Which of the following are extensive properties?a Volume and enthalpyb Volume and temperaturec Volume and specific heatd Pressure and temperature
Correct option a Volume and enthalpyExplanation:Extensive properties depend upon the quantity of the matter contained in the system. e.g. volume and enthalpy etc. lntensive properties depend only upon the nature of the substance and are independent of the amount of the substance present in the system e.g. temperature pressure and specific heat etc.
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Volume is extensive property while temperature is intensive property.(T/F)
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(R): Extensive properties depend upon the amount of the substance.
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View Solutionकिसी गैस का आयतन एक विशिष्ट ताप तथा एक वायुमण्डलीय दाब पर 120 मिली है, ताप को स्थिर रखते हुए दाब को पाँच वायुमण्डलीय दाब पर ले जाते है, गैस का बदला हुआ आयतन होगा
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