In ‘Journey to the End of the Earth’ Tishani Doshi describes the journey to the coldest, driest and windiest continent in the world: Antarctica. The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica. Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims at taking high school students to the ends of the world. Doshi thinks that Antarctica is the place to go and understand the earth’s present, past, and future.


In ‘Journey to the End of the Earth’ Tishani Doshi describes the journey to the coldest, driest and windiest continent in the world: Antarctica. The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica. Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims at taking high school students to the ends of the world. Doshi thinks that Antarctica is the place to go and understand the earth’s present, past, and future.


In ‘Journey to the End of the Earth’ Tishani Doshi describes the journey to the coldest, driest and windiest continent in the world: Antarctica. The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica. Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims at taking high school students to the ends of the world. Doshi thinks that Antarctica is the place to go and understand the earth’s present, past, and future.


‘Journey to the End of the Earth’ mein Tishani Doshi ne duniya ke sabse thande, sabse sukhe aur sabse hawa wale Antarctica mein apni yatra ka varnan kiya hain. Duniya ki geological history Antarctica se pata lagayi ja sakti hain. Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ karyakarm ka uddeshy (aim) high school ke chhatron (students) ko duniya ke ant tak le jana hai. Doshi sochti hain ki Antarctica se hum prithvi ke vartaman (present), bhoot (past) aur bhavishy (future) ko samjh sakte hain.


1) In 2006 Tishani Doshi began her journey to Antarctica (the world's coldest, driest and windiest continent).
2) She boarded a Russian ship 'Akademik Shokalsky' for an event called Students on Ice. The main objective of the program was to take the school students to the end of the world to study climate change.
3) The campaign was started by a Canadian, Geoff Greene. Geoff believes that school students are the policymakers of the future and that only they can save the planet from climate change.
4) The narrator's journey began at 13.09 degrees north of the equator in Madras. On her way, she crossed nine time zones, six checkpoints, three water bodies, and three ecospheres. It took them a hundred hours to reach there by car, airplane, and ship.
5) The southern supercontinent – the Gondwana landmass existed about 650 million years ago. It was centred around present-day Antarctica. At that time humans did not exist and the climate was very hot.
6) Climate change is the biggest environmental issue of our generation. Even though man has been living on this planet for only 12,000 years, his impact on the environment is huge.
7) Phytoplankton is a microscopic plant that requires sunlight to produce food by photosynthesis. It is a part of the food chain as it is eaten by small fish.
8) Scientists say that if the ozone layer decreases more than this, then phytoplankton will be affected, which will upset the balance of the food chain. It shows that if we take care of the small things then the big things will automatically fall in the right place.
9) During this journey, the narrator had many great experiences. But the most memorable experience was a time when the ship got stuck in a thick layer of ice and the narrator got a chance to walk on 1-meter-thick ice. She was wearing waterproof clothes and goggles.
10) Now she wonders that this whole planet is delicately balanced and how these ambitious students have the power to save this planet. If we still ignore climate change and don't change our ways, the consequences could be disastrous.


इस अध्याय में तिश्नानी दोशी ने दुनिया के सबसे ठंडे, सबसे सूखे और सबसे हवा वाले अंटार्कटिका में अपनी यात्रा का वर्णन किया है। दुनिया का भूवैज्ञानिक इतिहास (geological history) अंटार्कटिका से पता लगाया जा सकता है। ज्योफ ग्रीन द्वारा शुरू किया गया “स्टूडेंट्स ऑन आइस” कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य स्कूल के छात्रों को दुनिया के अंत तक ले जाना है। दोशी सोचती हैं कि अंटार्कटिका से हम पृथ्वी के वर्तमान, भूत और भविष्य को समझ सकते है।


Tishani Doshi:
She enjoys adventure, and her involvement in the programme Students on Ice exemplifies her daring personality. She has a keen sense of observation and the ability to provide minute information. Her understanding of the geophysical globe is impressive, and her grasp of written English is outstanding.


Tishani Doshi was born in Madras, India, to a Welsh mother and Gujarati father. She graduated with a master's degree in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University. Doshi works as a freelance writer and worked with choreographer Chandralekha. She was the recipient of the Eric Gregory Award in 2001.


Question 1: ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How is the study of this region useful to us?
Answer: The study of Antarctica is useful to us because it gives us an insight into the world’s geological history. What Earth could be like before it drifted into its continents and countries. The changing world climate can be seen as an impact on the glaciers in the Antarctic.

Question 2: What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on Ice expedition?
Answer: Geoff Green wanted to make future policymakers aware of the changing temperatures around the globe and their effects on the ice shelves as they have started melting and collapsing already so that they can have an idea of what kind of trouble lies ahead in the future.

Question 3: ‘Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.’ What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctic environment?
Answer: This statement is of great relevance as a small change in the environment can give rise to drastic developments. There has been an example of small grass phytoplankton given in the context. This grass is microscopic and serves as food to many marine animals and birds. According to the author, if further depletion occurs in the ozone layer, then it will affect this grass and also the carbon cycle of the globe. Thus, if this small grass is fine then the major part of the fauna will be fine as Antarctica has very small biodiversity.

Question 4: Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the Earth’s present, past, and future?
Answer: It gives us an idea to us as to how Earth could be millions of years ago when it was a huge singular mass of land. The melting ice caps give us an idea of global warming and how it could affect the future. The ice layers of Antarctica hold records of million-year-old carbons which can be useful for studying the past. Thus, Antarctica is the place to go to, and understand the Earth’s present, past, and future.

Question 5: ‘Akademik Shokalskiy’ was heading towards Antarctica, why?
Answer: ‘Akademik Shokalskiy’, a Russian Vessel was heading towards Antarctica with a troop of 52 people, to study and research the history of humankind under the guidance of Canadian Geoff Green.

Question 6: How is Antarctica, a subject for debate for environmentalists?
Answer: Antarctica is always a subject of debate for environmentalists because only Antarctica is undisturbed by human beings, whether it would melt, will the Gulf Stream Ocean currently be disrupted, or will it be the end of the world; many concerned issues are raised for debate.

Question 7: ‘Take care of small things and big ones will take care of themselves. What is the relevance of this statement in the context of Antarctica?
Answer: The small things are having their importance in their place. Small things combined produce their effect on big things. As phytoplankton are very tiny single-celled plants, they nourish and sustain the entire Southern Ocean’s food proceedings, Phytoplankton is the grass of the Southern Ocean, and through the process of photosynthesis, they convert light energy into the chemical energy and supply food and provide oxygen to all the marine life (animals and birds). So very tiny plants are responsible for the survival of life. But global warming can affect the activity of these plants and also the whole ecosystem of the Earth. Sun’s energy is used to assimilate carbon and synthesize organic compounds by these plants. The rapidly increasing depletion of the Ozone layer will surely adversely affect this natural system. By any means, the depletion should be stopped to preserve our ecological balance and save the whole of mankind and all creatures from extinction. So, by opening our eyes, we should take care of little things to care about the big things automatically and naturally.

Question 8: What was wondrous about Antarctica?
Answer: The expansive white landscape and uninterrupted blue horizon and its immensity and isolation were wondrous about Antarctica.


Tishani Doshi was born in Madras, India, to a Welsh mother and Gujarati father. She graduated with a master's degree in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University. Doshi works as a freelance writer and worked with choreographer Chandralekha. She was the recipient of the Eric Gregory Award in 2001.


Tishani Doshi ka janam Madras, Bharat mein, ek Welsh maa aur Gujarati pita ke yahan hua tha. Unhone Johns Hopkins University se creative writing mein master’s degree prapt ki. Tishani Doshi svatantr lekhak (freelance writer) ke roop mein choreographer Chandralekha ke sath kaam karti hain. Unhone 2001 mein Eric Gregory Award jeeta.


Aboard- on or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle), किसी भी वाहन में चढ़ना
Equator- a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°, भूमध्य रेखा
Ecospheres- parts of the universe habitable by living organisms, पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्रों
Isolation- setting apart, एकांत
Expansive- covering a wide area, प्रशस्त
Wonder- feeling of being surprised, आश्चर्य
Profound- very great or intense, बहुत महान या तीव्र
Landmass- a continent or other large body of land, महाद्वीप या ज़मीन का एक हिस्सा
Amalgamated- combined, एकीकृत
Flora and fauna- flora are the plants and fauna is the animals in a particular region, वनस्पति और जीव
Thrived- prosper, वहां पर मौजूद होना
Supercontinent- a former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away, एक पूर्व बड़ा महाद्वीप जिससे अन्य महाद्वीप टूट कर बने हो
Cordilleran- a chain of mountains, पहाड़ों कि एक श्रृंखला
Extinction- disappearance of a species, विलुप्त होना
Pre-Cambrian granite shields- large areas of relatively low elevation that forms part of continental masses, कम ऊंचाई वाले बड़े क्षेत्र जो महाद्वीपीय द्रव्यमान का हिस्सा बनते हैं
Jamming- pack tightly into a specific space, एक छोटी सी जगह में फिट
Desolate- emptiness, उजाड़
Mind-boggling- overwhelming, अपरिहार्य
Frigid- very cold in temperature, बहुत ठण्ड
Sun-worshipping- the act of worshipping the sun as a deity, सूरज की पूजा करना
Metabolic functions- those processes necessary for the maintenance of a living organism, शारीरिक रूप से
Devoid- entirely lacking, ख़ाली
Perspective- a point of view, दृष्टिकोण
Midges and mites- insects, कीड़े
Surreal- bizarre, विचित्र
Austral- relating to the Southern Hemisphere, दक्षिणी गोलार्ध से संबंधित
Ubiquitous- everywhere, हर जगह
Avalanche- snowslide, बर्फ का गिरना
Calving- split and shed, टूट कर अलग हो जाना
Consecrates- a sacred place, पवित्रा
Immersion- submerge, विसर्जन
Prognosis- a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation, किसी स्थिति की पहले से कल्पना करना की उसका परिणाम क्या हो सकता है
Dominance- power over others, प्रभाव
Paltry- insignificant, तुच्छ
Etching- engraving, छापना या अंकित करना
Ruckus- disturbance, हंगामा
Unmitigated- unconditional, अशर्त
Crucial- important, महत्वपूर्ण
Pristine- in original condition, प्राचीन
Foster- Encourage or promote the development, विकास को बढ़ावा देना
Carting- convey, किसी बात को बताना
Blasé- unimpressed, अप्रभावित होना
Ecosystem- a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र
Biodiversity- the variety of plant and animal life in the world, जैव विविधता
Repercussions- an unintended consequence, प्रतिक्रिया
Assimilate- take in, अपनाना
Wondrous- inspiring a feeling of wonder, चमत्कारिक
Photosynthesis- the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, खाना बनाने की प्रक्रिया
Depletion- reduction in the number or quantity of something, कम होते जाना
Marine- relating to or found in the sea, समुद्री
Parable- a story, कहानी
Epiphanies- rare occurrence, उपसंहार
Wedge- a piece of metal, कील
Kitted out- to give the clothing or equipment, सारा सामान और कपड़ा
Gore-tex- a synthetic waterproof fabric, एक सिंथेटिक जलरोधक कपड़े
Periphery- boundary of ice, बर्फ का किनारा
Revelation- disclosure, किसी चीज़ के बारे में बताना
Idealism- set of beliefs, आदर्शवाद


तिशानी दोशी का जन्म मद्रास, भारत में, एक वेल्श माँ और गुजराती पिता के यहाँ हुआ था। उन्होंने जॉन्स हॉपकिन्स विश्वविद्यालय से रचनात्मक लेखन में स्नातकोत्तर की उपाधि प्राप्त की। दोशी स्वतंत्र लेखक के रूप में कोरियोग्राफर चंद्रलेखा के साथ काम करती हैं। उन्होंने 2001 में एरिक ग्रेगरी पुरस्कार जीता।


Before you read
EARLY this year, I found myself aboard a Russian research vessel — the Akademik Shokalskiy — heading towards the coldest, driest, windiest continent in the world: Antarctica. My journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Madras, and involved crossing nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water, and at least as many ecospheres.


Before you read
EARLY this year, I found myself aboard a Russian research vessel — the Akademik Shokalskiy — heading towards the coldest, driest, windiest continent in the world: Antarctica. My journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Madras, and involved crossing nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water, and at least as many ecospheres.


Aboard- on or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle), किसी भी वाहन में चढ़ना
Equator- a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°, भूमध्य रेखा
Ecospheres- parts of the universe habitable by living organisms, पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्रों


Aboard- on or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle), किसी भी वाहन में चढ़ना
Equator- a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°, भूमध्य रेखा
Ecospheres- parts of the universe habitable by living organisms, पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्रों


Shuruaat mein, lekhika prithivi (Earth) par sabse thande (coldest), sabse sukhe (driest) aur hawa wale (windiest) mahadweep (continent) Antarctica mein apni yatra ke baare mein baat karti hain. Veh wahan ek Russian research vessel par gaye jisse Akademik Shokalskiy ke naam se jana jaata hain. Unhone apni yatra (journey) Madras mein 13.09 degrees north of the Equator se shuru kari. Apni yatra par, unhone nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water aur kayi aise jaghao ko paar kiya jahan jeev-jantu (ecospheres) rehte hain.


शुरुआत में, लेखिका पृथ्वी पर सबसे ठंडे, सबसे सूखे (driest) और हवा वाले (windiest) महाद्वीप (continent) अंटार्कटिका में अपनी यात्रा के बारे में बात करती है। वह वहां एक रूसी खोज जलयान (Russian research vessel) पर गई जिसे अकादमिक शोकाल्स्की के नाम से जाना जाता है। उन्होंने अपनी यात्रा मद्रास में भूमध्य रेखा (equator) के उत्तर (north) में 13.09 डिग्री से शुरू करी I अपनी यात्रा पर, उन्होंने नौ समय क्षेत्रों (time-zone), छह चौकियों (checkpoints), तीन जल निकायों (water bodies) और कई ऐसे जगहों को पार किया जहाँ जीव-जंतु रहते है।


By the time I actually set foot on the Antarctic continent I had been travelling over 100 hours in combination of a car, an aeroplane and a ship; so, my first emotion on facing Antarctica’s expansive white landscape and uninterrupted blue horizon was relief, followed up with an immediate and profound wonder. Wonder at its immensity, its isolation, but mainly at how there could ever have been a time when India and Antarctica were part of the same landmass.


By the time I actually set foot on the Antarctic continent I had been travelling over 100 hours in combination of a car, an aeroplane and a ship; so, my first emotion on facing Antarctica’s expansive white landscape and uninterrupted blue horizon was relief, followed up with an immediate and profound wonder. Wonder at its immensity, its isolation, but mainly at how there could ever have been a time when India and Antarctica were part of the same landmass.


Isolation- setting apart, एकांत
Expansive- covering a wide area, प्रशस्त
Wonder- feeling of being surprised, आश्चर्य
Profound- very great or intense, बहुत महान या तीव्र
Landmass- a continent or other large body of land, महाद्वीप या ज़मीन का एक हिस्सा


Isolation- setting apart, एकांत
Expansive- covering a wide area, प्रशस्त
Wonder: feeling of being surprised, आश्चर्य
Profound- very great or intense, बहुत महान या तीव्र
Landmass- a continent or other large body of land, महाद्वीप या ज़मीन का एक हिस्सा


Jab tak lekhika ne Antarctic continent par per rakha, tab tak veh ek car, ek aeroplane aur ek ship se sanyojan (combination) mein 100 hours se adhik yatra kar chuki thi. Isliye, jab unhone pehli baar continent dekha, toh unhe atyadhik rahat mehsoos hui, kyunki jahan tak veh dekh paa rahi thi Antarctica barf se dhaka hua tha isliye veh bilkul safed (white) dikhayi de raha tha. Nile shitij (blue horizon) ka nazara bhi bahut sukoon (relief) dene wala tha. Iske baad lekhika (writer) ko ascharye (wonder) mehsoos hua. Veh iss baat se chakit thi ki ek samay tha jab Bharat aur Antarctica ek hi bhag ka hissa the.


जब तक लेखिका ने अंटार्कटिक महाद्वीप पर पैर रखा, तब तक वह एक कार, एक हवाई जहाज और एक जहाज के संयोजन में 100 घंटे से अधिक यात्रा कर चुकी थी I इसलिए, जब उन्होंने पहली बार महाद्वीप देखा, तो उन्हें अत्यधिक राहत महसूस हुई, क्योंकि जहाँ तक वह देख पा रही थी अंटार्कटिका बर्फ से ढाका हुआ था इसलिए वह बिल्कुल सफ़ेद दिखाई दे रहा था। नीले क्षितिज का नजारा भी बहुत सुकून देने वाला था। इसके बाद लेखिका को आश्चर्य महसूस हुआ। वह इस बात से चकित थी कि एक समय था जब भारत और अंटार्कटिका एक ही भाग का हिस्सा थे।


Part of history
Six hundred and fifty million years ago, a giant amalgamated southern supercontinent — Gondwana — did indeed exist, centred roughly around the present-day Antarctica. Things were quite different then: humans hadn’t arrived on the global scene, and the climate was much warmer, hosting a huge variety of flora and fauna. For 500 million years Gondwana thrived, but around the time when the dinosaurs were wiped out and the age of the mammals got under way, the landmass was forced to separate into countries, shaping the globe much as we know it today.


Part of history
Six hundred and fifty million years ago, a giant amalgamated southern supercontinent — Gondwana — did indeed exist, centred roughly around the present-day Antarctica. Things were quite different then: humans hadn’t arrived on the global scene, and the climate was much warmer, hosting a huge variety of flora and fauna. For 500 million years Gondwana thrived, but around the time when the dinosaurs were wiped out and the age of the mammals got under way, the landmass was forced to separate into countries, shaping the globe much as we know it today.


Amalgamated- combined, एकीकृत
Flora and fauna- flora are the plants and fauna is the animals in a particular region, वनस्पति और जीव
Thrived- prosper, वहां पर मौजूद होना
Supercontinent- a former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away, एक पूर्व बड़ा महाद्वीप जिससे अन्य महाद्वीप टूट कर बने हो


Amalgamated- combined, एकीकृत
Flora and fauna- flora are the plants and fauna is the animals in a particular region, वनस्पति और जीव
Thrived- prosper, वहां पर मौजूद होना
Supercontinent- a former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away, एक पूर्व बड़ा महाद्वीप जिससे अन्य महाद्वीप टूट कर बने हो


Itihas ka hissa
Six hundred and fifty million saal pehle, ek vishal sammelit (amalgated) dakshin (southern) supercontinent – Gondwana, vastav mein majood (exist) tha, jiski wajah se mana jata tha ki Antarctica aur Bharat alag ho gaye the. Halanki sithti (situation) abhi ki sithti se poori tarah alag thi. Koi bhi insaan prithvi par majood nahi tha aur vatavaran (climate) garam tha jisne vanspathiyo aur jeevo (flora and fauna) ki vishal kismo (varieties) ko janam diya. Gondwana 500 million varsho tak vahan sthit raha jab tak ki Dinosaur vilupt (wiped out) nahi ho gaye aur manushyon ka jeevan shuru nahi ho gaya. Jaise ki hum dekh sakte hain ki aaj jo dharti ka nirman hua hain veh 500 million saal pehle hua tha jab saare bhubaag (landmasses) alag-alag desh ban gaye the.


इतिहास का हिस्सा
छह सौ पचास मिलियन साल पहले, एक विशाल समामेलित दक्षिणी सुपरकॉन्टिनेंट – गोंडवाना, वास्तव में मौजूद था, जिसकी वजह से माना जाता था कि अंटार्कटिका और भारत अलग हो गए थे। हालाँकि स्थिति अभी की स्थिति से पूरी तरह अलग थी। कोई भी इंसान पृथ्वी पर मौजूद नहीं था और जलवायु गर्म थी जिसने वनस्पतियों और जीवों की विशाल किस्मों को जन्म दिया। गोंडवाना 500 मिलियन वर्षों तक वहां स्थित रहा जब तक कि डायनासोर विलुप्त नहीं हो गए और मनिष्यों का जीवन शुरू नहीं हो गया। जैसे की हम देख सकते हैं कि आज जो धरती का निर्माण हुआ हैं वह 500 मिलियन साल पहले हुआ था जब सारे भूभाग (landmasses) अलग अलग देश बन गए थे।


To visit Antarctica now is to be a part of that history; to get a grasp of where we’ve come from and where we could possibly be heading. It’s to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone and carbon; evolution and extinction.


To visit Antarctica now is to be a part of that history; to get a grasp of where we’ve come from and where we could possibly be heading. It’s to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone and carbon; evolution and extinction.


Cordilleran- a chain of mountains, पहाड़ों कि एक श्रृंखला
Extinction- disappearance of a species, विलुप्त होना
Pre-Cambrian granite shields- large areas of relatively low elevation that forms part of continental masses, कम ऊंचाई वाले बड़े क्षेत्र जो महाद्वीपीय द्रव्यमान का हिस्सा बनते हैं


Cordilleran- a chain of mountains, पहाड़ों कि एक श्रृंखला
Extinction- disappearance of a species, विलुप्त होना
Pre-Cambrian granite shields- large areas of relatively low elevation that forms part of continental masses, कम ऊंचाई वाले बड़े क्षेत्र जो महाद्वीपीय द्रव्यमान का हिस्सा बनते हैं


Lekhika ke anusaar, yadi hum koi itihas (history) ki jhalak dekhna chahte hain aur yeh janna chahte hain ki humari utpatti (where we have come from) kaha se hui hain, toh usko jaane ke liye Antarctica sabse sahi jagah hain. Yahan par hum Cordilleran folds, pre-Cambrian granite shields, ozone aur carbon, vikas (evolution) and vilupt (extinxtion) in sab ke baare mein hum jankari (information) prapt kar sakte hain.


लेखिका के अनुसार, यदि हम कोई इतिहास की झलक देखना चाहते है और यह जानना चाहते हैं कि हमारी उत्पत्ति कहाँ से हुई है, तो उसको जानने के लिए अंटार्कटिका सबसे सही जगह है। यह जांच करने और समझने के लिए सबसे अच्छी जगह है। यहाँ पर हम कॉर्डिलरन फोल्ड, प्री-कैम्ब्रियन ग्रेनाइट शील्ड्स, ओजोन और कार्बन; विकास और विलुप्ति इन सब के बारे में हम जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते है।


When you think about all that can happen in a million years, it can get pretty mind-boggling. Imagine: India pushing northwards, jamming against Asia to buckle its crust and form the Himalayas; South America drifting off to join North America, opening up the Drake Passage to create a cold circumpolar current, keeping Antarctica frigid, desolate, and at the bottom of the world.


When you think about all that can happen in a million years, it can get pretty mind-boggling. Imagine: India pushing northwards, jamming against Asia to buckle its crust and form the Himalayas; South America drifting off to join North America, opening up the Drake Passage to create a cold circumpolar current, keeping Antarctica frigid, desolate, and at the bottom of the world.


Jamming- pack tightly into a specific space, एक छोटी सी जगह में फिट
Desolate- emptiness, उजाड़
Mind-boggling- overwhelming, अपरिहार्य
Frigid- very cold in temperature, बहुत ठण्ड


Jamming- pack tightly into a specific space, एक छोटी सी जगह में फिट
Desolate- emptiness, उजाड़
Mind-boggling- overwhelming, अपरिहार्य
Frigid- very cold in temperature, बहुत ठण्ड


Jab apko pata chalta hain ki itni million saalo mein yeh sab ho chuka hain, toh in sab par vishwas karna mushkil hota hain. Aap yeh cheez sochiye (think) ki kaise dheere dheere Bharat uttar (north) ki taraf move karta hain, aur phir Asia mahadweep (continent) se takrane ke baad, veh hissa fold ho gaya aur aaj ke samay mein veh utha hua hissa Himalaya ban gaya. Aur yeh bhi sochiye ki kaise South America move kar rahi hain aur North America se jaake mil rahi hain aur jaise jaise South America move kar rahi hain waise waise ek Drake Passage khulta ja raha hain jis Passage se cold circumpolar current paas ho raha hain aur Antarctica vishav (World) mein sabse neeche dakshni (south) ki aur stith hain.


जब आपको पता चलता हैं कि इतनी मिलियन सालो में यह सब हो चूका हैं, तो इन सब पर विश्वास करना मुश्किल होता हैं। आप यह चीज़ सोचिए कि कैसे धीरे धीरे भारत उत्तर की तरफ मूव करता हैं, और फिर एशिया महाद्वीप से टकराने के बाद, वह हिस्सा फोल्ड हो गया और आज के समय में वह उठा हुआ हिस्सा हिमालय बन गया। और यह भी सोचिए कि कैसे साउथ अमेरिका मूव कर रही है और नार्थ अमेरिका से जाके मिल रही है और जैसे जैसे साउथ अमेरिका मूव कर रही है वैसे वैसे एक ड्रेक पैसेज खुलता जा रहा है जिस पैसेज से कोल्ड सरकमपोलार करंट पास हो रहा है और अंटार्टिका विश्व में सबसे नीचे दक्षिण की ओर स्थित है।


For a sun-worshipping South Indian like myself, two weeks in a place where 90 per cent of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored is a chilling prospect (not just for circulatory and metabolic functions, but also for the imagination). It’s like walking into a giant ping-pong ball devoid of any human markers — no trees, billboards, buildings. You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here.


For a sun-worshipping South Indian like myself, two weeks in a place where 90 per cent of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored is a chilling prospect (not just for circulatory and metabolic functions, but also for the imagination). It’s like walking into a giant ping-pong ball devoid of any human markers — no trees, billboards, buildings. You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here.


Sun-worshipping- the act of worshipping the sun as a deity, सूरज की पूजा करना
Metabolic functions- those processes necessary for the maintenance of a living organism, शारीरिक रूप से
Devoid- entirely lacking, ख़ाली
Perspective- a point of view, दृष्टिकोण


Sun-worshipping- the act of worshipping the sun as a deity, सूरज की पूजा करना
Metabolic functions- those processes necessary for the maintenance of a living organism, शारीरिक रूप से
Devoid- entirely lacking, ख़ाली
Perspective- a point of view, दृष्टिकोण


South Indian aur soorye-pooja (sun-worshipping) karne wale vyakti ke roop mein kathakar (narrator) ke liye yeh ek bahut hi alag anubhav tha, unke liye ya kisi aur ke liye aisi jagah par rehne ki kalpana (imagination) karna kathin (difficult) tha jahan 90 % prithvi barf (ice) se dhaki ho. Yeh baat na keval jeevik (circulatory) ya sharirik roop (metabolic functions) se kathin thi, isse kalpana mein sochna bhi kathin tha. Antarctica par insano ka namo-nishan bhi nahi dikhayi de raha tha, na hi wahan pedh (trees) the, na hi koi boards the aur na hi koi immaratein (buildings) thi. Lekhika batati hain ki apko yahan par prithvi ka kuch bhi dekhne ko nahi milega aur yahan par samay kaise nikal jata hain, iska bhi apko anubhav nahi ho payega.


साउथ इंडियन और सूर्य-पूजा करने वाले व्यक्ति के रूप में कथाकार के लिए यह एक बहुत ही अलग अनुभव था, उनके लिए या किसी और के लिए ऐसी जगह पर रहने की कल्पना करना कठिन था जहां 90 प्रतिशत पृथ्वी बर्फ से ढकी हो। यह बात न केवल जैविक या शारीरिक रूप से कठिन थी, इसे कल्पना में सोचना भी कठिन था। अंटार्टिका पर इंसानो का नमो-निशान भी नहीं दिखाई दे रहा था, न ही वहां पेड़ थे, न ही कोई बोर्ड थे और न ही कोई इमारतें थी। और लेखिका बताती हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर पृथ्वी का कुछ भी देखने को नहीं मिलेगा और यहाँ पर समय कैसे निकल जाता हैं, इसका भी आपको अनुभव नहीं हो पाएगा।


The visual scale ranges from the microscopic to the mighty: midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries (the largest recorded was the size of Belgium). Days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving ice sheet, consecrates the place. It’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. And for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.


The visual scale ranges from the microscopic to the mighty: midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries (the largest recorded was the size of Belgium). Days go on and on and on in surreal 24-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving ice sheet, consecrates the place. It’s an immersion that will force you to place yourself in the context of the earth’s geological history. And for humans, the prognosis isn’t good.


Midges and mites- insects, कीड़े
Surreal- bizarre, विचित्र
Austral- relating to the Southern Hemisphere, दक्षिणी गोलार्ध से संबंधित
Ubiquitous- everywhere, हर जगह
Avalanche- snowslide, बर्फ का गिरना
Calving- split and shed, टूट कर अलग हो जाना
Consecrates- a sacred place, पवित्रा
Immersion- submerge, विसर्जन
Prognosis- a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation, किसी स्थिति की पहले से कल्पना करना की उसका परिणाम क्या हो सकता है


Midges and mites- insects, कीड़े
Surreal- bizarre, विचित्र
Austral- relating to the Southern Hemisphere, दक्षिणी गोलार्ध से संबंधित
Ubiquitous- everywhere, हर जगह
Avalanche- snowslide, बर्फ का गिरना
Calving- split and shed, टूट कर अलग हो जाना
Consecrates- a sacred place, पवित्रा
Immersion- submerge, विसर्जन
Prognosis- a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation, किसी स्थिति की पहले से कल्पना करना की उसका परिणाम क्या हो सकता है


Midges aur mites jaise chote jeevo se lekar blue whale aur bade desho (countries) jaise iceberg, sab kuch Antarctica mein paya ja sakta hain. Aur sabse bada iceberg jo record hua tha veh Belgium desh jitna bada tha. Southern Hemisphere par har samy padhne wale soorye ke prakash ke sath din kabhi samapt nahi hote hain, arthat wahan par saare samay din rehta hain aur kabhi raat nahi hoti hain. Yeh ek aisa shant sthan hain jahan par ashanti aur awaaz tab hi aati hain jab ek pahad (mountain) ke neeche se barf (ice) ke girne ki awaaz aati hain. Yeh ek aisi setting hain jo apko prithvi ke geological history par vichar karne ke liye majboor karti hain aur bhavishye ko dekhne mein aapki maddad (help) karti hain jo manushye ke liye bahut sukhad (isn’t good) nahi lagti.


मिज और माइट्स (midges and mites) जैसे छोटे जीवों से लेकर ब्लू व्हेल और बड़े देशों जैसे आइसबर्ग, सब कुछ अंटार्कटिका में पाया जा सकता है। और सबसे बड़ा आइसबर्ग जो रिकॉर्ड हुआ था वह बेलीजियम देश जितना बड़ा था। दक्षिणी गोलार्ध (Southern Hemisphere) पर हर समय पड़ने वाले सूर्य के प्रकाश के साथ दिन कभी समाप्त नहीं होते हैं, अर्थात वहां सारे समय दिन रहते हैं और कभी रात नहीं होती हैं। यह एक ऐसा शांत स्थान है जहाँ पर अशांति या आवाज़ तब ही आती है जब एक पहाड़ के नीचे से बर्फ के गिरने की आवाज़ आती है। यह एक ऐसी सेटिंग है जो आपको पृथ्वी के भूवैज्ञानिक इतिहास (geological history) पर विचार करने के लिए मजबूर करती है और भविष्य को देखने में आपकी मदद करती है जो मनुष्यों के लिए बहुत सुखद नहीं लगती है।


Human impact
Human civilisations have been around for a paltry 12,000 years — barely a few seconds on the geological clock. In that short amount of time, we’ve managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over Nature with our villages, towns, cities, megacities. The rapid increase of human populations has left us battling with other species for limited resources, and the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world, which is slowly but surely increasing the average global temperature.


Human impact
Human civilisations have been around for a paltry 12,000 years — barely a few seconds on the geological clock. In that short amount of time, we’ve managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over Nature with our villages, towns, cities, megacities. The rapid increase of human populations has left us battling with other species for limited resources, and the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world, which is slowly but surely increasing the average global temperature.


Dominance- power over others, प्रभाव
Paltry- insignificant, तुच्छ
Etching- engraving, छापना या अंकित करना
Ruckus- disturbance, हंगामा
Unmitigated- unconditional, अशर्त


Dominance- power over others, प्रभाव
Paltry- insignificant, तुच्छ
Etching- engraving, छापना या अंकित करना
Ruckus- disturbance, हंगामा
Unmitigated- unconditional, अशर्त


Human impact
Prithivi par manav jeevan 12,000 varsho se hain jo ki duniya ki ghadi (geological clock) ke anusaar kuch seconds hain. Itne kam samay mein manav ne har sansadhan ko istemal karne mein kamyabi hasil kar li hain. Humne apne gaavo (villages), shehro (cities), bade-shehro (megacities) par apna hakk kayam karke kaafi hungama khada kar diya hain. Lagatar badhti manav abadi (human populations) jeevit rehne ke liye anye prajatiyo (other species) ki avyeshaktao ko loot rahi hain. Fossil fuels ko zyada istemaal karne se humare greh ke charo aur carbon dioxide ka ek aavran (blanket) ban gaya hain jo duniya ka taapman (temperature) badha raha hain, jisse global warming ho rahi hain.


मानवीय प्रभाव
पृथ्वी पर मानव जीवन 12,000 वर्षों से है जो कि दुनिया की घड़ी के अनुसार कुछ सेकण्ड्स हैं। इतने कम समय में मानव ने हर संसाधन को इस्तेमाल करने में कामयाबी हासिल कर ली है, हमने अपने गांवों, शहरों पर अपना हक कायम करके काफी हंगामा खड़ा कर दिया है। लगातार बढ़ती मानव आबादी जीवित रहने के लिए अन्य प्रजातियों की आवश्यकताओं को लूट रही है। फॉसिल फ्यूल्स को ज़्यादा इस्तेमाल करने से हमारे ग्रह के चारों ओर कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड का एक आवरण बन गया हैं जो दुनिया का तापमान बढ़ा रहा है, जिससे ग्लोबल वार्मिंग हो रही है।


Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the West Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean current be disrupted? Will it be the end of the world as we know it? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Antarctica is a crucial element in this debate — not just because it’s the only place in the world, which has never sustained a human population and therefore remains relatively ‘pristine’ in this respect; but more importantly, because it holds in its ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice. If we want to study and examine the Earth’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go.


Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the West Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean current be disrupted? Will it be the end of the world as we know it? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Antarctica is a crucial element in this debate — not just because it’s the only place in the world, which has never sustained a human population and therefore remains relatively ‘pristine’ in this respect; but more importantly, because it holds in its ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice. If we want to study and examine the Earth’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go.


Crucial- important, महत्वपूर्ण
Pristine- in original condition, प्राचीन


Crucial- important, महत्वपूर्ण
Pristine- in original condition, प्राचीन


Global Warming aur Climate Change humare samay ka sabse zyada charcha kiye jaane wala vishye (subject) hain. Kya West Antarctic ki barf ki parat (ice-sheets) poori tarah se pighal jayegi? Kya Gulf Stream ocean badhit (disrupted) hojayega? Jaise ki hum jante hain kya yeh duniya ka ant (end) ho sakta hain? Aisa shayad ho sakta hain aur shayad na bhi ho. Antarctica ek mehtvapoorn (crucial) tatv (element) hain- sirf isliye nahi ki yeh duniya mein ekmatr aisi jagah hain jahan par manav abadi (human population) nahi hain balki isliye bhi kyunki Antartica ke andar half million old carbon records ice-cores mein fase hue hain. Lekhika ke anusaar, yadi koi prithvi ke ateet (past), vartman (present) aur bhavishye (future) ke baare mein janna chahta hain toh Antarctica un sab ke baare mein jaane ke liye bilkul sahi jagah hain.


ग्लोबल वार्मिंग व जलवायु परिवर्तन हमारे समय का सबसे ज़्यादा चर्चा किए जाने वाला विषय है। क्या पश्चिम अंटार्कटिक की बर्फ की परत पूरी तरह से पिघल जाएगी? क्या गल्फ स्ट्रीम सागर (Gulf Stream Gulf) बाधित (disrupted) होगा? जैसा कि हम जानते हैं क्या यह दुनिया का अंत हो सकता है? ऐसा शायद हो सकता और शायद न भी हो। अंटार्टिका एक महत्वपूर्ण तत्व है - सिर्फ इसलिए नहीं कि यह दुनिया में एकमात्र ऐसी जगह है जहाँ पर मानव आबादी नहीं हैं बल्कि इसलिए भी क्योंकि अंटार्टिका के अंदर आधा मिलियन वर्षीय कार्बन रिकॉर्ड बर्फ की परतों में फंसे है। लेखिका के अनुसार, यदि कोई पृथ्वी के अतीत, वर्तमान और भविष्य के बारे में जानना चाहता हैं तो अंटार्टिका उन सब के बारे में जानने के लिए बिल्कुल सही जगह हैं।


Students on Ice, the programme I was working with on the Shokalskiy, aims to do exactly this by taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet. It’s been in operation for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff Green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only ‘give’ back in a limited way. With Students on Ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life-changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act.


Students on Ice, the programme I was working with on the Shokalskiy, aims to do exactly this by taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet. It’s been in operation for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff Green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only ‘give’ back in a limited way. With Students on Ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life-changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act.


Foster- Encourage or promote the development, विकास को बढ़ावा देना
Carting- convey, किसी बात को बताना


Foster- Encourage or promote the development, विकास को बढ़ावा देना
Carting- convey, किसी बात को बताना


Student on Ice, ek karyekaram (programme) tha jismein lekhika Shokalskiy par kaam kar rahi thi, jiska udeshiye (aim) school ke students ko duniya ke ant tak le jana arthat unhe avsar (opportunity) pradan karna jisse unke andar humare greh ke liye samajh aur samman mehsoos ho. Yeh ab cheh (six) saal ke liye parichalan (operation) mein hain, jiske pramaukh (head) Canadian Geoff Green hain, jo unhi logo ke sath kaam karte hain jo ameer (rich) aur jigyasa-sadhak (curiosity-seekers) hain jo unke sikhaye jaane par unhe badle mein kuch acha aur faldayak pradan kar sake. Students on Ice ke bacho ke sath veh jeevan badlne wale anubhav (life-changing experience) pradan karte hain jab veh un cheezon ko samjhne aur seekhne ke liye taiyaar hote hain.


स्टूडेंट्स ओन आइस, एक कार्यक्रम था जिसमें लेखिका शोकाल्सकीय पर काम कर रही थी, जिसका उद्देश्य स्कूल के छात्रों को दुनिया के अंत तक ले जाना अर्थात उन्हें अवसर प्रदान करना जिससे उनके अंदर हमारे ग्रह के लिए समझ और सम्मान महसूस हो I यह अब छह साल के लिए परिचालन में है, जिसके प्रमुख कनाडाई ज्योफ ग्रीन हैं, जो उन्ही लोगो के साथ काम करते हैं जो अमीर और जिज्ञासा-साधक हैं जो उनके सिखाए जाने पर उन्हें बदले में कुछ अच्छा और फलदायक प्रदान कर सके। स्टूडेंट्स ओन आइस के बच्चो के साथ वह जीवन बदलने वाले अनुभव प्रदान करते हैं जब वह उन चीज़ों को समझने और सीखने के लिए तैयार होते है।


The reason the programme has been so successful is because it’s impossible to go anywhere near the South Pole and not be affected by it. It’s easy to be blasé about polar ice-caps melting while sitting in the comfort zone of our respective latitude and longitude, but when you can visibly see glaciers retreating and ice shelves collapsing, you begin to realise that the threat of global warming is very real.


The reason the programme has been so successful is because it’s impossible to go anywhere near the South Pole and not be affected by it. It’s easy to be blasé about polar ice-caps melting while sitting in the comfort zone of our respective latitude and longitude, but when you can visibly see glaciers retreating and ice shelves collapsing, you begin to realise that the threat of global warming is very real.


Blasé- unimpressed, अप्रभावित होना


Blasé- unimpressed, अप्रभावित होना


Karyekaram itna safal (successful) raha hai kyunki South Pole ke paas kahi bhi jana asambhav (impossible) hai. Gharon ke andar araam se baith kar glaciers ke pighalne ke bare mein sochna aasan hai, lekin jab aap unn glaciers ko apni ankhon se dekhenge, toh apko ehsas (realise) hoga ki global warming ka khatra (threat) bahut vastavik (real) hain.


कार्यक्रम इतना सफल रहा है क्योंकि दक्षिण ध्रुव (South Pole) के पास कहीं भी जाना असंभव है। हमारे घरों के अंदर आराम से बैठकर ग्लेशियरों के पिघलने के बारे में सोचना आसान है लेकिन जब आप उन ग्लेशियरों को अपनी आँखों से देखेंगे तो आपको एहसास होगा कि ग्लोबल वार्मिंग का खतरा बहुत वास्तविक है।


Antarctica, because of her simple ecosystem and lack of biodiversity, is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can have big repercussions. Take the microscopic phytoplankton — those grasses of the sea that nourish and sustain the entire Southern Ocean’s food chain. These single-celled plants use the sun’s energy to assimilate carbon and synthesise organic compounds in that wondrous and most important of processes called photosynthesis.


Antarctica, because of her simple ecosystem and lack of biodiversity, is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can have big repercussions. Take the microscopic phytoplankton — those grasses of the sea that nourish and sustain the entire Southern Ocean’s food chain. These single-celled plants use the sun’s energy to assimilate carbon and synthesise organic compounds in that wondrous and most important of processes called photosynthesis.


Ecosystem- a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र
Biodiversity- the variety of plant and animal life in the world, जैव विविधता
Repercussions- an unintended consequence, प्रतिक्रिया
Assimilate- take in, अपनाना
Wondrous- inspiring a feeling of wonder, चमत्कारिक
Photosynthesis- the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, खाना बनाने की प्रक्रिया


Ecosystem- a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र
Biodiversity- the variety of plant and animal life in the world, जैव विविधता
Repercussions- an unintended consequence, प्रतिक्रिया
Assimilate- take in, अपनाना
Wondrous- inspiring a feeling of wonder, चमत्कारिक
Photosynthesis- the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, खाना बनाने की प्रक्रिया


Antarctica uske chote ecosystem aur kam biodiversity ki wajah se yeh samjhane ke liye ekdam sahi jagah hain ki paryavaran (environment) mein thode se badlavo (changes) ke bade parinaam (big repercussions) ho sakte hain. Microscopic phytoplankton- ek chota sa samudri ghaas (grasses of the sea) hain jo poore Southern Ocean ke food chain ko poshan (nourish) deti hain. Yeh ek cell wale paude hain jo sooraj ki kirno (sun’s energy) ka istemal karke carbon dioxide aur anye compounds ikkata (assimilate) karte hain jisse veh apna khana aur in compounds ko bana sake aur iss poori prakriya (process) ko photosynthesis kehte hain.


अंटार्टिका उसके छोटे पारिस्थितिकि तंत्र (ecosystem) की वजह से यह समझाने के लिए एकदम सही जगह है कि पर्यावरण में थोड़े से बदलावों के बड़े परिणाम हो सकते हैं। सूक्ष्म फ्य्तोप्लैंक्टोन (microscopic phytoplankton) - एक छोटा सा समुद्री घास है जो पूरे दक्षिणी महासागर की खाद्य शृंखला को पोषण देती है I यह एक सेल वाले पौधे हैं जो सूरज की किरणों का इस्तेमाल करके कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड और अन्य कंपाउंड्स इकट्ठा करते हैं जिससे वह अपना खाना और इन कंपाउंड्स को बना सके और इस पूरी प्रक्रिया को फोटोसिंथेसिस कहते हैं।


Scientists warn that a further depletion in the ozone layer will affect the activities of phytoplankton, which in turn will affect the lives of all the marine animals and birds of the region, and the global carbon cycle. In the parable of the phytoplankton, there is a great metaphor for existence: take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place.


Scientists warn that a further depletion in the ozone layer will affect the activities of phytoplankton, which in turn will affect the lives of all the marine animals and birds of the region, and the global carbon cycle. In the parable of the phytoplankton, there is a great metaphor for existence: take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place.


Depletion- reduction in the number or quantity of something, कम होते जाना
Marine- relating to or found in the sea, समुद्री
Parable- a story, कहानी


Depletion- reduction in the number or quantity of something, कम होते जाना
Marine- relating to or found in the sea, समुद्री
Parable- a story, कहानी


Scientists ka kehna hain ki agar ozone layer kam hua toh phytoplankton par prabhav padega jiska prabhav Antarctica ke sabhi jeevo aur carbon cycle par padega. Iss phytoplankton ki kahani se hume yeh pata chalta hain ki ismein ek bahut gehra sandesh (message) chupa hua hain ki choti cheezon ki dekhbhal (care) ki jiye toh badi cheezein apne aap theek aur sahi ho jayengi.


साइंटिस्ट्स का कहना है कि अगर ओजोन लेयर कम हुआ तो फ्य्तोप्लैंक्टोन पर प्रभाव पड़ेगा जिसका प्रभाव अंटार्टिका के सभी जीवों और कार्बन साइकिल पर पड़ेगा। इस फ्य्तोप्लैंक्टोन की कहानी से हमे यह पता चलता हैं कि इसमें एक बहुत गहरा सन्देश छुपा हुआ हैं कि छोटी चीज़ों की देखभाल कीजिए तो बड़ी चीज़ें अपने आप ठीक हो जाएँगी।


Walk on the ocean
My Antarctic experience was full of such epiphanies, but the best occurred just short of the Antarctic Circle at 65.55 degrees south. The Shokalskiy had managed to wedge herself into a thick white stretch of ice between the peninsula and Tadpole Island which was preventing us from going any further. The Captain decided we were going to turn around and head back north, but before we did, we were all instructed to climb down the gangplank and walk on the ocean.


Walk on the ocean
My Antarctic experience was full of such epiphanies, but the best occurred just short of the Antarctic Circle at 65.55 degrees south. The Shokalskiy had managed to wedge herself into a thick white stretch of ice between the peninsula and Tadpole Island which was preventing us from going any further. The Captain decided we were going to turn around and head back north, but before we did, we were all instructed to climb down the gangplank and walk on the ocean.


Epiphanies- rare occurrence, उपसंहार
Wedge- a piece of metal, कील


Epiphanies- rare occurrence, उपसंहार
Wedge- a piece of metal, कील


Walk on the ocean
Lekhika ka Antarctic anubhav (experience) iss tarah ke upsanhar (epiphanies) se bhare hue the, lekin sabse acha anubhav 65.55 degree south mein Antarctic Circle se juda hain. Lekhika ki ship, The Shokalskiy barf ke beech, peninsula and Tadpole Island ke beech fas (wedge) gayi thi aur unhe aage jaane se rok rahi thi. Captain ne tay kiya ki unhe ship ko ghumake uttar (north) ki taraf wapis jana hoga, lekin isse pehle ki veh esa karte un sabhi ko nirdesh (instruction) diya gaya ki veh sabhi gangplank (wood piece) se niche utre aur samudar (ocean) par chale.


सागर पर चलना
लेखिका का अंटार्कटिक अनुभव इस तरह के उपसंहार (epiphanies) से भरा हुआ था, लेकिन सबसे अच्छा अनुभव 65.55 डिग्री दक्षिण में अंटार्कटिक सर्कल से जुड़ा है। लेखिका की शिप (ship), शोकाल्स्कि (The Shokalskiy) बर्फ के बीच, प्रायद्वीप (peninsula) और ताडपोल द्वीप (Tadpole Island) के बीच फस गयी थी जो उन्हें आगे जाने से रोक रही थी। कैप्टन ने तय किया कि उन्हें शिप को घुमाके उत्तर की तरफ वापिस जाना होगा, लेकिन इससे पहले कि वह ऐसा करते उन सभी को निर्देश दिया गया कि वह सभी गंगप्लांक (लकड़ी का टुकड़ा) से निचे उतरें और समुद्र पर चलें।


So there we were, all 52 of us, kitted out in Gore-Tex and glares, walking on a stark whiteness that seemed to spread out forever. Underneath our feet was a metre-thick ice pack, and underneath that, 180 metres of living, breathing, salt water. In the periphery Crabeater seals were stretching and sunning themselves on ice floes much like stray dogs will do under the shade of a banyan tree. It was nothing short of a revelation: everything does indeed connect.


So there we were, all 52 of us, kitted out in Gore-Tex and glares, walking on a stark whiteness that seemed to spread out forever. Underneath our feet was a metre-thick ice pack, and underneath that, 180 metres of living, breathing, salt water. In the periphery Crabeater seals were stretching and sunning themselves on ice floes much like stray dogs will do under the shade of a banyan tree. It was nothing short of a revelation: everything does indeed connect.


Kitted out- to give the clothing or equipment, सारा सामान और कपड़ा
Gore-tex- a synthetic waterproof fabric, एक सिंथेटिक जलरोधक कपड़ा
Periphery- boundary of ice, बर्फ का किनारा
Revelation- disclosure, किसी चीज़ के बारे में बताना


Kitted out- to give the clothing or equipment, सारा सामान और कपड़ा
Gore-tex- a synthetic waterproof fabric, एक सिंथेटिक जलरोधक कपड़ा
Periphery- boundary of ice, बर्फ का किनारा
Revelation- disclosure, किसी चीज़ के बारे में बताना


Hum saree kul milakar (in-total) 52 log the, aur hum sabhi apna sara samman lekar neeche Gore- Tax (ek tareeke ka waterproof kapda) aur glares pehnke utar gaye aur hum barf par chalne lage. Humare peero ke neeche ek metre moti barf (metre-thick ice) thi aur uske neeche 180 metre namak wala paani (salt water) tha, jismein kaafi saare jeev-jantu the. Aur uss barf ke kinare mein Crabeater seals (type of animal) wahan par dhoop sek rahe the waise hi jaise ek desh mein kutte (dogs) banyan tree ke neeche chaya (shade) mein beth jaate hain. Aur yahan par unhe bahut kuch jaane ko mila aur sab kuch vastav mein ek dusre se juda (connect) hua tha.


हम सारे कुल मिलाकर 52 लोग थे, और हम सभी अपना सारा सामान लेकर नीचे गोर-टैक्स (एक तरीके का वाटरप्रूफ कपड़ा) और गल्र्स पहनके उतर गए और हम बर्फ पर चलने लगे। हमारे पैरों के निचे एक मीटर- मोटी बर्फ थी और उसके निचे 180-मीटर नमक वाला पानी था, जिसमें काफी सारे जीव-जन्तु थे। और उस बर्फ के किनारे में करबेटर सील (एक तरह का जानवर) वहां पर धुप सेक रहे थे वैसे ही जैसे एक देश में कुत्ते बनियन पेड़ के नीचे छाया में बैठ जाते हैं। और यहाँ पर उन्हें बहुत कुछ जानने को मिला और सब कुछ वास्तव में एक दुसरे से जुड़ा हुआ था।


Nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and many ecospheres later, I was still wondering about the beauty of balance in play on our planet. How would it be if Antarctica were to become the warm place that it once used to be? Will we be around to see it, or would we have gone the way of the dinosaurs, mammoths and woolly rhinos? Who’s to say? But after spending two weeks with a bunch of teenagers who still have the idealism to save the world, all I can say is that a lot can happen in a million years, but what a difference a day makes!


Nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and many ecospheres later, I was still wondering about the beauty of balance in play on our planet. How would it be if Antarctica were to become the warm place that it once used to be? Will we be around to see it, or would we have gone the way of the dinosaurs, mammoths and woolly rhinos? Who’s to say? But after spending two weeks with a bunch of teenagers who still have the idealism to save the world, all I can say is that a lot can happen in a million years, but what a difference a day makes!


Idealism- set of beliefs, आदर्शवाद


Idealism- set of beliefs, आदर्शवाद


Madras se Antarctica, nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water ki yatra karne ke baad lekhika prakriti duara banaye gaye santulan par vichar karti hain. Unhone socha ki agar Antarctica, jahan duniya ki 90% se adhik barf hain, phir se garam (warm) ho jaye toh kya hoga. Veh aacharye karti hain ki kya hum ese dekhne ke liye jeevit honge ya phir hum bhi Dinosaurs aur anye janwaro ki tarah iss dharti se jaa chuke honge. Lekin kisharo ki jhund (bunch of teenagers) ke sath 2 weeks bitane ke baad lekhika ko ehsaas hain ki un teenagers mein abhi bhi adharshvaad (idealism) hain aur veh un ghatnao ki anikshtta (uncertainty) ke baare mein baat karti hain jo ek lakh varsh mein ho sakti hain.


मद्रास से अंटार्कटिका, नौ समय क्षेत्रों, चौकियों और पानी के विभिन्न निकायों की यात्रा करने के बाद, लेखिका प्रकृति द्वारा बनाए गए संतुलन पर विचार करती हैं। उन्होंने सोचा कि अगर अंटार्कटिका, जहां दुनिया की 90 प्रतिशत से अधिक बर्फ है, फिर से गर्म हो जाए तो क्या होगा। वह आश्चर्य करती हैं कि क्या हम इसे देखने के लिए जीवित होंगे या फिर हम भी डायनासोर और अन्य जानवरो की तरह इस धरती से जा चुके होंगे। लेकिन किशोरों के झुंड के साथ दो सप्ताह बिताने के बाद लेखिका को एहसास हैं कि उन किशारों में अभी भी आदर्शवाद की भावना है और वह उन घटनाओं की अनिश्चितता के बारे में बात करती है जो एक लाख वर्षों में हो सकती हैं।


  • In 2006 Tishani Doshi began her journey to Antarctica (the world's coldest, driest and windiest continent). She boarded a Russian ship 'Akademik Shokalsky' for an event called Students on Ice. The main objective of the program was to take the school students to the end of the world to study climate change.

  • 2006 mein Tishani Doshi ne Antarctica (duniya ka sabse thanda, sabse sukha aur sabse tez hawao wala mahadweep) ki apni yatra (journey) shuru ki. Veh Students on Ice namak ek karyekram (programme) ke liye ek Russian vessel “Akademik Shokalskiy” par savar hui. Karyekram ka mukhye udeshiye (aim) school ke chatro (students) ko climate change ka addhyaan karne ke liye duniya ke ant (end) tak le jana tha.

  • The campaign was started by a Canadian, Geoff Greene. Geoff believes that school students are the policy makers of the future and only they can save the planet from climate change.

  • Yeh abhiyan (programme) ek Canadia, Geoff Green duara shuru kiya gaya tha. Geoff ka manna hain ki school ke chatr bhavishye (future) ke niti-nirmata (policymakers) hain aur keval veh hi iss greh ko climate change se bacha sakte hain.

  • The narrator's journey began at 13.09 degrees north of the equator in Madras. On her way she crossed nine time zones, six checkpoints, three water bodies and three ecospheres. It took them a hundred hours to reach there by car, airplane and ship.

  • Narrator ki yatra Madras mein equator ke north mein 13.09-degree se shuru hui thi. Apne raste mein unhone nine time zones, six checkpoints aur three water bodies aur kam se kam three ecosphere paar kiye. Wahan pahunchne mein unhe car, airplane aur ship ko milakar 100 hours lage.

  • The southern supercontinent – the Gondwana landmass existed about 650 million years ago. It was centred around present-day Antarctica. At that time humans did not exist and the climate was very hot.

  • Southern supercontinent- Gondwana landmass laghbhag 650 million saal pehle astitav (exist) mein tha. Veh vartman (present) Antarctica ke ass-paas kendrit tha. Uss samay manushiye ka koi astitav nahi tha aur wahan ki jalvayu bhi bahut garam thi.

  • Climate change is the biggest environmental issue of our generation. Even though man has been living on this planet for only 12,000 years, his impact on the environment is huge.

  • Climate change humari peedhi ka sabse bada environmental issue hain. Bhale hi manushye iss greh par keval 12,000 varsho se reh raha hain, lekin paryavaran par uska prabhav bahut bada hain.

  • Phytoplankton is a microscopic plant that requires sunlight to produce food by photosynthesis. It is a part of the food chain as it is eaten by small fish. Scientists say that if the ozone layer decreases more than this, then phytoplankton will be affected, which will upset the balance of the food chain. It shows that if we take care of the small things then the big things will automatically fall in the right place.

  • Phytoplankton ek sushm (microscopic) paudha (plant) hain jise photosynthesis duara bhojan banana ke liye sooraj ke prakash ki avyeshakta (need) hoti hain. Yeh food chain ka ek hissa hain kyunki isse choti machliyan duara khaya jata hain. Scientists kehte hain ki ozone layer agar kam hoti jayegi toh iska asar Phytoplankton par padega jisse food chain ka suntulan (balance) bigad jayega. Yeh darshata hain ki agar hum choti cheezo ka dhyaan rakhenge toh badi cheezein apne aap hi theek ho jayengi.

  • During this journey, the narrator had many great experiences. But the most memorable experience was a time when the ship got stuck in a thick layer of ice and the narrator got a chance to walk on 1-meter-thick ice. He was wearing waterproof clothes and goggles.

  • Iss yatra ke dauran, narrator ko kayi mahan anubhav (experiences) hue. Lekin sabse yaadgar anubhav ek aisa samay tha jab ship barf ki moti (thick) layer mein fas gaya aur narrator ko 1-meter moti baraf par chalne ka mooka (chance) mila. Un sab ne water proof kapde aur chashme (glares) pehen (wear) rakhe the.

  • Now she wonders that this whole planet is delicately balanced and how these ambitious students have the power to save this planet. If we still ignore climate change and don't change our ways, the consequences could be disastrous.

  • Ab veh sochti hain ki yeh poora greh kitne nazuk roop se suntulit (balanced) hain aur kaise inn mehtvakaanshi (ambitious) chatro (students) mein iss greh ko bachane ki shakti hain. Yadi hum abhi bhi climate change ko nazarandaz karte hain aur apne tareeke nahi badlte hain, toh iske parinam (consequences) vinashkari (disastrous) ho sakte hain.


  • In 2006 Tishani Doshi began her journey to Antarctica (the world's coldest, driest and windiest continent). She boarded a Russian ship 'Akademik Shokalsky' for an event called Students on Ice. The main objective of the program was to take the school students to the end of the world to study climate change.

  • 2006 में तिशानी दोशी ने अंटार्कटिका (दुनिया का सबसे ठंडा, सबसे सूखा और सबसे तेज हवाओं वाला महाद्वीप) की अपनी यात्रा शुरू की। वह स्टूडेंट्स ओन आइस नामक एक कार्यक्रम के लिए एक रूसी जहाज ‘अकादमिक शोकाल्स्की’ पर सवार हुई। कार्यक्रम का मुख्य उद्देश्य स्कूल के छात्रों को जलवायु परिवर्तन का अध्ययन करने के लिए दुनिया के अंत तक ले जाना था।

  • The campaign was started by a Canadian, Geoff Greene. Geoff believes that school students are the policy makers of the future and only they can save the planet from climate change.

  • यह अभियान एक कैनेडियन, ज्योफ ग्रीन द्वारा शुरू किया गया था। ज्योफ का मानना ​​है कि स्कूल के छात्र भविष्य के नीति निर्माता हैं और केवल वे ही इस ग्रह को जलवायु परिवर्तन से बचा सकते हैं।

  • The narrator's journey began at 13.09 degrees north of the equator in Madras. On her way she crossed nine time zones, six checkpoints, three water bodies and three ecospheres. It took them a hundred hours to reach there by car, airplane and ship.

  • कथावाचक की यात्रा मद्रास में भूमध्य रेखा के उत्तर में 13.09 डिग्री से शुरू हुई। अपने रास्ते में उन्होंने नौ समय क्षेत्रों (time-zone), छह चौकियों (checkpoints), तीन शवों (water bodies) और कई ऐसे जगहों को पार किया जहाँ जीव-जंतु रहते है। वहाँ पहुँचने में उन्हें कार, हवाई जहाज और जहाज को मिलाकर सौ घंटे लगे।

  • The southern supercontinent – ​​the Gondwana landmass existed about 650 million years ago. It was centred around present-day Antarctica. At that time humans did not exist and the climate was very hot.

  • दक्षिणी सुपरकॉन्टिनेंट – गोंडवाना लैंडमास लगभग 650 मिलियन साल पहले अस्तित्व में था। यह वर्तमान अंटार्कटिका के आसपास केंद्रित था। उस समय मनुष्य अस्तित्व में नहीं थे और जलवायु बहुत गर्म थी।

  • Climate change is the biggest environmental issue of our generation. Even though man has been living on this planet for only 12,000 years, his impact on the environment is huge.

  • जलवायु परिवर्तन हमारी पीढ़ी का सबसे बड़ा पर्यावरणीय मुद्दा (Environmental issue) है। भले ही मनुष्य इस ग्रह पर केवल 12,000 वर्षों से रह रहा है, लेकिन पर्यावरण पर उसका प्रभाव बहुत बड़ा है।

  • Phytoplankton is a microscopic plant that requires sunlight to produce food by photosynthesis. It is a part of the food chain as it is eaten by small fish. Scientists say that if the ozone layer decreases more than this, then phytoplankton will be affected, which will upset the balance of the food chain. It shows that if we take care of the small things then the big things will automatically fall in the right place.

  • फ्य्तोप्लैंक्टोन एक सूक्ष्म पौधा (microscopic plant) है जिसे फोटोसिंथेसिस द्वारा भोजन बनाने के लिए सूरज के प्रकाश की आवश्यकता होती है। यह खाद्य श्रृंखला (food chain) का एक हिस्सा है क्योंकि इसे छोटी मछलियों द्वारा खाया जाता है। वैज्ञानिक कहते हैं कि ओजोन लेयर अगर कम होती जाएगी तो इसका असर फ्य्तोप्लैंक्टोन पर पड़ेगा जिससे खाद्य श्रृंखला का संतुलन बिगड़ जाएगा। यह दर्शाता है कि अगर हम छोटी चीजों का ध्यान रखेंगे तो बड़ी चीजें अपने आप ही ठीक हो जाएंगी।

  • During this journey, the narrator had many great experiences. But the most memorable experience was a time when the ship got stuck in a thick layer of ice and the narrator got a chance to walk on 1-meter-thick ice. He was wearing waterproof clothes and goggles.

  • इस यात्रा के दौरान, कथावाचक को कई महान अनुभव हुए। लेकिन सबसे यादगार अनुभव एक ऐसा समय था जब जहाज बर्फ की मोटी लेयर में फंस गया और कथावाचक को 1 मीटर मोटी बर्फ पर चलने का मौका मिला। उन्होंने वाटरप्रूफ कपड़े और चश्मे पहन रखे थे।

  • Now she wonders that this whole planet is delicately balanced and how these ambitious students have the power to save this planet. If we still ignore climate change and don't change our ways, the consequences could be disastrous.

  • अब वह सोचती है कि यह पूरा ग्रह कितने नाजुक रूप से संतुलित है और कैसे इन महत्वाकांक्षी छात्रों में इस ग्रह को बचाने की शक्ति है। यदि हम अभी भी जलवायु परिवर्तन को नजरअंदाज करते हैं और अपने तरीके नहीं बदलते हैं तो परिणाम विनाशकारी हो सकते हैं।


    Question 1: ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How is the study of this region useful to us?
    Answer: The study of Antarctica is useful to us because it gives us an insight into the world’s geological history. What Earth could be like before it drifted into its continents and countries. The changing world climate can be seen as an impact on the glaciers in the Antarctic.

    Question 2: What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on Ice expedition?
    Answer: Geoff Green wanted to make the future policymakers aware of the changing temperatures around the globe and its effects on the ice shelves as they have started melting and collapsing already so that they can have an idea of what kind of trouble lies ahead in the future.

    Question 3: ‘Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.’ What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctic environment?
    Answer: This statement is of great relevance as a small change in the environment can give rise to drastic developments. There has been an example of small grass phytoplankton given in the context. This grass is microscopic and serves as food to many marine animals and birds. According to the author, if further depletion occurs in the ozone layer, then it will affect this grass and also the carbon cycle of the globe. Thus, if this small grass is fine then the major part of the fauna will be fine as Antarctica has very small biodiversity.

    Question 4: Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the Earth’s present, past, and future?
    Answer: It gives an idea to us as to how Earth could be millions of years ago when it was a huge singular mass of land. The melting ice caps give us an idea of global warming and how it could affect the future. The ice layers of Antarctica hold records of million-year-old carbons which can be useful for studying the past. Thus, Antarctica is the place to go to, understand the Earth’s present, past, and future.


    Question 1: ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How is the study of this region useful to us?
    Answer: The study of Antarctica is useful to us because it gives us an insight into the world’s geological history. What Earth could be like before it drifted into its continents and countries. The changing world climate can be seen as an impact on the glaciers in the Antarctic.

    Question 2: What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on Ice expedition?
    Answer: Geoff Green wanted to make the future policymakers aware of the changing temperatures around the globe and its effects on the ice shelves as they have started melting and collapsing already so that they can have an idea of what kind of trouble lies ahead in the future.

    Question 3: ‘Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.’ What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctic environment?
    Answer: This statement is of great relevance as a small change in the environment can give rise to drastic developments. There has been an example of small grass phytoplankton given in the context. This grass is microscopic and serves as food to many marine animals and birds. According to the author, if further depletion occurs in the ozone layer, then it will affect this grass and also the carbon cycle of the globe. Thus, if this small grass is fine then the major part of the fauna will be fine as Antarctica has very small biodiversity.

    Question 4: Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the Earth’s present, past, and future?
    Answer: It gives an idea to us as to how Earth could be millions of years ago when it was a huge singular mass of land. The melting ice caps give us an idea of global warming and how it could affect the future. The ice layers of Antarctica hold records of million-year-old carbons which can be useful for studying the past. Thus, Antarctica is the place to go to, understand the Earth’s present, past, and future.


    Question 1: What was Akademic Shokalskiy? Where was it headed and why?
    Answer: Akademic Shokalskiy was a Russian research vessel that was moving towards Antarctica to become a part of Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ programme, the iciest, driest, gustiest landmass in the world.

    Question 2: How is present-day Antarctica different from Gondwana?
    Answer: Gondwana was a huge merged southern supercontinent. The climate was comparatively hot and was home to a huge variety of flora and fauna. Gondwana flourished for around 500 million years. Later, when dinosaurs were wiped and the age of mammals came, the landmass separated into countries, shaping the globe as we know it today.

    Question 3: Why does one lose all earthly perspective in Antarctica?
    Answer: The author compares it to walking into a giant ping-pong ball, devoid of any human markers. There are no trees, billboards, or buildings. The visual ranges from the microscopic to the mighty, from midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs.


    Question 1: What was Akademic Shokalskiy? Where was it headed and why?
    Answer: Akademic Shokalskiy was a Russian research vessel that was moving towards Antarctica to become a part of Geoff Green’s ‘Students on Ice’ programme, the iciest, driest, gustiest landmass in the world.

    Question 2: How is present-day Antarctica different from Gondwana?
    Answer: Gondwana was a huge merged southern supercontinent. The climate was comparatively hot and was home to a huge variety of flora and fauna. Gondwana flourished for around 500 million years. Later, when dinosaurs were wiped and the age of mammals came, the landmass separated into countries, shaping the globe as we know it today.

    Question 3: Why does one lose all earthly perspective in Antarctica?
    Answer: The author compares it to walking into a giant ping-pong ball, devoid of any human markers. There are no trees, billboards, or buildings. The visual ranges from the microscopic to the mighty, from midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs.


    Question 1: Why is Antarctica a crucial element in all debates on climate change?
    Answer: Antarctica is the only place in the world that has never sustained a human population and is, therefore, relatively ‘pristine. More importantly, it holds in its ice cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice.

    Question 2: What was the objective of the ‘Students on Ice’ programme?
    Answer: The ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims to take high school students to the ends of the world. It provides them with inspiring educational opportunities which foster in them a new understanding and respect for our planet. It offers the future generation of policymakers a life-changing experience at an age when they are ready to absorb, learn and act.

    Question 3: Describe the brightness and silence that prevail in Antarctica during summer.
    Answer: Days go on and on in surreal twenty-four-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence prevails, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving ice-sheet.


    Question 1: Why is Antarctica a crucial element in all debates on climate change?
    Answer: Antarctica is the only place in the world that has never sustained a human population and is, therefore, relatively ‘pristine. More importantly, it holds in its ice cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice.

    Question 2: What was the objective of the ‘Students on Ice’ programme?
    Answer: The ‘Students on Ice’ programme aims to take high school students to the ends of the world. It provides them with inspiring educational opportunities which foster in them a new understanding and respect for our planet. It offers the future generation of policymakers a life-changing experience at an age when they are ready to absorb, learn and act.

    Question 3: Describe the brightness and silence that prevail in Antarctica during summer.
    Answer: Days go on and on in surreal twenty-four-hour austral summer light, and a ubiquitous silence prevails, interrupted only by the occasional avalanche or calving ice-sheet.


    Aboard- on or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle), किसी भी वाहन में चढ़ना
    Equator- a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°, भूमध्य रेखा
    Ecospheres- parts of the universe habitable by living organisms, पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्रों
    Isolation- setting apart, एकांत
    Expansive- covering a wide area, प्रशस्त
    Wonder- feeling of being surprised, आश्चर्य
    Profound- very great or intense, बहुत महान या तीव्र
    Landmass- a continent or other large body of land, महाद्वीप या ज़मीन का एक हिस्सा
    Amalgamated- combined, एकीकृत
    Flora and fauna- flora are the plants and fauna is the animals in a particular region, वनस्पति और जीव
    Thrived- prosper, वहां पर मौजूद होना
    Supercontinent- a former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away, एक पूर्व बड़ा महाद्वीप जिससे अन्य महाद्वीप टूट कर बने हो
    Cordilleran- a chain of mountains, पहाड़ों कि एक श्रृंखला
    Extinction- disappearance of a species, विलुप्त होना
    Pre-Cambrian granite shields- large areas of relatively low elevation that forms part of continental masses, कम ऊंचाई वाले बड़े क्षेत्र जो महाद्वीपीय द्रव्यमान का हिस्सा बनते हैं
    Jamming- pack tightly into a specific space, एक छोटी सी जगह में फिट
    Desolate- emptiness, उजाड़
    Mind-boggling- overwhelming, अपरिहार्य
    Frigid- very cold in temperature, बहुत ठण्ड
    Sun-worshipping- the act of worshipping the sun as a deity, सूरज की पूजा करना
    Metabolic functions- those processes necessary for the maintenance of a living organism, शारीरिक रूप से
    Devoid- entirely lacking, ख़ाली
    Perspective- a point of view, दृष्टिकोण
    Midges and mites- insects, कीड़े
    Surreal- bizarre, विचित्र
    Austral- relating to the Southern Hemisphere, दक्षिणी गोलार्ध से संबंधित
    Ubiquitous- everywhere, हर जगह
    Avalanche- snowslide, बर्फ का गिरना
    Calving- split and shed, टूट कर अलग हो जाना
    Consecrates- a sacred place, पवित्रा
    Immersion- submerge, विसर्जन
    Prognosis- a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation, किसी स्थिति की पहले से कल्पना करना की उसका परिणाम क्या हो सकता है
    Dominance- power over others, प्रभाव
    Paltry- insignificant, तुच्छ
    Etching- engraving, छापना या अंकित करना
    Ruckus- disturbance, हंगामा
    Unmitigated- unconditional, अशर्त
    Crucial- important, महत्वपूर्ण
    Pristine- in original condition, प्राचीन
    Foster- Encourage or promote the development, विकास को बढ़ावा देना
    Carting- convey, किसी बात को बताना
    Blasé- unimpressed, अप्रभावित होना
    Ecosystem- a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र
    Biodiversity- the variety of plant and animal life in the world, जैव विविधता
    Repercussions- an unintended consequence, प्रतिक्रिया
    Assimilate- take in, अपनाना
    Wondrous- inspiring a feeling of wonder, चमत्कारिक
    Photosynthesis- the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, खाना बनाने की प्रक्रिया
    Depletion- reduction in the number or quantity of something, कम होते जाना
    Marine- relating to or found in the sea, समुद्री
    Parable- a story, कहानी
    Epiphanies- rare occurrence, उपसंहार
    Wedge- a piece of metal, कील
    Kitted out- to give the clothing or equipment, सारा सामान और कपड़ा
    Gore-tex- a synthetic waterproof fabric, एक सिंथेटिक जलरोधक कपड़ा
    Periphery- boundary of ice, बर्फ का किनारा
    Revelation- disclosure, किसी चीज़ के बारे में बताना
    Idealism- set of beliefs, आदर्शवाद


    Aboard- on or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle), किसी भी वाहन में चढ़ना
    Equator- a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°, भूमध्य रेखा
    Ecospheres- parts of the universe habitable by living organisms, पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्रों
    Isolation- setting apart, एकांत
    Expansive- covering a wide area, प्रशस्त
    Wonder- feeling of being surprised, आश्चर्य
    Profound- very great or intense, बहुत महान या तीव्र
    Landmass- a continent or other large body of land, महाद्वीप या ज़मीन का एक हिस्सा
    Amalgamated- combined, एकीकृत
    Flora and fauna- flora are the plants and fauna is the animals in a particular region, वनस्पति और जीव
    Thrived- prosper, वहां पर मौजूद होना
    Supercontinent- a former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away, एक पूर्व बड़ा महाद्वीप जिससे अन्य महाद्वीप टूट कर बने हो
    Cordilleran- a chain of mountains, पहाड़ों कि एक श्रृंखला
    Extinction- disappearance of a species, विलुप्त होना
    Pre-Cambrian granite shields- large areas of relatively low elevation that forms part of continental masses, कम ऊंचाई वाले बड़े क्षेत्र जो महाद्वीपीय द्रव्यमान का हिस्सा बनते हैं
    Jamming- pack tightly into a specific space, एक छोटी सी जगह में फिट
    Desolate- emptiness, उजाड़
    Mind-boggling- overwhelming, अपरिहार्य
    Frigid- very cold in temperature, बहुत ठण्ड
    Sun-worshipping- the act of worshipping the sun as a deity, सूरज की पूजा करना
    Metabolic functions- those processes necessary for the maintenance of a living organism, शारीरिक रूप से
    Devoid- entirely lacking, ख़ाली
    Perspective- a point of view, दृष्टिकोण
    Midges and mites- insects, कीड़े
    Surreal- bizarre, विचित्र
    Austral- relating to the Southern Hemisphere, दक्षिणी गोलार्ध से संबंधित
    Ubiquitous- everywhere, हर जगह
    Avalanche- snowslide, बर्फ का गिरना
    Calving- split and shed, टूट कर अलग हो जाना
    Consecrates- a sacred place, पवित्रा
    Immersion- submerge, विसर्जन
    Prognosis- a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation, किसी स्थिति की पहले से कल्पना करना की उसका परिणाम क्या हो सकता है
    Dominance- power over others, प्रभाव
    Paltry- insignificant, तुच्छ
    Etching- engraving, छापना या अंकित करना
    Ruckus- disturbance, हंगामा
    Unmitigated- unconditional, अशर्त
    Crucial- important, महत्वपूर्ण
    Pristine- in original condition, प्राचीन
    Foster- Encourage or promote the development, विकास को बढ़ावा देना
    Carting- convey, किसी बात को बताना
    Blasé- unimpressed, अप्रभावित होना
    Ecosystem- a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र
    Biodiversity- the variety of plant and animal life in the world, जैव विविधता
    Repercussions- an unintended consequence, प्रतिक्रिया
    Assimilate- take in, अपनाना
    Wondrous- inspiring a feeling of wonder, चमत्कारिक
    Photosynthesis- the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water, खाना बनाने की प्रक्रिया
    Depletion- reduction in the number or quantity of something, कम होते जाना
    Marine- relating to or found in the sea, समुद्री
    Parable- a story, कहानी
    Epiphanies- rare occurrence, उपसंहार
    Wedge- a piece of metal, कील
    Kitted out- to give the clothing or equipment, सारा सामान और कपड़ा
    Gore-tex- a synthetic waterproof fabric, एक सिंथेटिक जलरोधक कपड़े
    Periphery- boundary of ice, बर्फ का किनारा
    Revelation- disclosure, किसी चीज़ के बारे में बताना
    Idealism- set of beliefs, आदर्शवाद