps the Earthlings have sharper ears than we do. Why does Iota say so?
    Answer:Noodle suggests that the sandwiches are used as a communication device. Iota, who is the lieutenant of Mar probe, tries to listen to it intently. He failed to listen to anything from the sandwiches which is actually a book. At last she draws a conclusion that Earthlings have sharper ears than Martians. She meant that the Earthlings are ugly creatures.


    Question 1. Who wrote the play ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’?
    (a) Claire Boiko
    (b) William Shakespeare
    (c) Oliver Goldsmith
    (d) Anton Chekov
    Answer: (a)

    Question 2. Which century was called the era of the Book?
    (a) Twenty first
    (b) Twenty fifth
    (c) Twentieth
    (d) Ninetieth
    Answer: (c)

    Question 3. What stopped the Martian invasion of 2040?
    (a) a noble encyclopedia
    (b) a tome about rockets
    (c) Mother Goose
    (d) a secret file
    Answer: (c).

    B. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in brackets:

    Question 1. The Book that Saved the Earth’ is a drama.
    Answer: False

    Question 2. The people of Mars plan an attack on the earth.
    Answer: True

    Question 3. The Martians do not leave the earth in fear.
    Answer: False

    Question 4. The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Books.
    Answer: True

    Question 5. Humpty Dumpty did not sit on the wall.
    Answer: False

    C. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

    Question 1. Why did Think-Tank express his peevishness with Noodle?
    Answer: Think-Tank considered himself to be the most intelligent and powerful creature in the whole universe. Noodle was his apprentice. He forgot to pay the part of his salutation to him and stood beside him. Therefore, Think Tank expressed his peevishness with Noodle.

    Question 2. How does Think-Tank describe the earth?
    Answer: Think-Tank describes the earth as a ridiculous little planet. He gives no importance to the earth and thinks of it as a very insignificant place. He decides to put the earth under his generous ruler ship.

    Question 3. Who eats the sandwich ultimately?
    Answer: Sergeant Oop eats the sandwich ultimately. Omega and Iota watch him breathlessly. When he ate the sandwich while making terrible faces.

    Question 4. How does Think-Tank wish to be saluted?
    Answer: Think-Tank is the great and mighty commander-in-chief. He wishes to be completely saluted in a proper manner in which they glorify him.

    Question 5. What does Oop think about the library?
    Answer: Sergeant Oop has no idea about the library even though he had already visited the seven galaxies. He had never visited such a unique place. He thinks of the books as hats and the library as a haberdashery—the shop which sells clothing and small articles of dress.

    Question 6. What does the picture of Humpty Dumpty look like?
    Answer: Humpty Dumpty looked exactly like Think-Tank, who screamed and held his head and said, “It’s me!. Even the brain of Humpty Dumpty is similar to that of Think-Tank.

    Question 7. What question does Think-Tank ask the mirror?
    Answer: Think-Tank asked the mirror who was the most fantastically, intellectually gifted being in the land. He also asked the mirror whether the Martians were not the most handsome race.

    Question 8. What did the books teach in the twentieth century?
    Answer: In the twentieth century the books taught people ‘how to’ when to’, where to’ and ‘why to’. They illustrated and educated the people.

    Question 9. Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century?
    Answer: The Martians tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century.Think-Tank was the great and mighty commander and the ruler of Mars. He wanted to put the earth under his rule.

    Question 10. Why are books referred to as man's best friend?
    Answer: Books are the source of infinite knowledge. We read them and learn new ideas from them. Like a best friend it helps us grow our knowledge and keeps us company.

    Question 11. What has the Think-Tank thought about magnificent brilliance?
    Answer: Think-Tank has thought about the vitamin's magnificent brilliance. It was given by the chemical department to increase one’s intelligence. Taking them immediately helped them decipher the meaning of code. He also thought that the Earthlings were clever.

    Question 12. What is Think-Tank planning about the earth?
    Answer: Think-Tank is planning to invade the earth. He thinks that earth is very insignificant. It is a ridiculous planet. He has sent a search team that will probe the earth. He is very sure to put the earth under his rule.

    Question 13. Why is the Think-Tank's space crew puzzled on the earth?
    Answer: Think-Tank’s space crew had arrived on the earth and taken shelter in some sort of squire place. The place was full of unknown items (Books). The members of this crew mistake these books as sandwiches, but were unable to eat them. When they were told that the Earthlings used them as a communication device,they tried to hear them. But they were still helpless to hear them.

    Question 14. How does Noodle suggest to Think Tank about the books?
    Answer: Noodle reveals the secret of books, which are considered sandwiches in the play in a very humble manner. He says that he has watched surveyor films of those sandwiches. He found that the Earthlings do not eat these sandwiches. Actually they use them as some sort of communication device.

    D. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:

    Question 1. Why did Think-Tank’s plan fail to invade the earth?
    Answer: Think-tank is considered to be the most powerful and intelligent creature in the play. He is also regarded as the wisest creature in the universe. He is commander in chief of the Mars Space Control. He desires to put the earth under his ruler ship, because he thinks the Earthlings are ugly creatures with primitive brains. But he becomes aware of the secret power of Earthlings from a little book which the members of his crew are unable to read. They think that the book is written in a certain code which shows the magnificent intelligence of Earthlings. They have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can also grow crops of rare metal and high explosives. Think-Tank finds that the Earthlings are certainly superior to the Martians. So he decides to leave the earth without delay.

    Question 2. Give the character sketch of Noodle.
    Answer: Noodle is an obedient apprentice of Think-Tank who is the ruler of Mars. He is more wiser and familiar with the facts of the Earthling as compared to Think-Tank. He has an act to tackle and flatter his boss. Whenever he had to correct him, he would present his thoughts as being of no particular importance. He rectifies his mistakes in a humble manner. He is a polite member of Think-Tank’s crew and cooperates with the other members and effectively carries out the order of the commander. He is a practical man.

    Question 3. What do you know about Think-Tank after reading the play?
    Answer: Think-Tank is a very disciplined and impatient commander. He is a very ambitious, arrogant, mighty and powerful commander-in-chief. He wants his empire to extend and invades the earth to put it under his rule. He has a false view about the Earthlings that can do no harm to the Martians.His command must be followed in word and spirit. He has great knowledge and experience by which he guesses very well. When his crew informs him that they have found peculiarities of the earth, he helps them to guess it as a sandwich, a staple diet on Earth. He makes quick decisions. When he realizes that the Earthlings may attack the Martians, he immediately orders them to leave the earth without delay. At the end of play he seems as a fearful commander who just by looking at a picture of Humpty Dumpty decides to escape to Alpha Centauri and drops the mission of attacking the earth.

    Question 4. How were friendly relations established between people of Mars and People of Earth?
    Answer: With the passage of time the relation between the people of mars (Martians) and the people of Earth (Earthlings) became friends. The Earthlings taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books and how to read them. They established a model library together in the capital city of Marsopolis. All this happened after the expiry of five hundred years-in the twenty-fifth century.

    Question 5. “Perhaps the Earthlings have sharper ears than we do. Why does Iota say so?
    Answer: Noodle suggests that the sandwiches are used as a communication device. Iota, who is the lieutenant of Mar probe, tries to listen to it intently. He failed to listen to anything from the sandwiches which is actually a book. At last she draws a conclusion that Earthlings have sharper ears than Martians. She meant that the Earthlings are ugly creatures.


    1. Noodle: (bowing) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe, what are your orders?
    Think-Tank: (peevishly) You left out part of my salutation, Apprentice Noodle. Go over the whole thing again.
    (a) Who is a Noodle?
    (b) What does the extract reveal about Think-Tank?
    (c) Find a word from the extract which means ‘feeling or showing nutation’.
    (d) What is the opposite of ‘powerful’?

    (a) Noodle is the apprentice to Think-Tank, the ruler of Mars.
    (b) The extract reveals Think-Tank to be a vain and egoistic creature.
    (c) ‘Peevishly’ from the extract means ‘feeling or showing invitation’.
    (d) The opposite is ‘weak’.
    2. Think-Tank: It can’t be worth much, but go ahead. Give us your trifling bit of data.
    (a) Whom was Think-Tank addressing?
    (b) What was the data?
    (c) Find the word ih the extract which is a synonym of ‘insignificant’.
    (d) What part of speech is ‘It’ as used in the extract?

    (a) Think-Tank was addressing his apprentice, Noodle.
    (b) The data was that the earthlings did not eat those ‘sandwiches’. They used them for communication.
    (c) The synonym of ‘insignificant’ in the extract is ‘trifling’.
    (d) ‘It’ is a pronoun.
    3. Historian: (chuckling) And that’s how one dusty old book of nursery rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion.
    (a) What was the name of the book?
    (b) Why did the Historian chuckle?
    (c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘Conquer’?
    (d) What part of speech is ‘And’ as used in the extract?

    (a) ‘Mother Goose’ was the name of the book.
    (b) The historian chuckled at the idea that the misinterpretation of a book saved the Earth.
    (c) ‘Invasion’ from the extract is the synonym of ‘conquer’.
    (d) ‘And’ is a conjunction.
    4. Why did Think-Tank wish to contact the space probe?
    Think-Tank wanted to contact the probe to find out what the crew of the probe had observed about Earth.
    5. What difficulty do the crew of the space probe face on Earth?
    The space probe lands in a public library. The crew is shocked because the place looked very strange as they had no idea of books. They think the library to be some kind of storage barn.
    6. How does Think-Tank explain the books to his probe crew?
    Think-Tank told his crew that the books were sandwiches. He even ordered his crew to eat them. Then, he called them communication devices and later he said that they were meant for watching.
    7. Why do the space probe crew take vitamins?
    Think-Tank wanted the probe crew to find out what was in the books. So, the probe crew take vitamins to increase their intelligence. They are able to read the books after taking those vitamins.
    8. What is Think-Tank’s interpretation of words like ‘shells’, ‘silver bells’ and ‘garden’ from the nursery rhyme? What is its impact?
    Think-Tank interprets the given words to mean that the earthlings grew shells and silver in their gardens. This caused him to withhold their planned invasion of Earth as he felt that Earth was more advanced than Mars.
    9. Mention any two striking qualities of Noodle.
    The apprentice of Think-Tank, Noodle, comes out as an interesting figure in the story. He is very polite and smart. He corrects the mistakes of his ruler very humbly by giving indirect suggestions. Also, he is very wise and well informed.
    10. Elaborate the escape that Think-Tank plans for.
    Think-Tank orders his entire fleet to evacuate Mars. He gets a capsule for himself. They decide to move to the distant star Alpha Centauri to escape invasion by earthlings.
    11. Describe Think-Tank in your words.
    Think-Tank is the ruler of the planet Mars. His head is huge and egg shaped. He wears a robe decorated with stars and circles. He is very proud of his intelligence and might.
    12. Noodle hails Think-Tank as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe. Do you agree? Write your opinion of Think-Tank citing instances from the given text.
    Noodle is a trainee under Think-Tank. He bows before him and hails his ruler as the most powerful and intelligent creature in the universe. However, Think-Tank is not really intelligent. He misinterprets the nursery rhymes completely. ‘Silver’, ‘shells’ and ‘garden’ for him mean that the earthlings are growing metals in farms.
    He thinks books are sandwiches and wants the crew to eat them. When he reads out the nursery rhyme which says, ‘Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall’ he is terrified and plans his escape from Mars Thus, Think-Tank is nothing more than a show off and a pompous fool.
    13. Mars and Earth become friends. How?
    Think-Tank evacuates Mars and the Martians move to Alpha Centauri. They fear an invasion by Earth. In the twenty-fifty century, the two planets become friends. The wise and wonderful Noodle replaces Think-Tank. Earthlings tell Martians the difference between sandwiches and books.
    They even taught them how to read. At the same time, they have created a model library for Martians at Marianopolis. Still there is one thing that Martians have never learnt to do. They have never tried to read the nursery rhymes of ‘Mother Goose’.


    Audience (ऑडियंस)–age, श्रोतागण
    Curiosity (क्युआरिसटि)–eagerness, जिज्ञासी
    Era (इरा)—age, युग
    Anteater (एंटीटर) pangolin, चींटियाँ खाने वाले
    Invasion (इनवेजन)–attack, आक्रमण
    Encyclopedia (इनसाइक्लोपीडिआ)—a reference book covering different topics, विश्वकोश
    Apprentice (अप्रेनटिस)learner, शिक्षु
    Elaborate (इलैबरट)–large, विशाल
    Mighty (माइटि)–powerful, शक्तिशाली
    Creature (क्रिएचर)–living being, प्राणी
    Universe (यूनिवर्स)– whole planetary system, ब्रह्मांड
    Salutation (सैलूटेशन) greeting, अभिवादन
    Mars (मार्स)–a planet, मंगल ग्रह
    Out of breath (आउट ऑफ ब्रेथ)–gasping, दम फूलना
    Communication (कम्युनिकेशन)– activity of conveying information, संचार
    Ridiculous (रेडिक्यूलस)–absurd, बेहूदा।
    Intelligence (इंटेलीजेंस)–wisdom, प्रतिभा
    Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकेंट)–petty, तुच्छ
    Fantastic (फैन्टॉस्टिक)– ludicrously odd, अपरूप
    Intellectual (इंटलेक्चुअल)–rational, बुद्धिमान
    Smack (स्मैक)–slap, चपत
    Admire (एडमायर)–praise, प्रशंसा करना
    Martian (मार्टिन) inhabitants of Mars, मंगलवासी
    Attractive (अटरेक्टिव)—pleasing to eye, आकर्षक
    Mine (माइन)–possessive case of my, मेरी
    Contact (कॉनटैक्ट)—to link, संपर्क करना
    Invade (इनवेड)–to attack, आक्रमण करना
    Primitive (प्रिमिटिव)—belonging to early age, आदिम
    Mud (मड)—clay, कीचड़
    Adjust (एडजस्ट)–to regulate, समायोजित करना
    Curtain (कर्टन)–veil, परदा
    Catalogue (कैटलॉग)—to make a list of all the things in a collection, तालिका
    Confused (कनफ्यूज)obscured, घबराहट भरा
    Shake (शेक) to wag, हिलाना
    Riffle (रिफ्ल)—to turn over pages, पन्नों को पलटना
    Crew (क्रू)—members, दल
    Enormous (इनॉरमस)—huge, विशाल
    Structure (स्ट्रक्चर)– building, संरचना
    Location (लोकेशन) position, स्थिति।Incident (इनसिडेंट) instance, मुठभेड़, घटना
    Shelter (शेल्टर)–protection, शरण
    Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर)odd, अजीब
    Storage (स्टॉरिज)–depot, धान्यगार
    Galaxy (गैलक्सी)–a collection of stars, आकाश गंगा॥ Haberdashery (हैबडैशरी)–clothing store, बिसातखाना।
    Benefit (बेनिफिट)–profit, लाभ
    Elementary (ऐलिमेनट्रि)–primary, प्राथमिक
    UnderstAnd (अंडरस्टैंड)–to comprehend, समझना
    Undoubtedly (अनडाउटिडलि)—certainly, निस्संदेह रूप से
    Crude (क्रूड)–temporary, अस्थाई
    Refreshment (रिफ्रेशमेंट)–snacks And drinks, जलपान।
    Confirm (कनफर्म)—to support, प्रमाणित करना
    Opinion (ओपिनिअन)–view, राय
    Gulp (गल्प)—to swallow, निगलना
    Breakfast (ब्रेकफॉस्ट)—first meal of the day, नाश्ता।Impolite (इम्पलाइट)—rude, अशिष्ट
    Immediately (इमीडिअटलि)–instantly, तुरंत
    Glory (ग्लॉरि)–esteem, सम्मान
    Breathlessly (ब्रेथलेसलि)–holding the breath, सांस रोकना
    Pantomime (पैंटमाइम)—mute acting, मूक अभिनय
    chewing (चूइंग)–bite And grind with teeth, चबाना।Cough (कफ)–sudden noisy expulsion of air from lungs, खाँसना
    Delicious (डिलिशस)–tasty, स्वादिष्ट
    Pardon (पॉर्डन)—excuse, क्षमा माँगना
    Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकंट)–petty, निरर्थक।
    Go ahead (गो अहेड)–to proceed, आगे बढ़ना Earthlings (अर्थलिंग्स)–inhabitants of earth, पृथ्वीवासी
    Communication (RFAC)—activity of sending information, I Device (faish)–instrument, यंत्र
    Haughtily (हाँटिली)–proudly, गर्व से
    Naturally (नेचुरल)—of course, स्वाभाविक।Puzzled (पजल्ड)–bafhed, घबराकर
    Marbles (मार्बल्स)–small balls of glass, कंचे
    whisper (व्हिस्पर)–to murmur, फुसफुसाना
    Fright (फ्राइट)–fear, डर।Perhaps (परहेप्स)–may be, शायद
    Correct (करेक्ट)–right, सही
    Frequency (फ्रिक्वेंसी)—the number of times something happens in a particular period, आवृत्ति
    Suggest (सजेस्ट)—to advise, सुझाव देना।
    Information (इनफार्मेशन)–data, सूचना
    Twirl (वर्ल)–to spin, घूमना
    clarify (क्लैरिफाई)—to elucidate, स्पष्ट करना
    Colourful (कलरफुल)–having different colours, रंगबिरंगे
    Appear (अपिअर)—to seem, दिखाई देना
    Peer (पिअर)—to peep, झाँकना
    sort (सॉर्ट)—kind, प्रकार
    Squiggle (स्क्विगल)–doodles, बेतरतीब लिखा हुआ
    Chemical (केमिकल)–material produced by change in atoms, रसायन
    Intelligence (इंटेलिजेंस)–wisdom, बुद्धि।
    Magnificent (मैगनिफिसंट)–glorious, शानदार
    Brilliance (ब्रिलिअंस)–talent, प्रतिभा
    Immediately (इमेडिअटलि)–instantly, तुरंत
    Unfold (अनफोल्ड)–to clarify, प्रकट होना।Decipher (डिसाइफर)–process of decoding, गुप्त संदेश पढ़ना
    Contrary (कॉनटुरि)–reverse, विपरीत
    Cockleshell (कॉकल सेल)–shell of a bivalve mollusk, शंख
    Maid (मेड)–female servant, नौकरानी।Imagine (इमैजिन)—to Think, कल्पना करना
    Pretty (प्रिटि)–beautiful, सुंदर
    Alarmed (अलार्ड)–alerted, सावधान
    Levity (लेविटि)–feeling lack of seriousness, मौज–मस्ती
    Discover (डिस्कॉवर)–to detect, खोजना
    Explosives (इक्सप्लोसिव्स)–material suitable to sudden outburst, विस्फोटक।
    Gravely (ग्रैवलि)–seriously, गंभीरता से
    Fiddle (फिड्ल)—a musical instrument, सारंगी
    Dish (डिश)– saucer, थाली
    Desist (डेसिस्ट)–to refrain, बाज आना
    Interplanetary (इंटरप्लेनेटरी)–between the planets, अंतर–ग्रह
    Invasion (इनवेज़न)–attack, आक्रमण
    Fleet (फ्लीट) group of spacecraft, दस्ता
    Moment (मोमेंट) instant, क्षण।Towards (टूवास)–in the direction, की ओर
    Space capsule (स्पेस कैप्सूल)—a kind of spacecraft, एक प्रकार का अंतरिक्ष यान
    Escape (स्केप) avoidance of danger, बच निकलना
    Delay (डिले)–time lag, देरी
    Traces (ट्रेसेस)–marks, चिह्न, सबूत
    Rush (रस)–to run away, भागना।
    Million (मिलियन)–ten lakh, दस लाख
    Evacuate (इवैकुएट)—to empty completely, छोड़ना
    curtain (कर्टन)—veil, परदा
    Difference (डिफरेंस)–note same, अंतर
    wonderful (वंडरफुल)–fantastic, अद्भुत
    Exit (एक्ज़िट)—to go out, बाहर जाना।


    Audience (ऑडियंस): age, श्रोतागण
    Curiosity (क्युआरिसटि): eagerness, जिज्ञासी
    Era (इरा): age, युग
    Anteater (एंटीटर) pangolin, चींटियाँ खाने वाले
    Invasion (इनवेजन): attack, आक्रमण
    Encyclopedia (इनसाइक्लोपीडिआ): a reference book covering different topics, विश्वकोश
    Apprentice (अप्रेनटिस)learner, शिक्षु
    Elaborate (इलैबरट): large, विशाल
    Mighty (माइटि): powerful, शक्तिशाली
    Creature (क्रिएचर): living being, प्राणी
    Universe (यूनिवर्स): whole planetary system, ब्रह्मांड
    Salutation (सैलूटेशन) greeting, अभिवादन
    Mars (मार्स): a planet, मंगल ग्रह
    Out of breath (आउट ऑफ ब्रेथ): gasping, दम फूलना
    Communication (कम्युनिकेशन): activity of conveying information, संचार
    Ridiculous (रेडिक्यूलस): absurd, बेहूदा।
    Intelligence (इंटेलीजेंस): wisdom, प्रतिभा
    Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकेंट): petty, तुच्छ
    Fantastic (फैन्टॉस्टिक): ludicrously odd, अपरूप
    Intellectual (इंटलेक्चुअल): rational, बुद्धिमान
    Smack (स्मैक): slap, चपत
    Admire (एडमायर): praise, प्रशंसा करना
    Martian (मार्टिन) inhabitants of Mars, मंगलवासी
    Attractive (अटरेक्टिव): pleasing to eye, आकर्षक
    Mine (माइन): possessive case of my, मेरी
    Contact (कॉनटैक्ट): to link, संपर्क करना
    Invade (इनवेड): to attack, आक्रमण करना
    Primitive (प्रिमिटिव): belonging to early age, आदिम
    Mud (मड): clay, कीचड़
    Adjust (एडजस्ट): to regulate, समायोजित करना
    Curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा
    Catalogue (कैटलॉग): to make a list of all the things in a collection, तालिका
    Confused (कनफ्यूज)obscured, घबराहट भरा
    Shake (शेक) to wag, हिलाना
    Riffle (रिफ्ल): to turn over pages, पन्नों को पलटना
    Crew (क्रू): members, दल
    Enormous (इनॉरमस): huge, विशाल
    Structure (स्ट्रक्चर): building, संरचना
    Location (लोकेशन) position, स्थिति।Incident (इनसिडेंट) instance, मुठभेड़, घटना
    Shelter (शेल्टर): protection, शरण
    Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर)odd, अजीब
    Storage (स्टॉरिज): depot, धान्यगार
    Galaxy (गैलक्सी): a collection of stars, आकाश गंगा॥ Haberdashery (हैबडैशरी): clothing store, बिसातखाना।
    Benefit (बेनिफिट): profit, लाभ
    Elementary (ऐलिमेनट्रि): primary, प्राथमिक
    UnderstAnd (अंडरस्टैंड): to comprehend, समझना
    Undoubtedly (अनडाउटिडलि): certainly, निस्संदेह रूप से
    Crude (क्रूड): temporary, अस्थाई
    Refreshment (रिफ्रेशमेंट): snacks And drinks, जलपान।
    Confirm (कनफर्म): to support, प्रमाणित करना
    Opinion (ओपिनिअन): view, राय
    Gulp (गल्प): to swallow, निगलना
    Breakfast (ब्रेकफॉस्ट): first meal of the day, नाश्ता।Impolite (इम्पलाइट): rude, अशिष्ट
    Immediately (इमीडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
    Glory (ग्लॉरि): esteem, सम्मान
    Breathlessly (ब्रेथलेसलि): holding the breath, सांस रोकना
    Pantomime (पैंटमाइम): mute acting, मूक अभिनय
    chewing (चूइंग): bite And grind with teeth, चबाना।Cough (कफ): sudden noisy expulsion of air from lungs, खाँसना
    Delicious (डिलिशस): tasty, स्वादिष्ट
    Pardon (पॉर्डन): excuse, क्षमा माँगना
    Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकंट): petty, निरर्थक।
    Go ahead (गो अहेड): to proceed, आगे बढ़ना Earthlings (अर्थलिंग्स): inhabitants of earth, पृथ्वीवासी
    Communication (RFAC): activity of sending information, I Device (faish): instrument, यंत्र
    Haughtily (हाँटिली): proudly, गर्व से
    Naturally (नेचुरल): of course, स्वाभाविक।Puzzled (पजल्ड): bafhed, घबराकर
    Marbles (मार्बल्स): small balls of glass, कंचे
    whisper (व्हिस्पर): to murmur, फुसफुसाना
    Fright (फ्राइट): fear, डर।Perhaps (परहेप्स): may be, शायद
    Correct (करेक्ट): right, सही
    Frequency (फ्रिक्वेंसी): the number of times something happens in a particular period, आवृत्ति
    Suggest (सजेस्ट): to advise, सुझाव देना।
    Information (इनफार्मेशन): data, सूचना
    Twirl (वर्ल): to spin, घूमना
    clarify (क्लैरिफाई): to elucidate, स्पष्ट करना
    Colourful (कलरफुल): having different colours, रंगबिरंगे
    Appear (अपिअर): to seem, दिखाई देना
    Peer (पिअर): to peep, झाँकना
    sort (सॉर्ट): kind, प्रकार
    Squiggle (स्क्विगल): doodles, बेतरतीब लिखा हुआ
    Chemical (केमिकल): material produced by change in atoms, रसायन
    Intelligence (इंटेलिजेंस): wisdom, बुद्धि।
    Magnificent (मैगनिफिसंट): glorious, शानदार
    Brilliance (ब्रिलिअंस): talent, प्रतिभा
    Immediately (इमेडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
    Unfold (अनफोल्ड): to clarify, प्रकट होना।Decipher (डिसाइफर): process of decoding, गुप्त संदेश पढ़ना
    Contrary (कॉनटुरि): reverse, विपरीत
    Cockleshell (कॉकल सेल): shell of a bivalve mollusk, शंख
    Maid (मेड): female servant, नौकरानी।
    Imagine (इमैजिन): to Think, कल्पना करना
    Pretty (प्रिटि): beautiful, सुंदर
    Alarmed (अलार्ड): alerted, सावधान
    Levity (लेविटि): feeling lack of seriousness, मौज: मस्ती
    Discover (डिस्कॉवर): to detect, खोजना
    Explosives (इक्सप्लोसिव्स): material suitable to sudden outburst, विस्फोटक।
    Gravely (ग्रैवलि): seriously, गंभीरता से
    Fiddle (फिड्ल): a musical instrument, सारंगी
    Dish (डिश): saucer, थाली
    Desist (डेसिस्ट): to refrain, बाज आना
    Interplanetary (इंटरप्लेनेटरी): between the planets, अंतर: ग्रह
    Invasion (इनवेज़न): attack, आक्रमण
    Fleet (फ्लीट) group of spacecraft, दस्ता
    Moment (मोमेंट) instant, क्षण।Towards (टूवास): in the direction, की ओर
    Space capsule (स्पेस कैप्सूल): a kind of spacecraft, एक प्रकार का अंतरिक्ष यान
    Escape (स्केप) avoidance of danger, बच निकलना
    Delay (डिले): time lag, देरी
    Traces (ट्रेसेस): marks, चिह्न, सबूत
    Rush (रस): to run away, भागना।
    Million (मिलियन): ten lakh, दस लाख
    Evacuate (इवैकुएट): to empty completely, छोड़ना
    curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा
    Difference (डिफरेंस): note same, अंतर
    wonderful (वंडरफुल): fantastic, अद्भुत
    Exit (एक्ज़िट): to go out, बाहर जाना।


    Question 1. Who wrote the play ‘The Book that Saved the Earth’?
    (a) Claire Boiko
    (b) William Shakespeare
    (c) Oliver Goldsmith
    (d) Anton Chekov
    Answer: (a)

    Question 2. Which century was called the era of the Book?
    (a) Twenty first
    (b) Twenty fifth
    (c) Twentieth
    (d) Ninetieth
    Answer: (c)

    Question 3. What stopped the Martian invasion of 2040?
    (a) a noble encyclopedia
    (b) a tome about rockets
    (c) Mother Goose
    (d) a secret file
    Answer: (c).

    B. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in brackets:

    Question 1. The Book that Saved the Earth’ is a drama.
    Answer: False

    Question 2. The people of Mars plan an attack on the earth.
    Answer: True

    Question 3. The Martians do not leave the earth in fear.
    Answer: False

    Question 4. The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Books.
    Answer: True

    Question 5. Humpty Dumpty did not sit on the wall.
    Answer: False

    C. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

    Question 1. Why did Think-Tank express his peevishness with Noodle?
    Answer: Think-Tank considered himself to be the most intelligent and powerful creature in the whole universe. Noodle was his apprentice. He forgot to pay the part of his salutation to him and stood beside him. Therefore, Think Tank expressed his peevishness with Noodle.

    Question 2. How does Think-Tank describe the earth?
    Answer: Think-Tank describes the earth as a ridiculous little planet. He gives no importance to the earth and thinks of it as a very insignificant place. He decides to put the earth under his generous ruler ship.

    Question 3. Who eats the sandwich ultimately?
    Answer: Sergeant Oop eats the sandwich ultimately. Omega and Iota watch him breathlessly. When he ate the sandwich while making terrible faces.

    Question 4. How does Think-Tank wish to be saluted?
    Answer: Think-Tank is the great and mighty commander-in-chief. He wishes to be completely saluted in a proper manner in which they glorify him.

    Question 5. What does Oop think about the library?
    Answer: Sergeant Oop has no idea about the library even though he had already visited the seven galaxies. He had never visited such a unique place. He thinks of the books as hats and the library as a haberdashery—the shop which sells clothing and small articles of dress.

    Question 6. What does the picture of Humpty Dumpty look like?
    Answer: Humpty Dumpty looked exactly like Think-Tank, who screamed and held his head and said, “It’s me!. Even the brain of Humpty Dumpty is similar to that of Think-Tank.

    Question 7. What question does Think-Tank ask the mirror?
    Answer: Think-Tank asked the mirror who was the most fantastically, intellectually gifted being in the land. He also asked the mirror whether the Martians were not the most handsome race.

    Question 8. What did the books teach in the twentieth century?
    Answer: In the twentieth century the books taught people ‘how to’ when to’, where to’ and ‘why to’. They illustrated and educated the people.

    Question 9. Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century?
    Answer: The Martians tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century.Think-Tank was the great and mighty commander and the ruler of Mars. He wanted to put the earth under his rule.

    Question 10. Why are books referred to as man's best friend?
    Answer: Books are the source of infinite knowledge. We read them and learn new ideas from them. Like a best friend it helps us grow our knowledge and keeps us company.

    Question 11. What has the Think-Tank thought about magnificent brilliance?
    Answer: Think-Tank has thought about the vitamin's magnificent brilliance. It was given by the chemical department to increase one’s intelligence. Taking them immediately helped them decipher the meaning of code. He also thought that the Earthlings were clever.

    Question 12. What is Think-Tank planning about the earth?
    Answer: Think-Tank is planning to invade the earth. He thinks that earth is very insignificant. It is a ridiculous planet. He has sent a search team that will probe the earth. He is very sure to put the earth under his rule.

    Question 13. Why is the Think-Tank's space crew puzzled on the earth?
    Answer: Think-Tank’s space crew had arrived on the earth and taken shelter in some sort of squire place. The place was full of unknown items (Books). The members of this crew mistake these books as sandwiches, but were unable to eat them. When they were told that the Earthlings used them as a communication device,they tried to hear them. But they were still helpless to hear them.

    Question 14. How does Noodle suggest to Think Tank about the books?
    Answer: Noodle reveals the secret of books, which are considered sandwiches in the play in a very humble manner. He says that he has watched surveyor films of those sandwiches. He found that the Earthlings do not eat these sandwiches. Actually they use them as some sort of communication device.

    D. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:

    Question 1. Why did Think-Tank’s plan fail to invade the earth?
    Answer: Think-tank is considered to be the most powerful and intelligent creature in the play. He is also regarded as the wisest creature in the universe. He is commander in chief of the Mars Space Control. He desires to put the earth under his ruler ship, because he thinks the Earthlings are ugly creatures with primitive brains. But he becomes aware of the secret power of Earthlings from a little book which the members of his crew are unable to read. They think that the book is written in a certain code which shows the magnificent intelligence of Earthlings. They have discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. They can also grow crops of rare metal and high explosives. Think-Tank finds that the Earthlings are certainly superior to the Martians. So he decides to leave the earth without delay.

    Question 2. Give the character sketch of Noodle.
    Answer: Noodle is an obedient apprentice of Think-Tank who is the ruler of Mars. He is more wiser and familiar with the facts of the Earthling as compared to Think-Tank. He has an act to tackle and flatter his boss. Whenever he had to correct him, he would present his thoughts as being of no particular importance. He rectifies his mistakes in a humble manner. He is a polite member of Think-Tank’s crew and cooperates with the other members and effectively carries out the order of the commander. He is a practical man.

    Question 3. What do you know about Think-Tank after reading the play?
    Answer: Think-Tank is a very disciplined and impatient commander. He is a very ambitious, arrogant, mighty and powerful commander-in-chief. He wants his empire to extend and invades the earth to put it under his rule. He has a false view about the Earthlings that can do no harm to the Martians.His command must be followed in word and spirit. He has great knowledge and experience by which he guesses very well. When his crew informs him that they have found peculiarities of the earth, he helps them to guess it as a sandwich, a staple diet on Earth. He makes quick decisions. When he realizes that the Earthlings may attack the Martians, he immediately orders them to leave the earth without delay. At the end of play he seems as a fearful commander who just by looking at a picture of Humpty Dumpty decides to escape to Alpha Centauri and drops the mission of attacking the earth.

    Question 4. How were friendly relations established between people of Mars and People of Earth?
    Answer: With the passage of time the relation between the people of mars (Martians) and the people of Earth (Earthlings) became friends. The Earthlings taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books and how to read them. They established a model library together in the capital city of Marsopolis. All this happened after the expiry of five hundred years-in the twenty-fifth century.

    Question 5. “Perhaps the Earthlings have sharper ears than we do. Why does Iota say so?
    Answer: Noodle suggests that the sandwiches are used as a communication device. Iota, who is the lieutenant of Mar probe, tries to listen to it intently. He failed to listen to anything from the sandwiches which is actually a book. At last she draws a conclusion that Earthlings have sharper ears than Martians. She meant that the Earthlings are ugly creatures.


    Audience (ऑडियंस): age, श्रोतागण
    Curiosity (क्युआरिसटि): eagerness, जिज्ञासी
    Era (इरा): age, युग
    Anteater (एंटीटर) pangolin, चींटियाँ खाने वाले
    Invasion (इनवेजन): attack, आक्रमण
    Encyclopedia (इनसाइक्लोपीडिआ): a reference book covering different topics, विश्वकोश
    Apprentice (अप्रेनटिस)learner, शिक्षु
    Elaborate (इलैबरट): large, विशाल
    Mighty (माइटि): powerful, शक्तिशाली
    Creature (क्रिएचर): living being, प्राणी
    Universe (यूनिवर्स): whole planetary system, ब्रह्मांड
    Salutation (सैलूटेशन) greeting, अभिवादन
    Mars (मार्स): a planet, मंगल ग्रह
    Out of breath (आउट ऑफ ब्रेथ): gasping, दम फूलना
    Communication (कम्युनिकेशन): activity of conveying information, संचार
    Ridiculous (रेडिक्यूलस): absurd, बेहूदा।
    Intelligence (इंटेलीजेंस): wisdom, प्रतिभा
    Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकेंट): petty, तुच्छ
    Fantastic (फैन्टॉस्टिक): ludicrously odd, अपरूप
    Intellectual (इंटलेक्चुअल): rational, बुद्धिमान
    Smack (स्मैक): slap, चपत
    Admire (एडमायर): praise, प्रशंसा करना
    Martian (मार्टिन) inhabitants of Mars, मंगलवासी
    Attractive (अटरेक्टिव): pleasing to eye, आकर्षक
    Mine (माइन): possessive case of my, मेरी
    Contact (कॉनटैक्ट): to link, संपर्क करना
    Invade (इनवेड): to attack, आक्रमण करना
    Primitive (प्रिमिटिव): belonging to early age, आदिम
    Mud (मड): clay, कीचड़
    Adjust (एडजस्ट): to regulate, समायोजित करना
    Curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा
    Catalogue (कैटलॉग): to make a list of all the things in a collection, तालिका
    Confused (कनफ्यूज)obscured, घबराहट भरा
    Shake (शेक) to wag, हिलाना
    Riffle (रिफ्ल): to turn over pages, पन्नों को पलटना
    Crew (क्रू): members, दल
    Enormous (इनॉरमस): huge, विशाल
    Structure (स्ट्रक्चर): building, संरचना
    Location (लोकेशन) position, स्थिति।Incident (इनसिडेंट) instance, मुठभेड़, घटना
    Shelter (शेल्टर): protection, शरण
    Peculiar (पिक्यूलिअर)odd, अजीब
    Storage (स्टॉरिज): depot, धान्यगार
    Galaxy (गैलक्सी): a collection of stars, आकाश गंगा॥ Haberdashery (हैबडैशरी): clothing store, बिसातखाना।
    Benefit (बेनिफिट): profit, लाभ
    Elementary (ऐलिमेनट्रि): primary, प्राथमिक
    UnderstAnd (अंडरस्टैंड): to comprehend, समझना
    Undoubtedly (अनडाउटिडलि): certainly, निस्संदेह रूप से
    Crude (क्रूड): temporary, अस्थाई
    Refreshment (रिफ्रेशमेंट): snacks And drinks, जलपान।
    Confirm (कनफर्म): to support, प्रमाणित करना
    Opinion (ओपिनिअन): view, राय
    Gulp (गल्प): to swallow, निगलना
    Breakfast (ब्रेकफॉस्ट): first meal of the day, नाश्ता।Impolite (इम्पलाइट): rude, अशिष्ट
    Immediately (इमीडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
    Glory (ग्लॉरि): esteem, सम्मान
    Breathlessly (ब्रेथलेसलि): holding the breath, सांस रोकना
    Pantomime (पैंटमाइम): mute acting, मूक अभिनय
    chewing (चूइंग): bite And grind with teeth, चबाना।Cough (कफ): sudden noisy expulsion of air from lungs, खाँसना
    Delicious (डिलिशस): tasty, स्वादिष्ट
    Pardon (पॉर्डन): excuse, क्षमा माँगना
    Insignificant (इनसिगनिफिकंट): petty, निरर्थक।
    Go ahead (गो अहेड): to proceed, आगे बढ़ना Earthlings (अर्थलिंग्स): inhabitants of earth, पृथ्वीवासी
    Communication (RFAC): activity of sending information, I Device (faish): instrument, यंत्र
    Haughtily (हाँटिली): proudly, गर्व से
    Naturally (नेचुरल): of course, स्वाभाविक।Puzzled (पजल्ड): bafhed, घबराकर
    Marbles (मार्बल्स): small balls of glass, कंचे
    whisper (व्हिस्पर): to murmur, फुसफुसाना
    Fright (फ्राइट): fear, डर।Perhaps (परहेप्स): may be, शायद
    Correct (करेक्ट): right, सही
    Frequency (फ्रिक्वेंसी): the number of times something happens in a particular period, आवृत्ति
    Suggest (सजेस्ट): to advise, सुझाव देना।
    Information (इनफार्मेशन): data, सूचना
    Twirl (वर्ल): to spin, घूमना
    clarify (क्लैरिफाई): to elucidate, स्पष्ट करना
    Colourful (कलरफुल): having different colours, रंगबिरंगे
    Appear (अपिअर): to seem, दिखाई देना
    Peer (पिअर): to peep, झाँकना
    sort (सॉर्ट): kind, प्रकार
    Squiggle (स्क्विगल): doodles, बेतरतीब लिखा हुआ
    Chemical (केमिकल): material produced by change in atoms, रसायन
    Intelligence (इंटेलिजेंस): wisdom, बुद्धि।
    Magnificent (मैगनिफिसंट): glorious, शानदार
    Brilliance (ब्रिलिअंस): talent, प्रतिभा
    Immediately (इमेडिअटलि): instantly, तुरंत
    Unfold (अनफोल्ड): to clarify, प्रकट होना।Decipher (डिसाइफर): process of decoding, गुप्त संदेश पढ़ना
    Contrary (कॉनटुरि): reverse, विपरीत
    Cockleshell (कॉकल सेल): shell of a bivalve mollusk, शंख
    Maid (मेड): female servant, नौकरानी।
    Imagine (इमैजिन): to Think, कल्पना करना
    Pretty (प्रिटि): beautiful, सुंदर
    Alarmed (अलार्ड): alerted, सावधान
    Levity (लेविटि): feeling lack of seriousness, मौज: मस्ती
    Discover (डिस्कॉवर): to detect, खोजना
    Explosives (इक्सप्लोसिव्स): material suitable to sudden outburst, विस्फोटक।
    Gravely (ग्रैवलि): seriously, गंभीरता से
    Fiddle (फिड्ल): a musical instrument, सारंगी
    Dish (डिश): saucer, थाली
    Desist (डेसिस्ट): to refrain, बाज आना
    Interplanetary (इंटरप्लेनेटरी): between the planets, अंतर: ग्रह
    Invasion (इनवेज़न): attack, आक्रमण
    Fleet (फ्लीट) group of spacecraft, दस्ता
    Moment (मोमेंट) instant, क्षण।Towards (टूवास): in the direction, की ओर
    Space capsule (स्पेस कैप्सूल): a kind of spacecraft, एक प्रकार का अंतरिक्ष यान
    Escape (स्केप) avoidance of danger, बच निकलना
    Delay (डिले): time lag, देरी
    Traces (ट्रेसेस): marks, चिह्न, सबूत
    Rush (रस): to run away, भागना।
    Million (मिलियन): ten lakh, दस लाख
    Evacuate (इवैकुएट): to empty completely, छोड़ना
    curtain (कर्टन): veil, परदा
    Difference (डिफरेंस): note same, अंतर
    wonderful (वंडरफुल): fantastic, अद्भुत
    Exit (एक्ज़िट): to go out, बाहर जाना।