Do CBSE students fail easily?
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View SolutionIn an examination.30% of students failed in Maths,20% of students failed in Chemistry and 10% of students failed in both Maths & Chemistry.A student is selected at random.Find the probability that the student has failed in Maths,it is known that he has failed in Chemistry.
View Solutionएक स्कूल में 25 % छात्र गणित में पास होते है , 15 % छात्र भौतिकी में फेल होते है तथा 10 % छात्र दोनों विषयो में फेल होते है। एक छात्र चुना जाता है तो
यदि वह भौतिकी में फेल है , तो उसके गणित में फेल होने कि प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionएक स्कूल में 25 % छात्र गणित में पास होते है , 15 % छात्र भौतिकी में फेल होते है तथा 10 % छात्र दोनों विषयो में फेल होते है। एक छात्र चुना जाता है तो
यदि वह गणित में फेल है , तो उसके भौतिकी में फेल होने कि प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए।
View SolutionIn a class of the student fail in Mathematics, of the student fail in English and fail in both. A student is selected at random.
View SolutionIn an examination, students failed and 425 students passed. Find the number of students who failed in the examination, students failed and 425 students passed. Find the number of students who failed in the examination.
View SolutionIn an examination of the students failed in physics, of the students failed in chemistry of the students failed in biology. If of the students failed in physics and chemistry, of the students failed in chemistry and biology and of the students failed in all three subjects. Find the of students who passed in all three subjects ?
View SolutionIn a class, 30% students fail in English, 20% students fail in Hindi and 10% students fail in both English and Hindi. A student is chosen at random, then what is the probability he fail in English, if he has failed in Hindi?
View SolutionIn a class, 30% students fail in English, 20% students fail in Hindi and 10% students fail in both English and Hindi. A student is chosen at random, then what is the probability he fail in English, if he has failed in Hindi?
View SolutionIn a class, 30% students fail in English, 20% students fail in Hindi and 10% students fail in both English and Hindi. A student is chosen at random, then what is the probability he fail in English, if he has failed in Hindi?
View SolutionIn a class, 30% students fail in English, 20% students fail in Hindi and 10% students fail in both English and Hindi. A student is chosen at random, then what is the probability he fail in English, if he has failed in Hindi?
View SolutionIn a class 30% students failed in English, 20% students failed in Hindi, 10% students failed in English and Hindi both.A student is chosen at random. What is the probability that he will fail in English if he has failed in Hindi?
View SolutionIn an examination.30% of students failed in Maths,20% of students failed in Chemistry and 10% of students failed in both Maths & Chemistry.A student is selected at random.Find the probability that (i) The student has failed in Maths.
View SolutionIn an examination.30% of students failed in Maths,20% of students failed in Chemistry and 10% of students failed in both Maths & Chemistry.A student is selected at random.Find the probability that (ii) The student has failed in Chemistry
View Solutionएक स्कूल में 25 % छात्र गणित में पास होते है , 15 % छात्र भौतिकी में फेल होते है तथा 10 % छात्र दोनों विषयो में फेल होते है। एक छात्र चुना जाता है तो
उसके गणित या भौतिकी में फेल होने कि प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए ।
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View SolutionCBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students. The idea behind doing so could be
View Solutionयदि किसी परीक्षा में 40 छात्र गणित में तथा 30 छात्र अंग्रेजी में फेल हुए हो तथा 10 छात्र दोनों में फेल हुए हो तो केवल गणित में फेल छात्रों की संख्या ज्ञात करो|
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