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Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : Our opportunities are great but let me warn you that when power outstrips ability we will fall on evil days. We should develop competency and ability which would help us utilize the opportunities which are now open to us. From tomorrow morning - from midnight today - we cannot throw the blame on the Britishers. We have to assume the responsibility ourselves for what we do. A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the interests of the common man in the matters of food clothing shelter and social activities. Unless we root out corruption in high places and root out every trace of nepotism love of power profiteering and black marketing which have spoiled the good name of this country in recent times we will not be able to raise the standards of efficiency in administration as well as in the production and distribution of the necessary goods of life. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru referred to the great contribution which this country will make for the promotion of world peace and the welfare of mankind. The chakra the Ashokan wheel which is there in the flag embodies for us a great idea so dear to Ashoka the greatest of our emperors. Look at the words of H.G.Wells about him Highnesses Magnificences Excellences Serenities Majesties. Among them all he shines alone a star Ashoka the greatest of all monarchs. He cut into rock his message for the healing of discords. If there are differences the way in which you can solve them is by promoting concord. Concord is the only way by which we can get rid of differences. There is no other method which is open to us. We are lucky in having for our leader one who is a world citizen who is essentially a humanist who possesses a buoyant optimism and robust good sense in spite of the perversity of things and the hostility of human affairs. We believe that if India gains freedom that freedom will be used not merely for the well-being of India but for Vishva Kalvana world peace and the welfare of mankind.Answer the following in 30-40 words each: a When do we fall on evil days? b How will a free India be judged? c What did Pandit Nehru refer to? d How will India use its freedom? e How can we raise the standards of efficiency in administration ?

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a We fall on evil days when our power outstrips our ability. Sometimes our opportunities are great but still we fall on evil days because of our non-competitiveness and inability. b A free India will be judged by the ways in which it will serve the interests of the common man. It can be in the matters of food clothing shelter and social activities. c Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru referred to the great contribution which this country will make for the promotion of world peace and for the welfare of mankind. d India will use its freedom not only for the welll-being of India but for Vishva Kalyana world peace and the welfare of mankind also. e We can raise the standards of efficiency in administration by rooting out corruption in high places.There is a need to root out every trace of nepotism love of power profiteering and black marketing also as it has spoiled the good name of our country in recent time.

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