Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


Prove that the maximum velocity imparted by an α-particle to a proton during their collision is 1.6 of the initial velocity of the α-particle.

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Let the proton be initially at rest relative to a stationary reference frame and let the α-particle have a velocity v0. The process of their elastic collision is described by the momentum conservation lawand by the energy conservation lawwhere v1 and v2 are the velocities of the proton and the α-particle in the stationary reference frame after the collision and m and 4m are the masses of the proton and the α-particle respectively.Let us consider the collision of these particles in the centre-of-mass system i.e. in an inertial reference frame moving relative to the stationary reference frame at a velocitythe numerator of the first fraction contains the total momentum of the system and the denominator contains its total mass. Figure 168 shows thevelocity v0 and the velocities of the α-particle vector OB and the proton vector OA in the centre- of-mass system before the collision: OB = 1/5v0 and OA = 4/5v0. According to the momentum conservation law after the collision the velocity vectors OB and OA of the a-particle and the proton must lie on the same straight line and the relation OB : OA = 1 : 4 see Fig. 168 must be satisfied. According to the energy conservation law  OB = OB and OA = OA prove this.In the stationary reference frame the velocities of the a-particle and the proton are represented in the figure by vectorsIn order to solve the problem we must determine the maximum possible length of vector OC1 i.e. in the isosceles triangle OAC1 we must determine the maximum possible length of the base for constant values of the lateral sides. Obviously the maximum magnitude of OC1 is equal to 2 X 4/5 v0 = 1.6v0. This situation corresponds to a central collision.

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