Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 221
Compound A having molecular formula C7H7NO2 can undergo reduction with Sn+HCl treatement of A with KMnO4 gives a compound B (C7H5NO4) which has lower boiling point compared to its other isomer. B when treated with SOCl2 produces C. C when treated with CH2N2 produces D of molecular formula C8H5N3O3 D when treated with Ag/H2O produces E.Question 222
Compound A having molecular formula C7H7NO2 can undergo reduction with Sn+HCl treatement of A with KMnO4 gives a compound B (C7H5NO4) which has lower boiling point compared to its other isomer. B when treated with SOCl2 produces C. C when treated with CH2N2 produces D of molecular formula C8H5N3O3 D when treated with Ag/H2O produces E.Question 223
Compound A having molecular formula C7H7NO2 can undergo reduction with Sn+HCl treatement of A with KMnO4 gives a compound B (C7H5NO4) which has lower boiling point compared to its other isomer. B when treated with SOCl2 produces C. C when treated with CH2N2 produces D of molecular formula C8H5N3O3 D when treated with Ag/H2O produces E.Question 224
An organic compound A on acid hydolysis produces B, an amino acid. B on treatement with HNO2 gives C. C on heating with conc. H2SO4 produces a lactone D. A can also be synthesised by the reaction of cyclopentanone with H2N−OH followed by treatement of conc. H2SO4Question 225
An organic compound A on acid hydolysis produces B, an amino acid. B on treatement with HNO2 gives C. C on heating with conc. H2SO4 produces a lactone D. A can also be synthesised by the reaction of cyclopentanone with H2N−OH followed by treatement of conc. H2SO4Question 226
An organic compound A on acid hydolysis produces B, an amino acid. B on treatement with HNO2 gives C. C on heating with conc. H2SO4 produces a lactone D. A can also be synthesised by the reaction of cyclopentanone with H2N−OH followed by treatement of conc. H2SO4Question 227
An organic compound (A) C5H10O2 reacts with Br2 in presence of phosphorus to give (B). Compound (B) contains an asymmetric carbon atom and yields (C) on dehydrobromination compound (C) does not show geometrical isomerism and on decarboxylation gives an alkene (D) which on ozonolysis gives E and F. Compound (E) gives positive Schiff test but (F) does not.Question 228
An organic compound (A) C5H10O2 reacts with Br2 in presence of phosphorus to give (B). Compound (B) contains an asymmetric carbon atom and yields (C) on dehydrobromination compound (C) does not show geometrical isomerism and on decarboxylation gives an alkene (D) which on ozonolysis gives E and F. Compound (E) gives positive Schiff test but (F) does not.Question 229
An organic compound (A) C5H10O2 reacts with Br2 in presence of phosphorus to give (B). Compound (B) contains an asymmetric carbon atom and yields (C) on dehydrobromination compound (C) does not show geometrical isomerism and on decarboxylation gives an alkene (D) which on ozonolysis gives E and F. Compound (E) gives positive Schiff test but (F) does not.Question 234
The decarboxylation of β - ketoacids, β,γ - unsaturated acid and geminal diacid proceed through the formation of cyclic transition state in presence of heat.Question 236
An optically active ester 'F' have molecular weight 186. Hydrolysis of 'F' gives two optically active compounds 'G' and 'H' . 'G' which is soluble in NaOH and 'H' . 'H' gives a positive iodoform test and on warming with conc. H2SO4 gives 'I' with no diastereomers. When Ag salt of 'G' reacted with Br2 racemic mixture 'J' is formed optically active 'J' is formed when 'H' is treated with TsCl and then with NaBr.Question 237
An optically active ester 'F' have molecular weight 186. Hydrolysis of 'F' gives two optically active compounds 'G' and 'H' . 'G' which is soluble in NaOH and 'H' . 'H' gives a positive iodoform test and on warming with conc. H2SO4 gives 'I' with no diastereomers. When Ag salt of 'G' reacted with Br2 racemic mixture 'J' is formed optically active 'J' is formed when 'H' is treated with TsCl and then with NaBr.Question 238
An optically active ester 'F' have molecular weight 186. Hydrolysis of 'F' gives two optically active compounds 'G' and 'H' . 'G' which is soluble in NaOH and 'H' . 'H' gives a positive iodoform test and on warming with conc. H2SO4 gives 'I' with no diastereomers. When Ag salt of 'G' reacted with Br2 racemic mixture 'J' is formed optically active 'J' is formed when 'H' is treated with TsCl and then with NaBr.Question 242
The Hunsdiecker reaction is believed to proceed by a free radical mechanism and involves the formation of an acyl hypohalite.Question 243
The Hunsdiecker reaction is believed to proceed by a free radical mechanism and involves the formation of an acyl hypohalite.