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Free Solutions to RD SHARMA MATHS (HINGLISH) Class 12 book Chapters, Questions, Answers and Solutions

Number of Chapters37
PublisherRD SHARMA
  • Chapter 1: RELATIONS

    R.D Sharma Class 12th Solutions Chapter 1 Relations Mathematics plays a very vital role in everyone’s life in today’s Era. For Central Board of Secondary Education R.D Sharma is a prominent reference book for every student in mathematics. Because his reference books help the students to solve the questions in the correct way and develop a better understanding of the subject. Around 100 or more questions are provided in a single chapter so that student can cover each and possible question based on a topic. Online solutions are given in a step by step basis, so that the aspirant may easily solve the questions and also get familiar with the method so that they may earn a good score in their near future. Mathematics is the most important subject because it requires tricks to solve the questions, there is no need to learn anything in this subject one can easily score full marks if the concepts are clear. These solutions are accurate and give a detailed explanation for every problem in a very easy manner. Class 12th is a changing and turning point in every student’s life because of this the crucial stage where everyone has to make decisions regarding our lives, that in which direction we have to proceed further in our career. Students enroll themselves in many competitive examinations these days and every entrance test has a huge portion from mathematics, which clearly states the importance of mathematics in life. Central Board of Secondary Education authority always approved NCERT books in their running course for a very long period. But due to heavy competitions, NCERT books are not abundant for students they need reference books along with NCERT books, so that they may achieve their desired goals effectively and efficiently. Chapter-1 Relations: Sir R.D Sharma does an incredible job in describing lesson-1 Relations of class 12th. The chapter itself consists of many topics and subtopics which helps the students to make concepts clear and easily understandable for the students. Those aspirants who want to enrol themselves for JEE, BITS and other related entrance tests for top universities after class 12th then they may start preparing themselves from this book as soon as possible. This book covers almost all the topics which may ask by the examiner in the entrance test. Everyone knows the fact that if you want to secure good marks in an exam, then it clearly and only depends on practice. Following are the list of topics and sub-topics which R.D Sharma covered in his editions which is uniquely designed for the class 12th students. Chapter-1st Relation is divided into two exercise one is exercise 1.1 and the second one is exercise 1.2. Introduction of Relation: Everyone knows the importance of class 12th in a student's life. Those who want to indulge themselves in an engineering and related fields then they have to opt Mathematics on a compulsory basis and for others, it comes on an optional basis. There is no hard and fast rule or any compulsion for opting mathematics as a compulsory subject. In class 11th concerned authority introduces one more important chapter in the syllabus, which is known as Relation. In this chapter, the author tries to give some information and knowledge about relation, the importance of the topic and other related factors which may affect the topic. Basically, the author tries to give more value to a distinct sort of relations in mathematics. Recapitulation: In this segment of the chapter, the author tries to recollect some very prominent definitions which are really very important and already have been discussed in the previous classes. Some important definitions related to topics are as follows: •Cartesian Products of Sets- It is a Mathematical approach that basically returns a set from multiple sets. In simple words, it is also known as a cross-product or the product set of A and B. •Relation- Relation is a function in which every single input has only one and a single output. In relations, functions are a very special case of relations. •Domain- Basically domain is known as the domain of definition, but in some cases, domain introduces some restricted domain. A domain is the set of X values which directly give rise to the real value of Y. •Range- Range is a difference between lower and higher values. in simple words, we can say that range means all the output of values of a function. •Relation on a Set - Simply in mathematics it is a binary relationship between two sets A and B is a set of ordered pair. •The inverse of a Relation – Inverse of relation means the set of an ordered pair which is obtained by after interchanging the first and the second element of each pair in the original function. Types of Relations: In this section of the chapter basically, the author tries to describe or discuss the various kinds of relations on a given set A. in this segment author try to make the concept more easy by dividing a concept in different part so that student may easily learn the concept. Mainly Relation is divided into seven parts-: •Void Relation. •Universal Relation. •Identity Relation. •Reflexive Relation. •Symmetric Relation. •Transitive Relation. •Antisymmetric Relation. Void Relation- When no element of A is related to any element of A is set to be known as void or empty relation. Universal Relation- When each element of A is related to every element of A is set to be known as universal relation. Identity Relation- When every element of A is directly related to itself only then this term is set to be known as universal relation. Reflexive Relation- Reflexive relation is a relation when R is on a set of A. in simple words we can say that reflexive relation is a relation when every element of A is directly related to itself. Symmetric Relation- It is that kind of relation when R is on a set of A, then this relation is set to be known as symmetric relation in the terms of mathematics. Transitive Relation- It is that kind of relation when all the elements are related to each other like when A element is related to B Element is related C and C element is also directly related to A, then this is known as transitive relation. Antisymmetric Relation- Antisymmetric relation is a relation when A is on a set of A relation and R is also on a set of A relation. Some useful Results on Relations- In this section of the chapter, the author tries to tell about some useful results which are directly based on the relations in the form of theorems. Practice Questions and Exercises: The best part about R.D Sharma is that it provides large no. of questions based on each and every topic, so that student may easily clear their basics after solving those questions. They may also download the answer key or solution file from the website if they find any problem while solving the questions. Because as everyone knows the phenomena about the Mathematics that you can't learn or memorize the particular question for a long time if you really want to score good then the person should practice the questions on a daily basis. Then only they will achieve their desired goals effectively and efficiently. According to experts if the student wants to score good marks in an exam then R.D Sharma is the best option available for them in a market. This is the book which directly helps the students for achieving good grades in the examination.

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  • Chapter 2: FUNCTION

    RD Sharma solutions for class 12 Maths Chapter - Function You can now access the solutions of RD Sharma chapter Function for class 12 Maths. Functions are an important tool of math that help formulation of problems in the future. Answered by experts, this solution set offers correct solutions to all the problems in this chapter. The pdf file is ready for download.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Binary Operations RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Binary Operations solutions are available for download here in the pdf format. The replies are written in a way how they can assist students with any questions or concerns they may have. The responses are thoroughly examined, with situations that are often pertinent and understandable serving as examples.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Maths Chapter - Inverse Trigonometric Functions RD Sharma Class 12 Maths Chapter - Inverse Trigonometric Functions Pdf version of the book’s solutions is available for download here. The answers for this chapter were written by some of the best experts in the subject. To make it easy for students to reference these answers, we provide a free PDF download.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Maths Chapter - Algebra of Matrices RD Sharma Class 12 Maths chapter algebra of matrices solutions is available here. Doubtnut's best scientific professors have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and their answers as a free PDF download. You'll be able to get answers to all of your questions and lay a solid foundation with the help of this resource.

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  • Chapter 6: DETERMINANTS

    RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Determinants RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Determinants solutions are downloadable here in pdf format. One of the most effective ways to prepare for board exams is to use these answers. After careful reading of the chapters by experienced academics, these solutions are generated with the utmost care from all of the available material.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Adjoints And Inverse Of Matrix RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Adjoints And Inverse Of Matrix PDF file version of the books’ solutions can be acquired by downloading here. The solutions to each chapter are given by specialists who are well-versed in the subject. The solutions are provided in such a way that they are readily understood by all students. Now is the time to download and learn with them.

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    RD Sharma solution Chapter Simultaneous Linear Equations As students move to class 12th the pressure of board exams and several competitive examinations (e.g. JEE MAINS, JEE ADVANCED, BITSAT, etc.) becomes too much for students. A maximum of the students deals with this pressure every year, many find it difficult to cope with this pressure. NCERT is not enough for excelling in both the fields, especially in maths, as it can be excelled only with an enormous amount of practice of good questions. NCERT does not contain many questions for practice and also doesn’t provide the right amount of balance between boards and competitive examinations. It is very important to have the right book for mathematics that not only provides enormous questions but also gives various patterns of the varied difficulty levels of problems to solve in a well-structured manner. RD SHARMA has been a bible of mathematics for ages and has helped many students to excel in boards as well as in competitive examinations. RD SHARMA for class 12th provides the right balance between boards and competitive exams, which a maximum of the students fail to maintain. Problems ranging from simple concept development problems to the problems of JEE ADVANCED level, with hundreds of examples to practice from and test your understanding with unsolved exercises are covered throughout the book. The book, however, does not provide a detailed solution for all the questions. This issue is easily solved by online platforms that provide detailed solutions to have a better understanding of the problem. We at Doubtnut ensure that students are able to understand the steps and methods to the problems easily. The solution is designed in such a way that can help students to develop concepts and basics in a better way. The solution is prepared in a way that they are easy to understand, build better understanding regarding problems, and help students develop problem-solving skills. It also ensures that students are aware of what steps needed to be taken for a given pattern of questions. This way they get to revise and test their knowledge of subjects and rectify their mistakes. By practicing and getting a guide to the questions, students definitely stand a better chance of scoring well in examinations. The solutions are 100% accurate and comprehensive as per students’ needs and are given by experts. The solution to each chapter is arranged in ascending order with respect to the book. The 8th chapter of class 12th RD SHARMA Vol. 1 is Simultaneous Linear Equations. The solutions for the chapters are given stepwise representing the methods and formulas used to solve the problems. Each step is explained in a very simple language to ensure that students easily understand the basics applied in that step in the solution. Not only these solutions are a great help in scoring better in examinations but also help in completing the homework easily and understanding it better. Simultaneous Linear Equations class 12 Solution: Simultaneous Linear Equations is a very small and one of the easiest chapters, but a very important one. It is a chapter about the application of matrices. This chapter provides us with a new way and methodology of solving linear equations and also guides us on how the properties of matrices can be put to use. This is basically about solving the set of linear equations with the help of matrices and their properties. It provides a new way of solving linear equations. Also, these methods make solving linear equations easy, which can be very useful for time-saving during examinations. The solution and guides to the chapters given by online experts give a better and more detailed explanation of the topic. Solved examples and a guidebook like RD SHARMA help students to practice questions and exercise in a better way. These solutions help the students develop a better understanding of the problem-solving of the chapter Simultaneous Linear Equations and how to solve the problems related to them. The problems are given in ascending order with respect to the book. RD SHARMA provides a large number of questions to practice from and these detailed solutions give a better understanding of the problem, which helps the students to become an expert in the chapter and crack any question in the exam from the chapter, be it competitive exams or boards. Topics and sub topics of class 12 Chapter 8 RD Solutions:- One of the most beautiful elements of the RD SHARMA book and the reason that it is such a great book for mathematics is the way the book is structured. The author Dr R.D. SHARMA has done an excellent job in the structuring of the book. Each chapter in the book is exceptionally divided into topics and subtopics providing an exercise after a detailed explanation for the same for every topic. Every single topic has a large number of solved and unsolved problems and each one is given separately the difficulty level of each exercise increases with a remarkable gap as the problems included a range from basic level to high order thinking problems. The topics are divided on the basis of the kind of questions are asked, which makes the learning process much easier. These topics are further divided into smaller sub-topics which specifically helps to understand how to deal with a given type of problem which is a great help for getting a good understanding of the type of problem that can be formed from the chapter. The solutions to these exercises are made keeping in mind the pattern of the book and giving a solution to every question in a detailed manner to the exercise. The solutions of the chapter 8 Simultaneous Linear Equations’ exercise do not include any method or formula that has not been introduced in the chapter till that exercise. The various topic and sub-topics which are covered in chapter 8 RD SHARMA class 12th Vol. 1 are: SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS: The topic of the system of Equations covers the basics of classification equations Subtopics: oConsistent system oHomogeneous system oNon-homogeneous system • MATRIX METHOD FOR THE SOLUTION OF A NON HOMOGENEOUS SYSTEM: This topic provides a new method i.e. matrix method for the solving NON-HOMOGENEOUS system of Equation. This method is mainly finding the inverse of the matrix and equating representing equation AX=B (eq 1). Where A is the matrix of the coefficient of variables in the equation and B is a matrix of the constant in the equation of the same order as AX, and X is the matrix of variables. Then eq 1 is represented X=A^-1B and solve. E.g. ax+by+cz+k=0, a1x+b1y+c1+k1=0 is system of NON-HOMOGENEOUS Linear Equation. Types 1.Solving the given system of the linear equation when the coefficient if the matrix is non-singular. 2.Solving the given system of the linear equation when the coefficient if the matrix is singular. 3.Solving the given system of the linear equation when the coefficient if the matrix is obtained from some given relation. 4.On the application of simultaneous linear equation. •SOLUTION OF HOMOGENEOUS SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATION: Topic deals with the solving of HOMOGENEOUS SYSTEM linear Equation using matrix method the system of Equation is represented in form AX=0. WHERE again A is the matrix of the coefficient of variables of Equation and X is the matrix of coefficient Case 1 when |A|=0 The equation has infinite solutions k Case 2 when |A|not= 0 The system of the equation has unique solutions. E.g. ax+by+cz=0, a1x+b1y+c1z=0 is a system of HOMOGENEOUS system of Linear Equation Types 1.When the determinant of the coefficient matrix is non-singular. 2.When the determinant of the coefficient matrix is singular. Importance of RD Sharma Class 12th Math: RD SHARMA FOR CLASS XII is the best book for the students of class 12, the book helps in developing strong concepts and building solid basics. The most important element of the book is that it maintains a balance between boards and competitive examinations by providing adequate material for both and a large number of questions to practice from. Some of the important points of the book are: • IN-DEPTH EXPLANATION: RD SHARMA for the 12th class has every single topic exquisitely explained with examples and real-life applications of math's that make the subject interesting and help a student to master the subject. • PRACTICE QUESTIONS AND EXERCISE: The RD SHARMA for class 12th has a large number of questions for every difficulty level giving enough questions so that students can grasp the concept of practicing over and over again. Also, in newer editions, the problems with the level of modern-day competition are added by experts that keep the students ahead. And, it is a fact that math's can be mastered doing the rigorous practice. • FOR BOTH BOARDS AND COMPETITIVE EXAMS: Nowadays, every student is preparing for competitive exams so the book provides a good amount of questions for both boards and competitive exams which helps students to study from one book and maintain a balance between both. • AIDED WITH ONLINE SOLUTIONS: The book RD SHARMA is aided with online solutions provided by experts keeping in mind the latest syllabus and curriculum. The solution of the book is comprehended keeping students intellect in mind. The students should thoroughly prepare from RD SHARMA book for Math's. Math's is one of the major subjects that can help in achieving high scores if a student gets the concepts right and RD SHARMA book helps in building rock strong concepts.

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  • Chapter 9: CONTINUITY

    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Continuity RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Continuity solutions can be obtained here in the pdf file format as it is available for download. A team of professionals and researchers closely monitors all of the content provided in these solutions. All of the subjects have been meticulously organized by a team of seasoned experts. The data provided is correct, and you can rely on it.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Differentiability RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Differentiability solutions is available right now to download as a PDF file. These solutions are the best study materials available today when compared to other study materials. It revises the topics on a regular basis in response to changes in your syllabus. Every idea is thoroughly explored in order to assist students in learning them quickly.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Differentiation RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Differentiation solutions may be downloaded here in the PDF file format. These solutions are essential for all students, regardless of the platforms on that they get their education. Students must adhere to the board's curriculum, which is factored into every answer. Download the pdf to start studying now.

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    RD Sharma Solutions Class 12 Math's Chapter - Higher Order Derivatives RD Sharma Solutions Class 12 Math's Chapter - Higher Order Derivatives solutions are obtainable here as a download in PDF file format. Biology may appear to be easy at first glance, yet it may be difficult at times. The solutions are presented to aid students in correctly answering the issues utilizing a method and strategy that is both practical and effective.

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    Rd Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Derivatives as a Rate Measurer Rd Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Derivatives as a Rate Measurer pdf versions of the solutions for these Chapters can be obtained here. Top academics and subject matter experts wrote these responses, guaranteeing that the information supplied is correct. It helps students understand the themes and ideas that will be discussed in the final exam.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Differentials, Errors And Approximations RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Differentials, Errors And Approximations solutions can be downloaded here in the pdf file format. These solutions are critical for all students, irrespective of the platforms through which they get their education. The board's curriculum must be followed by students. This is taken into account in every solution.

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    RD Sharma solutions for class 12 Maths chapter Mean Value Theorems You will get RD Sharma solutions for class 12 Maths chapter Mean Value Theorems here. Professional educators have developed correct solutions for each of the problems mentioned at the end of this chapter. These materials serve as adequate preparation for the exam. Make the best use of resources and download the file here.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter Tangents And Normals In the previous lesson, you have gone through about the fact that the slope of a line is the tangent of the angle which this line makes with the positive direction of the x-axis. It is denoted by the letter 'm'. If θ is the angle which a line is in direction of the x-axis, then m is given by tan θ. You have also learned that the slope m of a line, passing through two points X1, Y1, and X2, Y2 is given by m= (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1). In this lesson, we shall find the equations of tangents and normal to different curves, using the knowledge of differential calculus. In the previous chapter, we have already learned about Rolle's Theorem and Mean Value Theorems and their applications. TANGENTS AND NORMALS This explains, how differentiation can be used to calculate the equations of the tangent and normal to a curve. The tangent is a straight line which touches the curve at a specified point. The normal is a straight line which is right-angle to the tangent. To calculate the equations of these lines you can use the equation of a straight line passing through the point (x1, y1) and having gradient m is given by y − y1 = m x − x1 We can also use the fact with gradients m1 and m2 respectively are perpendicular, then m1m2 = −1. 1. Introduction Suppose, a function f(x) shown in Figure 1. When we calculate the derivative, (f’) of the function at a point x = a, we are finding the gradient of the tangent to the graph of that function at that point. The given graph (Figure 1) shows that the tangent drawn at the point x = a. So, the gradient of this tangent is f′(a). The tangent is drawn at point x = a and gradient f′(a). We will use this information to calculate the equation of the tangent to a curve at a point, and then the equation of the normal to a curve at a point. Key Point f′(a) is the gradient of the tangent at x = a. 2. CALCULATING THE EQUATION OF A TANGENT Example Find the equation of the tangent to f(x) = x^3 − 3x^2 + x − 1 at the point where x = 3. When x = 3 we note that f (3) = 3^3 − 3.3^2 + 3 − 1 = 27 − 27 + 3 − 1 = 2 So, the point of intersection is at point (3, 2). To find the gradient, we need to differentiate f(x): f′(x) = 3x^2 - 6x + 1 Now, we will calculate the gradient of the curve at the point where x = 3. f′(3) = 3.3^2 − 6.3 + 1 = 27 − 18 + 1 = 10 So, the coordinates of the required point are (3, 2), and the gradient of the tangent at that point is equal to 10. Now, we will calculate the equation of the tangent at this point on the curve. The tangent must pass through the point and it must have gradient equal to 10. The tangent is a straight line and so we can equation of a straight line that passes through a point (x1, y1) and has a gradient m is given by the formula y − y1 = m x − x1 Substituting the given values (y-2)/(x-3) =10 and rearranging (y-2) =10(x-3) y-2=10x-30 y=10x-30 this is the equation of the tangent to the curve at (3,2). Key Point The equation of a straight line that passes through a point (x1, y1) and has slope m is given by (y-y1)/(x-x1)=m The equation of a normal to a curve In mathematics, the word ‘normal’ has a very precise meaning. It means ‘perpendicular’ or ‘at right angles’. Tangent normal If we get a curve, we can choose a point and draw in the tangent to the curve at that point. The normal is then at right angles to the curve so it is also at right angles to the tangent. We now find the equation of the normal to a curve. There is another thing that we need in order to do this. If two lines, having gradients m1 and m2 respectively, are at right angles to each other than the product of their gradients, m1m2, must equal −1. Key Point If two lines, having gradients m1 and m2 are at right angles then m1m2 = −1 Rolle’s Theorem Suppose f(x)f(x) is a function that satisfies all the following. 1. f(x)f(x) is continuous on the closed interval [a,b]. 2. f(x)f(x) is differentiable on the open interval (a,b). 3. f(a)=f(b)f(a)=f(b) Then there is a number c such that a 0, Hence, Where the limit exists by assumption, it may be minus infinity. f ′ ( c + ) := lim h → 0 + f ( c + h ) − f ( c ) h ≤ 0 , {\displaystyle f'(c^{+}):=\lim _{h\to 0^{+}}{\frac {f(c+h)-f(c)}{h}}\leq 0,} Similarly, for every h < 0, the inequality changes because the denominator is negative here, so we get f ( c + h ) − f ( c ) h ≥ 0 , {\displaystyle {\frac {f(c+h)-f(c)}{h}}\geq 0,} Hence, f ′ ( c − ) := lim h → 0 − f ( c + h ) − f ( c ) h ≥ 0 , {\displaystyle f'(c^{-}):=\lim _{h\to 0^{-}}{\frac {f(c+h)-f(c)}{h}}\geq 0,} Where the limit might be plus infinity. Finally, when the above right- and left-hand limits agree (when f is differentiable), then the derivative of f at c must be zero. SIGNIFICANCE OF RD SHARMA CLASS 12TH MATH 1. RD Sharma books are conspicuously known for the efficient topic smart course and various amounts of preparing to tend to that are slippery in some other practice book. 2. Normally the finding applicants like to practice through this book because it has a ton of request to grasp that empower them to show signs of improvement for last CBSE similarly as other-centered tests. 3. When it comes to science, favorable remedies and practice is a must. Notwithstanding how insightful you are or, how incredible you are with estimations without clarifying different sorts of request, all your undertakings are waste. Thusly, it's more brilliant to go with RD Sharma help guides which have distinctive edge numerical giving you an idea of certified math’s and its complexities. 4. RD Sharma twelfth class math’s books have various preparing questions and exercises to clarify. 5. Conceptualized and accumulated by guidance zone masters, these books are composed by the present test plans. The new form of the book contains all the continuous changes and are twofold checked by experienced educators. 6. As the book involves both, comprehended and unsolved request, the candidates can find the game plans of such practice rehearses online as well. Basically, RD Sharma books are amassed agreeably and upheld with online courses of action.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter - Increasing And Decreasing Functions RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter - Increasing And Decreasing Functions solutions are downloadable in PDF format from doubtnut. Mathematics will be more difficult than it has ever been in 12th grade, therefore mastering it will never be a stroll in the park. But at the other hand, using these solutions will make overall study material much simpler.

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  • Chapter 18: MAXIMA AND MINIMA

    RD Sharma Solutions For Math's Class 12 Chapter Maxima And Minima You will discover the RD Sharma Solutions For Math's Class 12 Chapter Maxima And Minima here. This solution organizes the chapter by providing a meaningful summary that highlights many of the questions and answers associated with that chapter. All questions were answered by subject matter experts and each answer was cross-checked for accuracy. What’s more, the pdf is downloadable for free!

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter - Indefinite Integrals RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter - Indefinite Integrals solutions can be obtained here ass downloads of pdf files. Many arithmetic problems are difficult to solve on the first try, and pupils may not be able to solve them even after several attempts. That's where these solutions come in handy, as they provide the answers to all of the chapter's problems.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Definite Integrals RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Definite Integrals solutions are available for download in the pdf file format here at doubtnut. For students to increase their conceptual grasp, these answers in the solutions are a reliable source. As noted in these comments, regularly practicing and revising study material can help students develop the positive mindset required to take a variety of tests with confidence.

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    RD Sharma Solutions For Class 12 Chapter Application of Integrals RD Sharma offer the solutions for Class 12 Chapter Application of Integrals of subject Math's here. It will benefit the students to identify where they go wrong in their solutions, iron out common mistake areas and further make your preparation even stronger. Download the free pdf now and score higher marks.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Differential Equation RD Sharma For Class 12 Maths Chapter - Differential Equation PDF version of the solutions can be downloaded here. Students will be concerned about the materials they utilize during the test preparation process. In the time allotted in class, students will almost likely be unable to determine the proper solution and approach for a few issues. As a consequence, solutions are extremely valuable.

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  • Chapter 23: ALGEBRA OF VECTORS

    RD Sharma Class 12 Maths Chapter - Algebra of Vectors The solutions to RD Sharma class 12 maths chapter algebra of vectors can be accessed here. You can find step-by-step with chapter-wise questions and answers. You will find all the solutions to their problems here by downloading the free PDF.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 24 Scalar Or Dot Product As much as the facts demonstrate that nobody can change these actualities about NCERT books, the most extreme need of a master's assistance guide is having point by point clarifications and easy to begin with notes that most of the candidates can't deny. You should think which the most preferred assistance control is that the candidate reveres the most, at that point the appropriate response is RD Sharma help books. Prescribed by most of the accomplished educators and instructive specialists, RD Sharma Class 12 math's book is exactly a gift for a student who needs to venture in front of fixed NCERT recipes and need to gain proficiency with all the dubious ideas of antagonistic and opposite of a network. The RD Sharma book, in fact, has a tremendous number of inquiries and precedents that improves the demeanor of a candidate and makes him ready to take care of complex issues in a moment of time. Every section of Class 12 math's is clarified altogether with bunches of settled and unsolved inquiries to rehearse from. Since as indicated by experienced educators and chamber of CBSE board, the vast majority of the inquiries comes straightforwardly from the activities given in the NCERT books. What's more, that is the reason it is critical to have definite answers with well-ordered arrangements. Keep in mind, each progression includes in the CBSE board tests and even a scarcest of error can cost you the derivation of imprints. Thus, pick admirably and get your RD Sharma book today. Scalar (Or Dot Product) Of Two Vectors The scalar product of two nonzero vectors a and b is denoted by (a . b ). It is defined as: a . b = | a | | b | cos θ Where θ = angle between a and b , | a | = magnitude of a and | b | = magnitude of b. Derivation with The Help Of Example Consider a log of wood and if a Force F is applied to it, the log of wood moves. From the figure, we can see that the θ is the angle between displacement and force. Force can be written into two components i.e. F cos θ and F sin θ. Work done = (Fx Displacement + Fy Displacement) Where FX = Force in x direction and FY = Force in y direction. Work done = F cos θD-> + F sin θ Where D = displacement in x direction and displacement in y direction is 0. Therefore, Work done = F cos θ D-> => W = |F | | D | cos θ Observations (a . b ) is a real number. Suppose, a and b be two nonzero vectors, then (a . b ) =0 if and only if a and b are perpendicular to each other i.e. (a . b ) =0 ó a ⊥ b . (θ =90 then cos 90 =0 therefore a . b =0). If θ =0, then (a . b ) = Ia I I b | Angle Between Vectors Scalar (Or Dot Product) To Prove: - cos θ = (a . b )/(I a I I b I) Or θ = cos -1(a . b )/(I a I I b I). Consider (a . b ) = Ia I I b I cos θ (equation 1) Dividing both the sides of equation (1) by (I a I I b I) we get, cos θ = (a . b ) / (Ia I I b I) or θ = cos -1(a . b )/ (|a ||b |). Properties of Scalar Product Let a and b be any two vectors and λ be any scalar. Then (λa ). b = λ (a . b ) = a (λ. b ) Derivation of Scalar Product To derive: - (a . b ) = (a1 b1) +( a2 b2) + (a3 b3) Consider 2 vectors such that a = a1 î +a2 +a3 k and b = b1 î +b2 +b3 k. (a . b ) = (a1î +a2 +a3 k). (b1 î +b2 +b3 k) =(a1. b1) (î. Î) + (a1. b2) (î. ) + (a b3) (î. k) + (a2. b1) (. Î) + (a2. b2) (. ) + (a b3) (. k) + (a3. b1) (k. Î) + (a3. b2) (k. ) + (a b3) (k. k) equation (1) Using (î. î = . = k. k =1) and (î. = . k = k. î =0) equation(1) becomes Therefore (a . b ) = (a1 b1) + (a2 b2) + (a3 b3). Hence proved. Projection of A Vector on A Line Let a vector AB makes an angle θ with a given directed line l. Then the projection of AB on l is a vector p (say) with magnitude | AB| cosθ, and the direction of p being the same (or opposite) to that of the line l, depending upon whether cos θ is positive or negative. The vector p is called the projection vector and its magnitude I p I is called as the projection of the vector AB on line l. VECTOR (CROSS) PRODUCT The vector product of two nonzero vectors a and b is denoted by a × b. Vector product is given as: (a× b) =| a || b | sin θ nˆ Where n ˆ = unit vector perpendicular to both a-> and b->. The value of n ˆ is given by the right-hand thumb rule Consider a wooden stick, which is fixed in the wall with the help of a nail. If we apply force as shown in the figure the stick will topple. Torque produced = F x r θ = angle between the r and the force The components of force, in this case, will be F cos θ (vertical) and F sin θ (horizontal). This concludes as F cos θ and r are both in same directions so Fcos θ won’t produce any effect. Hence Torque =| F || r | sin θ. Conclusion Cross product of any two vectors is always a vector. The direction is perpendicular to both inputs (F and r). Significance of Rd Sharma Mathematics Book for Class 12 1. The RD Sharma book for Class 12 help candidates to catch up on their ideas directly from the base and to comprehend the topic of the subjects. 2. As we all know that maths is a practical subject that needs practice. It is a subject that requires opportune learning of formulas and rehearsing the inquiries as much as a candidate gauge permit. 3. RD Sharma mathematics books for Class 12 have different practice questions and activities to comprehend the principle idea of inquiry and the way to settle it. 4. Abstracted and gathered by training specialists, these books are organized according to the present test designs. The new release of the book contains all the ongoing changes and are checked twofold by experienced instructors. 5. As the RD Sharma book comprises of both, illuminated and unsolved questions. The students are having the advantage of practicing the exercises with help of online solutions provided by Doubtnut website.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 25 Vector Or Cross Product The RD Sharma books are efficiently known for its correct arrangement and straightforward language that help to fabricate ideas and provide convincing tips to the students. Additional exercises further help applicants to practice more and appreciate it. Certainly, Math's is a subject that requires advantageous amendments and extra undertakings; if a competitor routinely considers RD Sharma and practices most of the problems given in the book then verifiably, he/she can clear any competitive exam. RD Sharma Math's book for Class 12 contains both, understood problems and unsolved exercises. Applicants who practice these exercises regularly and solve the problems given in the book have more chances to clear the tests than the people who don't. If students face any issues while resolving the preparation questions, they can take help from various online exercises and instructional activities as well. A portion of the specialists who are very experienced in the instructive field says that it is progressively significant for candidates to have a clear base and hands-on training, which by and large set them up for CBSE board tests as well as to break any focused tests. A student might feel unpredictability in illuminating a few problems, as the recipes given in NCERT Solutions are restricted. Yet, with regards to maths, the prospectus and ideas are wide. Just a book with persistent refreshing and assortment of ideas can assist a candidate with learning past. The RD Sharma general help guide is arranged in a way that it provides progressively hypothetical activities and practice questions to students. Hopefully, if an applicant practice often by this book then he/she has secured his/her goals and their efforts can't get wasted. Cross Product Definition The cross product of two vectors a and b is defined only in three-dimensional space and symbolizes by a × b. In physics, sometimes the notation a ∧ b is used. However, this is avoided in mathematics to evade confusion with the exterior product. The cross product a × b is defined as a vector c that is perpendicular to both vector a and vector b, with a direction given by the right-hand thumb rule and magnitude is equal to the area of the parallelogram that the vectors span. The cross product is defined by the formula where θ is the angle between a and b in the plane containing them (hence, it is between 0° and 180°), a and b are the magnitudes of vectors a and b, and n is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing a and b in the direction given by the right-hand rule (illustrated). If the vectors a and b are parallel that is the angle θ between them is either 0° or 180° by the above formula, the cross product of a and b is the zero vector 0. Names In 1881, Josiah Willard Gibbs, and independently Oliver Heaviside, proposed the dot product and the cross product using a period (a . b) and an "x" (a x b), respectively, to denote them. In 1877, to highlight the fact that the result of a dot product is a scalar while the result of a cross product is a vector, William Clifford gave other names, i.e. scalar product and vector product for the two operations. These alternative names are still widely used in literature and science & technology. Both the cross notation (a × b) and the name cross product were possibly inspired by the fact that every scalar component of a × b is calculated by multiplying non-corresponding components of a and b. On the other hand, a dot product a · b involves multiplications between corresponding components of a and b. As explained below, the cross product can be articulated in the form of a determinant of a special 3×3 matrix. This includes multiplications between matrix elements identified by crossed diagonals Computing the Cross Product Coordinate Notation The standard basis vectors i, j, and k gratify the following equalities: which imply, by the anti-commutativity of the cross product, that The definition of the cross product also suggests that These equalities, together with the distributivity and linearity of the cross product are enough to determine the cross product of any two vectors u and v. Each vector can be termed as the sum of three orthogonal components parallel to the standard basis vectors: Their cross-product u × v can be expanded using distributivity law: This can be interpreted as the breakdown of u × v into the sum of nine simpler cross products involving vectors aligned with i, j, or k. Each one of these nine cross products functions on two vectors that are easy to handle, as they are either parallel or orthogonal to each other. From this breakdown, by using the aforementioned equalities and collecting similar terms, we obtain: Meaning that the three scalar components of the resulting vector s = s1i + s2j + s3k = u × v are Using column vectors, we can represent the same result as follows: Matrix notation The cross product can also be expressed in the form of determinant: This determinant can be expressed using Sarrus rule or Cofactor expansion. By using Sarrus rule, it expands to By using cofactor expansion along the first row instead, it expands to which gives directly the components of the resulting vector. Properties Geometric Meaning Area of triangle The magnitude of the product u × v is the area of the parallelogram spanned by u and v when placed tail-to-tail. Hence, we can use the vector product to calculate the area of a triangle formed by three points A, B, and C in space. The magnitude of the cross product can be described as the positive area of the parallelogram having a and b as sides Indeed, one can also calculate the volume V of a parallelepiped having a, b and c as sides by using a combination of a cross product and a dot product, called scalar triple product. Since the result of the scalar triple product may be negative, the volume of the parallelepiped is written as the absolute value. V=a.(b x c) Because the magnitude of the cross product goes by the sine of the angle between its sides, the cross product can be studied as a measure of ‘perpendicularity’ in the same way that the dot product is a measure of ‘parallelism’. Given two unit vectors, their cross product has a magnitude of one if the two are perpendicular and magnitude of zero if the two are parallel. The reverse is true for the dot product of two-unit vectors. Differentiation The product rule applies to the cross product in the same manner: This identity can be proved by using the matrix multiplication representation. Alternative Formulation The cross product and the dot product are related to each other by: The right-hand side is called the gram determinant a and b, the square of the area of the parallelogram defined by the vectors. This condition is helpful in determining the magnitude of the cross product. Namely, since the dot product is defined, in terms of the angle θ between the two vectors, as: The above-given relationship can be rewritten as follows: Invoking the Pythagorean trigonometric identity one obtains: Which is the magnitude of the cross product indicated in the terms of θ, equal to the area of the parallelogram defined by a and b. The combination of this above requirement and the property that the cross product be orthogonal to its constituents a and b provides an alternative definition of the cross product. Lagrange's Identity The relation: can be compared with another relation including the right-hand side, namely Lagrange's identity expressed as: where a and b may be n-dimensional vectors. In the case n=3, combining these two equations results in the expression for the magnitude of the cross product in terms of its components: By using the components of the cross-product, the result is: R3 Lagrange's equation is a special case of the multiplicativity |vw| = |v||w| in the quaternion algebra. It is a special case of another formula, also sometimes called Lagrange's identity, which is the three-dimensional case of the Binet-Cauchy identity: If a = c and b = d this simplifies to the formula above. Significance of Rd Sharma Mathematics Book For Class 12 1. The Mathematics book of RD Sharma book for Class 12 gives a genuine comprehension of each subject that help candidates to investigate their thoughts straightforwardly from the base. 2. Most of the students suggest that the RD Sharma book empowers them to appreciate basic thoughts rather than comprehending the formula-based questions. 3. We all understand that maths isn't composing that can be learned. Instead, it is a subject that requires favorable learning of plans and practicing the request as much as a candidate bore grants. 4. RD Sharma Maths books for Class 12 have distinctive practice questions for rigorous practice. 5. Conceptualized and requested by guidance masters, these books are composed by the present test plans. The new edition of the book contains all the progressing changes and are checked twofold by experienced teachers. 6. As the book includes both, lit up and unsolved request, the students can find the courses of action of such practice exercises online as well.

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    R.D Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 26 Scalar Triple Product Class 12 board examination is one of the important exams in a student’s academic life. The result of class 12 board exams not only help students in getting admissions in the best colleges, but also play a vital role during the job interviews. Every year, lakhs of students appear for board examinations. Many students feel pressurized because of such high importance of the particular exam in one's life and due to the high expectations of one’s parents to score well in exams. So, one should follow a strategic approach from the starting of the academic year for the particular exams by studying from a comprehensive book. Many students in this class make a big mistake of buying a number of books on the same subject for both competitive and board exams. One should find a book that provides material for both IIT JEE and board exams instead of buying tons of book for the same. The aim should not be to solve maximum books but to solve a single book as many times as possible to master the subject. Now the NCERT books provided for each subject have their importance, but they help students only to a limited extent. NCERT for other subjects can still be beneficial, but for mathematics, it doesn’t even stand a chance as Math is all about practice and only a handful of problems are given in NCERT. Students should prefer the book which provides detailed and well-versed theories with the syllabus of both CBSE board and JEE exams in an easy to understand language. The book should provide hundreds of questions on the concepts in the chapter for practice to students. It becomes very important to have a reference book for mathematics if one wants to score high marks and rank better at boards and competitive exams respectively as NCERT for Math just fails to fulfil its purpose. R.D. Sharma Book Of Mathematics For Class 12 has been a bible for CBSE students giving boards and IIT JEE every year. The book has been most popular among CBSE students, as it has helped countless students achieve desired marks and ranks in Boards and Competitive exams. The book is a complete package as it provides in-depth and comprehensive explanations for the concepts and a huge question bank is provided after the explanation of the same illustrated with real-life examples, graphs, and charts. The book provides quality material for competitive examinations, keeping in mind that almost all the students nowadays prepare for IIT JEE during their board exams. The RD Sharma book helps students to maintain a balance between their boards and competitive examinations. The book of R.D. SHARMA contains unsolved problems, so that a student can practice them and attain a clear understanding of the particular mathematical concept. Therefore, to find the solutions of those unsolved questions mentioned the RD Sharma book, the student extensively searches various sites and other textbooks. The particular issue is very easily sorted out by that is dedicated to provide quality solutions for the RD Sharma book. We at Doubtnut believe that every single student in this world deserve a quality education so the solutions provided are 100% free of cost to every student. Solutions are prepared with an approach that they are easy to comprehend and can be followed by the students with different pace of learning. Each step and method used in the solutions are given in well-structured format so that students can learn from them without any confusion. The RD Sharma Class 12 solutions are a boon to every student be it weak or strong in math's. Mathematicians and subject matter experts of IIT cadre have curated those solutions and it has been made sure that every solution is 100% accurate. The solutions are provided in a step-wise manner, so that a student can understand the particular solution effortlessly. No formula or method has been included in the given solutions that have not been introduced to this chapter. The 26th chapter of R.D. Sharma For Class 12 is Scalar Triple Product. The solutions given are well structured and every step and method is well highlighted. Students can follow these solutions to complete their daily homework and to prepare for examinations as well. Solutions to the Chapter of Scalar Triple Product The chapter of ‘Scalar Triple Product’ is a concept under the unit of vectors. It is one of the smallest and easy to score chapters. In the given chapter, students will be introduced to the concept of the triple product, its geometrical interpretation, and its various properties. • SCALAR TRIPLE PRODUCT: Let be three vectors. Then the scalar is called the scalar triple product of and is denoted by . Thus, we have The given solutions will help students to learn easy methods and tricks to solve questions swiftly. Learning concepts in the particular manner help students achieve higher grades and a better understanding of mathematical concepts in general. Students should look for these solutions and try to evaluate their loopholes in concepts and mistakes made during solving a problem and rectify them. In this way, students can master each and every topic under the particular chapter of mathematics. The only way to get better at mathematics is by doing the practice. Students should start their preparation for the examinations from the starting of the academic year. It is advised that students should look for the solutions only when he or she has attempted the problem at least twice on their own and are not able to come up with the right solutions. They should go through the given theory of the concepts and then solve the given solved questions and MCQs on the same. Introduction to Topics and Subtopics in Chapter 26 Scalar Triple Product Each chapter of the RD Sharma book is divided into various topics and these topics are further divided into subtopics on the basis of concepts and their applications. Each topic and subtopic are explained in depth with the required mathematical tools, such as real-life examples, graphs, diagrams, proofs, etc. Every theorem regarding the topic is proved and stated in easy mathematical terms for students to learn with no difficulty. Appropriate graphs and diagrams are used and well-illustrated to make the learning process fun and easy. Some of the topics and subtopics in the chapter 26 of class 12 are as follows: Scalar Triple Product Let be three vectors. Then the scalar is called the scalar triple product of and is denoted by . Thus, we have abc= • Geometrical interpretation of scalar triple product: Let be three vectors. Consider a parallelopiped having coterminous edges OA, OB, and OC such that . Then, is a vector perpendicular to the plane of and The scalar triple product represents the volume of the parallelopiped whose coterminous edges are . Properties of Scalar Triple Product • Property 1: If are cyclically permuted the value of scalar triple product remains the same. Or, • Property 2: The change of cyclic order of vectors in scalar triple product changes the sign of the scalar triple product but not the magnitude. • Property 3: In scalar triple product the positions of dot and cross can be interchanged provided that the cyclic order of vectors remains the same. • Property 4: The scalar triple product of three vectors is zero if any two of them are equal. • Property 5: For any three vectors , and scalar λ, we have • Property 6: (Distribution of vector product over vector addition). For any three vectors we have • Property 7: For any three vectors and any three scalars l, m, n. • Property 8: The scalar triple product of three vectors is zero if any two of them are parallel or collinear. • Property 9: If are four vectors, then • Property 10: Necessary and sufficient condition for three non-zero, non-collinear vectors to be coplanar is that i.e. are coplanar ó • Property 11: ( Scalar triple product in terms of components) Let Then • Property 12: are three non-coplanar vectors and are three vectors such that Significance of R.D Sharma Mathematics Book for Class 12 Some of the salient features of the RD Sharma book are: • The book provides a detailed theory illustrated with proper mathematical tools. • Brief summary consisting of concepts and formulae are provided at the end of every chapter. • Questions from previous years and NCERT exemplar are also given.

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Direction Cosines And Direction Ratios RD Sharma solutions For Chapter Direction Cosines And Direction Ratios of Class 12 Math's can be downloaded from here. The free pdf ensures that all essential topics are covered, along with the solutions. Every question has been meticulously solved to ensure that students can get their doubts cleared. Download it now!

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter 28 Straight Line in Space As students move to class 12th, many students feel burdened by the huge syllabus of class 12 and due to the expectation of their parents from them to score high percentage in the board examinations. Many students these days prepare for IIT-JEE along with their class 12, which doubles the burden, and students are not able to cope up with this hectic situation. A mistake that most of the students do is refer to a number of books for a single subject which is a wrong strategy to prepare for board examinations along with JEE or other competitive exams. The right approach to handling so much of the syllabus for the preparation of boards and JEE is to refer to a single book that gives material for both exams. The aim should not be to study from several books but to study a single good book several times and master it. Now there are many books out there available to choose from and NCERT is the one book provided by CBSE. The NCERT books do help to an extent, but it fails to give enough material, be it theory or problems to study from. So, one should look for the book, which not only provides a detailed and in-depth explanation of the concepts in an easy to understand manner but also gives problems range from basic to JEE level. NCERT for physics and chemistry are still useful in many ways, but for math's, NCERT doesn’t even stand a chance when preparing for boards and JEE. Math's is all about practice so it becomes mandatory for students to have a reference book for math's to solve a variety of questions. R.D. Sharma is one such book that has been a bible of mathematics for students preparing for both boards and competitive exams for decades now. R.D Sharma for Class 12 is the standout reference book for math's and is the most popular book among students of CBSE. The book has stood against the test of time and helped thousands of students over the years to achieve high scores in mathematics and better ranks in exams. In this new age of competition, the book has been explicitly written keeping in mind the requirement of study material for both boards and JEE exams. The book helps students to maintain a balance between competition and board examinations which most of the students fail to have due to wrong studying strategies. The book gives an in-depth and easy to understand theories of concepts illustrated with examples followed a variety of problems on the same so that students can prepare the topic completely without delay. The book, however, fails to give a detailed solution to every problem in the book. For this issue, online platforms come in handy that provide quality and easy to understand solutions for the book of R.D. Sharma. We at Doubtnut solution keep in mind that the solutions given are easy to comprehend and followed by all the students. Each step and method used in the solutions are given in a well-structured format so that students can learn from them without any confusion. Solutions are prepared in a way that every student be it weak or strong in the subject can be benefited from them. These solutions are prepared by pioneers in the field of mathematics and are 100% accurate. The solutions help students complete their daily homework and prepare for examinations. The chapter 28th of R.D. Sharma for Class 12 is Straight Line in Space. It is made sure that no step or method is used that has not been introduced to students until the given chapter. Steps and methods provided in the solutions are well highlighted so that students can easily comprehend them. Solutions to the Chapter of Straight Line in Space The topic of the straight line has also been taught in a lower class but in 12thclass an effort to present the equations of the straight lines in vector and Cartesian form under certain conditions for straight lines in space. In the chapter, an effort to present equations in vector and Cartesian form for the conditions is made, when 1. Coordinates of one point on the straight line and its directions are given. 2. Coordinates of two points on it are given. The solutions given will help students to enhance their mathematical skills and help them to come up with their own methods for solving problems. Students can learn shortcuts and easy alternative methods for solving problems that will help them save time during the examination. The solutions develop an ability to approach every question in an algorithmic manner among students. Students can also look up to the solutions to evaluate their mistakes and rectify them to build stronger concepts in the given topic. This will ensure that no wrong concepts have been left with the student at the end of the chapter. The only formula to get better at math's and obtain high scores is a regular practice. One should put an effort of one hour in solving problems from the book of R.D. Sharma from the starting of the academic year and be persistent throughout the year. One should first read the theory on the concepts and then solve the question following it to get a better understanding of the topic. Studying from R.D. Sharma along with the online solution to the book students will secure higher grades in their exams. Topics and Subtopics of Chapter 28 The book by Dr. R.D. Sharma for Class 12th is beautifully formatted and structured throughout. Every chapter is divided into smaller topics and subtopics, which make it easier for students to learn from the book. Every topic and subtopic is explained in detailed and in an easy to understand manner, which is illustrated with examples, charts, graphs, and diagrams. Every topic is followed by solved problems for students to practice the concept from and these problems provided are in a variety ranging from basic to JEE level arranged in ascending order of their difficulty level. The problems provided touch every aspect on which questions can be framed inboard or competitive exams. The way the book is structured and written makes it very easy for students to learn mathematics for this book and develop concepts that remain with them for a longer period of time. Some of the topics and subtopics in which chapter 29 is divided are as follows: Vectors and Cartesian Equations of a line Vector equation The equation in terms of vectors of a straight line which passes through a fixed point with position vector a and parallel to a given vector is given by such that, r= a + λb, Where λ is scalar. Cartesian equations The Cartesian equations of a straight line passing through a fixed point (x1 , y1 , z1) and having direction ratios proportional to a, b and c is given by x – x1 = y – y1 = z – z1 a b c Vectors equations of a line passing through two points The vector equation of a line passing through two points with position vectors and bis, r= a + λ (b- a). The Cartesian equation of a line passion through two points The Cartesian equation of a line passing through two given points ( x1, y1, z1) and (x2 , y2 , z2) is given as, x – x1 = y – y1 = z – z1 x2 - x1 y2 – y1 z2 – z1 Reduction of the Cartesian form of line to vector form and vice-versa The topic gives the methods for converting the Cartesian equation of line to vector form and vice-versa. Angles Between two Lines Vector form Let there be two lines with an angle θ between them and the vector equation of these two lines be r= a1 + λb1andr= a2 +µb2. As one can see these two lines are parallel to b1andb2. Therefore the angle between these two lines is equal to the angle between b1andb2I.e. θ. So the angle between two lines is given by, cos θ = b1.b2 |b1||b2| Cartesian form The angle between two lines in a Cartesian form can be written as, Cosθ = a1a2 + b1b2 + c1c2 _ Sqrt(a12 + b12 + c12) Sqrt(a22 + b22 + c22) Intersections of two lines The given topic lays down the algorithm to find if the given lines intersect or not and in case the lines intersect, how to find their point of intersection. Perpendicular Distance of a Line from a Point (Cartesian form) Let P(s, t, v)be the given point and x – x1 = y – y1 = z – z1be a given line. Let L(x1 + aλ, y1 + bλ, z1 + cλ) be the abc drawn from point P on the given line. Now,λ = - (a(s – x1) + b(t – y1) + c(u – z1)) a2+ b2 + c2 Putting this value of lambda in (x1 + aλ, y1 + bλ, z1 + cλ) will obtain the coordinates of foot of perpendicular then one can find the distance using the distance formula. (Vector form) : Let P( s)be a point and r= a + λbbe the vector equation of line. Let L be the foot of perpendicular drawn from the point to the given line and PL=a-s+λbbe the vector perpendicular to the given line joining P and L. Here, λ = - (a-s).b |b|2 Put this value of λ in a + λbandPL=a-s+λb, the magnitude of PL will give the length of the perpendicular. Shortest Distance Between two Lines Some terms under the topic are: Skew lines The lines which are neither parallel nor they are in the same plane and also do not intersect each other are known are skew lines. Line of shortest distance The line of shortest is the only perpendicular line that exists between two skew lines. Shortest distance The shortest distance between two skew lines is the distance between two points where the line of shortest distance intersects the two line. Shortest Distance Between two Skew Lines Vector form let l1 and l2be two skew lines having equation in vector form as l1: r= a1 + λb1and l2 : r= a2 + µb2. Then SD=(b1 × b2).(a2 -a1) |b1 × b2| The magnitude of SD gives the shortest distance between the two skew lines in vector form. Cartesian Product Let two lines in the Cartesian form be x – x1 = y – y1 = z – z1 and x – x2 = y – y2 = z – z2 l1m1n1 l2m2n2 Then the formula of the shortest distance between two skew lines is as Sqrt( (m1n2 – m2n1)2 + (n1l2 – l1n2)2 +(l1m2–l2m1)2) Shortest Distance Between two Parallel Lines let l1 and l2be two skew lines having an equation in vector form as l1 : r= a1 + λband l2 : r= a2 + µb. Then the formula for the shortest distance ‘d’ between two lines is d = | (a2–a1) × b | |b| Importance of R.D. Sharma Book for Class 12 Some of the features of the book of R.D. Sharma For Class 12th are: • Remarkably illustrated with examples. • Updated every year to provide the latest guidelines by CBSE. • A huge question bank with quality questions. • Short Summary of concepts and for formulas for revision.

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  • Chapter 29: THE PLANE

    RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter 29 The Plane Class 12th is one of the most challenging classes in the academic life of a student. Marks obtained in board examinations are referred to at every point of professional life during the admissions in college, job interviews, etc. Class 12 doesn’t only require knowledge of the subject, but also skills like time management and handling the pressure which is useful for a lifetime. One should take class 12th seriously and work towards achieving a high score in exams from the beginning of the academic year from the right book. Most of the students are not able to choose the correct book to study from and struggle the whole year and mess the board exams. One should choose a bookkeeping in mind that it should provide a detailed and in-depth explanation of the theory of the concepts in an easy to understand manner followed by a good question bank on the same. NCERT provided books does help to an extent, but the theory provided is not up to the mark and only a handful of questions are given for practice. For chemistry and physics, it can be useful, but for math, the book of NCERT doesn’t even stand a chance. It becomes very important to have a good reference book for mathematics. The book of R.D. SHARMA is one of the most popular books among CBSE students and has helped thousands of students over the years to excel in exams. R.D Sharma for Class 12 is the standout reference book for maths. In this new age of competition, the book has been explicitly written keeping in mind the latest trends in CBSE board examinations. The book helps students to prepare for board examinations in a most planned manner which most of the students fail to have due to wrong studying strategies. The book gives in-depth knowledge and it is easy to understand the theory of concepts as those are illustrated with examples followed by a variety of problems on the same so that students can prepare the topic completely then and there. However, the book fails to provide detailed solutions for problems in the book. This issue is easily resolved by online platforms that provide quality solutions for every problem. We at Doubtnut makes sure that every solution of being easy to comprehend and follow. Every solution is framed so that each and every student can be benefited from them and get better at maths. The solutions are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate. These solutions will help students in completing their homework and also in preparation for the exams. The 29th chapter of R.D. Sharma for the 12th class is The Plane. It is made sure that no step or method is implemented which have not been introduced to the students to this chapter. The solutions given are well structured and every step and method is well highlighted. Solution for Chapter 30: The Plane The chapter of planes is one of the biggest but easy to understand and important chapters of class 12th. The chapter gives detailed insights on the topic of planes students can easily grasp everything from the book as everything is written with real-life examples with planes. The chapter gives various relationships related to planes and properties with detailed. The general equation of a plane in vector form is: r.n^=d Or, in Cartesian form as ax + by + cz + d = 0 The solutions are given by the experts and it is made sure that every student can follow them easily without any confusions. The solutions will help the students to come up with their own methods and steps to solve the problems related to the chapter. The solutions given are arranged in ascending order with respect to the book. RD SHARMA provides a huge question bank so following these solutions will help students to know their strength and weaknesses in the chapter and make them an expert. After following these solutions, students can easily understand the methods and steps to use for solving the questions from the chapter and get an idea of how and where to use the formulas of the chapter and how to relate them to other problems. Topics and subtopics in chapter 29 Every chapter in R.D. Sharma Book for Class 12 is divided beautifully into topics and subtopics Each topic and subtopic is beautifully explained in detail, giving easy to understand examples of mathematical tools as used to make the learning process more interactive for students. After the detailed explanation of concepts, it provides a huge question bank on the same that students can practice the problems just after reading the theory and learn the topic completely immediately. The problems given in each chapter as per the questions are arranged in order of their difficulty level. An unsolved exercise is present at the end of each chapter for revision of the concept. Some of the topics and subtopics into which chapter 29 is divided are as follows: Some of the topics and subtopics into which chapter 29 is divided are as follows: A Plane The topic of plane tries to explain how a plane can be defined. Definition: A plane is a surface such that if two points are taken on it, the line segment joining them lies completely on the surface. Also, every first degree written in x, y, and z represents a plane for example ax + by + cz + d = 0 is a general equation of a plane. Equations Of A Plane Passing Through A Given Point The general equation of a plane passing through a point (x1, y1, z1) is a(x – x1) + b(y – y1) + c(z – z1) = 0, where a, b and c are constants. Equations Of A Plane Passing Through Three Points Vector form Let P, Q, and R be the three points present in the plane with position vectors a,b and c. Then vectors PQ and PR are in the plane. The normal to the plane I.e.n= PQ × PR. Then the equation if the plane is given by: (R-A)N =0 Or, r-a. (PQ × PR)=0 Cartesian form Equation of a plane passing through three given points (x1, y1, z1),(x2, y2, z2) and (x3,y3, z3) is | x – x1 y – y1 z – z1 | | x2 – x1 y2– y1 z1 – z1 | = 0 | x3 – x1 y3 – y1 z3 – z1 | Intercept form of a Plane The equation of a plane intercepting lengths a, b and c with the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively is given by x + y + z = 1 a b c The equation is known as the intercept form of the plane. Vector Equation Of A Plane Passing Through A Given Point And Normal To A Given Vector Vector equation The vector equation of a plane passing through a point having position vector aand normal to vector is (r-a).n= 0 or r.n=a. n Cartesian form The Cartesian equation of the plane is given by (x – a1)n1 + (y – a2)n2 + (z – a3)n3 = 0 Where (a1, a2, a3) is the point through which the plane passes and n1, n2 and n3 are proportional to the direction of the vector n normal to the plane. Equation Of The Plain In Normal Form Vector form The vector equation of a plane normal to unit vector n^ and at a distance d form the origin is r.n^= d Cartesian form If l, m, n are direction cosines of the line normal to the plane which is at the distance p from the origin, then the equations are given as, lx + my + nz = p Angle Between Two Planes Basically angle between two points planes is defined as an angle between their normals. Vector form Angle between two planes r.n1→= d1 and r.n2→= d2 is given by, Cosθ = n1→.n2→ / |n1→| |n2→| Cartesian form The angle two planes are given in Cartesian form as Cos θ = a1a2 + b1b2 + c1c2 Sqrt(a1^2+ b1^2+ c1^2)Sqrt(a2^2+ b2^2+ c2^2) Equation Of A Plane Passing Through A Given Point And Parallel To Two Given Vectors Or Lines Parametric form The equation of a given point passing through a point with position vectors sand parallel to t and u is, r=s+ λ t + µ u, where λ and µ are constants. Non-parametric form The equation of a given point passing through a point with position vectors sand parallel to t and u in non-parametric form is, r-s.(t × u)=0 Equation Of Plane Parallel Distance To A Given Plane The equation of the plane given to a parallel plane r.n→= d1 as their normals are common is r.n→= d2, where d2 is the constant determined by given conditions. Equation Of The Plane Through The Intersection Of Two Planes Vector form The equation of the plane passing through the intersection of two planes r.n1→= d1 and r.n2→= d2 is given by, r.n1→ -d1 + λ(r.n2→- d2) Cartesian product The equation of the plane passing through the intersection of two planes a1x + b1y + c1z + d1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2z + d2 = 0 is given by, a1x + b1y + c1z + d1 + λ(a2x + b2y + c2z + d2) = 0 Distance of a point froma plane In this topic, the formula for the perpendicular distance from a point to the plane is given. Vector form The formula in The vector form for the perpendicular distance of a point having position vector ato the plane r.n^= d is given by p = | a.n-d| / |n| Cartesian form The perpendicular distance from a point P(x1, y1, z1) to the plane ax + by + cz + d = 0 is given by, P = | ax1 + by1 + cz1 + d | Sqrta2+ b2+ c2 Distance between the Parallel Planes The distance between the parallel planes ax + by + cz + d = 0 and λ(ax + by + cz) + d2 = 0 is given by d =|d1 – d2/λ| Sqrt(a2+b2+c2) Angles Between Lines and a Plane The angle between a line and a plane is the complement of the angle between the line and normal to the plane. the angle θ between a line r= a + λband the plane r.n=0 is given by, Sinθ = b.n / |b||n| Intersection of a Line and a Plane The topic gives the algorithms to solve the problems on intersection of a line and a plane, equation of a line be x – x1/l = y – y1/m= z – z1/n and the equations of the plane be ax + by + cz = 0. Condition for a Line to Lie on a Plane If the liner=a+ λ b lies in the plane r.n= d, then i b.n= 0 and, ii a.n= d. So it can be said that these the conditions for a line to lie on a plane. Condition For Coplanarity Of Two Lines And Equations Containing Them Vector form If the two lines r=a1+ λ b1 and r= a2 + µb2are coplanar, then r.(b1×b2) = a2.(b1×b2)or rb1b=[a2 b1 b2] Cartesian form If the line x – x1 = y – y1= z – z1andx – x1 = y – y1= z – z1are l1 m1 n1 l2 m2 n2 coplanar, then | x2 – x1 y2 – y1 z2 – z1| | l1 m1 n1| = 0 | l2 m2 n2| Image of a Point in a Plane The topic gives the algorithm for finding the image of the point with respect to a plane. Let A and B two points and a plane such that I. Line AB is perpendicular to the plane and, II. Mid-point of AB lies on the plane Then either if the point is the image of the other in the plane. Some of the features of the book of R.D. SHARMA FOR CLASS 12th are: Importance of R.D. Sharma Book For Class 12 1. Detailed theory. 2. Variety of questions to practice. 3. Aided with online solutions. 4. A brief summary of concepts and formulae.

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    RD Sharma Class 12 Math's Chapter 30 Linear Programming Every year lakhs of students appear for class 12 CBSE board examinations. Marks obtained in these board examinations stay with the student for his lifetime and affect one's academic and professional life to a great extent unless one chooses a different career path altogether. One can easily infer the importance of class 12th in his or her life. Since professional life and college life take maximum time of one's life so it’s important that the student is able to choose the college and profession he wants to pursue and for this he should have good scores at this class because marks obtained in board exams are taken into account during admission in college and job interviews. All these things add up so much pressure on a student along with high expectations of parents for their child. Students should work towards board examinations from the beginning of class 12th and have a systematic approach for the syllabus of class 12th. It is important to have one right book for every subject to refer to throughout the year. Many students under pressure buy 4-5 books instead of a single book and after that either they don’t even study from single books properly or read from all the books and get confused. Therefore, the goal should not be to complete a number of books but to get command over a single book by practicing and studying from one book repeatedly. Students should choose a book that not only provides an in-depth and detailed explanation of the theory but also gives a number of quality questions to practice from. NCERT provided books for physics and chemistry can prove beneficial, but NCERT maths doesn’t even stand a chance. It becomes very crucial for the students to have a reference book for mathematics as we know maths is a subject that can be mastered only with rigorous practice. RD Sharma for Class 12 is one of the most popular books among the students giving CBSE board examinations as it has helped lakhs of students over decades to score high marks in mathematics. The book has been a standout in the way it is written, and the quality of the material it provides to students for maths. The book not only gives a theory that is easy to understand and every concept needed but also gives a huge question bank from which students can practice and master the subject. Dr. R.D. Sharma was one of the most renowned mathematicians of his time and helped countless students in the subject of maths. The book, however, fails to give a detailed solution to every problem in the book. For this issue, online platforms come in handy that provide quality and easy to understand solutions for the book of R.D. Sharma We at Doubtnut ensure that solutions provided are easy to follow and understand. Solutions are created in most innovative and interesting manners so that students remember them for a longer time. The solutions provided are prepared by experts in the subject of mathematics and it is made sure that every solution is 100% accurate. Every step and method followed in solutions are the easiest and short. It is made sure that no step or method is used in the solution that has not been introduced until the given chapter. Solutions for chapter 30: Linear Programming The chapter on Linear Programming is a very new chapter introduced in class 12th. This chapter is one of the most important and the easiest chapters in class 12th. The chapter lays down formulas and algorithms for solving day to day problems using linear equations and representations in graphs The solutions provided for the chapter are stepwise representing the method and formulas used to solve the problems. Students following the solutions to the chapter can learn short tricks and easy alternate methods to the problems that come in handy during examinations and save a lot of time. Students can follow these solutions and find out the areas in which they need to improve and also evaluate their mistakes done in solving problems and rectify them. In this way, students will eliminate weak their concepts and be clearer with the chapter. The only way to become better at maths is a regular practice. Many students start practicing at the end of the year, but if one wishes to score better marks, he or she should start practicing one year every day from the book to get a grip over the concepts. One should go through all the theory regarding the topic, and then solve the given solved problems after it so that one can prepare the complete topic then and there. The unsolved problems that are given at the end of each chapter are meant to be solved during the revision of the chapter. When students practice this way regularly from the book it definitely ensures that they will end up achieving better grades in board exams. Topics and Subtopics in the chapter of linear Programming The book of R.D. Sharma is the best book written in the market for class 12th mathematicians. The book follows the latest CBSE guidelines and syllabus prescribed by CBSE. The first textbook is divided into two volumes. The chapters are very small and easy to grasp as every chapter is divided into smaller topics and subtopics. Each topic and subtopic is explained in detailed and easy to understand language followed by solved examples on the same. The theory is illustrated with various real-life examples, graph, and charts, etc. This makes the learning process much more fun and interactive. The problems given are in variety that covers every possible way a question can be formed from the chapter in board exams. The problems of easy to JEE level are provided with increasing order in their difficulty level. The book helps students to understand the chapter from every aspect so the students can solve any problem from the chapter in exams very easily. Some of the topics and subtopics in which the chapter of linear programming is divided are as follows: Introduction The chapter of linear programming deals with that type of problems for which all relations among the variables involved are linear. Formally, linear programming deals with the optimization of linear functions of a linear function of a number of variable subject to a number of condition on the variables, in the form of linear equations in variables Involved. In this chapter, it has been tried to formulate the problems that arise in trade, industry, commerce and military operations. Some Definitions The topic gives definitions for some of the useful terms that involved or used in the chapter of linear programming. Objective function If a1, a2,a3,……,an are constants and x1, x2,……,xn are variables, then the linear function Z = a1x1 + a2x2+ …….. + anxn which is to be maximised is called the objective function. Constraints The inequations or equations in the variable of an LPP which describes the condition under which the optimization is to be accomplished are called constraints. Non-negative restrictions These are the constraints which describe that the variables involved in LPP are non-negative. Feasible solution A set of values of the variables x1, x2,……,xnis called a feasible solution of an LPP, is called a feasible solution. Infeasible solution A solution in an LPP is an infeasible solution if it does not satisfy the non-negative restrictions. Feasible region The common region determined by all the constraints of an LPP is called a feasible region and every point in this region is a feasible solution. Optimal feasible region A feasible solution of an LPP is said to be an optimal feasible solution if it also optimizes the objective function. Convex set A set is a convex set if every point on the line segment joining any two points in it lies in it. Also, the set of all feasible solution odiferous an LPP is a convex set. Mathematical Formulation Of Linear Programming Problems Under this topic, the algorithms for mathematical formulation of the linear programming problems are given. Type Of Linear Programming Problems Optimal product line problems In these types of problems, one needs to find out the number of different products to be manufactured and sold by the company when a certain amount of manpower and machine hours are given. Diet problems Here in this topic, one has to find out the number of different types of nutrients which should be included in diet so as to minimize the cost of diet so that it has a certain amount of each nutrient. Transport problems The products which are produced in factories and manufacturing units are supposed to be transported to the sale points and markets situated at different locations. The idea is to minimize the transporting cost simultaneously ensuring safe and successful transport of the products to the desired locations. Fundamental Extreme Point Theorem An optimal solution of LPP, if exists, occurs at one of the extreme points of the convex polygon of the set of all feasible solutions. Graphical Methods For Solving Linear Programming Problems There are two methods for solving problems of linear programming. Both of the methods are suitable for solving linear programming problems containing two variables only. The two methods are as follows 1. Corner-point method 2. Iso-profit and Iso-cost method Corner Point Method This method is based on the fundamental extreme point method The problems of LPP can be solved by this method as follows: Steps: 1. Formulate the give LPP in mathematical terms. 2. Convert LPP problems on linear equations and plot their graphs. 3. Find out the feasible region in the graph for all the equations. 4. Determine the corner points of the region these points are known as extreme points. 5. The point at which the function attains its optimum value is known as the optimum solution. Iso-Profit And Iso-Cost Method The algorithms for solving an LPP through this method are as follows: 1. Formulate the given LPP. 2. Convert the problems in linear equations and plot the graph and mark the feasible region. 3. Determine the coordinates of the feasible region. 4. Give some convenient value to z and from the line so obtained in xy-plane. 5. If the objective of a function is to find maximum value that draws lines parallel to the line obtained in step 4 and obtain the line which farthest from the origin and has at least one point common to the feasible region. 6. If the objective is to obtain a minimum value then draw the lines parallel to the line obtained in step 4 and obtain the line nearest to the origin which has at least one point common to the feasible region.7) 7. Find the coordinates of a common point obtained in step 5. The point so obtained gives the optimum solution. Importance of Book of RD Sharma for class 12 Some of the important features of the book of R.D. Sharma are as follows: 1. Detailed and easy to understand the theory. 2. Illustrated with hundreds of solved and unsolved problems to practice. 3. Aided with online solutions. 4. Questions from NCERT EXAMPLAR and previous year questions are given. 5. Summary and shorts at the end of each chapter for quick revision.

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    RD Sharma solutions for class 12 Maths chapter Mean and Variance of A Random Variable You will find the RD Sharma solutions for class 12 Maths chapter Mean and Variance of A Random Variable here. It fulfils all the requirements of the students and is a one stop solution for this chapter. The solution is explained briefly and will help even beginners understand the approach to take when trying to answer the questions in this chapter. So why wait? Download the pdf for free now!

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Binomial Distribution RD Sharma For Class 12 Math's Chapter - Binomial Distribution solutions can be obtained here in the pdf format as a direct download. Students should keep these solutions on hand throughout test preparation since they may be used as a quick and effective review tool, saving quite a bit of time.

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  • Chapter 33: PROBABILITY

    R.D Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 31 Probability Class 12th is the most crucial and significant stage of one’s academics. The marks obtained in this class are referred to in the future for admission in colleges and during job interviews. Many students prepare for competitive exams along with class 12th, which certainly adds a lot of pressure on students. Expectations of parents for their child to excel in both boards and competitive examinations add more pressure on students. It is very important to have the right book for every subject instead of having 2 to 3 books for a single subject. The key to excel any exam, be it board or competitive examination is not studying from 2 to 3 books, but to study from a single comprehensive book and understand the concepts in-depth. Many students follow a number of books for a single subject and end up getting confused. In addition, the book should provide the material in a way that helps students maintain a balance between board and competitive examinations. It is very important to have a reference book for mathematics, as Mathematics is all about practice and NCERT book provides just a handful of question. The R.D. SHARMA FOR CLASS 12 is one of the most popular reference books for mathematics among CBSE students. The book of R.D. Sharma for class 12 has helped lakhs of students over the years to excel in the board as well as competitive examinations. The book provides detailed theory and easy to understand concepts for every topic so that anyone can follow the book and practice a variety of questions on the same. This helps students maintain a balance between boards and competitive examinations. However, the book does not give detailed solutions to every problem with it. This issue is easily resolved by online platforms that provide detailed solutions to every problem in the book. We at Doubtnut online platform make sure that solutions given are easy to comprehend and follow. Students can use these solutions to complete their homework and prepare for board exams. Solutions are created in the most innovative and interesting manners so that students remember them for a longer time. Experts in the subject of mathematics prepare the solutions provided and it has been made sure that every solution is 100% accurate. Every step and method followed in solutions are easy and short. It is also considered that no step or method should be used in the solution that has not been introduced until the given chapter. Chapter 31 of R.D. Sharma Mathematics Book for Class 12 is Probability. Each step and method in the book are highlighted properly so that they are easy to understand. One can follow these solutions and learn the subject in a better way. Solutions for Chapter 31 Probability The chapter of probability is one of the easiest chapters in the book of R.D. SHARMA FOR CLASS 12. The concept of probability is introduced in this chapter along with concepts taught in previous classes. The concept of conditional probability will be useful in obtaining a multiplication rule of probability. All these will be helpful in understanding new concepts like total probability theorem and a Baye’s theorem, which will be introduced in this class too. The RD Sharma book solutions provided by Doubtnut will not only widen the thought process of students, but will also help the students in coming up with solutions to the problem on their own. Students following these solutions will learn alternative methods and tricks to solve problems in lesser time, which comes in handy during examinations. Learning mathematics will ensure high grades and better results in all examinations and will overall improve the mathematics of a student. Students can also look up to the solutions to evaluate their mistakes and rectify them to build stronger concepts in the given topic. This will ensure that no wrong concepts have been left with the student at the end of the chapter. The solutions given are arranged in ascending order with respect to the book. RD SHARMA provides a huge question bank so following these solutions will help students to know their strength and weaknesses in the chapter and make them an expert. Topics and Subtopics of Class 12 Chapter 32 Probability Concepts are divided intelligently into simpler topics and subtopics. This is one of the elements of the book that makes it the best books of maths to study from. The chapters are divided into topics and subtopics to make it easier for students to grasp concepts. Each topic is explained in detail and in very easy to understand manner. These topics are further divided into subtopics, which explain the chapters in depth. Concepts explanation is very detailed and illustrated with graphs, diagrams, formulas, and charts, etc. Reading the theory given at the beginning of every chapter will help students to clear their concepts and problems provided on these concepts will further help students to get comfortable with the chapter. Some of the topics and subtopics, which are a part of the chapter, are as follows: Recapitulation In this topic, students aren't introduced to a few terms that have been taught in the chapter of probability in the previous classes. 1. Random experiment: If an experiment, when repeated under identical conditions, do not produce the same outcome every time but the outcome in a trail is one of the several possible outcomes, then such an experiment is called a random experiment 2. Elementary event: Each if the outcome obtained during a random experiment is known as elementary event 3. Sample space: The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called sample space.= 4. Event: A subset of sample space that is associated with a random experiment is called am I event. 5. Occurrence of an Event: An event is associated with a random experiment is said to occur if any one of the elementary events belonging to is an outcome. 6. Certain Event: An event always occurs when an experiment is performed is known as certain event. 7. Impossible Event: An event that never occurs while performing an experiment that is associated with a random experiment is called impossible event. 8. Compound Event: An event associated with a random experiment is a compound event if it is a the disjoint union of two or more elementary events. 9. Mutually Exhaustive Events: Two or more events associated with a random experiment are said to be mutually exclusive or impossible events if the occurrence of any one of them prevents the occurrence of all others. 10. Exhaustive Events: Two or more events associated with a random experiment are exhaustive if their union is a sample space. 11. Favourable Elementary Events: The elementary events belonging to an event associated with the experiment are known as favourable elementary events. Probability of an Event If there are n elementary events associated with a random experiment and m of them are favourable to an event E. Then the probability of happening of E is denoted by P( E ) and is defined as the ratio m/n. Thus, P( E ) = m / n If P( E ) = 1, then E is called the certain event and if P( E ) = 0 then E is called an impossible event. Also, P (E) + P( E ) = 1 Conditional Probability The probability of occurrence of event E under the condition that D has already occurred and P(D) ≠ 0, is called the conditional probability and it is denoted by P( E/D). Multiplication Theorem in Probability The topic discusses theorems, which are helpful in computing the probabilities of simultaneous occurrence of two or more events under random experiment. 1. Theorem 1: if E and D are two events associated with the random experiment, then P(E ∩ D) = P( E ) P(D/E) if P( E ) ≠ 0 Or, P(E ∩ D) = P( D ) P(E/D) if P( D) ≠ 0 2. Theorem 2: ( extension of multiplicity theorem ). If E1, E2,……., En are n events associated with a random experiment, then P(E1∩ E2∩E3 ……… ∩ En) = P(E1)P(E2/ E1)P(E3/ E1∩ E2) ……….. P( En/ E1∩ E2 ∩ ……..En-1) Where P( En/ E1∩ E2 ∩ ……..En-1) represents the conditional probability of the occurrence of the event An, given that events E1, E2, …., An-1 have already occurred. 3. Theorem 3: Let E and D be two events associated with sample space S, then 0 < P(E/D) <1. 4. Theorem 4: If E is an event associated with the sample space ‘S’ of a random experiment, then P(S/E) = P(E/E) = 1 5. Theorem 5: Let E and D be two events associated with a random experiment and S be the sample space if F is and event such that P(F) ≠ 0, then P{ ( E ∪ D)/F } = P(E/F) + P(D/F) – P((E∩D)/F) If E and D are mutually exhaustive events, then P{ ( E ∪ D)/F } = P(E/F) + P(D/F) 6. Theorem 6: If E and D are two random experiments, then P(E-/D) = 1-P(A/B) Independent Events Events are said to be independent if the occurrence or non-occurrence of one does not affect the probability of the occurrence of the other. 1. Theorem 1: If E and D are independent events associated with a random experiment, then P( E ∩ D ) = P( E )P( D ) 2. Theorem 2: If E1, E2,……., En are independent events associated with a random experiment, then P(E1 ∩ E2 ∩ E3 ………. ∩ En) = P(E1)P(E2)….. P(En) 3. Pairwise Independent Events: Let E1, E2,……., En be n events associated with a random experiment. These events are said to be pairwise independent if P(Ei ∩ Ej) = P ( Ei ) P( Ej ) Mutually Independent Events Let E1, E2,……., En be n events associated with a random experiment. These events are said to be mutually independent if the probability of the simultaneous occurrence if any finite number of them is equal to the product of their separate probabilities. The Law of Total Probability Let S be the sample space and let E1, E2,……., En be n mutually exclusive and exhaustive events associated with a random experiment. If A is any event which occurs with E 1 or E2 or En, then P(A) = P(E1)P(A/ E1) + P(E2)P(A/ E2) + ……. + P(En)P(A/ En). Baye's Theorem Let S be the sample space and E1, E2,……., En be n mutually exclusive and exhaustive events associated with a random experiment. If A is any event which occurs with E1 or E2 or En, then P(E i/A) = P(E i)P(A/ E i) i = 1, 2, 3, …………, n Pni = 0(n Σ_i=0 P( E i))P(A/E ) Significance Of R.D Sharma Mathematics Book for Class 12 Some of the features of the book of R.D. SHARMA are: 1. The book has a detailed and easy to understand theories that can help students to understand it better. 2. The RD Sharma Mathematics Book for Class 12 is illustrated with hundreds of solved and unsolved problems to practice. 3. The Summarized formulas are also given at the end of each chapter for quick revision, which saves a lot of time and efforts.

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  • Chapter 34: STATISTICS

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    RD Sharma For Class 12 Chapter -Arithmetic Progressions (A.P.) RD Sharma solutions for class 12th chapter on Arithmetic Progressions (A.P.) has been fully solved by our team of experts. Download the free copy now to improve your score in the final examinations.

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    Rd Sharma solutions for class 12 Chapter - JEE Mains Previous Year You can find the solutions of Rd Sharma chapter JEE Mains Previous Year for class 12 Maths. Every mark pushes you higher up in the competition. The pdf file ensures you get accurate solutions to questions of this chapter. All topics has been covered and summarized for quick revision for examinations, so that you do not miss out any vital information. Improve your preparation by downloading the pdf now.

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    RD Sharma Solutions For Class 12 Maths Chapter – Trigonometric Identities Here, the solutions of RD Sharma chapter Trigonometric Identities for class 12 Maths are available. Being a chapter of class 12th, the solutions are very important for board examinations. Explanations are lucid and step by step solutions provide simple understanding of the subject. What’s more, the pdf is downloadable for free!

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