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Define nuclear reactor. Discuss its different components with their functions. Draw diagram also.

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Nuclear-Reactor—An apptetus in which controlled nuclear chain reaction. In a nuclear reactor the energy released through fission is used to generate electricity serveral nuclear power for the generation of electricity are operating in India.Following are the important components of nuclear reaction.i Nuclear fuel ii Moderatoriii Coolantiv Controlled rods v Radio active protection arrangementiv Controlled rodsi Nuclear fuel—The elements undergoing fission in a reactor are called nuclear fuel. Uranium Isotopes Thorium. Isotopes and platanium Isotopes are most commonly used nuclear fuels.ii Moderator—Moderator are used to slow down the fast moving neutrons are passed through moderator which are generally element of Low atomic number graphite heavy water berellium oxides etc are used as a moderator D2O Heavy water is bets known moderator.iii Coolant— A coolant removes the tremendous heat develops inside the nuclear reactor code. This energy is developed due to slow down of fast moving neutron water stream helium CO2 water air molten metals etc are used as a coolant.iv Controlled Rods—To start and stop the nuclear reactor controlled rods are used due to large absorptional area those materials are used as a controlled rods. Whose area of cross-section is large. Cadmium and Boron are most commonly used controlled rods.v Radio-active protection Arrangement—For safe the life of Human beings from harmful radiations a dome shaped concrete wall of minimum thinkess 2m is net. So that it has no any harmful side effect to the common people. Normally nuclear is made in the place where poupulation is minimum.

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