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Geometrical optics is a branch of optics where light is described by rays so it is also known as Ray optics. Light rays are conceived as geometrical lines originating from sources, extending through media, and being revealed by detectors; their directions account for paths along which light flows. Ray Optics is the study of light. The knowledge of the properties of light allows us to understand physical phenomena and design of optical instruments. In Ray Optics we study the two major natural phenomenon of Reflection & Refraction of Light.

1. Reflection of Light

  1. When a ray of light after incident on a boundary separating two medium comes back into the same media, is called reflection of light.

  2. Incident ray, normal on reflecting and Reflected ray are in same plane.

  3. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.


  4. After reflection, velocity, wavelength and frequency of light remains same but intensity decreases.

  5. If light ray incident normally on a surface, after reflection it retraces the path.

  6. If light rays, after reflection (or refraction), intersect at a point then real image is formed and if they appear to meet, virtual image is formed.

  7. If rays are converging then object is virtual, and if rays are diverging then it is real.

2. Plane Mirrors

  1. The image formed by a plane mirror is virtual, erect, laterally inverted, equal in size that of the object and at a distance equal to the distance of the object in front of the mirror.

  2. If a plane mirror is rotated in the plane of incidence through angle θ, by keeping the incident ray fixed, the reflected ray turned through an angle 2θ.

  3. When two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle θ, then number of images (n) formed of an object which is kept between them.

      (i) If 360θ= even integer; n=(360θ1).

      (ii) If 360θ = odd integer, then there are further two possibilities:

      • Object is placed symmetrically n=(360θ1)

      • Object is placed asymmetrically n=360θ
  4. When the object moves with speed u towards (or away from) the plane mirror, then image also moves toward (or away) the mirror with speed u. But relative speed of image with respect to object is 2u.

  5. When plane mirror moves towards the stationary object with speed u, the image will move with speed 2u.

  6. A man of height h requires a plane mirror of length at least equal to h/2, to see his own complete image.

3. Reflection of Light by Spherical Mirrors

  1. Spherical mirror is a part of a transparent hollow sphere whose one surface is polished.

  2. If reflecting surface is depressed and bulged face is silvered then it is known as Concave Mirror.

  3. If reflecting surface is bulged and depressed face is silvered then it is known as Convex Mirror.

  4. For paraxial rays, f=R2 (f is the focal length, R is the radius of curvature).

  5. Power is the ability of mirror of converging or diverging to incident rays after reflection.

  6. Aperture is the effective diameter of light reflecting area.

  7. Intensity or brightness of image ∝ (Aperture)2.

  8. Mirror formula is given by

    where u is the distance of object from pole, v is the distance of image from pole, and f is the focal length.

  9. Magnification:  

    1. When an object is placed perpendicular to the principle axis, then linear magnification is called lateral or transverse magnification. Mathematically,

      where O = size of object, I = size of image.

    2. When object lies along the principle axis then its longitudinal magnification is m=IO=v2v1u2u1

    3. If object is small; m=dvdu=(vu)2

    4. If a planar object is placed with its plane perpendicular to principle axis.Its real magnification is given by

        Ms=Area of image (Ai)Area of object (Ao)=ma×mbab=m2

  10. Sign conventions :  

    1. ocr_image

      All distances are measured from the pole.

    2. Light is assumed coming from left of mirror or lens.

    3. Distances measured in the direction of incident rays are taken as positive while in the direction opposite of incident rays are taken negative.

    4. Distances above the principle axis are taken positive and below the principle axis are taken negative.

  11. Concave mirror is used as a shaving mirror, in search light, in cinema projector, in telescope, by ENT surgeon, by dentists, etc.

  12. Convex mirror used in road lamps, rear-view mirror in vehicles, etc.


Following figure shows the multiple reflections of a light ray along a glass corridor where the walls are either parallel or perpendicular to one another. If the angle of incidence at point P is 30°, what are the angles of reflection of the light ray at points Q, R, S and T respectively


  1. 30°, 30°, 30°, 30°

  2. 30°, 60°, 30°, 60°

  3. 30°, 60°, 60°, 30°

  4. 60°, 60°, 60°, 60°

From ray diagram applying law of reflection option c is correct.



An object of mass m is moving with velocity towards a plane mirror kept on a stand as shown in the figure. The mass of the mirror and stand system is m. A head-on elastic collision takes place between the object and the mirror stand, the velocity of image before and after the collision is


  1. u,2u

  2. u,2u

  3. u, 2u

  4. u,2u

Before collision, we have

After collision, we have


A concave mirror of focal length f produces an image n times the size of the object. If the image is real then the distance of the object from the mirror is

  1. (n1)f

  2. n1nf

  3. n+1nf

  4. (n+1)f

According to magnification formula, we have

    m = (I/O)= –(v/u) ; since m = n so v = nu
According to mirror formula, we have



An object 1cm tall is placed in front of a mirror at a distance of 4 cm. In order to produce an upright image of 3cm height, one needs a

  1. convex mirror of radius of curvature 12 cm.

  2. concave mirror of radius of curvature 12 cm.

  3. concave mirror of radius of curvature 4 cm.

  4. plane mirror of height 12 cm.

Erect and enlarged image can be produced by concave mirror.According to magnification and mirror formula, we have




An object is placed at 20 cm from a convex mirror of focal length 10 cm. The image formed by the mirror is

  1. real and at 20 cm from the mirror.

  2. virtual and at 20 cm from the mirror.

  3. virtual and at (20/3) cm from the mirror.

  4. real and at (20/3) cm from the mirror.

We are given that object distance u=20 cm and focal length f=+10 cm Also



    v=203 cm; virtual image


An insect of negligible mass is sitting on a block of mass M, tied with a spring of force constant k. The block performs simple harmonic motion with amplitude A in front of a plane mirror placed as shown. The maximum speed of insect relative to its image will be


  1. AKM

  2. A32KM

  3. A3KM

  4. A2kM

The maximum velocity of the insect is AKM.

Its component perpendicular to the mirror is AKMsin60°.

Thus, maximum relative speed =3AKM


In the diagram shown, the object is performing SHM according to the equation y=2Asin(ωt) and the plane mirror is performing SHM according to the equation Y=Asin(ωtπ3). The diagram shows the state of the object and the mirror at time t = 0 s. The minimum time from t = 0 s after which the velocity of the image becomes equal to zero?


  1. π3ω

  2. 3πω

  3. π6ω

  4. 2π3ω

Velocity of image = vo2vm=0

Therefore, 2Aωcosωt=2Aωcos(ωtπ3)



An object O is placed in front of a small plane M1 and a large convex mirror M2 of focal length f. The distance between O and M1 is x, and the distance between M1 and M2 is y. The images of O formed by M1 and M2 coincide. The magnitude of f is


  1. x2y22y

  2. x2+y22y

  3. xy

  4. x2+y2xy

Due to M1, an image is formed at a distance x from M1, that is, at a distance (x –y) behind M2. Thus, for M2

Using 1v+1u=1f, we get


A point object is moving along the principle axis of a concave mirror at rest of focal length 30 cm with speed 5m/s towards the mirror. Find the speed of image of object when object is at a distance 60 cm from mirror.

  1. 5 m/s away from mirror

  2. 5 m/s towards the mirror

  3. 10 m/s away from mirror

  4. 10 m/s towards the mirror


We have 1v+1u=1f, u=60, f=30,


v = –60 cm and 1v2dvdt+1u2dudt=0
    speed of image is dvdt=5 m/s

4.Refraction of Light

  1. The deviation of the light ray from its actual path passing from one medium to the other medium is called refraction.

  2. The refraction of light takes place on going from one medium to another because the speed of light is different in the two media.

  3. A medium in which the speed of light increases is known as optically rarer medium and a medium in which the speed of light is decreases, is known as optically denser medium

  4. The degree of refraction of any medium is known as refractive indexn(or µ).

  5. When a ray of light goes from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it bends towards the normal.

  6. When a ray of light goes from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it bends away from the normal.

  7. Law of refraction is given by Snell’s law, that is, the product of sine of the angle of ray with normal and refractive index is constant. Mathematically,

      nsinθ = Constant
    That is,

      sinisinr=n(aconstant).<>––Fortwomedia,Sll'slawcanbewrienasn_(21) = n_2/n_1 = (sini)/(sinr)<li><br><li>Theminiμmvalueof|o|luteretivedexis1.Forairitisveryar1(=1.003).<br><br><oltype=i><li>Ifalightraytravelsommedium1medium2,then<br><br><>––n_(21) = n_2/n_1 = (lamda_1)/(lamda_2) = (nu_1)/(nu_2)<>––<li><ol><li><br><li>Retivedexdecreaseswiththecreasetemperature.<li><br><li>Whenobjectisdensermediumandobserverisrarermedium,thenretivedexofdensermediumwithrespectrarermediumis<br><br><>––n = (Real depth)/(Apparent depth) = h/(h’)<>––<li><br><li>Whenobjectisrarermediumandobserverisdensermedium,thenretivedexofrarermediumwithrespectdensermediumis<br><br><>––n = (h’)/h

  8. Refraction through glass slab:
    1. The refracting surfaces of a glass slab are parallel to each other. When a light ray passes through a glass slab, it is refracted twice at the two parallel faces and finally emerges out parallel to its incident direction, that is, the ray undergoes no deviation δ = 0. The angle of emergence (e) is equal to the angle of incidence (i).

    2. The lateral shift of the ray is the perpendicular distance between the incident and the emergent ray, and it is given by t sec r sin (i – r); where t is thickness of slab,i and r are incidence and refraction angle.

5.Total Internal Reflection

  1. When a ray of light goes from denser to rarer medium at a certain incidence angle, angle of refraction becomes 90, this angle of incidence is called critical angle (ic). Therefore, refractive index of denser medium with respect to rarer medium is


  2. When angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle than light ray comes back in to the same medium after reflection from interface. This phenomenon is called total internal reflection (TIR).

  3. Conditions for TIR:

    1. The ray must travel from denser medium to rarer medium.

    2. The angle of incidence i must be greater than critical angle ic.


  4. Critical angle depends upon wavelength as λ1nsinic

  5. Common examples of TIR are looming, mirage, brilliance of diamond and optical fibre.


A light ray falls on a square slab at an angle 45°. What must be the minimum index of refraction of glass, if total internal reflection takes place at the vertical face?

  1. 32

  2. 32

  3. 32

  4. 32


Apply Snell’s law at horizontal surface, we have

    sin45=nsinθ ……..(1)
Apply Snell’s law at vertical surface, we have
    ncosθ=1 ……..(2)
From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get


A ray of light enters into a transparent liquid from air as shown in the figure. The refractive index of the liquid varies with depth x from the topmost surface as n=212x where x is in metres. The depth of the liquid medium is sufficiently large. The maximum depth reached by the ray inside the liquid is


  1. 2m

  2. 12m

  3. 0.5 m

  4. 1 m

At maximum depth, the ray graze the surface (i.e. the angle made by the ray with normal will become 90°)

Applying Snell’s law, we have


    212x=12 or x=1 m


A plane mirror is placed at the bottom of a tank containing a liquid of refractive index n, P is a small object at a height h above the plane mirror. An observer O, vertically above P, outside the liquid, observer P and its image in the mirror. The apparent distance between object and its image will be


  1. 2nh

  2. 2hn

  3. 2hn1

  4. h(1n)

x is distance of object from surface.

Apparent depth of object from surface = xn

Apparent depth of image from surface = x+2hn

Distance between the apparent depths of object and image = 2hn


In the given situation, for what value of i, the incidence ray will retrace its initial path


  1. cos1[n1sin(π4sin1(n2)2n1)]

  2. sin1[n1sin(π4sin1(n2)2n1)]

  3. sin1[n1sin(π4sin1(n1)2n2)]

  4. cos1[n1sin(π4sin1(n1)2n2)]

Since incident ray retraces its path it must strike the plane mirror perpendicularly.

From Snell’s law, we have

    sini=n1sinr1 and n1sinr2=n2sin45°




Also, r1+r2=π4

Therefore, r1=π4sin1(n22n1)


6.Refraction of Light by Spherical Surfaces and By Lenses

  1. Refraction formula:   If ray enter from one medium to another separating from spherical surface


    n1 = Refractive index of the medium from which light rays are coming (from object)

      n2 = Refractive index of the medium in which light rays are entering
      u = Distance of object
      v = Distance of image
      R = Radius of curvature

  2. The lateral magnification m is the ratio of the image height to the object height, given by


  3. Lens is a transparent medium bounded by two refracting surfaces, such that at least one surface is curved.

  4. Lenses are of two basic types, convex which are thicker in the middle than at the edges and concave for which the reverse holds.

  5. As there are two spherical surfaces, there are two centres of curvature C1 and C2 and correspondingly two radii of curvature R1 and R2.

  6. Power of lens (P):   Power of a lens is the ability of a lens to deviate the path of the rays passing through it. If the lens converges the rays parallel to the principal axis, its power is positive and if it diverges the rays it is negative.

      Power of lensP=1f(m)=100f(cm);
    Unit of power is diopter (D)

  7. Lens maker’s formula:   It is given by

    where R1 and R2 are the radii of curvature of first and second refracting surfaces of a thin lens of focal length f and refractive index n(with respect to surrounding medium). The relation between f, n, R1 and R2 is known as lens maker’s formula.

  8. Lens formula:   It is the expression which shows the relation between u, v and f, given by


  9. Magnification:  The ratio of the size of the image to the size of object is called magnification.

    1. Transverse magnification:   It is given by

      (use sign convention while solving the problem)

    2. Longitudinal magnification:   It is given by

      For very small object, magnification is

    3. Areal magnification:   It is given by

      (Ai = Area of image, Ao = Area of object)

  10. Ratio between object and image speed is equal to square of object distance and image distance.

  11. If the distance of object (x) from first and image (y) are from and second principal then focal length of lens is given f2=xy

  12. Effective focal length and power of combination of lenses in contact is given by

      P=P1+P2+P3, 1F=1f1+1f2+1f3+......., m=m1×m2×m3×

  13. On silvering the surface of the lens it behaves like a mirror. The focal length of the silvered lens is

    where f1 is the focal length of lens from which refraction takes place (twice) and fm is the focal length of mirror from which reflection takes place.

  14. Aberration:

    1. Image of a white object is coloured and blurred because n (hence f) of lens is different for different colours. This defect is called chromatic aberration.

    2. Inability of a lens to form the point image of a point object on the axis is called spherical aberration.

        In this defect all the rays passing through a lens are not focused at a single point and the image of a point object on the axis is blurred.


An equiconvex lens made up of a material of refractive index 1.5 has focal length of 10 cmwhen placed in air as shown in the figure. One side of the medium is replaced by another medium of refractive index 1.3. If X and Y are the image distances when the object is placed at a distance of 20 cmfrom optical centre in the medium with refractive index 1 and 1.3, respectively, then


  1. X>1.3Y

  2. X<1.3Y

  3. X=1.3Y

  4. cannot be determined

We have

    n2vn1u=n2n1R, n3vn2v=n3n2R

For first case: n3 = 1.3, n2 = 1.5, n1 = 1, u = –20, v = X, we get
    1.3X+120=0.7R ……….(1)
For second case: n3 = 1, n2 = 1.5, n1 = 1.3, u = –20, v = Y, we get
    1Y+1.320=0.7R ……….(2)
From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get


A plastic hemisphere has a radius of curvature of 8 cm and an index of refraction of 1.6. On the axis half way between the plane surface and the spherical one (4 cm from each) is a small object O. The distance between the two images when viewed along the axis from the two sides of the hemisphere is approximately.


  1. 1.0 cm

  2. 1.5 cm

  3. 3.75 cm

  4. 2.5 cm

Distance of image from the plane surface is

For the curved side, we have

The minus sign means the image is on the object side.



A thin convergent glass lens (ng = 1.5) has a power of +5.0 D. When this lens is immersed in a liquid of refractive index nl, it acts as a divergent lens of focal length 100 cm. The value of n1 is

  1. 43

  2. 53

  3. 54

  4. 65

Power of a thin convergent glass is P= 5 f = 20 cm



    120=(1.511)(1R11R2) …….(1)
    1100=(1.5n1n1)(1R1rR2) …….(2)
Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2),we get
    -5 = (½)/((1.5)/n_1 -) => 1- (1.5)/n_1 = 1/(10) => 9/(10) = 3/(2n_1)



The distance between an object and the screen is 100 cm. A lens produces an image on the screen when placed at either of the positions 40 cm apart. The power of the lens is nearly

  1. 3 D

  2. 5 D

  3. 7 D

  4. 9 D

We have

    f=D2x24D (Focal length by displacement method)

    f=(100)2(400)24×100=21 cm


If two lenses of power +5 D are mounted at some distance apart, the combination will always behave like a diverging lens if the distance between them is

  1. greater than 40 cm.

  2. equal than 40 cm.

  3. equal to 10 cm.

  4. less than 10 cm.

Using P=P1+P2d×P1P2

For equivalent power to be negative




A liquid of refractive index 1.33 is placed between two identical plano-convex lenses, with refractive index 1.50. Two possible arrangements, P and Q are shown. The system is

  1. divergent in P , convergent in Q.

  2. convergent in P, divergent in Q.

  3. convergent in both.

  4. divergent in both.


For arrangement P, we have

    1feq=12R+12R23R=13R (R = radius of curvature)
For arrangement Q, we have

7.Refraction Through Prism

  1. Prism is a transparent medium bounded by refracting surfaces which are plane and non-parallel.


  2. For refraction through a prism

      A=r1+r2 and i+e=A+δ
    where i is the angle of incidence and e is the angle of emergence, is the angle of prism or refracting angle of prism, r1 and r2 are the angles of refraction, δ is the angle of deviation.

  3. Minimum deviation through a prism is produced when

      i=e and r1=r2=r

      r=A2 and i=A+δm2

      n=sin(A+δm2)sinA2(Prism formula)
    where δm is the angle of minimum deviation through the prism.

    1. For thin prism: δ=(μ1)A

  4. For no emergence of light, TIR must takes place at the second surface of the prism. For TIR at second surface, r2>ic.

8. Dispersion

  1. The splitting of white light into its constituent colours is called dispersion of light. It is due to different refractive index for different wavelengths of different colours.

  2. Dispersion is explained by Cauchy’s theorem.

  3. Angular separation between extreme colours, violet and red, is

    It depends upon n and A.

  4. Dispersive power (ω) gives width of coloured spectrum with respect to mean colour(yellow). That is,

      ω=θδy=nvnRny1     where {ny=nv+nR2}

9.Scattering of Light

  1. Scattering of the light is emission of light radiation in all direction after absorbing incoming light by molecules of a medium.

  2. Scattering of light is explained by Rayleigh, that is,

      Intensity of scattered light 1λ4

  3. Due to scattering, sky looks blue. At the time of sunrise or sunset sun looks reddish, colour of traffic signals are red green and yellow, danger signals are made of red colour.


  1. Rainbow is formed due to the dispersion of light suffering refraction and TIR in the droplets present in the atmosphere. Observer should stand with its back towards sun to observe rainbow.

  2. Primary rainbow has

    1. Two refractions and one TIR.

    2. Innermost arc is violet and outermost is red.

    3. Subtends an angle of 42 at the eye of the observer.

    4. More bright.

  3. Secondary rainbow has
    1. Two refractions and two TIR.

    2. Innermost arc is red and outermost is violet.

    3. It subtends an angle of 52.5 at the eye.

    4. Comparatively less bright.

Concept Practice Problem 4

Problem 1 :-      Angle of minimum deviation for a prism of refractive index 1.5 is equal to the angle of prism. The angle of prism is (cos 41° = 0.75)      [MP PET/PMT 1988]

  1. 62°

  2. 41°

  3. 82°

  4. 31°

Problem 2 :-      In the formation of primary rainbow, the sunlight rays emerge at minimum deviation from rain-drop after     [MP PET 1989]
  1. One internal reflection and one refraction

  2. One internal reflection and two refractions

  3. Two internal reflections and one refraction

  4. Two internal reflections and two refractions

Problem 3 :-      Dispersive power depends upon     [RPMT 1997]
  1. The shape of prism

  2. Material of prism

  3. Angle of prism

  4. Height of the prism

  5. Problem 4 :-      If the refractive indices of a prism for red, yellow and violet colours be 1.61, 1.63 and 1.65 respectively, then the dispersive power of the prism will be      [MP PET 1991; DPMT 1999]
    1. 1.651.621.611

    2. 1.621.611.651

    3. 1.651.611.621

    4. 1.651.631.611

    Problem 5 :-      The minimum deviation produced by a hollow prism filled with a certain liquid is found to be 30°. The light ray is also found to be refracted at angle of 30°. The refractive index of the liquid is     [MP PET 1991]
    1. 2

    2. 3

    3. 32

    4. 32

    Problem 6 :-      Minimum deviation is observed with a prism having angle of prism A, angle of deviation δ, angle of incidence i and angle of emergence e. We then have generally     [MP PET 1991]
    1. i>e

    2. i<e

    3. i=e

    4. i=e=δ

    Problem 7 :-      At sun rise or sunset, the sun looks more red than at mid-day because     [AFMC 1995; Similar to DCE 2003]
    1. The sun is hottest at these times

    2. Of the scattering of light

    3. Of the effects of refraction

    4. Of the effects of diffraction

11.The Human Eye

  1. Eye lens :   It is a biconvex spherical lens.

  2. Retina :   It is a screen on which real and inverted image of an object is formed. Our brain senses it erect.

  3. Yellow spot :   It is the most sensitive part, the image formed at yellow spot is brightest.

  4. Blind spot :   It is connected with optic nerves goes to brain. It is least sensitive for light.

  5. Ciliary muscles :   It is used to change the focal length of eye lens from near point to infinite.
  1. The ability of eye to see near objects as well as far objects is called power of accommodation.

  2. Range of vision for healthy eye is 25 cm (near point or D) to ∞ (far point).

  3. Persistence of visionis 1/10 second,that is, if time interval between two consecutive light pulses is lesser than 0.1 second, eye cannot distinguish them separately.

  4. The minimum angular separation between two objects, so that they are just resolved is called resolving limit. For eye it is 1=(160).

  5. Myopia or near sightedness:   In Myopia, eye cannot see distant objects clearly.

    1. In this defect, image is formed before the retina and far point comes closer.

    2. In this defect focal length or radii of curvature of lens is reduced or power of lens increases or distance between eye lens and retina increases.

    3. This defect can be removed by using a concave lens of suitable focal length.

    4. If defected far point is at a distance d from eye, then focal length of used lens is

        f = – d = – (defected far point)

  6. Hypermetropia or far sightedness:   A long-sighted eye can see distant objects clearly but nearer object are not clearly visible.

    1. Image formed behind the retina and near point moves away.

    2. In this defect, focal length or radii of curvature of lens increases or power of lens decreases or distance between eye lens and retina decreases.

    3. This defect can be removed by using a convex lens of suitable focal length.

    4. If a person cannot see before distance d but wants to see the object placed at distance D from eye, then

        focal length of used lens is f=dDdD, and power of the lens is P=dDdD.

  7. Presbyopia:   In this defect, both near and far objects are not clearly visible. It is an old-age disease and it is due to the losing power of accommodation. It can be removed by using bifocal lens.

  8. Astigmatism:   In this defect, eye cannot see horizontal and vertical lines clearly, simultaneously. It is due to imperfect spherical nature of eye lens. This defect can be removed by using cylindrical lens.


  1. Simple microscope:   It is a single convex lens of lesser focal length used to see very small objects large and erect. Its magnifying power is given by

      m=Visual angle with instrument(β)Visual angle when object is placed at least distance of distinct vision(α)
    • Magnification, when final image is formed at D and ∞,is

        MD=(1+Df)max and m=(Df)min

  2. Compound microscope:   It consists of two converging lenses called objective and eye piece lens.For compound microscope:

    1. f(eyelens)>f(objective) and (diameter)(eyelens)>(diameter)(objective)

    2. Intermediate image is real and enlarged.

    3. Final image is magnified, virtual and inverted.

    4. uo = Distance of object from objective (O), vo = Distance of image (AB) formed by objective from objective, ue = Distance of AB from eye lens, ve = Distance of final image from eye lens, fo = Focal length of objective, fe = Focal length of eye lens.

    5. Final image is formed at D. Magnification is mo=vouo(1+Dfe) and length of the microscope tube (distance between two lenses) is LD=vo+ue.

    6. Final image is formed at ∞ (infinity). Magnification is M=vouDfe and length of tube is L=vo+fe.


  1. Astronomical Telescope (Refracting Type) is used to observe heavenly objects. It consist of two converging lenses called objective and eye piece lens. For astronomical telescope:

    1. f(objective)>f(eyelens) and (diameter)(objective)>(diameter)(eyelens).

    2. Intermediate image is real, inverted and small.

    3. Final image is virtual, inverted and small.

    4. Magnification is MD=fofe(1+feD) and m=fofe

    5. Length of tube is LD=fo_ue and L=fo+fe

  2. Reflecting telescopes are based upon the same principle of astronomical telescope except that the formation of images takes place by reflection instead of by refraction by using parabolic concave mirror in place of objective lens to reduce aberration in lens.

    • If fo is focal length of the concave spherical mirror used as objective and fe, the focal length of the eye-piece, the magnifying power of the reflecting telescope is given by


  3. Resolving Limit and Resolving Power

    1. Microscope:   Resolving Limit and Resolving Power of Microscope is the minimum distance between two lines at which they are just distinct is called Resolving limit (RL) and its reciprocal is called Resolving Power (RP). Therefore,

        RL=λ2nsinθ and RP=2nsinθλRP1λ
      where λ = Wavelength of light used to illuminate the object,
      n = Refractive index of the medium between object and objective,
      θ = Half angle of the cone of light from the point object,
      nsinθ = Numerical aperture.

    2. Telescope:   Resolving Limit and Resolving Power of Telescope is the smallest angular separation (dθ) between two distant objects, whose images are separated in the telescope is called resolving limit. Therefore, resolving limit (RL) is dthη=1.22λa and resolving power (RP)=1dthη=a1.22λRP1λ where a is the aperture of objective.

        In optical instruments magnifying power is same as angular magnification.


The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment is 8 and the distance between the two lenses is 54 cm. The focal length of eye lens and objective lens will be, respectively,

  1. 6 cm and 48 cm,

  2. 48 cm and 6 cm,

  3. 8 cm and 64 cm,

  4. 64 cm and 8 cm,

Magnifying power of an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment(image is at far point)

Length of tube ffe=54 cm

    fe=6cm and fo=48cm


A simple telescope consists of an objective of focal length 30 cm and a single eye lens of focal length 6 cm. Eye observes final image in relaxed condition. If the angle subtended on objective is 1.5°then find the angle subtended by

  1. 6.5°

  2. 7.5°

  3. 0.3°

  4. 2.5°

The magnification of simple telescope given by





A telescope of diameter 2m uses light of wavelength 5000 Å for viewing stars. The minimum angular separation between two stars whose image is just resolved by this telescope is

  1. 4×104 rad

  2. 0.25×106 rad

  3. 0.31×106 rad

  4. 5.0×103 rad

Minimum angular separation or resolution limit is


    =1.22×5000×10102=0.31×106 rad


Magnification of a compound microscope is 30. Focal length of eye-piece is 5 cm and the image is formed at a distance of distinct vision of 25 cm. The magnification of objective lens is

  1. 6

  2. 5

  3. 7.5

  4. 10

Magnifying power of a compound microscope in normal adjustment (if final image is at near point)


