Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | XII BOARDS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 13
A student connects a cell of emf ε2 and internal resistance r2, with a cell of emf ε1 such that their combinationhas a net internal resistance less then r1. This combination in the connected across a resistance R. Draw a circuit of the 'set up' and obtain an expression for the current flowing through the resistance R View SolutionQuestion 14
Write the expression for the magnetic force →F acting on a charged particle q moving with →υ in the presence of the magnetic field →B in a vector form. Show that no work is done and no charge in the magnitude of the velocity of the particle is produced by this force. Hence define the unit of magnetic field. View SolutionQuestion 15
A long straight wire of a circular cross-section of radius 'a' carries a steady current I. The current is uniformly distributed across the cross-section. Apply Ampere's circuital law to calculate the magnetic field at a point at distance 'r' in the region for (i) r<a and (ii) r>a.View SolutionQuestion 18
Question 20
It is required to design a (two -input) logic gate, using an appropriate number, of :Question 21
Give (brief) reasons for the following :Question 22
A parallel plate capacitar, of capacitance, 20μF, is connected to a 100 V supply. After some time, the battery is disconnected , and the space, between the plates of the capacitor is filled with a dielectric, of dielectric constant 5. Calculate the energy stored in the capacitar (i) before (ii)after dielectric has been put in between its plates. View SolutionQuestion 23
A convex lens, of focal length 25 cm, and a concave mirror, of radius of curvature 20 cm. are placed co-axially 4 cm aprat from each other. An incident beam, parallel to the principal axis, is incident on the convex lens. Find the position and nature of the image formed by this combination. View SolutionQuestion 25
Ravi is a student of mechanical engineering studying in one of the engineering colleges. The other day he saw an old man who suddenly collapsed as he walked out of the house in his neighbourhood. Ravi the emergency ward of the hospital. On getting the medical aid, the old man soon goy recovered. He did not forget to thank Ravi for the timely help he rendered. He was wondering that in his times to get the telephone connection. One had to wait for years whereas these days it takes no time to get the connection. Ravi told him it was all because of the technological progress/deveolpement due to which the simple phenomenon in physics could be easily used.Question 26
(a) The relation, between the angle of incidence :(i) and the corresponding , angle of deviation (δ) , for a certain optical decice, is represented by the graph shown in the figure. Identify this device. Draw a ray diagram for this device and use it for obtaining and expression for the refractive index of the material of this device in terms of an angle characteristic of the device and the angle, marked as δm, in the graph.Question 27
When a plane wave front of light, of wavelength λ, is incident on a narrow slit, an intensity distribution pattern, of the form shown is observed on a screen, suitably kept behind the slit. Name the phenomenon observed.Question 28
(a) Obtain the condition under which the current flowing in the current detecing device used in the circuit shown in figure, becomes zero.Question 29
(a) Why do the 'free electrons' , in a metal wire , flowing by themselves' not cause any current flow in the wire ?Question 30
Draw the Energy bands 'diagrams for a (i) pure semiconductor , (ii) insulator , How does the energy band, for a pure semiconductor , get affected when this semiconductor is doped with (a) an acceptor impurityQuestion 31
Draw the diagram of the circuit arangement used for studying the 'input' and the 'output' characteristics of an n-p-n transistor inits CE configuration. Briefly explain how these two types of characteristics are obtained and draw these characteristics.