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Free Solutions to NCERT MATHEMATICS(HINGLISH) Class 9 book Chapters, Questions, Answers and Solutions

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  • Chapter 1: NUMBER SYSTEMS

    NCERT CLASS 9 SOLUTIONS CHAPTER 1 NUMBER SYSTEM Students must have attained complete knowledge about natural numbers and whole numbers in prior classes. In Class 9 Chapter 1, Number System, the students will be made familiar with the rational numbers, irrational numbers, and number line. This chapter of the number system focuses on all these different aspects in depth and several other topics. The NCERT book offers the students with perfect and accurate information and due to this reason; it is one of the most favorite books of students. Though there are a number of different writers’ books that are available in the market, but for the CBSE students, it is paramount that they give the NCERT books the maximum priority, as it is covers the entire syllabus prescribed by CBSE board. The NCERT book offers the students with numerous solved examples, which explains the solutions in a systematic method. In addition to this, at the end of each chapter, there are some important points that summarize the complete chapter, which helps the students in revision. The book is exceptionally good for students to strengthen their mathematics skills, which will not only help the students in class 9, but will also help for competing in the competitive exams successfully. The Number Line Before, understanding the number line in depth, let us revise some important aspects including: WHAT ARE NATURAL NUMBERS? Set of all the counting numbers excluding zero is known as the Natural Numbers. N=1,2,3,4,5,.. WHAT ARE WHOLE NUMBERS? Set of all Natural numbers including Zero is known as the Whole Numbers. W=0,1,2,3,4,5,.... Note: Considering the aforementioned description, we conclude that, all-Natural Numbers can be Whole Numbers, but not all Whole Numbers are Natural Numbers. Examples: 8 is a Natural Number -8 is not a Natural Number 0 is a Whole Number INTEGERS WHAT ARE INTEGERS? Integers are the set of all the Whole Numbers and the negative of all the Natural Numbers. Example: Z= −7, −6, −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Notes: 1. Integers contain all the whole numbers & negatives of all the natural numbers. 2. The natural numbers without zero are known as positive integers. 3. The negative of a positive integer can be defined as a number that gives 0 when it is added to the corresponding positive integer. 4. Natural numbers along with zero are known as non-negative integers or whole number. 5. The natural numbers configure a subset of the integers. RATIONAL AND IRRATIONAL NUMBERS RATIONAL NUMBERS All the integers in the form of p/q where q is not equal to 0 is known as a rational number. Example: 1/2, 3/4, 7/9, 1, etc. Important Points to Note: 1. Every integer, as well as all the natural and whole numbers, must be a rational number as they can be expressed in the form of p/q. 2. There are unlimited rational numbers between two rational numbers. 3. Rational numbers have a terminating decimal expression or repeating nonterminating decimal expression. If a number whose decimal expression is terminating or non-terminating recurring, then it is rational 4. The sum, difference and the multiplication of two rational numbers is always a rational number. IRRATIONAL NUMBERS A number is said to be irrational if it cannot be expressed in the form p/q where p and q are integers (q> 0). Example: √3,√2,√53,2,5 etc. Important Points to Note: 1. Pythagoras Theorem: In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the perpendicular and base of the right-angled triangle. By using this theorem, we can represent the irrational numbers on the number line. 2. If a number is a non-terminating decimal expression and non-repeating decimal expression, then it is an irrational number. 3. The addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of irrational numbers are not always irrational. Irrational numbers never satisfy the closure property under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. WHAT IS NUMBER LINE? 1. A number line is a line that represents all the numbers. A number line is the image of a straight line on which every point is supposed to correspond to a real number and every real number to a point. 2. We must show the integers as particularly marked points with equally spaced on the line. However, the line comprises of all real numbers, continuing forever in each direction, and also numbers are not marked that are between the integers. 3. It is often used as a teaching aid in addition and subtraction, especially involving negative numbers. 4. The numbers on the right side are always greater than the numbers on the left side. Each of the aforementioned numbers, i.e. (Natural, Whole, Rational, Irrational, etc.) can be represented on the Number Line. 1. Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, and Integers can be easily located on the number line as we draw per them. 2. Real numbers can be either in decimal expression or in number described in point 1. It is easy to locate the number after one. For decimal expression, the process of Successive Magnification is needed. 3. A number like √3 can be represented on the number line with the help of Pythagoras theorem. WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF SUCCESSIVE MAGNIFICATION? 1. Now, we want to locate the decimal 4.36 on the Number line. 2. Now we know for sure that the number is between 4 and 5 on the number line. 3. Let us divide the portion between 4 and 5 into 10 equal parts. 4. Then these will represent 4.31, 4.32, 4.33, 4.34, 4.35, 4.36...4.39. 5. Then it will represent 4.1, 4.2...4.9. Now we know that 4.36 lies between 4.3 and 4.4. 6. Therefore, we have placed the desired number on the Number line. This process is termed as the Process of Successive Magnification. LAWS AND PROPERTIES OF EXPONENTS The following identities grip all integer exponents provided that the base is non-zero: Unlike addition and multiplication: Exponentiation is not commutative. For example, 25= 32 ≠ 52= 25. Exponentiation is not associative. For example, (22)4 = 44 = 256, whereas 2(34) = 281 = 2417851639229258349412 TERMINOLOGIES IN EXPONENTS The expression b^2 = b ⋅ b is referred to as “the square of b" or "b squared" because the area of a square with side-length b is b2. The expression b^3 = b ⋅ b ⋅ b is referred to as “the cube of b" or "b cubed" because the volume of a cube with side-length b is b3. When it is a positive integer, the exponent shows how many copies of the base are multiplied together. For example, 34 = 3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 3= 81. The base 3 appears 4 times in the repeated multiplication because the exponent is 4. Here, 3 is the base, 4 is the exponent, and 81 is the power or, more specifically, 3 raised to the 4th power. The word "raised" is usually omitted, and sometimes "power" as well, so 34 can also be read "3 to the 4th" or "3 to the 4". Therefore, the exponentiation bn can be stated as "b to the power of n", "b to the nth power", "b to the nth", or most concisely as "b to the n". INTEGER EXPONENTS Positive and Negative Integer Exponent: An integer is a number with no fractional part that consist of the counting numbers {1, 2, 3, 4, …….}, zero {0} and the negative of the counting numbers {- 2, -1, 0, 1, 2}. An exponent of a number says how many times to use that number in a multiplication. The following law of exponents are- Law #1: a^b * a^c = a^b+c Law #2: a^b / a^c = a^b-c Law #3: (a^b)^c = a^b*c Let's start by reviewing the rules for exponents MULTIPLYING When you multiply same bases, you add exponents. x4•x5=x4+5=x9 What if an exponent is negative? The same thing, add the exponents. What if there is more than one variable? Do each base separately. (xy6)(x3y4)=x1+3y6+4=x4y10 What if there is a coefficient in front of the variable? 3x2•-2x3= (3 •-2) • (x2 • x3) = -6x5. Use the commutative property to rearrange -6x5 multiply the coefficients and add exponents DIVIDING When you divide same bases, you subtract exponents x^5/x^3 = x^5-3 = x^2 What if there is more than one variable? Do each base separately. x^3 y^4/x^2y = x^3-2 y^4-1 = xy^3 What if there is a coefficient in front of the variable? Divide the coefficients. 12x^9 y^5/4x^3 y^2 = (12/4)x^9-3 y^5-2 = 3x^6 y^3 What, if the exponent is negative? -15x^8 y^3/5x^-4 y^-2 = (-15/5) x^8-(-4) y^3-(-2) = -3x^12 y^5 RAISING A POWER TO A POWER When you put a power to a power you multiply exponents. (x^3)^5=x^3•5=x^15 What if there is more than one variable? (x^2y)^3=x^2•3y^1•3=x^6y^3 What if there is a coefficient? (2x^4y^2)^4=2^4x^4•4y^2•4=16x^16y^8 Remember to work slowly and meticulously. You will need to memorize the rules for exponents. A shortened version: 1. Multiply → Add exponents 2. Divide → Subtract exponents 3. Power to a power → Multiply exponents 4. Negative → Change "floors" ZERO EXPONENT The exponent of a number says how many numbers of times to use the number in a multiplication. However, a zero exponent produces a bit of a puzzle because you cannot multiply a number zero times. However, we can develop the rule from the exponent rules for the division. Any number divided by itself = 1. For example, when we look at the rules for the division which says that when you divide you subtract exponents. We get the following: and since we already know that it follows that x° = 1. This means that any number except zero (0) raised to the zero power is 1. Powers of ten In the base ten number system, integer powers of 10 are written as the digit 1 preceded by several zeroes resolved by the sign and magnitude of the exponent. For example, 104= 10000 and 10^−4 = 0.0001. Exponentiation with base 10 is used in scientific notations denote large or small numbers. For instance, 299792458 m/s (the speed of light in vacuum, in meters per second) can be written as 2.99792458×10^8 m/s and then approximated as 2.998×10^8 m/s. SI Prefixes based on powers of 10 are also used to explain small or large quantities. For example, the prefix kilo means 103 = 1000, so 1000m in 1killometre. Powers of two The first negative powers of 2 are used commonly and have special names, e.g.: half and quarter Powers of 2 present in set theory, since a set with n members, has a power set, the set of all of its subsets, which has 2^n members. Integer powers of 2 are important in the computer world. The positive integer powers 2^n give the number of possible values for an n-bit integer binary number; for example, a byte may take 2^8 = 256 different values. The binary number system expresses any number as a sum of powers of 2, and denotes it as a sequence of 0 and 1, separated by a binary point. Where, 1 indicates a power of 2 that appears in the sum; the exponent is determined by the place of this 1: the nonnegative exponents are the rank of the 1 on the left of the point (starting from 0), and the negative exponents are determined by the rank on the right of the point. Powers of one The powers of one are all one: 1^n = 1. Powers of zero If the exponent n is positive (n > 0), the nth power of zero is zero: 0^n = 0. If the exponent n is negative (n < 0), the nth power of zero 0n is undefined, because it must equal with -n > 0. The expression 00 is either called as 1, or it is left undefined. Powers of negative one If n is an even integer, then (−1)^n is equal to the 1. If n is an odd integer, then (−1)^n is equal to the 1 with a negative sign. Rational (Fractional) Exponent Now let's practice with a few numerical expressions. For example: 1. 4^1/2 = 2√4^1 = √4 = √2 * 2 = 2 2. 27^1/3 = 3√24^1 = 3√3*3*3 = 3 Topics & Subtopics of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 – Number System The different topics that are covered in this chapter are – 1. The number line and representing the real numbers on the number line. 2. A rational number can be defined as a number, which can be written in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0. 3. An irrational number is a number, which cannot be written in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0. 4. Real numbers and the decimal expansions. 5. Operations of real numbers. 6. Laws of exponents for real numbers. The different rules surrounding the real numbers. Significance of NCERT Book Class 9 1. With the NCERT book, students will understand the concepts and will also learn to utilize them in the competitive exams. 2. The NCERT book provides the students with knowledge about different methods to solve a single problem. The students should focus on learning these different methods and the solved examples will help in offering a better understanding, while the unsolved questions will help in utilizing the gained knowledge effectively. 3. The book also provides the students with valuable content that explains everything in a crisp and concise manner. With this approach, students gain immense knowledge, which is extremely helpful in writing the board exams with better knowledge, as it helps in building the knowledge of the students perfectly. In addition, with the help of Doubtnut online platform for education material, students can always clear all their doubts and confusions as the website covers all the information regarding the NCERT book Class 9 in a format that is easily understood by students. Our website provides video-tutorials and a pdf format of the book that helps students to study their course material in an interesting way.

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  • Chapter 2: POLYNOMIALS

    NCERT Book Class 9 Solutions Chapter 2 Polynomials CBSE board is one of the most prominent education boards in the Indian education system, with which maximum students are associated. For the students of CBSE board, the NCERT books are a crucial partner from an early stagesage of education. The NCERT books provide the students with simple and easy language that helps them to understand each and every concept in detail. The NCERT maths books cover all the topics in depthas per CBSE curriculum, which helps in writing the exam in an efficient better way, it is due to the systematic presentation of each concept and formula that is explained in a step by step method. The NCERT book provides the students with various opportunities, to practice their skills and knowledge. The NCERT books work around the phrase that practice makes a person perfect. Thus, the main approach of the NCERT maths book is to make each person a master in maths and it pushes the students to work hard and build a strong base in mathematics. The NCERT maths books are used by the majority of schools affiliated withby the CBSE board, as offers the students with various formulas that can be utilized in different ways to solve the problems. In addition to this, the NCERT books also offer the students with multiple tricks. . The NCERT class 9 mathematics book prepares the students for their exams and also, for their board exams, as the book will help them in class 10. Along with this, for students who prepare for competitive examinations, the NCERT math book is a boon, as the majority of the questions asked in various competitive examination are based on the questions concepts mentioned in the NCERT book are asked in various competitive examination belonging to different fields. From the beginners to the experts, the NCERT maths class 9 book is a favourite due to all these different beneficial factors and more must go-through book. The NCERT book is regularly updated according to the new additions and changes that are made in the syllabus of the students every year. For the maths lover, it is a vital attribute, as they want complete knowledge about the new theorems, new formulas, and new techniques that can help them in solving the maths problem with more speed. In maths, speed counts a lot, as there are numerous steps which have to be completed in lesser time. From the detailed notes that are offered in each chapter with multiple solved examples, the students learn the art of solving the math problems in different ways. Also, the summary of each chapter that is given at the end of each chapter, the students can revise the whole chapter quickly. The NCERT math book is a perfect complement for regular exams, board exams, and competitive exams. Our online platform, Doubtnut, has been created for the benefit of the students. The main aim of the website is to provide the students of different classes and boards with the NCERT book content in a systematic manner. The NCERT Class 9 Solutions of Chapter 2 Polynomials is provided to the students in different forms from content available in pdf files tofiles to various creative videos that will help in clearing each and every concept in detail. The videos are accessible to everyone, including remote areas too. For the students, there are different maths problems that are solved in a step by step method and with the application of different tricks and techniques, so that students learn the art of solving a problem in different ways. The students should definitely visit and consult our website on a regular basis to enhance their knowledge. INTRODUCTION Definition of Polynomials Polynomial comes from poly – (means “many”) and nomial – (means “term”) so it completely means as “many terms” A polynomial can have: 1. Constants (like 3, -20, or 1/2). 2. Variables (like x, y & t). 3. Exponents (like 2 in x2, 5 in y5, and 8 in t8). The exponents can be combined by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Therefore, this can be concluded that “a polynomial can consist of variable, constants, and exponents, but never division by variable”. A polynomial can have one or more term, but not an infinite term. These are polynomials: 1. 3x 2. x − 2 3. −6y2 − (79)x 4. 3xyz + 3xy2z − 0.1xz − 200y + 0.5 5. 512v5 + 99w5. Types of polynomial Monomials – Monomials are the algebraic expression with one term, hence it is called “Mono”mial. Binomials – Binomials are the algebraic expression with two unlike terms, hence known as “Bi” nomial. Trinomials – Trinomials are the algebraic expression with three unlike terms, hence the name “Tri” nomial. Degree of a Polynomial Degree of a polynomial is simply the greatest exponents or powers over the various terms present in the polynomial equation. Example: Find the degree of a polynomial 7x – 5 In this, we observe that there are two terms in the mentioned polynomial. The first term is 7x, whereas the second term is -5. Hence, we define the exponent for each term. The exponent for the first term 7x = 1 and for the second term -5 = 0. Since the highest exponent is 1, therefore the degree of the polynomial 7x – 5 is also 1. Types of Polynomial Equation There are basically four types of a polynomial equation which form the base to further learning. Zero Polynomial: Whenever in a given polynomial every coefficient value stays zero, then it is called as a zero polynomial. For example: 0 + 04 – 0 Monomial: It is an algebraic expression that contains only one term and is called as Monomial. In a simplistic form, it can be called as an expression that contains any count of like terms. For example: 2x, 4t, 21x2y, 9pq etc. Each of these expressions is monomial since they contain only one term. Binomial: It is an algebraic expression, which comprises of two, unlike terms. For example, 3x + 4x2is binomial since it contains two unlike terms, that is, 3x and 4x2. Also, 10pq + 13p2q is also a Binomial. This is because it comprises two unlike terms, namely, 10pq and 13p2q. Trinomial: It is an algebraic expression that comprises three unlike terms. For example- 3x + 5x2– 6x3 is an active Trinomial. It is due to the presence of three, unlike terms, namely, 3x, 5x2 and 6x3. Also, 12pq + 4x2 – 10 is a trinomial, since it has three unlike terms- 12pq, 4x2and 10. Example: Q. Which of the following is a binomial? a. 8*a+a b. 7a2 + 8b + 9c c. 3a*4b + 2c d. 11a2 + 11b2 Ans: d. 11a2 + 11b2 1. A - will give 8*a+a=9a which is monomial. 2. B - is a trinomial. 3. C - will give 24abc, which is a monomial 4. D - will give 11a2+11b2, which is a binomial Q1. Which of the following expressions are polynomials in one variable and which are not? 1. 3x2–4x+15 2. y2+2√3 3. x12+y2+t50 Sol: 1. 3x2–4x+15 – it is a polynomial of x 2. y2+2√3– it is a polynomial of y 3. x12+y2+t50 – it is a three-variable polynomial which variables of x, y, t Q2. Write the coefficients of x2 in each of the following. 1. 17–2x+7x2 2. 9–12x+x2 3. √3x–7 Sol: Given, to find the coefficients of x2. 1. 17–2x+7x2 – the coefficient is 7. 2. 9–12x+x2 – the coefficient is 0. 3. √3x–7 – the coefficient is 0. Q3. Write the degrees of each of the following polynomials: 1. 7x3+4x2–3x+12 2. 12–x+2x3 3. 7−7x0 4. 0 Sol: Given, to find degrees of the polynomials The degree is the highest power in the polynomial 1. 7x3+4x2–3x+12 – the degree is 3. 2. 12–x+2x3 – the degree is 3. 3. 7−7x0 – the degree is 0. 4. 0 – the degree of 0 is not defined. Remainder Theorem The Remainder Theorem is a very important concept that helps in understanding the process of division in a much better way – Dividend = (Divisor*Quotient) + Remainder In the process of dividing two polynomials, this formula is extremely beneficial. For example: For dividing two polynomials, p(x) – 3x2+x-1 by g(x) – x+1. For this, = 3x2+x-1/x+1 = {3x(x+1) -2(x+1)} + 1 = (x+1)*(3x-2) + 1. Therefore, according to the remainder theorem, the polynomial p(x) is the dividend, which is 3x2+x-1, the dividend is g(x) that is x+1, the quotient is (3x-2), and finally, the remainder that is obtained is 1. Thus, the main focus of the remainder theorem is to help in dividing two polynomials. Factorization of Polynomials In some of the case, while utilizing the remainder theorem, the remainder obtained after the complete calculation will be 0. In such a case, it can be said that p(x) is a multiple of g(x). According to the factor theorem, this can be stated that, if p(x) is a polynomial of a degree of n>1, and a is considered as the real number, then this can also be formulated that – 1. x – a is a factor of p(x), only if p(a) = 0, and also 2. p(a) = 0, if x – a is the factor of p(x). This the main formula, which has to be followed after the remainder theorem, and the factorization of a polynomial is conducted on the basis of this approach. Various Algebraic Expressions The following algebraic expressions will help in solving the different polynomial equations. In addition to this, it will also help in solving different quadratic equations and trigonometric equations too in the future. It is paramount that all the different formulas should be memorized by hard, as the students may require them any time. 1. (x + y + z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 + 2xy + 2yz + 2zx 2. (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2 3. (x - y)2 = x2 -2xy + y2 4. X2 – y2 = (x + y) (x - y) 5. (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab 6. (x + y)3 = x3 + y3 + 3xy(x + y) 7. (x – Y)3 = x3 – y3 – 3xy(x – y) 8. X3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz = (x + y + z) (x2 + y2 + z2 – xy – yz – zx) Topics and Subtopics of NCERT MATHS Class 9 Chapter 2 Polynomials The various different topics, which have been covered in this chapter, are – 1. The polynomial and different types of polynomials like monomial, binomials, and trinomials. 2. The different degree of polynomials, which include linear polynomials, quadratic polynomials, and cubic polynomials. 3. The root of the equation. 4. The importance of Remainder Theorem, in dividing two polynomials. 5. The factorization of polynomials has been explained with the help of factor theorem. 6. Also, the different algebraic expressions has been explained along with various different formulas, which include – 6.1.(x + y + z)2 = x2 + y2 + z2 + 2xy + 2yz + 2zx. 6.2.(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2. 6.3.(x - y)2 = x2 -2xy + y2. 6.4.X2 – y2 = (x + y) (x - y). 6.5.(x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab. 6.6.(x + y)3 = x3 + y3 + 3xy (x + y). 6.7.(x – Y)3 = x3 – y3 – 3xy (x – y). 6.8.X3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz = (x + y + z) (x2 + y2 + z2 – xy – yz – zx).

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    NCERT For Class 9 Maths Chapter - Coordinate Geometry NCERT For Class 9 Maths Chapter - Coordinate Geometry solutions for the books are available for download in the pdf file format right here. These answers help to save much of your time since they are stated in simple language. It just focuses on the most important aspects of the topics.

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    NCERT For Class 9 Math's Chapter Linear Equations In Two Variables Here you can access answers from NCERT For Class 9 Math's Chapter Linear Equations In Two Variables here. Download the free pdf here to strengthen your preparation. The solutions have been carefully solved and published.

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    NCERT Class 9 Math's Chapter - Introduction To Euclids Geometry NCERT Class 9 Math's Chapter - Introduction To Euclids Geometry solutions are available for download in the pdf file format here. A straight line may be traced from any point to any other point, according to Euclid's first postulate. learn all about the chapter by using the solutions provided here for download.

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  • Chapter 6: LINES AND ANGLES

    NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Math's Chapter Lines And Angles You can see the solutions of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Math's Chapter Lines And Angles here. The solutions of this chapter are the most sought out by students as the concepts of the answers are described clearly along with many more problems to practice. You need the best solutions that train you to attempt answers quickly. Advance your preparation by downloading the pdf now.

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  • Chapter 7: TRIANGLES

    TRIANGLE A polygon with three vertices and three edge. Area of a triangle= ½ (length × base). Perimeter =sum of side lengths of the triangle. Note: 1. Sum of angles of any triangle is 180 degree. 2. For the equal sides of a triangle two dashes are drawn on the equal sides. TYPES OF TRIANGLES Equilateral triangle A triangle having three equal sides and angles. Having a 60 degrees angle on each corner. Isosceles triangle A triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles or with two acute angles and one obtuse angle. Right-angled triangle A triangle with one 90 degrees angle shown by a small square. It can be an isosceles triangle if other two sides are equal with 45 degrees angle each. Scalene A triangle having all of its angles different and none of its sides are same. Obtuse A triangle having three different angles with one of its angles greater than 90°. Having none of its sides equal in length. CRITERIA FOR CONGRUENCY OF TRIANGLES Every time tracing and then coming to the conclusion of congruency is difficult. So there are some criteria: Case 1. Trying to draw a congruent triangle to the given ABC we see that- a. The length of all the three sides of ABC OR b. Length of two sides and angle between them OR c. â–^²measures of two angles and length of the side included by them. Drawing the triangle: Length of line BC = 5.5cm Length of line AC= 3.4 cm We get ∟C = 65°. Measuring the two angles and lengths of the side included by them is known. Draw a triangle ABC Length of line BC= 5.5 cm ∟C = 65 degree ∟B= 36 degree »BC=5.5 cm drawing a line at 65 degree from point C and another line at 36 degree. The point of intersection is point A. Hence we list the criteria of congruency of triangles- Like in the given figure ƉB = ƉQ and ƉC = ƉR and sides between ƉB and ƉC, ƉQ and ƉR are equal to each other therefore BC = QR, â–^²ABC≈â–^²PQR. Like in the given figure ƉB = ƉQ and ƉC = ƉR and sides between ƉB and ƉC, ƉQ and ƉR are equal to each other therefore BC = QR, â–^²ABC≈â–^²PQR. THEOREM 1 1. SSS (Side-Side-Side) When all the three sides of a triangle are equivalent corresponding to one another then the triangles are said to be congruent to each other following the SSS rule. THEOREM 2 2. SAS (Side-Angle-Side) When two sides and an angle included between the sides of a given triangle is equivalent to the corresponding two sides and the angle between the sides of the second one then the triangles are said to be congruent to each other by SAS rule. THEOREM 3 3. ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) When two angles and a side included between the angles of a triangle corresponds with two angles and a side included between the angles of the other triangle then the triangles are said to be congruent to each other by ASA rule. THEOREM 4 4. RHS (Right Angle-Hypotenuse-Side) When the hypotenuse and a side of a triangle is equivalent to the hypotenuse and side of the other triangle then both the sides are side to be congruent to each other. THEOREM 5 5. AAS (Angle-Angle-Side): When in the given triangles two angles and one non-included side of one triangle are equivalent corresponding to the other two angles and one-included side of the other triangle then the two triangles are said to be congruent by AAS rule. NOTE: AAA means we are provided with all the three angles of the triangle, but we are not provided with any side so, we cannot drive any congruence between the triangle, as this is not enough information to drive any conclusion about congruence. Because triangles can have equal angles but be different in their sizes. Significance of NCERT Mathematics Book for Class 9 NCERT book covers each and every topic of the entire chapter in a detailed way. It is must to read book before sitting for the examinations as it has everything you need to solve and various kinds of questions related to the topic. Therefore, it is important to have the NCERT book to score well. For further help regarding any concept or chapter or subject, you can always visit our website as it provides in-depth explanations of the concepts in a fun way. You can also just download our app to reach to us easily and we ensure that you will understand each and everything in a compiled manner if you look here.

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    NCERT Class 9 Solutions Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals Class 9 brings many changes in a student's academic life. As one makes a transition from class 8 to class 9, it is mostly observed that in the beginning the student struggles to cope up with the syllabus of Class 9 than any other class. This is the class when syllabus increases more than students have faced in lower classes and also the syllabus is of a much higher level. The jump from Class 8 to Class 9 is a big step. Many students struggle in the beginning to score well, lose courage, and stop studying altogether. It is observed that a student who used to be a topper until class 8 is struggling to pass and an average student excels in class 9. Therefore, the key here is hard work and persistence and studying smart with a good textbook towards the syllabus in class 9. NCERT books provided by CBSE are the Bible for preparation of CBSE examinations. It is found that most of the questions asked in examinations are from the book of NCERT. The NCERT book provides precise theory and also quality questions, it is advised to students that they should only prefer books which provides a good quality of questions instead of the book that provides a large number of questions of not up to the mark quality. The problems given in the book will acquaint with the type of questions that are asked in examinations and this is the book that sets standards for other references to follow. NCERT for mathematics provide students with the high-quality study material in a very precise manner, theory and questions given will definitely make students ready for their exams. NCERT books are one of the most popular and well-written books among students. This book stands out amongst others as it provides the theory that is easy to comprehend and very easy to understand concepts and the variety of questions are provided after explanation of the theory which helps students to learn in a better way. The book has stood the test of time and helped thousands of students achieve high grades in their exams. It is a gem of a book, it also focuses on competition as many students start their preparation for JEE from class 9th itself. NCERT textbooks have practice exercises that have numerous unsolved problems. Nevertheless, Doubtnut makes sure that students get an in-depth explanation of every concept given in the book. Our website provides a detailed explanation for the book covering each and every question. At Doubtnut, we make sure that the solution given in the book is easy to understand and detailed and students can easily look for them. Solutions are made in the most preferred manner so that any students either novice or someone who is familiar both can be benefited. The solutions are prepared by experts in the field of mathematics and are 100% accurate. These solutions will help students in completing their homework and in preparation for the exams as well. Doubtnut provides video-tutorials with illustrative graphics and images that makes it easier for students to grasp the techniques and methodologies used in a fun way. Chapter 8 of NCERT for Class 9 maths is Quadrilaterals. The solutions given are well structured and every step and method is well highlighted. It is made sure that no step or method is implemented which have not been introduced to the students unit this chapter. Quadrilaterals – Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions INTRODUCTION We have studied many properties of the triangle in chapter 6 and 7 and you know that on gaining three non-collinear points in pairs, the figures so obtained are triangulated. 1. If three all the points in the plane are collinear then it forms a line segment, if three of four points are collinear it forms a triangle and if no three points out of four are cleaner than a closed figure is obtained with four sides, which are known as a quadrilateral. These solutions given will help students to learn new methods and tricks to solve questions in a very short time and easily. These concepts will help students more than anything will during exams. Learning concepts in this manner help students achieve high grades and a better understanding of mathematics in general. One should look for these solutions and try to evaluate his or her loopholes in concept and mistakes made during solving a problem and rectify them. In this way, students can master each and every topic and get better at mathematics. It is advised to students that they should solve a chapter of the book every day for at least 2 hours, as we know that the way to be successful in mathematics is a regular practice. One should look for online solutions only when he or she has already attempted question several times on their own and are not able to complete it. Students who have solved the questions can also follow these solutions to learn alternative methods and easier procedures to solve the questions. The unsolved exercises given at the end of each topic should be attempted for the revision of the chapter. Students will definitely score better grades if they follow proper guidelines and practice regularly. Topics and Subtopics of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 8 - Quadrilaterals The chapter of Quadrilaterals is divided into small topics and subtopics. The topics and subtopics are further divided on the basis of concepts. Each concept is listed as a topic and things regarding the concepts are listed as subtopics. Each topic and subtopic is explained in detail by giving easy to understand examples and mathematical tools are used to make the learning process more interactive for students. After the detailed explanation of concepts, it provides questions on the same that students can practice the problems just after reading the theory and learn the topic completely. The problems given in each chapter vary and the questions are arranged in order of their difficulty level. An unsolved exercise is present at the end of each chapter for the revision of the concept. Concepts explanation is illustrated with graphs, diagrams, formulas, and charts. The theory given at the beginning of every chapter will help students to clear their concepts and problems provided on these concepts will help students to get comfortable with chapter further. Also, our online e-learning platform makes it even easy for the students to understand the concepts thoroughly. Some of the topics and subtopics of chapter 9 Quadrilaterals are as follows: Angle Sum Property of a Quadrilateral The angle sum property of a quadrilateral state that the sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral is 360°. Types of Quadrilaterals There are five different kinds of quadrilaterals. Parallelogram A parallelogram is a type of quadrilateral that has two opposite sides equal and parallel and has equal diagonally opposite angles. Rhombus A rhombus is a kind of quadrilateral that has four equal sides and two opposite sides are parallel. Square A square is a quadrilateral whose all fours angles are at 90° and all four sides are equal to each other. Rectangle A rectangle is a type of quadrilateral that has all the angles equal to 90° and equal opposite sides. Trapezium When a quadrilateral has one pair of opposite sides parallel it is known as a Trapezium. Properties of a Parallelogram 1. Theorem 1: A diagonal of a parallel gram divides it into two congruent triangles. 2. Theorem 2: In a parallelogram opposite sides is equal. 3. Theorem 3: In a quadrilateral, if opposite sides are equal, then it is called a parallelogram. 4. Theorem 4: In a parallelogram opposite angles is equal. 5. Theorem 5: If each pair of opposite angles is equal in a quadrilateral, then it is called a parallelogram. 6. Theorem 6: The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. 7. Theorem 7: If diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram. Another Condition for a Quadrilateral to be a Parallelogram 1. Theorem 8: In a quadrilateral, if opposite sides are equal and parallel, then it is called a parallelogram. The Midpoint Theorem 2. Theorem 9: The line segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side. 3. Theorem 10: The line drawn through the midpoint of one side of a triangle, parallel to another side bisects the third side. Significance of NCERT Mathematics Book for Class 9 1. NCERT book has detailed explanations of theories and concepts with illustrations that prove to be beneficial for students in order to understand. 2. The book provides a logical and algorithmic approach to every topic or concept that makes it easier for them to comprehend. 3. In addition, the book has a huge question bank with illustrative examples and exercises. 4. Summary of concepts and formulas are given at the end of each chapter which helps students to have a quick revision altogether. In today’s modern world, where everyone is addicted to technology and mobile, Doubtnut, an online platform, provides an opportunity to students to learn their course subject in a fun way and also encourages them to dedicate more time towards their study. They have their learning material just a click away with an easy access which motivates them to learn the concepts whenever and wherever possible.

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    NCERT For Class 9 Math's Chapter - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles NCERT Class 9th Chapter on Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles of subject Math's is available. Prepared by leading subject experts, the solutions offer crystal clear methods of solving the problems. The pdf is free for student community. So, download now and start benefiting.

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  • Chapter 10: CIRCLES

    NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Math's Chapter – Circles Here, the solutions of NCERT chapter Circles for class 9 Math's are available. Being a chapter of class 9th, the solutions are very important for board examinations. Explanations are lucid and step by step solutions provide simple understanding of the subject. What’s more, the pdf is downloadable for free!

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  • Chapter 11: HERONS FORMULA

    NCERT Solutions Class 9 Math's Chapter - Herons Formula NCERT Solutions Class 9 Math's Chapter - Herons Formula solutions can be downloaded in Pdf file format from doubtnut. Students that understand the topic well may be able to earn high test marks and solve problems that need swift calculations. Use the materials provided here in PDF to do so.

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    NCERT Class 9 Solutions Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes NCERT books have been one of the most preferred textbooks in India by the students studying the CBSE syllabus. The students find the concepts really easy to understand when learned from NCERT books, especially a subject like Maths. The step-by-step approach followed to solve the problems are the highlights of the textbook and it makes the process of study easy for the learners. For a subject like Maths, it is essential that the learners practice more and more problems in order to learn the concepts of a chapter comprehensively. The NCERT textbook provides an ample number of problems that are sufficient for the students' practice. Now with a proper textbook for reference, the next important requirement for the students would be a good solution guide to the exercise questions from the textbook. The solutions guide proves to be very useful when the students try to solve the difficult textbook questions. With the help of a proper solutions guide, the students who are into self-study would benefit a lot. Our online tutorial platform Doubtnut provides all the solutions worked out for the NCERT textbook, exercise-wise. NCERT Solutions for class maths 9 Chapter 13 Surface areas and volumes is presented in the form of videos that can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. The students can rely on these solution videos as all problems, including the complex ones are broken down into simpler solutions by our experts who are available to solve students queries whenever they require. Surface Areas and Volumes – Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions In previous chapters, students must have learned about areas and volumes of the figures, which were easily drawn on notebook and blackboard like circle, square and rectangle, and we have learned about them by finding the parameters and areas. Now further in this chapter, we will learn about the solid figures, which are formed when plane figures are cut into same size and shapes and are piled in a vertical line, hence we will obtain solid figures by applying this method such as a cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, and sphere. Let us recall and study the chapter in detail now. What is the surface area of cuboid and cube? Cuboid Cuboids are made from 6 rectangles which are placed at right angles. A cuboid is a 3D shape. Cuboids have 6 faces; the faces of the cuboid can be any quadrilateral. Cuboids are made from 6 rectangles, which are placed at right angles. A Cuboid has 12 edges, 8 corners or vertices, and 6 faces. Therefore, we can find out their areas by multiplying length and breadth of all 6 rectangles separately and then we can add all resultants together. The total surface area of a cuboid is the sum of the areas of its 6 faces, which can be shown as Total Surface Area = 2 (lw + wh + hl) The surface area is the total area of all the faces of a 3D shape. The lateral surface area of a cuboid which has length, breadth, and height as (l, b, and h) can be explained as- Lateral Surface Area = 2 (lh + wh) = 2h (l + w) Topics and Subtopics of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 13 – Surface Areas and Volumes Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes is divided further into topics and subtopics in which the content of previous knowledge of the student is given as well as the current syllabus is covered in the form of examples and exercises. Knowing the topics and subtopics of a given chapter helps the learners be aware of the whole content in a short form. This helps them to sort out each topic the way they want to while planning to study. Let us look at the Topics and Subtopics of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 13 – surface areas and volumes, according to which the solutions are worked out on the website: Cube Cardboard square box is an example of a cube. Therefore, we can say cube is a three-dimensional solid figure, which has 6 faces (sides), 12 edges and 8 vertices. In other words, it can also be described as – A cuboid whose length, breadth and height are equal and if we consider the edge of the given cube as “a” then the surface area of the cube can be explained as – 2 (a x a + a x a + a x a) = 2 (3a^2) i.e. 6a^2 Therefore, the surface area of a cube is equal to 6a^2 When we measure only four sides of the cube and leave the upper and bottom surface then that area is known as lateral surface area, therefore it can be represented as follows for cube The lateral surface area of a cuboid with side a is equal to 4a^2 Surface area of a Right Circular Cylinder A cylinder which has a circle in its base portion and its elements are perpendicular (or we can say at the right angle) to its base is known as a right circular cylinder. In the figure above, a right circular cylinder is shown. For detecting the total surface area of a right circular cylinder, we need to know the following – Curved surface area of a cylinder = area of rectangular portion i.e. length x breadth = perimeter of the base of cylinder x h = 2πr x h Therefore, the curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh Area of two circles in the cylinder of radius r is πr^2 Therefore, the area of two circular bases is equal to 2πr^2 Total surface area of right circular cylinder =2πrh + 2πr^2 Hence, 2πr (r + h) Surface area of a Right Circular Cone A cone whose axis is perpendicular to its base is called right circular cone. It can be seen that a cone is also made of a circle and a triangle. Total surface area of a cone is equal to the curved surface area of the cone plus the area of the base- i.e πr2 + πlr, where ‘r’ is the radius of the base of the cone, and ‘l’ is the slant height of the cone. Therefore, total surface area = πrl + πr2 = πr (l + r) Surface area of a Sphere A geometrical figure, which is 3-dimensional, perfectly round, and circular just like a ball. It can also be defined as the set of all points that are at an equal distance from a single point in space. The distance from an outer point to the centre of the sphere is said as the radius(r) and the maximum straight distance from one side of the sphere to other side is called diameter (d). Surface area of a sphere is equal to 4 times the area of circle of radius r i.e. Surface area of a sphere = 4πr^2 Surface area of a Hemisphere A hemisphere is just half of a sphere, or we can define it as when we split a sphere into two parts then it is called a hemisphere. Therefore, the curved surface area of a hemisphere is equal to ½ of 4πr^2 Hence, we get 2πr^2 If we consider two faces of a hemisphere then the area is equal to 2πr^2 + πr^2 Hence – the total surface area of hemisphere = 3 πr^2 Volumes As we know, solid objects occupy some space and when we measure this space it is called volume. Now we will learn about the volume of different solid objects. Volume of cuboid – The measure of the space occupied in cuboid is called volume. We can measure it as an area of the plane region occupied by each rectangle x height = volume Volume of cuboid = length x breadth x height In case of cube we take V = edge x edge x edge Therefore, the volume of cube = a3 (where a denotes edge of a cube) Volume of a cylinder Just as cuboid We can take the volume of cylinder = area of circular base x height Therefore, volume of cylinder = πr2h Volume of a cone We can say three times the volume of a cone is equal to the volume of a cylinder, which means the volume of a cone is one-third volume of a cylinder Therefore - Volume of cone = 1/3 πr2h Volume of a Sphere Volume of a sphere is equal to 4/3π times the cube of its radius. Therefore, the volume of a sphere can be written as = 4/3πr^3 Volume of a Hemisphere We know hemisphere is half of a sphere, therefore, the volume of the hemisphere can be written as ½ of 4/3πr^3 Hence, we get the volume of hemisphere = 2/3 πr^3 Significance of NCERT Mathematics Book Class 9 1.The NCERT book contains explanations of all the important concepts, which help students to understand the concepts in a comprehensive manner. 2.Different methods and concepts in this book are explained in an easy to understand language that makes it quite helpful for all the students. 3.Ample diagrams or figures and exercise on the same are illustrated in the NCERT book of the given chapter to make the mathematical concept easy-to-learn and understand. The students are benefitted while practicing maths problems from the NCERT book and if they have any doubts, it can be cleared with the help of online video tutorials which are given on, where the experts are available to help them in every possible way. On our website, all of these concepts are taught in video format that helps the students to learn the lessons with better concentration. All the doubts occurring during the learning process can be easily clarified by just posting the picture of the question on our website. Thus, Doubtnut is the right platform and students should download our play store app, doubtnut, for easy access to their queries. Our website makes the perfect tutorial platform for the students to face both board exams and the competitive exams in a stress-free way!

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  • Chapter 13: STATISTICS

    NCERT Class 9 Solutions Chapters 14 Statistics Excelling in your class is one dream that almost every student has since the first day of the class. However, the major question is, how one can manage to get the highest marks. The answer to the question is regular practice from NCERT books. From step-by-step solutions to new added concepts, this help guide is a must-have tool for every Class 9 student, who is going to appear for the board exams in class 10 for the first time. Now about the chapter 14 Statistics, the word statistics basically comes from a Latin word ‘status’ or an Italian word ‘statista’ meaning political state or government so as the meaning suggests it has been used by rulers in past. And for the fact was even used by the great drama writer Shakespeare back in 1602 in one of his drama called Hamlet which we all have heard about or read it as a part of our syllabus or through being a fan of Shakespeare’s works. The question, which arises in every student's head before going through any chapter, is why am I reading this? What is its importance rather than just fetching me some marks in the examinations? What is its significance in day-to-day life? So, like everything, which we learn in school, has to do something in our day-to-day life, and to help us know the world in a more subtle, factual and sensible way possible. So here this chapter STATISTICS that has rather more useful in everyday life than just mathematics or commerce, or accounts. Therefore, here are some details of the chapter: 1. In trading and market finance, it aids in investing and getting profit through the right investment. 2. In quality testing of the products produced by the companies around the globe, it is used to ensure that the products are of the best quality as the company cannot go checking all the products they produce, so for that, they do analytical database statistics for the safe and secure testing of goods. 3. Statistics plays a major role in the world of medicine as the drug which reaches to the people for their wellbeing are checked before landing in the market and goes for statistical testing for their effectiveness. 4. In insurance companies, statistics is used for calculating the risk of giving away insurance. 5. In research works, it is used for collecting relevant data to ensure profits. 6. In weather forecasting to predict future weather by the statistical analysis of yesterdays and today’s weather. 7. Prediction about the election results by the reports according to the statistics. 8. Used in making complex long data making it systematic and understandable. Therefore, this chapter plays a crucial role in every field of profession. In addition, we at Doubtnut provides easy to understand tricks and formulas of the chapter with the help of video tutorials and graphical representation. It helps the student to gain appropriate and relevant knowledge of the topic and concepts and ensure that it creates an enthusiastic environment for students for their learning. Introduction BASIC TERMS • Primary data: The data collected by the statistical analyst for the analysis in the first time is called primary data. • Secondary data: The data collected primarily beforehand it may or may not have published but should be used with care and permission. THE STEPS TO DO STATISTICAL READING EFFICIENTLY 1. Collection of data 2. Presentation of data 3. Graphical representation of data COLLECTION OF DATA For statistical analysis of any given situation first and foremost, we need to accumulate the data related to the asked task to perform. For instance, if we need to place 30 boys in a line from the shortest one to the tallest one we primarily need to collect data for those boys and know their heights respectively and then half of the job is already done we just have to place then in a height order from the shortest to the tallest. 59+60+61+63+64+66+66+68+71+72 So in order to do statics, we need to understand data collection. METHODS OF COLLECTING DATA Primary sources: 1. Observation 2. Interviewing 3. Questionnaire Secondary sources: 1. Documents 2. Government publications 3. Earlier research 4. Census 5. Personal records 6. Client histories 7. Service records PRESENTATION OF DATA The presentation of data means placing them all in a manner one can easily access and draw the required analysis by going through it. Example: The below-given table is of foreign trade of India from 1987-1986, which is the presentation of the entire data in a systematic format. By this, you can analyze about the trade or let the other people know about it without transferring the whole bunch of data by just setting some accessible slots like here it’s in the form of the year and then placing the data accordingly where it fits the best and almost perfectly. Year Value Of Export Value Of Import 1987 - 88 301 243 1988 - 89 295 226 1989 - 90 309 230 1990 - 91 260 184 1991 - 92 276 168 1992 - 93 184 85 1993 - 94 158 89 1994 - 95 166 160 1995 - 96 182 177 Raw data The data that is as it was collected in other words it is yet to be classified in a manner to be studied efficiently. Distribution The distribution of the collected data in a classified manner so that it can be understood and read easily and effectively. Frequency It states that the number of times a particular data appeared in the given raw data. Classes The core reason of doing statistical analysis is to ease the task of reading a large amount of data so for that it has classes like to read a group of 100 student’s weight of class 9, which would range between the one with the lowest weight to the one with the highest. So according to that classes or class intervals are set like the lowest weights 35 kg and the highest weights 65 kg so on that basis classes are fixed- 35-45 45-55 55-65 Now just put in the frequency in each class. Classmark The midpoint of the classes or class intervals created is called class mark. Class-mark = upper limit-lower limit/2 Continuous Frequency Distribution When we have a value or data, we want to know the exact value, and if in that case the exact measurement is not possible as it is in fractional form. We go for CFD so we distribute the variables in the group of values as we have 100 works and we want to know their income of each, which is difficult: Weekly income Number of workers 50-100 4 100-150 12 150-200 22 200-250 33 250-300 16 300-350 8 350-400 5 Total 100 Cumulative Frequency The total of all frequencies and the frequency distribution. The actual total of frequencies. 1. In discrete frequency distribution: Add all the prior frequencies to get the cumulative frequency. Class 9 Chapter 14 Statistics Cumulative Frequency 2. In continuous frequency distribution: In case the frequencies are continuous and not discrete like the above, we use continuous frequency distribution: MEASURE OF CENTRAL TENDENCIES Mean The average is the sum of all observations divided by a number of observations. Median It is the middle value of the entire observation or the given number of observations which divides it into two parts. Mode It signifies the value of observation, which occurs most frequently in the entire data. TYPES OF REPRESENTATION OF DATA 1. Graphical presentation 2. Tabular presentation 3. Diagrammatic presentation 4. Descriptive presentation Graphical Presentation This presentation is basically the interpretation of the entire set of data in a graphical manner or through different graphs that are: Through a BAR GRAPH OR DIAGRAM representation in a rectangular manner. Tabular Presentation Representation in the form of tables: 1. Naming the columns 2. Naming the rows 3. Measuring units 4. Title of the table 5. Numbering 6. Stating some important notes on it for the ease of analysis 7. Percentage ratios 8. Headings 9. Using colors to specify the importance of some data 10. Source of the data specifications 11. and most important maintaining the level of reading the data in the easiest way possible HOW TO CLASSIFY THE TABULAR DATA It can be done in different ways like on the quantity of the data, for instance, if we have to classify the age of 200 different boys. It can be done on the basis of quality as region people in the given data that belongs to their nationality, and on the basis of non-fixed data like population of a country as the survey did in 2016 won't match the one done in 2019 as it depends on mortality rate, nasality rate, immigrants and emigrants. Diagrammatic Presentation The way to represent data for analysis in a diagrammatic form. Example: 1. HISTOGRAM 2. OGIVE CURVE 3. FREQUENCY CURVE 4. FREQUENCY POLYGON Arithmetic line graphs or time graphs It basically uses the X and Y axis for its representation and the plotting is done along the axis considering the data of time to be plotted on X-axis and the other set of data on the Y-axis. Then the analysis is done either the corresponding increases with time or decreases with time or increases and then decreases with time after a certain interval. This makes the task of reading the data much simple. Bar graphs: Representation in bars or rectangles. Pie charts Histogram: It can’t be drawn for the discrete data type. Significance of NCERT Mathematics Book Class 9 NCERT is the best way you can get through the entire chapter in less time as it states what all you should know at this level. Hence consuming less time so just being confident with NCERT texts you can do wonders in your academics and score the best and even the competitive examinations, as this is the basic book for the examinations like NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER, IIT and many more. 1. It provides detailed explanations in the most precise manner. 2. It is aided with online solutions. 3. It provides a number of questions and problems ranging from easy to difficult. 4. Updated every year: The NCERT books are updated every year with a newer edition following the latest guidelines by CBSE. Experts rewrite the text and additional problems every year in the book. In addition, our website, Doubtnut provides short and effective revisions for each and every chapter in best and precise way possible to consume your less time and give the most and vital information related to the topic.

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  • Chapter 14: PROBABILITY

    NCERT Class 9 Solutions Chapter 15 PROBABILITY Class 9 brings many changes in a student's academic life. As one makes a transition from class 8 to class 9, it is mostly observed that the student struggles to cope up with the syllabus and curriculum of the class at the beginning than any other class. Class 9 has syllabus more than any other lower classes so students find it hard to cope up with it and also the syllabus is of higher level. Many students struggle in the beginning to score well and lose courage and stop studying altogether. Students are accustomed to many complex concepts and large syllabus until class 8, so it is important to study from a book which gives an in-depth and detailed explanation for every topic. The ideal book to study should be one in which it is made sure that difficult concepts are made easy to understand and theory should be illustrated with diagrams and examples. The problems are given after every topic so that students can practice the concept just after reading its theory, which helps students to understand better. NCERT is a decent book to study from, as it covers the major concepts and areas of the chapters. One has to buy a reference book for maths and it should satisfy all features discussed above. NCERT is one such book that satisfies all the needs of the students. Moreover, Doubtnut, an online e-learning platform, provides every help with regard to the NCERT books. Theories, as well as exercises of the chapters, are easily available at our website. At Doubtnut, we provide all the solutions worked out for the NCERT textbook, exercise wise. NCERT Solutions for class 9 maths Chapter 15 Probability is presented in the form of videos that can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. The students can rely on these solution videos as all problems, including the complex ones are broken down into simpler solutions by our experts who are available to solve students queries whenever they require. Further, if students download the Doubtnut app it becomes easier and convenient for them to pass the examination with flying colors. Introduction – Chapter 15 Probability Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions From previous chapters. Students must have got little knowledge of probability. The term probability means chance or doubt. If we speak about somebody or about some incident, which we don’t know the exact time of, it’s happening and we guess about it, this shows probability. Like – Probably it will rain today. Most probably, my child will come first in the examination. I may go to Bangalore tomorrow. These sentences show doubt or uncertainty about the incidents or happenings. It means we don’t know exactly and are assuming about the particular situation. Further, in this chapter, we will learn about the measurement of probability with the help of numerical (means numbers) in many situations. We will do activities and examples based on these. Topics and Subtopics of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 15 – Probability Chapter probability is divided into further topics and subtopics in which the content of previous knowledge of the student is given as well as the current syllabus is covered in the form of theory and exercises. Knowing the topics and subtopics of a given chapter helps the learners be aware of the whole content in a short form. The Knowledge of topics and subtopics help students to plan their studies accordingly in an organized manner. Let us look at the Topics and Subtopics of NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 15 – Probability, according to which the solutions are worked out on the website How was the term probability given? The term probability was basically discovered through gambling, the game which is totally based one uncertainty and person’s luck. One of the famous gamblers approached a famous philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal with some dice problems and he also started taking interest in this topic. He did a lot of research and experiments and gave a theory of probability. Examples – Tossing a Coin When we toss a coin, there are two possible outcomes. It can be – Heads (H) or Tails (T) We can say that the probability of the coin with the head (H) side is ½. And, the probability of the coin with tails (T) is ½. Throwing Dice When a single dice is thrown, there are six possible outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The probability of any one of them can be written as 1/6. Activity 1 Let us have a look at an activity to show the measurement of probability. Let us take any coin, toss it ten times and note down the number of times a head and a tail come up. Record your observations in the form of the following table Number of times the coin is tossed Number of times head comes up Number of times tail comes up 10 - - Now we will write down the values of the following fractions: Number of times head comes up/ Total number of times the coin is tossed And Number of times a tail comes up/ Total number of times the coin is tossed Now, let us try increasing the number of times the coin was tossed – When we toss the coin twenty times and record our observations as above shown in the above table. Then again, we will find the values of the fractions recorded above for this collection of observations. Further, in the same experiment, we will increase the number of tosses and record the number of heads and tails. Then we will find the values of the corresponding fractions. We will notice that as the number of tosses gets larger, the values of the fractions come closer to 0.5. To record what happens in more and more tosses, the following group activity can also be performed: Activity 2 Let us divide the class into groups of 2 or 3 students. Let each student in each group toss a coin 15 times. Other students in each group should record observations regarding heads and tails. [Note that coins of the same type should be used in all the groups. It will be treated as if only one coin has been tossed by all the groups.] We can note down the observation in the table and calculate the resulting fractions similarly as mentioned in the above table. Then Group 2 can write down its observations, but will calculate the fractions for the combined data of Groups1 and 2, and so on. (We shall call these fractions as cumulative fractions.) We have noted the first three rows based on the observations given by one class of students. Group 1 Number of heads 2 Number of tails 3 Cumulative number of heads Cumulative number of heads Total number of times the coin is tossed Total number of times the coin is tossed 1 3 12 3/15 12/15 2 7 8 7/15 + 3/15 =10/30 8/15 + 12/15 = 20/30 3 7 8 7/15 + 10/30 = 17/45 8/15 + 20/30 = 28/45 We will observe from the above table that as the total number of tosses of the coin increases, the values of the fractions in Columns (4) and (5) come nearer and nearer to 0.5. Empirical probability P(E) As we studied earlier in activity 1 where a number of tosses were made by a number of students. Each time a toss did is called trial. So, a trial is an action which results in one or several outcomes. The possible outcomes in Activity 1 were Head and Tail, and In Activity 1, the getting of a head in a particular throw is an event with outcome ‘head’. Similarly, getting a tail is an event with an outcome ‘tail'. In Activity 2, the setting of a particular number, say 1, is an event with outcome 1. Therefore, an event for an experiment is the collection of some outcomes of the experiment. With this knowledge, now let us see what we mean by probability. Based on the observation of the outcomes of the trials, we call it as an experimental or empirical probability. Let the total number of trials be n. The empirical probability P(E) of an event E happening is – P(E) = Number of trials in which the event happened The total number of trials A dice is thrown 1000 times with the frequencies for the outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as given in the following table: Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency 179 150 157 149 175 190 Let’s find the probability of getting each outcome. Let Ei denote the event of getting the outcome i, where i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Then, the probability of the outcome 1 = P(E1) = Frequency of 1/ Total number of times the dice are thrown = 179 / 1000 = 0.179 Similarly, P(E2) = 150/1000 = 0.15 P(E3) = 157/1000 = 0.157, P(E4) = 149/1000 = 0.149, P(E5) = 175/1000 = 0.175 P(E6) = 190/1000 = 0.19 Therefore P(E1) + P(E2) + P(E3) + P(E4) + P(E5) + P(E6) = 1 Hence, we can say – • The probability of each event lies between 0 and 1. • The sum of all the probabilities is 1. Significance of NCERT Mathematics Book for Class 9 1. Remarkably illustrated: The NCERT Mathematics book is beautifully illustrated with diagrams, charts, graphs, real-life examples, etc. 2. Updated every year: The NCERT books are updated every year with a newer edition following the latest guidelines by CBSE. Experts rewrite the text and additional problems every year in the book. 3. Summary of the Chapter: The book gives short notes summary and the list of formulas of the chapter at the end of each chapter that makes it easy for students to revise the concepts and formulas whenever needed. Practicing maths from NCERT regularly is a must. Every day at least 1 to 2 hours should be dedicated to solving problems from the book. Learning maths from the book will help students excel their exams and pass class 9 with flying colors. NCERT books are loaded with fruitful knowledge for students in the form of tables, examples, and activities and further if they have any doubts all-needful study material is provided on Doubtnut. There are ample online video tutorials that are given on, where the students can clear their doubts with the help of our experts who are available to help them whenever they require. On our website, all of these concepts are taught in video format and this helps the students to learn the lessons with better concentration. The lessons taught in a systematic manner by an expert teacher helps in understanding the concepts in a better way. Our experts in an easy and efficient manner clear all the doubts. Thus, Doubtnut is the right platform and students should download this app for easy access to their queries and getting success. Our website makes the perfect tutorial platform for the students to face their exams in a stress-free way!

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