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Free Solutions to NCERT PHYSICS(HINGLISH) Class 11 book Chapters, Questions, Answers and Solutions

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  • Chapter 1: PHYSICAL WORLD

    Physical World Class 11 Chapter 1 Physics NCERT Solution Humans have consistently been interested about their general surroundings. The night sky with its splendid heavenly articles has intrigued people since days of yore. The normal reiterations of the day and night, the yearly cycle of seasons, the shrouds, the tides, the volcanoes, the rainbow have consistently been a wellspring of marvel. In this Physics world, it has an astounding assortment of materials and a confusing decent variety of life and conduct. The inquisitive and inventive human personality has reacted to the marvel and wonderment of nature in various manners. One sort of reaction from the soonest times has been to watch the physical condition cautiously, search for any significant examples and relations in regular wonders, and fabricate and utilize new devices to associate with nature. This human undertaking drove, in course of time, to current science and innovation. The word Science begins from the Latin action word Scientia signifying 'to know'. The Sanskrit word Vijnan and the Arabic word Ilm pass on comparative significance, in particular 'information'. Science, in a wide sense, is as old as human species. The early civilisations of Egypt, India, China, Greece, Mesopotamia and numerous others gained fundamental commitments to its ground. From the sixteenth century onwards, incredible steps were made in science in Europe. By the center of the twentieth century, science had become a genuinely global undertaking, with numerous societies and nations adding to its fast development. The word Physics originates from a Greek word meaning nature. Its Sanskrit identical is Bhautiki that is utilized to allude to the investigation of the physical world. An exact meaning of this order is neither conceivable nor vital. We can comprehensively portray material science as an investigation of the essential laws of nature and their appearance in changed regular wonders. The extent of material science is depicted quickly in the following area. Here we comment on two chief pushes in material science : unification and reduction. In Physics, we endeavor to clarify various physical wonders as far as a couple of ideas and laws. The exertion is to consider the to be world as appearance of some general laws in various areas and conditions. For instance, a similar law of attractive energy (given by Newton) portrays the fall of an apple to the ground, the movement of the moon around the earth and the movement of planets around the sun. Scope And Excitement of Physics Classical Physics includes mascroscopic phenomenon and incorporates subjects like Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Optics and Thermodynamics. It is important to have a clear idea about Physics world class 11. Mechanics established on Newton's laws of movement and the law of attraction is concerned with the movement (or balance) of particles, unbending and deformable bodies, and general frameworks of particles. The drive of a rocket by a fly of catapulting gases, engendering of water waves or sound waves in air, the balance of a twisted bar under a heap, and so forth., are issues of mechanics. Electrodynamics manages electric and attractive marvels related with charged and attractive bodies. Its fundamental laws were given by Coulomb, Oersted, Ampere and Faraday, and embodied by Maxwell in his acclaimed set of conditions. The movement of a current-conveying conductor in an attractive field, the reaction of a circuit to an air conditioner voltage (signal), the working of a reception apparatus, the engendering of radio waves in the ionosphere, and so forth., are issues of electrodynamics. Optics manages the wonders including light. It is also important to know the concepts of physics world and measurement. The working of telescopes and magnifying lens, hues displayed by slender movies, and so forth are subjects in optics. Thermodynamics, as opposed to mechanics, doesn't manage the movement of bodies all in all. Or maybe, it manages frameworks in naturally visible balance and is worried about changes in inner vitality, temperature, entropy, and so forth., of the framework through outside work and move of warmth. The effectiveness of warmth motors and fridges, the course of a physical or concoction process, and so on., are issues of enthusiasm for thermodynamics. The tiny area of material science manages the constitution and structure of issue at the moment sizes of molecules and cores (and even lower sizes of length) and their cooperation with various tests, for example, electrons, photons and other basic particles. Old style material science is lacking to deal with this space and Quantum Theory is right now acknowledged as the best possible structure for clarifying tiny marvels. Generally speaking, the structure of material science is lovely and forcing and you will welcome it more as you seek after the subject. You would now be able to see that the extent of material science is really huge. It covers a huge scope of extent of physical amounts like length, mass, time, vitality, and so forth. Toward one side, it thinks about marvels at the exceptionally little size of length (10-14 m or even less) including electrons, protons, and so forth.; at the opposite end, it manages cosmic wonders at the size of worlds or even the whole universe whose degree is of the request for 1026 m. The two length scales contrast by a factor of 1040 or significantly more. The scope of time scales can be gotten by isolating the length scales by the speed of light : 10 – 22 s to 1018 s. The scope of masses goes from, state, 10–30 kg (mass of an electron) to 1055 kg (mass of known perceptible universe). Earthly marvels lie some place in this range. Gravitational Force The gravitational power is the power of shared fascination between any two items by ideals of their masses. It is an all inclusive power. Each item encounters this power because of each other article known to mankind. All articles on the earth, for instance, experience the power of gravity because of the earth. Specifically, gravity administers the movement of the moon and fake satellites around the earth, movement of the earth and planets around the sun, and, obviously, the movement of bodies tumbling to the earth. It assumes a key job in the enormous scale marvels of the universe, for example, development and advancement of stars, worlds and galactic bunches. Electromagnetic Force Electromagnetic power is the power between charged particles. In the easier situation when charges are very still, the power is given by Coulomb's law : alluring for not at all like charges and appalling for like charges. Charges moving produce attractive impacts and an attractive field offers ascend to power on a moving charge. Electric and attractive impacts are, all in all, indivisible – henceforth the name electromagnetic power. Like the gravitational power, electromagnetic power acts over huge separations and needn't bother with any mediating medium. It is gigantically solid contrasted with gravity. The electric power between two protons, for instance, is multiple times the gravitational power between them, for any fixed separation. Matter, as we probably am aware, comprises of rudimentary charged constituents like electrons and protons. Since the electromagnetic power is such a great amount of more grounded than the gravitational power, it rules all marvels at nuclear and sub-atomic scales. (The other two powers, as we will see, work just at atomic scales.) Thus it is principally the electromagnetic power that administers the structure of atoms and particles, the elements of synthetic responses and the mechanical, warm and different properties of materials. It underlies the plainly visible powers like 'strain', 'contact', 'typical power', 'spring power', and so on. Gravity is constantly alluring, while electromagnetic power can be appealing or ghastly. Another method for putting it is that mass comes just in one assortment (there is no negative mass), however charge comes in two assortments : positive and negative charge. This is the thing that has a significant effect. Matter is for the most part electrically nonpartisan (net charge is zero). Accordingly, electric power is to a great extent zero and gravitational power commands earthbound marvels. Electric power shows itself in environment where the atoms are ionized and that prompts lightning. Strong Nuclear Force The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons in a nucleus. It is evident that without some attractive force, a nucleus will be unstable due to the electric repulsion between its protons. This attractive force cannot be gravitational since force of gravity is negligible compared to the electric force. Weak Nuclear Force The weak nuclear force appears only in certain nuclear processes such as the β-decay of a nucleus. In β-decay, the nucleus emits an electron and an uncharged particle called neutrino. The weak nuclear force is not as weak as the gravitational force, but much weaker than the strong nuclear and electromagnetic forces. The range of weak nuclear force is exceedingly small, of the order of 10–16 m. We provide the best NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics chapter 1 physical world. So, in order to come out with flying colors in the exams, you should definitely try to opt for it. This would prove to be of much help to you.

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    Units and Measurement In this chapter, we will discuss units and measurements. We will also try to get a good idea about the measurement of Length, measurement of mass as well as the measurement of time. What is Measurement? The process of measurement proves to be a comparison method. To measure a physical quantity, it is important to find out how many times a standard amount of that physical quantity is present that is measured. The number which is obtained is called the magnitude, whereas the standard chosen is called the unit of the physical quantity. What is Unit? The unit of a physical quantity proves to be an arbitrarily chosen standard that is also widely accepted by society and in terms of which other quantities of similar nature may be measured. What is Standard? The standard of the physical quantity refers to the actual physical embodiment of the unit of a physical quantity. In order to express any measurement made, it is important to get the numerical value (n) and the unit (μ). Here, the measurement of physical quantity = Numerical value x Unit. For example Length of a rod = 9m. Here, 9 is the numerical value and m (metre) refers to the unit of Length. Fundamental Physical Quantity/Units It proves to be an elementary physical quantity, where there is no requirement for any other physical quantity to express it. In other words, it cannot be resolved further in terms of any other physical quantity. This is also referred to as the basic physical quantity. Fundamental units are the units of fundamental physical quantities. Some of the examples of fundamental units in M.K.S. system are Length, mass, and time expressed in metre, kilogram and second, respectively. Derived Physical Quantity/Units Those physical quantities that are possible to derive from the combination of two or more fundamental quantities or can be expressed in basic physical quantities are termed as derived physical quantities. For example, units of density, velocity and force are kg/m3, m/s, kg m/s2, respectively, and they are some of the examples of derived units. Systems of Units Earlier, in different countries there were three different units systems used. These were FPS, CGS, and MKS systems. However, nowadays, it follows the SI system of units internationally. In SI unit system, seven quantities are taken as the base quantities (i) CGS System: To express Length, mass and time, Centimetre, Gram, and Second are used, respectively. (ii) FPS System: In order to express Length, mass and time, Foot, Pound and second are used, respectively. (iii) MKS System: In order to express Length, mass and time, Metre, kilogram and second are used, respectively. (iv) SI Units: In order to express Length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance and luminous intensity metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole and candela, respectively. Advantages of SI Unit System There are some advantages of SI Unit System, which are as follows: (i) It is accepted internationally, (ii) It is a metric system (iii) It is also a coherent unit system, (iv)It proves to be a rational unit system, (v) It is closely related to CGS and MKS systems of units, (vi) It is more user friendly as it uses the decimal system What are the causes of Errors in Measurement? Let us have a look at the various causes of errors in measurement: 1. Least Count Error. The error which is associated with the resolution of the instrument is termed as the least count error. The least count may not be sufficiently small. Here, the maximum possible error proves to be equal to the least count. 2. Instrumental Error. This is due to a change in conditions or faulty calibration. An instrument may also have a zero error. Here, a correction needs to be applied. 3. Random Error. It is also known as chance error. It provides different results for same measurements that are taken repeatedly. These errors are supposed to follow the Gaussian law of normal distribution. 4. Accidental Error. This kind of error provides too high or too low results. Measurements that are involved in this error are not included in calculations. 5. Systematic Error. Those errors that tend to be in one direction, either positive or negative, are systematic errors. Errors that are caused due to air buoyancy in weighing as well as radiation loss in calorimetry are systematic errors. Some of the sources of systematic errors are: (i) instrumental error (ii) imperfection in experimental technique or procedure (iii) personal errors We will work on an example so that you can have a good idea about it. Question: A body has a mass of 2 kg. Initially at rest, it moves under the action of an applied horizontal force which is 7 N on a table and that too with a coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.1. Calculate the: (a) Work that is done by the applied force in 10 s (b) Work that is done by friction in 10 s (c) Work that is done by the net force on the body in 10 s (d) Change in kinetic energy of the body in 10 s and then try to interpret your results. Answer: (a) We are familiar that Uk = frictional force/normal reaction So, frictional force = Uk x normal reaction Therefore, 0.1 x 2 kg wt = 0.1 x 2 x 9.8 N = 1.96 N The net effective force here = (7 – 1.96) N = 5.04 N Here, acceleration is = 5.04/2 ms-2 = 2.52 ms-2 and the distance, s = 1/2x 2.52 x 10 x 10 = 126 m (a) the work done by applied force = 7 x 126 J = 882 J (b) the work done by friction = 1.96 x 126 = -246.96 J (c) the work done by net force is = 5.04 x 126 = 635.04 J (d) The change in the kinetic energy of the body = work done by the net force in 10 seconds = 635.04 J (According to the work-energy theorem). We have learned about units and measurement. We have also studied the measurement of Length, measurement of mass, including the measurement of time. In our next chapter, we will study another important and interesting topic.

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    NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics chapter Motion in a Straight Line You will download NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics chapter Motion in a Straight Line here. The solution explains the chapter in the easiest manner which offers meaningful summary with highlights on many questions and answers related to the chapter. This set of solutions also provides the correct solution to all problems in this chapter.

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  • Chapter 4: MOTION IN A PLANE

    NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics chapter Motion in a Plane It is possibe to find the NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics chapter Motion in a Plane here. All questions have been answered by subject matter experts and each answer are cross-checked for accuracy. The concepts are well laid out and many examples are available as well. So, you should make sure to download it.

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  • Chapter 5: LAWS OF MOTION

    NCERT solutions for class 11 Physics Chapter - Laws of Motion Get the solutions of NCERT chapter Laws of Motion for class 11 Physics. Get the right solutions along with helpful tips for marks scoring. Students must use this to gain beneficial tips on how to quickly solve questions in the exams. Explained with necessary figures, this is a helpful resource for students. Download the free pdf now!

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    NCERT for class 11 Physics chapter Work, Energy and Power NCERT for class 11 Physics chapter Work, Energy and Power. These solutions are solved using the easiest methods to benefit the students. Chapter summaries, straightforward explanations and brief descriptions of all significant ideas are provided in this chapter. To ensure that you do well on the exam, you may get this free pdf here.

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    NCERT Solution for Class 11 Physics Chapter Systems of Power and Rotational Motion In the previous chapter we had a clear idea about the motion of a single particle. (A particle is undeniably spoken to as a point mass having no size.) We applied the consequences of our examination even to the motion of infinite size bodies, expecting that motion of such bodies can be portrayed as far as the motion of a particle. Here we will have a look at the system of particles and rotational motion. What kind of motion can a rigid body have? Let us try to explore this question by taking some examples of the motion of rigid bodies. Let us begin with a rectangular sliding down a slanted plane with no sidewise development. The rectangle is taken as an inflexible body. Its movement down the plane is with the end goal that every one of the particles of the body are moving together, for example they have a similar speed at any moment of time. The unbending body here is in unadulterated translational movement (look at the figure). In unadulterated translational movement at any moment of time, all particles of the body have a similar speed. Consider now the moving movement of a strong metallic or wooden chamber down the equivalent slanted plane. The inflexible body in this issue, to be specific the chamber, shifts from the top to the base of the slanted plane, and accordingly, appears to have translational movement. In any case, as the below figure shows, each of the particles is not moving at a similar speed at any moment. The body, along these lines, isn't in unadulterated translational movement. Its movement is translational in addition to 'something else”. Here, we will provide all important information on the systems of particles and rotational motion notes. So as to understand what this 'something else' is, let us take a rigid body so compelled that it can't have translational movement. The most well-known approach to oblige an inflexible body with the goal that it doesn't have translational motion is to fix it along a straight line. The main conceivable motion of such a rigid body is rotation. The line or fixed hub about which the body is pivoting is its hub of turn. In the event that you glance around, you will run over numerous instances of pivot about a hub, a roof fan, a potter's wheel, a monster wheel in a reasonable, a carousel, etc. Vector Product of Two Vectors We are as now familiar with vectors and their utilization in Physics. In chapter 6 (Work, Energy, Power) we characterized the scalar result of two vectors. Here, we concentrate on the systems of particles and rotational motion class 11. A significant physical amount, work, is characterized as a scalar result of two vector amounts, power and dislodging. We will currently characterize another result of two vectors. This item is a vector. Two significant amounts in the investigation of rotational movement, in particular, a snapshot of power and rakish energy, are characterized as vector items. Meaning of Vector Product, A vector result of two vectors an and b is a vector c with the end goal that (I) size of c = c sin abdominal muscle θ = where an and b are extents of an and b and θ is the point between the two vectors. (ii) c is opposite to the plane containing an and b. (iii) on the off chance that we take a privilege gave screw with its head lying in the plane of an and b and the screw opposite to this plane, and on the off chance that we turn the head toward the path from a to b, at that point the tip of the screw propels toward c. This privilege gave screw rule is shown in the below figure. On the other hand, on the off chance that one twists up the fingers of right hand around a line opposite to the plane of the vectors an and b and if the fingers are nestled into the course from a to b, at that point the extended thumb focuses toward c, The simpler version of the right-hand rule is the following: Open up your right-hand palm and curl the fingers pointing from a to b. Your stretched thumb points in the direction of c. It should be remembered that there are two angles between any two vectors a and b. In Fig. 7.15 (a) or (b) they correspond to θ (as shown) and (3600– θ). While applying either of the above rules, the rotation should be taken through the smaller angle (<1800) between a and b. It is θ here. Because of the cross (×) used to denote the vector product, it is also referred to as cross product. • Note that scalar product of two vectors is commutative as said earlier, a.b = b.a The vector product, however, is not commutative, i.e. a × b ≠ b × a The magnitude of both a × b and b × a is the same ( sin ab θ ); also, both of them are perpendicular to the plane of a and b. But the rotation of the right-handed screw in case of a× b is from a to b, whereas in case of b× a it is from b to a. This means the two vectors are in opposite directions. We have the right-hand rule is the accompanying: Open up your correct hand palm and twist the fingers pointing from a to b. Your extended thumb focuses toward c. It ought to be recalled that there are two points between any two vectors a and b. In the above figures, they compare to θ (as appeared) and (3600–θ). While applying both of the above rules, the turn ought to be taken through the littler edge (<1800) among a and b. It is θ here. In light of the cross (×) used to signify the vector item, it is additionally alluded to as cross item. • Note that scalar result of two vectors is commutative as said before, a.b = b.a The vector item, in any case, isn't commutative, for example a × b ≠ b × a The greatness of both a × b and b × an is the equivalent ( sin abdominal muscle θ ); additionally two are opposite to the plane of an and b. However, the turn of the right-gave screw in the event of a× b is from a to b, while if there should arise an occurrence of b× an it is from b to a. This implies the two vectors are in inverse ways. We have a x b = b x a in this case. Moment of force (Torque) We have discovered that the movement of a rigid body, all in all, is a blend of pivot and interpretation. In the event that the body is fixed at a point or along a line, it has just rotational movement. We realize that power is expected to change the translational condition of a body, for example to create straight speeding up. We may then solicit, what is the simple of power on account of rotational movement? To investigate the inquiry in a solid circumstance let us take the case of opening or shutting of an entryway. An entryway is an unbending body which can pivot about a fixed vertical hub going through the pivots. What causes the entryway to pivot? Obviously except if a power is applied the entryway doesn't pivot. Any power doesn't carry out the responsibility. A power which is applied to the pivot line can't deliver any turn whatsoever, while a power of given size applied at right points to the entryway at its external edge is best in creating revolution. It isn't the power alone, however how and where the power is applied is significant in rotational movement. The rotational simple of power in straight movement is snapshot of power. It is additionally alluded to as torque or couple. Angular momentum of a particle Just as the moment of a force is the rotational analogue of force in linear motion, the quantity angular momentum is the rotational analogue of linear momentum. We shall first define angular momentum for the special case of a single particle and look at its usefulness in the context of single particle motion. We shall then extend the definition of angular momentum to systems of particles including rigid bodies. Like moment of a force, angular momentum is also a vector product. It could also be referred to as moment of (linear) momentum. From this term one could guess how angular momentum is defined. You should make sure of taking good steps to find system of particles and rotational motion class 11 ncert solutions from us. This would truly prove to be of much use to you for achieving good marks in the examination without any worry.

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  • Chapter 8: GRAVITATION

    NCERT Solutions Class 11 Physics Chapter - Gravitation NCERT Solutions Class 11 Physics Chapter - Gravitation solutions may be downloaded here in the PDF file format. Using the solutions, you may create a collection of questions that are more likely to occur in exams. By glancing through the questions, you may gain a general notion of which questions are likely to be repeated in future exams.

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    NCERT Solutions For Physics Class 11 Physics Chapter Mechanical Properties of Solids You will get the NCERT Solutions For Physics Class 11 Physics Chapter Mechanical Properties of Solids here. All questions have been thoroughly answered, and step-by-step solutions are provided. The technique to problem solving is ideal for quick revision and note-taking. Make the most of your resources by downloading the file here.

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    NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Physics Chapter Mechanical Properties of Fluids You can find the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Physics Chapter Mechanical Properties of Fluids here. The best teachers have come together to make this solution set. Every topic has been covered and summarized for quick revision for examinations, so that you do not miss out any vital information. The solution pdf is freely downloadable.

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    NCERT Solution for Class 11 Physics Chapter Thermal Properties of Matter We as a whole have good idea about heat and temperature. Temperature is a proportion of 'hotness' of a body. A kettle is more sweltering than a container containing ice. In material science, we have to characterize the thought of warmth, temperature, and so on., more cautiously. In this part, you will realize what warmth is and how it is estimated, and study the different processes by which warmth streams starting with one body then onto the next. En route, you will discover why metal forgers heat the iron ring before fitting on the edge of a wooden wheel of a pony truck and why the breeze at the sea shore regularly inverts bearing after the sun goes down. You will likewise realize what happens when water bubbles or freezes, and its temperature doesn't change during these procedures despite the fact that a lot of warmth is streaming into or out of it. Here, we will discuss about thermal properties of matter. Temperature and Heat We can start concentrating warm properties of issue with meanings of temperature and warmth. Temperature is a relative measure, or sign of hotness or briskness. A hot utensil is said to have a high temperature, and ice solid shape to have a low temperature. An article that has a higher temperature than another item is said to be more smoking. Note that hot and cold are relative terms, similar to tall and short. We can see temperature by contact. Be that as it may, this temperature sense is to some degree untrustworthy and its range is too restricted to be in any way valuable for logical purposes. We know for a fact that a glass of super cold water left on a table on a sweltering summer day in the long run heats up though some blistering tea on a similar table chills off. It implies that when the temperature of body, super cold water or hot tea for this situation, and its encompassing medium are extraordinary, heat move happens between the framework and the encompassing medium, until the body and the encompassing medium are at a similar temperature. We additionally realize that on account of glass tumbler of super cold water, heat streams from the earth to the glass tumbler, while on account of hot tea, it streams from some hot tea to the earth. Thus, we can say that warmth is the type of vitality moved between (at least two) frameworks or a framework and its surroundings by uprightness of temperature distinction. The SI unit of warmth vitality moved is communicated in joule (J) while SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K), and degree Celsius (oC) is a regularly utilized unit of temperature. At the point when an article is warmed, numerous progressions may occur. Its temperature may rise, it might grow or change state. We will examine the impact of warmth on various bodies in later sections. Measurement of Temperature A thermometer is used to measure temperature. Numerous physical properties of materials change adequately with temperature. Whatever properties are utilized as the reason for developing thermometers. The usually utilized property is variety of the volume of a fluid with temperature. For instance, in like manner fluid in–glass thermometers, mercury, liquor and so on are utilized whose volume differs straightly with temperature over a wide range. Thermometers are aligned with the goal that a numerical worth might be doled out to a given temperature in a proper scale. For the meaning of any standard scale, two fixed reference focuses are required. Since all substances change measurements with temperature, an outright reference for development isn't accessible. In any case, the essential fixed focuses might be related to the physical wonders that consistently happen at a similar temperature. The ice point and the steam purpose of water are two helpful fixed focuses and are known as the freezing and breaking points, individually. These two focuses are the temperatures at which unadulterated water freezes and bubbles under standard tension. The two recognizable temperature scales are the Fahrenheit temperature scale and the Celsius temperature scale. The ice and steam point have values 32 °F and 212 °F, separately, on the Fahrenheit scale and 0 °C and 100 °C on the Celsius scale. On the Fahrenheit scale, there are 180 equivalent interims between two reference focuses, and on the Celsius scale, there are 100. A relationship for converting between the two scales may be obtained from a graph of Fahrenheit temperature (tF) versus celsius temperature (tC) in a straight line (see above figure), whose equation is TF – 32/180 = TC / 100 Let us look further at more concepts on thermal properties of matter class 11. Thermal Expansion You may have seen that occasionally fixed jugs with metallic tops are so firmly screwed that one needs to place the cover in heated water for quite a while to open it. This would enable the metallic top to extend, along these lines relaxing it to unscrew effectively. In the event of fluids, you may have seen that mercury in a thermometer rises, when the thermometer is placed in marginally warm water. On the off chance that we take out the thermometer from the warm water the degree of mercury falls once more. So also, if there should be an occurrence of gases, an inflatable in part swelled in a cool room may extend to full measure when put in warm water. Then again, a completely expanded inflatable when drenched in cool water would begin contracting because of compression of the air inside. It is our normal experience that most substances develop warming and agreement on cooling. An adjustment in the temperature of a body causes change in its measurements. The increment in the elements of a body because of the increment in its temperature is called warm development. The development long is called straight extension. The extension in region is called territory development. The development in volume is called volume extension. Change of State Matter typically exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. A progress starting with one of these states then onto the next is known as a difference in state. Two basic changes of states are strong to liquid and liquid to gas (and, the other way around). These progressions can happen when the trading of warmth happens between the substance and its environment. To consider the difference in state on warming or cooling, let us play out the accompanying movement. Take a few 3D squares of ice in a measuring glass. Note the temperature of ice. Start warming it gradually on a steady warmth source. Note the temperature after consistently. Ceaselessly mix the blend of water and ice. Draw a chart among temperature and time ( take a gander at the figure ). You will watch no change in the temperature as long as there is ice in the measuring utensil. In the above procedure, the temperature of the framework doesn't change despite the fact that warmth is as a rule persistently provided. The warmth provided is being used in changing the state from strong (ice) to fluid (water). The difference in state from solid to liquid is called softening and from liquid to solid is called combination. It is seen that the temperature stays consistent until the whole measure of the strong substance liquefies. That is, both the strong and the fluid conditions of the substance coincide in warm harmony during the difference in states from strong to fluid. The temperature at which the strong and the fluid conditions of the substance is in warm balance with one another is called its dissolving point. It is normal for the substance. It likewise relies upon pressure. The dissolving purpose of a substance at standard environmental weight is called its ordinary softening point. Let us do the accompanying action to comprehend the way toward softening of ice. Take a section of ice. Take a metallic wire and fix two squares, state 5 kg each, at its closures. Put the wire over a chunk. You will see that the wire goes through the ice section. This occurs because of the way that just beneath the wire, ice dissolves at lower temperature because of increment in pressure. At the point when the wire has passed, water over the wire freezes once more. Therefore, the wire goes through the piece and the section doesn't part. This wonder of refreezing is called regelation. Skating is conceivable on snow because of the development of water under the skates. Thus, you need to make sure of getting all the right idea on the thermal properties of matter class 11 ncert. This is important as it helps in getting the right idea on how to work on the different questions in the perfect manner without taking much time as well. So, you can find that it has been possible to get the best result that would never make you feel tense at all. So, it can help the students to come out with flying colors in the exams.

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  • Chapter 12: THERMODYNAMICS

    NCERT Solution for Class 11 Physics Chapter Thermodynamics The stream of physics dealing with the concepts of heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work. Thermodynamical System In Thermodynamics, only the state of the object is considered, meaning only the macroscopic variables like pressure, volume, and temperature, will be considered. A thermodynamic system is classified into the following three systems: (i) Open System- It exchanges both matter and energy with the surrounding. (ii) Closed System- It exchanges only energy (not matter) with surroundings. (iii) Isolated System- It does not exchange energy or matter with the surrounding. A thermodynamic system is not in equilibrium continually. For instance, a mixture of petrol vapor and air, when ignited by a spark is not an equilibrium state. Equilibrium is acquired eventually with time. Thermodynamic Parameters or Coordinates or Variables The state of a thermodynamic system can be elucidated by specifying pressure, volume, internal energy, temperature, and the number of moles, etc. These are termed as thermodynamic parameters or coordinates or variables. Work done by a thermodynamic system is expressed as, W = p * ΔV where p is pressure and ΔV is the change in volume. Work done in a thermodynamic system is equal to the area enclosed between the volume axis and the p-V curve thermodynamic parameters Work done in process AB = area ABCDA Work done in a thermodynamic system is based upon the initial and final states of the system, but it also depends on the path followed in the thermodynamic process. Thermal Equilibrium The two systems are in thermal equilibrium if the temperatures of the two systems are equal. All the macroscopic variables (pressure, temperature, and volume) do not change with time in thermodynamics equilibrium. They are constant throughout. The particular state when there is no heat flow between two bodies when they acquire the same temperature is known as thermal equilibrium. Types of Equilibrium There are primarily three types of equilibrium: Thermal Equilibrium The two systems are considered to be in thermal equilibrium if the temperatures of both the systems remain the same with time. Mechanical Equilibrium The two systems are in mechanical equilibrium with each other if the pressure of the system does not change with time. Chemical Equilibrium The two systems are in chemical equilibrium with each other if the composition of the system does not change over time. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics According to zeroth law of thermodynamics, when two systems are in thermal equilibrium through a third system separately, then they are said to be in thermal equilibrium with each other as well. E.g.: - If an adiabatic wall separates two systems, A and B. Heat flow occurs between systems A and C, and between B and C, due to which all three systems achieve thermal equilibrium. zeroth law of thermodynamics Internal Energy It is the sum of kinetic energies and potential energies of the molecules constituting the system as a whole. It is the macroscopic variable of the system. It is represented by U. It is the thermodynamic state variable. It depends on the size of the system. It does not depend on how the system has reached a particular state. It is based only on the state of the system at that specific time. K.E./molecule =1/2 mc2 =3/2 * kT, where k is Boltzman’s constant. ‘U’ of an ideal gas is solely kinetic. First Law of Thermodynamics The First law of thermodynamics is the same as the principle of conservation of energy. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the change in the internal energy of a closed system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system, minus the amount of external work done by the system on its surroundings. Mathematically, dQ = dU + dW dQ is the amount of heat energy exchange with a system dU is the change in internal energy of the system dW is the external work done by or on the system. Thermodynamic Processes A thermodynamical process occurs when there are some changes in the state of a thermodynamic system, i.e., the thermodynamic parameters of the system change with time. Quasi-Static Process The term ‘Quasistatic’ means semi-static, meaning not purely moving. It is not a real notion; it is a hypothetical construct. It is an infinitely slow process, which implies that the change from its original position is not at all significant. The system changes its variables (pressure, time, and volume) so slowly that it remains in equilibrium with its surroundings throughout. In a quasi-static thermodynamic process, the temperature of the surrounding reservoir and the external pressure differ only a tiny amount from the pressure and temperature of the system. Isothermal Process A process occurring in a thermodynamic system at constant temperature is called an isothermal process. In this type of thermodynamic process, the temperature remains constant throughout, while all other variables change. Isothermal processes are very slow processes. For an ideal gas PV = nRT where ‘n’ is no. of moles (constant), ‘R’ is the universal gas constant, ‘T’ is constant for isothermal process. It implies PV=constant Volume and Pressure are inversely proportional to each other. Isothermal processes follow Boyle’s law. Adiabatic Processes In the adiabatic process, there is no transfer of heat between the system and its surroundings. Adiabatic processes are sudden. From Boyle’s law PV γ = constant Where γ = Cp/Cv Specific heat ratio The adiabatic process follows Poisson’s law. Isobaric Process A process occurring in a thermodynamic system at constant pressure is called an isobaric process. The molar heat capacity of the process Cp and dQ = nCpdT. Internal energy dU = nCv dT As per the first law of thermodynamics dQ = dU + dW hence, dW = pdV = nRdT Process equation becomes V / T = constant. Isochoric Process A process occurring in a thermodynamic system at constant volume is called an isochoric process. dQ = nCvdT, molar heat capacity for the isochoric process is Cv. Volume is constant, so dW = 0, Process equation becomes p / T = constant Cyclic Process A thermodynamic system that returns to its initial state after passing through various states is called the cyclic process. The total energy is zero. Efficiency of the cycle is given by the formula, Work done by the cycle can be calculated from the area enclosed cycle on the P- V curve.

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  • Chapter 13: KINETIC THEORY

    NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter - Kinetic Theory Get the Solutions of NCERT Chapter Kinetic Theory for class 11 Physics. The chapter is well summarised and provides a concise explanation of all-important concepts. The solution includes correct answers of all questions of the chapter. Cross-check your answers with the correct solutions provided here. Get better ranks by using this free pdf solution.

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  • Chapter 14: OSCILLATIONS

    NCERT Solution for Class 11 Physics Chapter Oscillations Periodic motion is any motion or movement that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is known as periodic motion. Examples of periodic motion: Spinning of earth about its own axis, the revolution of the earth around the sun, oscillations of a pendulum, vibrations of a tuning fork. Types of Periodic Motion Rotatory motion When the particle completes the rotation at regular intervals. E.g., Rotation of earth around the sun, the rotatory motion of hour hand, minute hand, etc. Oscillatory motion When the particle moves to and fro with less frequency. E.g., Bob of a pendulum, movement of a swing. Vibratory motion When the particle moves to and fro with large frequency. E.g., The particle on a vibrating string, Vibrations of atoms in a solid. Difference between Periodic and Oscillatiotory motions Every oscillatory motion is necessarily periodic. But all periodic motions need not be oscillatory. For example, the motion of the earth around the sun is periodic, but it is not oscillatory. Equilibrium Position Oscillating bodies come to rest at their equilibrium positions. When a bob is hung from rigid support, it goes to extreme positions on either side and then comes to its mean position. At equilibrium position, an object tends to come at rest without any external force. Period It is the time taken by an oscillating body or system to complete one cycle of oscillation. It implies that the to and fro motion of the body gets repeated after a fixed interval of time. It is represented by T. S.I. unit is second. period The above image represents the motion of the pendulum; it goes from point B to A and then back to point B from A. Similarly, the motion of pendulum from point B to C. Frequency The number of repetitions per second is called the frequency. If a particle oscillates N times in time‘t’ seconds, its frequency. It is denoted by ν. ν =N/t = 1/T S.I.unit is sec-1 Special Unit is Hertz(Hz) Number of sine waves in one second Relation between Period and Frequency ν = 1/T where ν = number of cycles in 1 second T = 1 cycle Displacement Variable Displacement in periodic motion can be expressed by a function that repeats after a fixed interval of time. The physical quantity which changes with time in a Periodic motion is called displacement Variable or displacement. Displacement variables can be physical quantities such as position, angle, voltage, pressure, electric field, magnetic field, etc. Examples:- (i). When a body attached at the end of a spring vibrates, the displacement variable is the position vector from its equilibrium position. (ii). In the case of the oscillation of a simple pendulum, the displacement variable is the angle from the vertical. (iii). In the study of alternating current, the displacement variable is the voltage or current. (iv). For sound waves travelling through air, the displacement variable is the pressure. (v). For the propagation of electromagnetic waves, the displacement variable is the electric and magnetic field vectors. Mathematical Representation of Periodic motion A periodic motion can be represented using a sine function, a cosine function or a linear combination of sine and cosine function. f(t) = A cos ωt or f(t) = A sin ωt or f (t) = A sin ωt + B cos ωt A periodic function has the property f(t+T) = f(t), where T is the time period of the function. Fourier theorem According to the Fourier theorem, any periodic function can be represented as a linear combination of sine and cosine functions of different time periods with appropriate coefficients. f(t)= A sin ωt + B cos ωt is a periodic function. Definition of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) An oscillating particle is said to execute SHM if the restoring force on the particle at any instant of time is directly proportional to its displacement from the mean position and is always directed towards the mean position. Restoring force α Displacement In the above figure, a particle is in vibration form to and fro within limits –A and +A. The oscillatory motion is considered to be SHM if the displacement ‘x’ of the particle from origin varies with time t: x (t) = A cos (ωt + Φ) Where x (t) : displacement x as a function of time A= amplitude It is defined as the magnitude of maximum displacement of the particle from its mean position. ωt +Φ = phase angle (time-dependent) ω= angular frequency Φ = phase constant SHM is a periodic motion in which displacement is a sinusoidal function of time. Examples of SHM: (i) Vibrations of a tuning fork (ii) Oscillations of a loaded spring (iii) Oscillations of a simple pendulum (iv) Vibrations of balance wheel of a watch. Displacement in SHM If a particle is vibrating to and fro about the origin of an x-axis between the limits –1 and +1 as shown in figure. The displacement x (t) of the particle is given by phase x (t) = A cos (ωt + Φ) Where x (t) : displacement x as a function of time A= amplitude ωt +Φ = phase angle (time-dependent) ω= angular frequency Φ = phase constant Velocity in Simple Harmonic Motion Uniform Circular motion is the motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed. Let us consider a particle moving in a circular trajectory The velocity at some point P at a specific time t will be tangential to the point P. Consider θ = ωt+ φ , θ = angular position ω = angular velocity of the particle To determine the value of velocity along the x-axis for the projection P’ which is executing SHM. To find the component of velocity along the negative x-axis, we can mention it = -v cos(900 - θ) It can be expressed as: = -v cos [900 – (ωt + φ)] v (t) = - v sin(ωt+ φ) where v (t) is the instantaneous velocity of the particle executing the SHM. (negative sign tells that the velocity is directed towards negative x-axis)

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  • Chapter 15: WAVES

    NCERT Solution for Class 11 Physics Chapter Waves Wave A wave is a disturbance that carries energy from one place to another without the transportation of matter. E.g., Ripples formed on the surface of the water when a stone is thrown. There are three types of waves: Mechanical Waves The waves that require a material medium for their propagation are called mechanical waves, e.g., water waves, sound waves, etc. Electromagnetic Waves The waves that do not require a material medium for their propagation are called electromagnetic waves, e.g., radio waves, light waves, etc. Matter Waves The matter waves are typically used in modern technology. These waves are associated with moving electrons, protons, and other subatomic particles. It is an abstract construct. Nature of Waves Transverse waves If the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, it is called a transverse wave. When a stone is thrown into the water, transverse waves are formed. As the transverse wave travels through the medium, some sections of the medium are raised above its normal level, which are called crests; while some other portions get depressed below the normal level , which are called troughs. E.g., Light waves are transverse waves, and waves formed in a stretched string. These waves propagate in crests and troughs. Longitudinal waves If the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave, it is called a longitudinal wave. Consider a tuning fork vibrating in the air. When the fork vibrates, each of its prongs moves to either side. When a prong moves, say to the right, the layer of air in contact with it is pushed to the right. Thus a region of increased pressure is formed. This is called condensation. The prong then moves to the left. Then there will be a decrease in pressure on the right side of the prong. Thus a region of reduced pressure is formed. This is called a rarefaction. Therefore, as the fork vibrates, condensations and rarefactions are produced alternatively, and the wave propagates. E.g., sound waves. These waves propagate in compressions and rarefactions. Some Important Terms Related to Wave Motion Wavelength It is defined as the minimum distance between two consecutive points in the same phase of wave motion. (λ). In a transverse wave, the wavelength is the distance between two adjacent crests or distance between two adjacent troughs. Similarly, in a longitudinal wave, the wavelength is the distance between the two compressions or the gap between the two adjacent rarefactions provided the compressions or rarefactions are nearest. Wave Number Wave number represents the number of wavelengths per unit distance. It is denoted by ‘k’. Time Period Time taken to complete one vibration is called the time period (T). Frequency The number of vibrations that occurred in one second is called the frequency of the wave. Frequency f = 1/time period (T) Angular frequency It is defined as the frequency of the wave in terms of a circular motion. Angular frequency comes into play only when there is an angle involved in the motion in a particular direction. It is denoted by ‘ω’. Velocity of Wave or Wave Velocity The distance propagated by a wave in one second is called the velocity of the wave. (u). The relation among velocity, wavelength, and frequency, of a wave is given by v = fλ. Particle Velocity The velocity of the wave particles executing simple harmonic motion (SHM) is called the particle velocity. What is a Phase of a Wave? A phase of a wave elucidates the state of motion as the wave travels through an element at a particular position. In-phase Two points are considered to be in-phase with each other when the particular two points are in the same position, and they both are doing the same thing, i.e., both the two points are exhibiting the same behavior. In the above figure, Points C and F are in phase with each other. Out-of-phase Two points are out of phase even though they are at the same points, but they are doing the opposite thing, i.e., both the points are exhibiting different behavior. In the above figure, points B and D, E and G are out of phase by 180 degree Travelling Waves Travelling waves propagate from one medium to another. They are also known as a progressive wave since they progress from one point to another. It can be both longitudinal and transverse waves. Speed of a Travelling Wave (Wave equation) Speed, v = υλ = T l The properties of the medium govern the speed of the wave. The equation v = υλ is called the wave equation. Speed of a Transverse Wave on a Stretched String In a stretched string and if given transverse disturbance on one end, then the disturbance is transferred throughout the string. It is thereby giving rise to transverse waves. The particles vibrate up and down, and the waves propagate perpendicular to the oscillation of the particles. Speed of a transverse wave on a stretched string, v= √T/u T is the tension in the string, μ is the linear mass density μ = mass of the string/ length of the string S.I unit is kg/m; Dimension is ML-1 Speed of a Longitudinal Wave in a Stretched String Longitudinal wave is generated due to compressions and rarefactions. At certain points, it is very dense, and at specific points, it is very less dense. Density plays a significant role. It is denoted by ρ. Bulk modulus describes how the volume of a medium changes when the pressure on it varies. If we change the pressure of compressions or rarefactions, then the volume of the medium changes. It is denoted by B. Principle of Superposition of Waves The principle of superposition of waves tells how the individual waveforms can be algebraically added to determine the net waveform. Waveform represents the overall motion of the wave. It does not indicate individual particles of the wave. An example of the superposition of waves is the reflection of waves. Reflection of Waves It is the change in the route of a wave after striking the interface between two materials. Reflection at a Rigid Boundary When a wave strikes at a rigid boundary, there will be a phase difference of π between the incident and reflected waves. If yi (x,t) = a sin (kx – ωt) is the incident wave, then the reflected wave, yr (x,t) = a sin (kx + ωt + π) = - a sin (kx + ωt) Reflection at an open boundary( free boundary) For reflection of wave at an open boundary, the reflected wave is expressed as yr (x,t) = a sin (kx + ωt +0) = a sin (kx + ωt) Here there is no phase difference between the incident wave and reflected wave.

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