Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
IIT-JEE PREVIOUS YEAR (CHEMISTRY) | Subjective Questions |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 3
At 300K and 1atm,15mL of a gaseous hydrocarbon requires 375mL air containing 20%O2 by volume for complete combustion. After combustion, the gases occupy 330mL. Assuming that the water formed is in liquid form and the volumes were measured at the same temperature and pressure, the formula of the hydrocarbon is View SolutionQuestion 29
Around 20% surface sites have adsorbed N2. On heating N2 gas evolved form sites and were collected at 0.001 atm and 298 K in a container of volume 2.46cm3 the density of surface sites is 6.023×1014cm−2 and surface area is 1000cm2 find out the number of surface sites occupied per molecule of N2.View SolutionQuestion 35
Upon mixing 50.0mL of 0.1M lead nitrate solution with 50.0mL of 0.05M chromic sulphate solution, precipitation of lead sulphate takes place. How many moles of lead sulphate are formed? Also, calculate the molar concentration of the species left behind in the final solution. Which is the limiting reagent?View SolutionQuestion 40
An organic compound contains 69.77% carbon, 11.63% hydrogen, and rest oxygen. The molecular mass of the compound is 86. It does not reduce Tollens reagent but forms an aditional compound with sodium hydrogensulphite and gives positive iodoform test. On vigorous oxidation, it gives ethanoic and propanoic acid. Write the possible structure of the compound.View SolutionQuestion 43
Five millilitires of a gas (A) containing only C and H was mixed with an excess of oxygen (30 ml) and the mixture was exploded by means of an electric spaek. After the explosion, the remaining volume of the mixed gasses was 25 ml. On adding a concentrated solution of KOH, the volume further diminished to 15 ml. The residual gas being pure oxyges.Question 44
IN the analysis of 0.5g sample of feldspar, a mixture of chlorides of sodium and potassium is obtained which weighs 0.1180g. Subsequent treatment of the mixed chlorides with silver nitrate gives 0.2451g of silver chloride. What is the percentage of sodium oxide and potassium oxide in the sample ?View SolutionQuestion 68
Hydrogen peroxide solution (20mL) reacts quantitatively with a solution of KMnO4(20mL) acidified with dilute of H2SO4. The same volume of the KMnO4 solution is just decolourised by 10mL of MnSO4 in neutral medium simultaneously forming a dark brown precipitate of hydrated MnO2. The brown precipitate is dissolved in 10mL of 0.2M sodium oxalate under boiling condition in the presence of dilute H2SO4. Write the balanced equations involved in the reactions and calculate the molarity of H2O2. View SolutionQuestion 70
An aqueous solution containing 0.10 g KIO3 (formula weight=214.0) was treated with an excess of KI solution the solution was acidified with HCl. The liberated I2 consumed 45.0 " mL of " thiosulphate solution to decolourise the blue starch-iodine complex. Calculate the molarity of the sodium thosulphate solution.View SolutionQuestion 72
A 3.0g sample containing Fe3O4,Fe2O3 and an inert impure substance is treated with excess of KI solution in presence of dilute H2SO4. The entire iron is converted to Fe2+ along with the liberation of iodine. The resulting solution is diluted to 100mL. A 20mL of dilute solution requires 11.0mL of 0.5MNa2S2O3 solution to reduce the iodine present. A 50mL of the diluted solution, after complete extraction of iodine requires 12.80mL of 0.25MKMnO4 solution in dilute H2SO4 medium for the oxidation of Fe2+. Calculate the percentage of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 in the original sample.View SolutionQuestion 73
A 20 mL mixture of CO, CH4, and Helium (He) gases is exploded by an electric discharge at room temperature with excess of oxygen. The volume contraction is found to be 13 mL. A further contraction of 14 mL occurs when the residual gas is treated wityh KOH solution. Find out the composition of the gaseous mixture in terms of volume percentage.View SolutionQuestion 75
1g sample of AgNO3 is dissolved in 50mL of water, It is titrated with 50mL of KI solution. The Aglpercipitated is filtered off. Excess of KI filtrate is titrated with M/10KIO3 in presence of 6MHCl till all I− converted into ICI. It requires 50mL of M/10KIO3 solution. 20mL of the same stock solution of KI requires 30mL of M/10KIO3 under similar conditions. Calculate % of AgNO3 in sample. The reaction isQuestion 76
A 2.0g sample of a mixture containing sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium sulphate is gently heated till the evolution of CO2 ceases. The volume of CO2 at 750mmHg pressure and at 298K is measured to be 123.9mL. A 1.5g of the same sample requires 150mL of (M/10)HCl for complete neutralisation. Calculate the percentage composition of the components of the mixture.View SolutionQuestion 77
A 1g sample of Fe2O3 solid of 55.2% purity is dissolved in acid and reduced by heating the solution with zinc dust. The resultant solution is cooled and made upto 100mL. An aliquot of 25mL of this solution requires 17mL of 0.0167M solution of an oxidant for titration. Calculate no.of electrons taken up by oxidant in the above titration. View SolutionQuestion 78
A solution of 0.2g of a compound containing Cu2+ and C2O2−4 ions on titration with 0.02MKMnO4 in presence of H2SO4 consumes 22.6mL oxidant. The resulting solution is neutralized by Na2CO3, acidified with dilute CH3COOH and titrated with excess of KI. The liberated I2 required 11.3mLof0.05MNa2S2O3 for complete reduction. Find out mole ratio of Cu2+ and C2O2+4 in compound.View SolutionQuestion 79
A mixture of H2C2O4 and NaHC2O4 weighing 2.02g was dissolved in water and the solution made uptp one litre. 10mL of this solution required 3.0mL of 0.1NNaOH solution for complete neutralization. In another experiment 10mL of same solution in hot dilute H2SO4 medium required 4mL of 0.1NKMnO4KMnO4 for compltete neutralization. Calculate the amount of H2C2O4 and NaHC2O4 in mixture.View SolutionQuestion 80
An organic compound X on analysis gives 2.90g silver choride with acidified silver nitrate solution. The compound X may be represented by two isomeric structures Y and Z. Y on treatment with aqueous potassium hydroxide solution gives a dihydroxy compound while Z on similar treatment gives ethanal. Find out the molecular formula of Z and gives the structure of Y and Z.View SolutionQuestion 81
An equal volume of reducing agent is titrated separately with 1MKMnO4 in acid, neutral and alkaline medium. The volumes of KMnO4 required are 20mL,33.3mL and 100mL in acid, neutral and alkaline medium respectively. Find out oxidation state of Mn in each reaction product. Give balance equation. Find the volume of 1MK2Cr2O7 consumed if same volume of reductant is titrated in acid medium.View SolutionQuestion 82
A sample of hydrazine sulphate (N2H6SO4) was dissolved in 100mL water. 10mL of this solution was reacted with excess of FeCl3 solution and warmed to complete the reaction. Ferrous ions formed were estimated and it required 20mL of M/50KMnO4 solutions. Estimate the amount of hudrazine sulphate in one litre of solution.Question 83
5mL of 8NHNO3,4.8mL of 5NHCl and a certain volume of 17MH2SO4 are mixed together and made upto 2litre. 30mL of this acid mixture exactly neutralizes 42.9mL of Na2CO3 solution containing 1gNa2CO3. 10H2Oin100mL of water. Calculate the amount of sulphate ions in g present in solution.View SolutionQuestion 90
40mL0.05M solution of sodium sesquicarbonate dehydrate (Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O) is titrated against 0.05MHCl solution, xmL of acid is required to reach the phenolphthalein end point while mL of same acid were required when methyl organe indicator was used in a separate titration. Which of the following is (are) correct statements?View SolutionQuestion 96
Magnetite, Fe3O4, can be converted into metallic iron by heating with carbon monoxide as represented by this equation:Question 100
4.0g of a mixture of NaCl and an unknown metal iodide MI2 was dissolved in water to form its aqueous solution. To this aqueous solution, aqueous solution of AgNO_(3)wasadded∇uallysotˆsilverhalsare≺iπtated.The≺iπtateswereweighedatrega––r∫ervalandfollow∈gcurveforthemassof≺iπtateversusvolumeofAgNO_(3)addedwasobta∈ed.Withtheknow≤d≥ofthefacttˆhalsare≺iπtated≻essively,i.e,when≤sssolub≤halis≺iπtat∈g,theotherhalrema∈∈thesolution,answerthefollow∈gquestions:(MolarmassofAg = 108, I = 127, Na=23).<br><imga≤ocr_imageload∈g=lazysrc=≤=background:white;><br>Wˆisthe≈imatemasspercenta≥ofMl_(2) ?View SolutionQuestion 101
4.0g of a mixture of NaCl and an unknown metal iodide MI2 was dissolved in water to form its aqueous solution. To this aqueous solution, aqueous solution of AgNO_(3)wasadded∇uallysotˆsilverhalsare≺iπtated.The≺iπtateswereweighedatrega––r∫ervalandfollow∈gcurveforthemassof≺iπtateversusvolumeofAgNO_(3)addedwasobta∈ed.Withtheknow≤d≥ofthefacttˆhalsare≺iπtated≻essively,i.e,when≤sssolub≤halis≺iπtat∈g,theotherhalrema∈∈thesolution,answerthefollow∈gquestions:(MolarmassofAg = 108, I = 127, Na=23).<br><imga≤ocr_imageload∈g=lazysrc=≤=background:white;><br>Wˆisthe≈imatemolarityofAgNO_(3) solution?View SolutionQuestion 102
4.0g of a mixture of NaCl and an unknown metal iodide MI2 was dissolved in water to form its aqueous solution. To this aqueous solution, aqueous solution of AgNO_(3)wasadded∇uallysotˆsilverhalsare≺iπtated.The≺iπtateswereweighedatrega––r∫ervalandfollow∈gcurveforthemassof≺iπtateversusvolumeofAgNO_(3)addedwasobta∈ed.Withtheknow≤d≥ofthefacttˆhalsare≺iπtated≻essively,i.e,when≤sssolub≤halis≺iπtat∈g,theotherhalrema∈∈thesolution,answerthefollow∈gquestions:(MolarmassofAg = 108, I = 127, Na=23).Question 105
Match the statements of column I with values of Column II