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    NCERT Class 12 Physics Chapter - Electric Charges and Fields NCERT class 12 physics chapter electric charges and fields is available here. Make sure to download the pdf version to score good marks in the exam. Download it now! Leading experts of the field have formulated the solutions, ensuring high level of correctness. It is helpful for quick revision.

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    NCERT solutions for class 12 Physics chapter Electrostatic Potential and Capacitors You can access the NCERT solutions of class 12 Physics chapter on Electrostatic Potential and Capacitors here. Electrostatic potential and capacitors are a very scoring section in board exams as long as the concepts are clear. Use this material to augment your preparation and verify your answers. Download the material now for free!

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    NCERT for Class 12 Physics Chapter - Current Electricity NCERT for Class 12 Physics Chapter - Current Electricity solutions for the books are available here in the pdf file format for download. The answers can be used by students to determine which parts of the section are most likely to appear on tests. The student may plan out their study approach for these parts, which will help them prepare for their exams.

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    NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter Moving Charges And Magnetism You will access the NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter Moving Charges And Magnetism here. It's a must-have tool for any candidate since it's simple and straightforward. This answer pack was created by a group of the greatest lecturers. It's a good tool for a quick review. The solution pdf is available for free download.

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    NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter Magnetism And Matter You can get the solutions of NCERT Class 12 Physics Chapter on Magnetism And Matter. The concepts are expounded in a crisp, simple and easily understandable fashion. It allows students in quickly adapting and understanding the crux of the concepts with ease. It is necessary for exam preparations. What’s more, the pdf is downloadable for free!

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    NCERT For Class 12 Physics Chapter - Electromagnetic Induction You can now access solutions of NCERT of Chapter Electromagnetic Induction For Class 12 Physics here. The solutions are crafted to remove any examination duress faced by the student. It is a useful tool for quick revision. Enhance your preparation by downloading this file.

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    NCERT-1 Class 12 Physics Chapter - Alternating Current The concept of AC and DC current is very important to understand. The best solutions for ncert class 12 physics chapter - Alternating current is available here. Make sure to download the free pdf solution to get the right understanding and come out with flying colors in the exam.

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    NCERT For Class 12 Physics Chapter - Electromagnetic Waves Obtain the solutions of NCERT of Chapter Electromagnetic Waves For Class 12 Physics here. The approach of solving is suited for quick revision and helpful in notes making. Leading experts have carefully solved the questions for your benefit. A very helpful tool for all students and a must download!

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    NCERT Solution for Class 12 Physics Chapter Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Laws of Reflection 1. According to the first law of reflection, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. 2. According to the second law of reflection, the incident ray, reflected ray, and the normal to the point of incidence all are located in the same plane. Sign Convention 1) According to this convention, all distances are measured from the pole of the mirror or the optical centre of the lens. 2) The distances measured in the same direction as the incident light are considered positive, and those measured in the opposite direction of incident light are considered negative. 3) The heights measured upwards are taken as positive. The heights that are measured downwards are considered as negative. The focal length of spherical mirrors The geometric centre of a spherical mirror is called its pole, whereas in the case of a spherical lens it is called its optical centre. The line between the centre of curvature of the spherical mirror and the pole is called the principal axis. The rays coming from infinity parallel and closer to the principal axis are called paraxial rays. The reflected rays converge to a point F on the principal axis of a concave mirror. In the case of convex mirror, the reflected rays seem to diverge from a point Fon its principal axis. The point F is known as the principal focus of the mirror. The focal length of the mirror is the distance between the focus F and the pole P of the mirror. It is denoted by f. Definition of Refraction The bending of light (deviation of path of light) when light travels from one medium to another medium is called refraction. When light travels from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it deviates towards the normal. When light travels from a denser to a rarer medium, it deviates away from the normal incidence ray of light. Laws of Refraction First law of Refraction The refracted ray, the incident ray, and the normal at the point of incidence all are located on the same plane. Second law (Snell’s law) For a given pair of media and colour of light used, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant. This constant is known as the refractive index of second medium w.r. t. the first medium. Refractive Index and Velocity The constant refractive index is not simply a number obtained as the ratio of the sines of two angles It has important physical significance. The absolute refractive index represents the speed with which light travels in a medium when compared to a vacuum. Total Internal Reflection When the light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it is partially reflected in the same medium and partially refracted to the second medium. It is called internal reflection. When a ray of light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, the ray bends away from the normal after refraction. As we increase the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction increases. For a particular angle of incidence, the angle of reflection becomes 90 o or refracted ray travels along the surface of separation. If the angle of incidence is increased further, then there will be no refracted ray, the entire light will be reflected, and total internal reflection will occur in the denser medium itself. Critical Angle(C) It is the angle of incidence in the denser medium for which angle of refraction 90o. If the angle of incidence in the denser medium is greater than the critical angle, the ray gets totally, internally reflected. This phenomenon is called total internal reflection. Critical angle of a medium depends upon the wavelength of light; the greater the wavelength, the greater will be the critical angle. Requisites for Total Internal Reflection (i). Light should pass from denser medium to rarer medium. (ii). The angle of incidence should be bigger than the critical angle Applications of Total Internal Reflection Brilliance of Diamond Refractive index of diamond is high (n=2.5) and the critical angle is very small (C=240 ). Moreover, the faces of the diamond are cut in such a way that a ray of light entering the crystal undergoes multiple total reflections. This multiple reflected light come out through one or two faces. So these faces appear sparkling. Mirage It is an optical illusion. On hot summer days the layer of air in contact with the sand becomes hot and rarer. The upper layers are comparatively cooler and denser. When light rays travel from denser to rarer, they undergo total internal reflection. Thus image of the distant object is seen inverted. This phenomenon is known as mirage. Total Reflection Prisms A right-angled isosceles prism is called a total reflecting prism. Total reflecting prisms based on the principle of total internal reflection. With the help of these prisms, the direction of the incident ray can be changed. The refractive index for glass is 1.5 and its critical angle is 42o . When a ray of light makes an angle of incident more than 42o (within the glass) the ray undergoes total internal reflection. Prism Prism is made up of glass or other transparent material cut with specific angles and plane faces, useful for analyzing and reflecting light. The angle between the two inclined plane surfaces is called the angle of the prism(A). The line of intersection of these particular planes is known as the refracting edge of the prism. Dispersion of Light The splitting of a beam of white light into different component colours, when it passes through a transparent medium is called dispersion. The refractive index is different for different colours. The variation of the refractive index of the medium with the wavelength causes dispersion. The variation of refractive index with wavelength may be more prominent in some media than the other. In a vacuum, the speed of light is independent of wavelength. Thus, vacuum (or air) is a non-dispersive medium in which all colours travel at the same speed, but glass is a dispersive medium.

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  • Chapter 10: WAVE OPTICS

    NCERT for class 12 Physics chapter Wave Optics In this chapter, we will study wave optics. It would be possible for you to get the right idea about waves and optics as well as Wave Optics Theories. We would also be able to learn Huygens Wave Theory as well as Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory. What is Wave Optics? Wave optics, which is also known as Physic optics, deals with the study of various phenomena such as diffraction, polarization, interference and other occurrences where ray approximation of geometric optics is not possible. So, wave optics proves to be the section of optics that deals with the behaviour of light as well as its wave characteristics. Regarding wave optics, it is by using ray optics for the estimation of the field on a surface that the approximation is carried out. Further, it leads to the integration of the ray-estimated field over a mirror, lens, or aperture to calculate the scattered or transmitted field. Wave Optics Theories Wave optic theories help to understand the nature of light. One helps in supporting the particle nature of light while the other supports the wave nature. Sir Isaac Newton supported the voice of particle nature of light and proposed a corpuscular theory. According to this theory, light consists of extremely light and tiny particles known as corpuscles. It travels at very high speeds from the source of light to create a sensation of vision with the help of reflection of the eye's retina. It should be mentioned that Newton was able to explain refraction and reflection but failed to explain clearly the cause of diffraction, interference, and polarization. It is noteworthy that Newton’s corpuscular theory's major failure failed to explain why the velocity of light was found to be lesser in the denser medium compared to vacuum. Huygens Wave Theory It is important to know that nobody dared to challenge Newton’s corpuscular theory until the early 18th century when Christopher Huygens proposed his wave theory of light. According to Huygens’s theory, light comprises waves that travel through a very dilute and highly elastic material medium present everywhere in space. This medium is known as ether. Being the medium very dilute and highly elastic, its density proves to be very low where the modulus of elasticity is also very high. The speed of the light is very large. Drawbacks It was possible by the Huygens wave theory to explain phenomena like refraction, reflection, interference, and diffraction of light. However, it failed to explain: • Polarization as Huygens that assumed light waves to be mechanical disturbances which are longitudinal in nature. • Photoelectric effect, Black body radiation, and Compton Effect. • Hypothetical medium ether, which was never discovered which we know that light can propagate in a vacuum. Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory According to Maxwell, light does not prove to be a mechanical wave. It happens to be an electromagnetic wave that is transverse in nature and travels with a finite speed; About Wavefront and Wave Normal What is Wavefront? The points of the medium which vibrate in the same phase is called wavefront. Wavefronts are of three types depending on the shape of the source of light which has been explained below: Spherical Wave Front The wavefronts prove to be spherical in shape when light emerges from a point source In spherical wavefront: Amplitude of light waves, A∝1​/r and, Intensity of light waves, I∝1/r2​ Cylindrical Wave Front When the source of light proves to be linear, the wavefronts happens to be cylindrical in shape. All the points prove to be equidistant from the source. In this case, Amplitude of light waves, A ∝ 1/sq rt r Intensity of light waves I ∝ 1​/r Plane Wave Front The wavefronts are planar when the light comes from a very far-off source. For a plane wavefront, amplitude remains constant therefore, Intensity remains constant. What is Wave Normal? Wave normal is a perpendicular drawn to the surface of a wavefront at any point, in the direction of propagation of light. The direction in which light travels is also known as a ‘ray’ of light. Therefore, a wave normal proves to be the same as a ray of light. Shape of Wavefronts A lens can be used to change the shape of wavefronts. The concept of wavefronts for reflection and refraction is explained below. Wavefronts For Reflection If light falls on a plane mirror: The shape of the wavefront of the reflected light proves to be planar if the plane wavefronts happen to reflect on the plane mirror, If light happens to fall on a concave mirror; convex mirror: In this case, the reflected light's shape is spherical in case a plane wavefront falls on a concave mirror. On the other hand, the reflected light's shape is spherical if a plane wavefront falls on a convex mirror. Wavefronts For Refraction If light falls on plane surfaces: The refracted ray will also have a plane wavefront, if a plane wavefront falls on a plane surface If light falls on curved surfaces: The emergent light will have a spherical wavefront if a plane wavefront falls on a converging (or) diverging lens. What is Huygen’s Principle? According to Huygen’s principle, on a given wavefront, every point can be regarded as a fresh source of new disturbance. It sends out its own spherical wavelets that are termed as secondary wavelets. These secondary wavelets happen to spread out in all directions with the velocity of the wave. These secondary wavelets are touched by a surface tangentially in the forward direction at any instant (Δt). Here, it implies the position as well as shape of the new wavefront at the instant. It is known as “secondary wavefront”. We have already discussed in the introduction about the Huygen’s principle of secondary wavelets. Here, it could explain many optical phenomena like refraction, reflection, diffraction, and interference. However, it fails to explain the reason as to why wavefronts of secondary wavelets are formed only in the forward direction instead of the backward direction. What is the Interference of Light? Interference of light refers to the effect of non-uniform energy distribution in the medium as a result of two light waves being superimposed. What are Coherent and Incoherent Sources? • Coherent Source: Coherent source proves to be the two sources that emit a monochromatic light and that too continuously with a zero (or) constant phase difference between them. • Incoherent Source: Incoherence sources are those that do not emit light with a constant phase difference. S= D/d (μ−1)t Thus, we have been able to learn about wave optics. We have also got the right idea about Wave Optics Theories. It has also been possible to understand Huygens Wave Theory as well as Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory.

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    NCERT Class 12 Physics Chapter Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter Doubtnut has created the solutions for NCERT Class 12 Physics Chapter Dual Nature of Radiation And Matter. All questions asked in the end of chapter have been solved by professional educators with a long record in teaching. This is a free pdf, and a must have study material for ensuring high marks in board and competitive examination.

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  • Chapter 12: ATOMS

    NCERT class 12 physics chapter atoms Kowing the fundamental concepts of science such as atom is very important. Here you can find all the solutions for NCERT class 12 physics chapter atoms. You may also download the solutions in PDF format, which are accessible for free. Here, students may get the simplest way to solve their questions.

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  • Chapter 13: NUCLEI

    NCERT for class 12 Chapter Physics Nuclei Today we are going to study about Nuclei. We will concentrate on what is Nuclei, what is Nucleus cell, Nucleus force, size of nucleus, and so on. The plural form for Nucleus is Nuclei. Origin of word “Nucleus” The origin of the term ‘Nucleus’ comes from Latin word which means the seed from a fruit. We often refer to the atomic nucleus, which is very dense region of the atom. When we consider a cell , the nucleus is the centre of the atom inside the cell. IT contains most of the DNA of the cell. The nuclei is made up of a collection of particles called neutrons, protons. Neutrons are neutrally charged and protons are positively charged. The Nuclei is situated in the centre of the cytoplasm of the cell. Cytoplasm is the liquid that is filling in the cell. The Nuclei usually takes up about 10 per cent of the cell surface. Examples of Nucleus or Nuclei: If we have to take an example of nucleus, let us consider a comet, and the nucleus is the bright body in the head of the comet. As we go further in the galaxy, the denser or more complex portion that also looks very bright is the nucleus. Nucleus Cell In a cell, the cells' activities are controlled and regulated by the nucleus and usually carry the genes and structures that contain the information carried by hereditary. also responsible for growth and metabolism for the cell. It is also the information storage and retrieval of genetic information. Nuclear Force A nuclear force is a strong force between the nucleons in the atom which basically holds the nucleus together. This force acts between the neutron and proton and both of these are affected the nuclear force almost in the same way. This force is almost about a million times stronger than the chemical bond between the atoms. The gravity is the weakest of the four forces and the strongest is the nuclear force. The nuclear force is always conservative because they follow the laws of conservation of force. This is not easy to prove. Nuclear force is also called the strong residual force or Nucleon interaction. Size of Nucleus The size of the nucleus is much smaller than the atom radius. Some of the shapes of the nuclei in the atom are spherical, while some others are flat or deformed. More on Cell Nuclei or Cell Nucleus: When we study cell biology, the nucleus is the membrane organelle found in certain cells. The main components in the NUCLEI are the- • Envelop of nucleus • a membrane • matrix part of the nucleus • also a network that will add support to the cell as a whole. The Cell Nuclei contain all the cell DNA surrounded by what we call filaments and having a membrane envelop called the Nuclear Envelope. The envelop separates the fluid inside the cell called the nucleoplasm from the rest of the cell component. The nucleus is the largest organ in the animal cell. In mammals, the nucleus diameter is almost about 5 or 6 micrometers in size. Pores in Nucleus: There are pores in a Nucleus which provide like channels and are composed of many proteins. These are called nucleoporins. There is another term called NUCLEOLUS which can be defined as the largest of the dense membrane less structure that is the nuclear bodies found in the nucleus. What are the functions of the Nuclei: Some of the function of the Nuclei are: 1). It is a site for genetic information for a cell taken from the location of the cytoplasm and allows gene regulation throughout. 2). Control gene expression 3). DNA Replication 4). It helps in Cell compartmentalisation which is basically separating the cell contains from the nucleus and its contents The Nuclei membrane is known to be in continuum to the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell. It has pores and usually permits entering of large sized molecules. The Nucleus stores an organisms cell genetic code, so it is crucial for determining the information of the particular organism. A cell would normally have one nucleus.The modern meaning of the atom nucleus was found by Ernest Rutherford in 1912. Makeup of the Nuclei: The nucleus has protons and neutrons and which in turn are made up of particles called quarks.Each of the quarks are held by a strong nuclear force. Usually the protons define the entire nucleus charge and hence is referred as the chemical identity. Neutrons are so important component in the nucleus in the cell because they reduce the electrostatic delusion inside the cell. Nuclei are bound by strong forces, which are residual. The force of the nucleus is maximum between the nucleus separation. This force is effective over a very short distance ans usually attracts different nucleons. Models Describing Nuclei: 1). Liquid Drop Model - Here, the nucleus is considered a drop of liquid that is rotating. 2). Shell Model 3). Quantum model Important Properties for Nuclei: 1). All nuclei are positively charged 2). The volume of an atom is concentrated within a small volume of the nucleus 3). Rutherford determined the basic properties of the Nuclei 4). If the nucleus is stable, it does not decay by any interaction. A heavy nucleus has more neutrons, than a lighter nucleus. 5). The atomic number gives the number of protons in the nucleus 6). The structure of a nucleus has a membrane, nucleoplasm chromosome and nucleolus. 7). The exception is a bacteria that does not have a nucleus. 8). The main function is to store information, DNA replication, growth and metabolism, carry the genes, contain heredity information, and coordinate the organism's cellular activities like protein synthesis, cell growth and division and many hosts of other important functions. 9). Viruses are not made of cells, and viruses do not have nuclei, organelles, or even cytoplasm like a cell. 10). Nuclei are spherical and have a membrane that is double layered and separating the contents of the nuclei from the cytoplasm of the cellular system. 11). The nucleus is divided into an atomic nucleus or cell nucleus.

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    Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits Today we are going to study semiconductors which are electronic material devices. How also they are used in Simple circuits. Before we do that, let us learn what Semi conductor, Circuit, and electronic material devices are in simple terms. Semiconductors: A semiconductor can be defined as a solid thing that has a conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals. This is due to impurity added in the metal. Temperature also affects in some way. Circuit: In Physics, a circuit is a closed line that will allow electricity to flow from one point to another. A circuit contains some components like a resistor, capacitor, or transistor, but the current flow is unimpeded by a break in the circuit device. Electronic Material Devices These are the substances used to build up circuits or circuit boards. It is also used widely in packaging, industrial use, optics, also various monitoring devices, electrical industries. Physics Underlying Use of Semiconductors in Simple Circuits Semiconductors are usually insulators that have a small bandgap between them. These semiconductors can be made with some impurity that will alter their electronic property but in a controlled way. Because of their use in the computer industry or for devices like lasers, transistors and solar cells, there is a more advanced search for new semiconductor materials and how to improve existing materials in the study of it. The most common type of semiconductor are materials that can be crystalline inorganic solids. These are materials that are classified according to their properties in the periodic table groups. Semiconductor Device Application Transistors do not act as a switch that can be used for switch on or switch off in analog circuits. Again there are transistors that can act as continuous inputs with a continuous output. These examples are amplifier, oscillators. Some circuits are defined as circuits that can translate or have an interface between the digital circuits and the analog circuits. Power semiconductor devices are discrete devices or integrated circuits intended for high current or high voltage applications. Let us take the example of Smart power devices where the power circuits that are integrated combine technology with power semiconductor technology. There are many companies which specialise in making power semiconductors. List of Common Semiconductor Devices Diode (rectifier diode), Gunn diode, Laser diode, Light-emitting diode (LED), Photocell, Phototransistor, Solar cell, Transient-voltage-suppression diode, Zener diode, Zen diode etc. The above are two terminal devices. Three terminal devices are Bipolar transistor or silicon transistor. A magnetic field sensor is a four terminal device. Different types of semiconductor materials have difference in their properties. Hence compound semiconductors have both advantages and disadvantages if we take it as a comparison to silicons: Some semiconductor materials can be tuned when multiple compounds are made to alloy. The result is usually some other type of composition like ternary composition. Ternary compositions allow adjusting the bandgap within the range of the involved binary compounds. Refraction indexes are also composition dependent, and it influences the photon efficiency in the material. In Composition, Semiconductors are manufactured both as single or integrated chips. These consists of two or more devices that can be numbered from hundreds to billions. These are also interconnected and that too on a single semiconductor which is also called a Substrate. Semiconductors are very useful because of their properties or behaviour, which can easily be altered by adding some impurities. This process is called doping. The conductivity in a semiconductor can be controlled by an electric or magnetic field or by exposure to light and heat or by deformation of a doped silicon grid that may be monocrystalline. Semiconductors are excellent in being used as sensors. Here the conduction occurs due to free electrons or holes in them known as a charge carrier. The process of doping for a semiconductor with a small amount of impurity, such as boron for example, will increase to a great extent the number of free electrons in the semiconductor. When a semiconductor which is doped has an excess number of holes, it is a p-type semiconductor p is usually for positive charge.) When it has excess free electrons, it is n-type (negatively charged.) Mobile phones nowadays have n-type semiconductor. Thus, we have learned about semiconductor electronics. In our next chapter, we will try to learn a new and interesting topic.

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