The average age of a group of 10 students is 15 years. When 5 more students join the group the average age increase by 1 year. The average age of the new student is?
Answer : Explanation :Total age of 10 students = 150 years Total age of 15 students = 240 years T
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If the average age of group of 5 students is 15. One new student joined the group, then average is increased by 1. Find the age of new student
View Solutionकिसी कक्षा में 40 विद्यार्थीयो का औसत 15 वर्ष है । जब 10 नये विद्यार्थी सम्मीलित होते है, औसत 0.2 वर्ष बढ़ जाता है। नए विद्यार्थीयो की औसत आयु ज्ञात करे?
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