How can an average student become topper?
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The average weight of the students of a class is 60kg. If eight new students of average weight 64kg join the class,the average weight of the entire class becomes 62kg. How many students were there in the class initially.
View SolutionIn a mock cat 123 students appeared and the average score obtained was 120 but later it was found that the top three students were repeaters so their score has been eliminated and then new average score was found t be decreased by 1.5. also it is known as that all the students obtained the marks in integers and the scores of the toppers were distinct,if the second highest topper scored more than 185 marks then the highest possible score of the third highest topper:
View SolutionIn a mock cat 123 students appeared and the average score obtained was 120 but later it was found that the top three students were repeaters so their score has been eliminated and then new average score was found t be decreased by 1.5. also it is known as that all the students obtained the marks in integers and the scores of the toppers were distinct,if the second highest topper scored more than 185 marks then the highest possible score of the third highest topper:
View SolutionIf average of ten students marks are 47. If 11th students marks are also included then average of eleven students marks becomes 45.Find the marks of 11th student.
View SolutionThe average marks obtained by the students in an examination is 60. After removing the calculation errors, the average marks of 100 students becomes 60 to 30 and that of total students becomes 45. What is the total number of students who appeared in the examination?
View Solutionकिसी कक्षा में 45 छात्रों के प्राप्तांको का औसत 40 है उत्तीर्ण छात्रों का औसत 52 तथा अनुत्तीर्ण छात्रों का औसत 16 है कितने छात्र अनुत्तीर्ण हुए ?
View SolutionAverage age of 17 student of a class is 16 years. If a new student join the class then average age becomes 20. Then find the age of new student.
View SolutionThe average age of 17 students in a class is 16 years. And if one more student joins then the average age becomes 20 years. Then what is the age of the new student?
View SolutionThe average age of a class is 21 years. If a student with age 42 years joins the class, then new average age becomes 24 years. How many total students are there in the class?
View Solutionof the number of students in a class (1)/(6) above average, (1)/(4) are average and rest of the students are below average. If the total number of students is 48 then how many students are below average in the class?
View Solutionएक कक्षा में 20% छात्र फेल हो गये 60% छात्र ने औसत अंक प्राप्त किए तथा बचे हुए 4 छात्रों ने औसत से अधिक अंक प्राप्त किए। कक्षा में कुल कितने छात्र हैं?
View SolutionThe average of marks of 45 students in a class is 40. The average of passed students is 52 and that of failed students is 16. How many students failed?
View SolutionThe average of the ages of 15 students in a class is 19 years. When 5 new students are admitted to the class, the average age of the class becomes 18.5 years. What is the average age of the 5 newly admitted students ?
View SolutionThe average age of 15 students of a class is 19 years. When 5 new students are admitted in the class, the average age of the class becomes 18.5 years. What is the average age of 5 newly admitted students?
View SolutionToppers Solutions
View Solutionछात्रों के A, B और C तीन समूह हैं, और हर एक समूह में क्रमशः 40, 50 और 70 छात्र हैं। परीक्षा में समूह A के छात्रों का औसत प्राप्तांक 70 है, समूह B के छात्रों का औसत प्राप्तांक 60 है। यदि सभी तीनों समूहों को एक साथ मिला दिया जाए तो उनका औसत प्राप्तांक 80 हो जाता है। तो समूह C के छात्रों का औसत प्राप्तांक क्या होगा?
View Solutionएक कक्षा में 12 छात्र और 8 छात्राएँ है ।
(i) किसी एक छात्र का चयन कितने प्रकार से किया जा सकता है ?
(ii) किसी एक छात्र और एक छात्रा का चयन कितने प्रकार से किया जा सकता है ?
View Solutionকোনাে শ্রেণীর 150 জন ছাত্রছাত্রীর গড় ওজন 38 কেজি। যদি আলাদা আলাদাভাবে ছাত্র ও ছাত্রদের গড় ওজন যথাক্রমে 40 কেজি এ 35 কেজি হয়, তবে ঐ শ্রেণিতে কতজন ছাত্র এবং কতজন ছাত্রী ছিল ?
View SolutionOn an average 70% marks were obtained in a class of 50 students. First 25 students scored an average of 60% marks and 24 students got an average of 80% marks. How many marks did the last student get?
View Solution50 छात्रों की कक्षा में औसतन 70% अंक प्राप्त किए गए । प्रथम 25 छात्रों ने औसतन 60% अंक प्राप्त किए और 24 छात्रों ने औसतन 80% अंक प्राप्त किए। अंतिम छात्र ने कितने अंक प्राप्त किए ?
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