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You intend to join coaching classes at International Coaching Center situated in Raipur. The institute specializes in teaching science to classes XI - XII. Write a letter of enquiry in 100-120 words addressed to the Administrator incharge of the institute seeking clarification about the timings duration staff transport and other necessary details for joining the institute. You are Rajesh/Rajni 2 Library Road Jabalpur.

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2 library Road  Jabalpur 6th February 20XX  The Administrator International Coaching Centre Raipur Subject : Enquiring about the Coaching Classes  Sir Through this letter of mine I wish to inform you that I am a student of class X appearing in Board Examination in the month of March 20xx. I wish to appear in JEE and would like to join your classes for the preparation of JEE. Kindly furnish the following details : * The duration of the course* The staff* Timings* Fee structure* Transport facility* Mode of payment I shall be grateful if you would send the details asked above at the earliest. I request you to send me prospectus or any other detailed relevant information.Thanking you Yours sincerely Rajni

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